41 - Trio of Six
Pansy and Hermione had kept mostly to themselves. Over the past year and a half they had watched their friends grow and develop relationships. All the while they too were growing and developing an unknown relationship. It had started with the potion accident for Pansy. For Hermione it had started when Harry first turned human in front of everyone.
Hermione didn't trust Draco as far as she could throw him. She accepted that Snape had tasked Draco with looking after Harry only because it had been his fault to begin with. She couldn't accept that Harry was choosing to stay with Draco. Even though she said she accepted it it was a struggle.
Pansy was just jealous. She had had a crush on Draco for the longest time but his focus had always been on Harry. She wished Harry would just disappear and when he turned into a kitten she had attempted to make him disappear. Except Harry wouldn't let anyone but Draco close to him and she hated it.
Both girls had found themselves in the library during the first Christmas break. Pansy had overheard Hermione talking about separating Harry and Draco. The conversation afterwards had been back and forth between them. The only thing that they agreed on was separating Harry and Draco.
When Harry's inheritance kicked in Pansy was the first to accept things how they were. She had seen Draco's urgency to check on Harry and recognised that he could never be like that with anyone else. Her heart had ached but it wasn't broken. She had known for years that Draco loved Harry and she just finally accepted it. Did she really even love Draco the same way he clearly loved Harry?
Hermione had felt isolated after that. Her and Pansy had argued extensively about Pansy's change of heart. The first time she sat down and spoke to Ron after Harry attacked him had been the turning point for her. Ron had told her everything he could, within reason. He even insisted that she try to spend time talking to Draco at some point.
Pansy and Hermione started talking again after that. They spoke for hours about their friends and their opinions on the relationship. Then Ron and Blaise announced that they were together. It only provided the girls with more things to talk about. They spent more and more time together since the boys seemed to forget about them.
It happened suddenly and all at once. After the fear of what happened with Harry and Draco disappearing for a few days. After Harry seemingly got back to normal and life carried on. Pansy had been spending all that time thinking about it. She had spent the majority of her time in Envy of her two fingers. Until one day she decided to act on impulse.
Hermione had been rambling on about Harry's behavior. She had been talking when Pansy leaned over and kissed her. It was a shock that she wasn't shocked. Something in the back of her mind had expected this - even maybe wanted it. Hermione kissed Pansy back and then slowly pushed away. They stared at each other and then Hermione left.
It had been days before they spoke again. Pansy had been moody herself and it irritated her that Draco only noticed when Harry was in a mood. She craved what Draco and Harry had. She understood how Blaise felt when he stared longingly at Ron. She hadn't intended to chase Hermione away and was hurt more than she would have thought.
Hermione had initiated the conversation with an unexpected kiss. She explained to Pansy that she was just testing something. Pansy didn't care. Hermione was talking to her again and she admitted to herself that she'd be okay as long as they were still talking. Hermione's admission had caught her off guard but they agreed that they would take things slow.
Now, almost a year and half later, they found themselves ready to tell their friends. Ron and Blaise had just made up and Harry and Draco had a son. They figured their news wouldn't be as important but they had been wrong. Only Draco could tell when Harry was in a regression and only Draco was able to control him. So when Hermione and Pansy told their friends, Harry was the first one to respond.
"Harry, stop." Hermione laughed.
"Nope! Don't want to. We'll be friends forever and ever at this rate so you have to get used to it." Harry laughed.
"Love, leave Granger alone. I understand that you're happy but seriously." Draco sighed.
Harry shrugged and let go of Hermione. "I have to wait to get my money from Fred and George now."
Hermione and Pansy stared at him in disbelief. "What?"
Ron sighed and shook his head. "Harry told the twins that the two of you were dating and they said it wouldn't happen."
"Naturally, they made a bet and Ron and I were there to witness it." Blaise added on.
"Where was I?" Hermione and Draco asked this time.
"You were with Scorpius and Hermione was with Molly." Harry shrugged. "I just knew that something was going on."
Pansy looked around at everyone and sighed. "So you guys aren't mad or upset over this?"
All of them shook their heads no. Harry even got up and hugged Pansy. He quickly returned to curl up in Draco's lap. Draco reminded them about the train ride at the end of last year when he asked about them holding hands. Blaise and Ron just shrugged her concern away. They were all happy for the girls even if their relationship was still something Hermione and Pansy weren't 100% sure about.
"Congratulations to our graduating class!" McGonagall called out. "It has been quite the journey for most of you but you have survived it. All the ups and downs have brought you to this point. I hope that all of your futures turn into greater, better adventures. May you leave here and find everything you desire, achieve all your goals and grow your families."
The Hall cheered and clapped. Harry laid his head on Draco's shoulder. A lot had indeed happened since his first year at Hogwarts. He almost felt like McGonagall's short speech was directed at him personally. The term had been a relatively peaceful one and Harry was grateful for at least one year that wasn't completely botched with problems.
Since McGonagall had become headmistress she had put in place a rule that allowed 6th and 7th year students to sit wherever they liked. It was her idea of creating some sort of unity while still keeping to the rules. Since they were older than the rest she believed they deserved some leniency. As a result the famous Golden Trio and Silver Trio alternated between tables every second week.
"So what are your plans going forward?" Hermione asked.
"Harry and I will live with my parents until we find a place for ourselves." Draco shrugged and Harry nodded.
"I'm going to travel for a few months." Blaise shrugged and turned to Ron. "My offer still stands by the way."
Ron scratched his head. "I am still trying to decide if I'm going with Blaise or taking the Auror training."
Pansy rolled her eyes. "Just go with him on the trip you big dummy. As for me I'm probably going to be a journalist so I'll get straight to work with that."
"Typical." Draco sighed.
"No it's not." Pansy huffed.
"Yeah it is." Blaise shrugged. "You just love stories."
Hermione laughed. "I'm sorry but it's a little true, Pans."
Harry leaned forward and patted Pansy's shoulder. "I bet you'll be great at it. After all Hogwarts is ground zero for news."
Pansy rolled her eyes and shook her head. Harry wasn't wrong though. Her first draft for a story was about Hogwarts. More accurately, her time as a student and getting to know Harry. She didn't just want to write stories. She wanted to write the truth or as close to the truth as possible.
"Saying that, Harry. Would you mind doing an interview with me?" Pansy shrugged. "I have something I've been working on already and who better to ask than the headliner."
"Sure. You can come over to Malfoy Manor whenever. I'm not going to be busy with anything for a couple of months anyway."
"You can't just invite people to the manor, Harry." Draco shook his head. "Some people will be upset."
Harry shrugged. "She's your friend. It'll be fine."
Draco sighed and kissed his forehead. Sometimes he just didn't know what to say. He agreed that Pansy could visit though. Mostly because he was curious about what she was working on but also because she was his friend. Tomorrow they would all board the Hogwarts Express for the very last time.
Two trio's of friends all brought together through a single mistake. One thing Blaise and Pansy knew for sure, neither one of them would have had the courage to really go after Ron or Hermione if it weren't for Draco. As for Hermione and Ron. Ron would have never considered giving Blaise a chance, and Hermione would never have considered even talking to Pansy if it weren't for Harry.
(1545 Words)
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