12 - Christmas Eve
~*~*Draco's POV*~*~
"Severus, I have a question for you."
"What is it?" Severus sighed.
"One of the goblins gave me this page. I think it was Griphook. Anyway, is this for real? Would Harry be able to stay with me?" I asked and set the page on his desk.
Severus took the page and read over it. I sat at a desk and put Harry down. I laid my head next to him and he started to lick my face. I didn't quite understand his new obsession with licking me or meowing if I didn't pet him but I didn't mind it much. I actually enjoyed giving him attention.
"This is legit. It seems they understand that Harry does in fact need a caregiver but doesn't he have one?" Severus frowned.
"He's unregistered. So by default it's his aunt." I said.
"And how do you know that?"
"Griphook also gave me a basic information sheet on Harry and a copy of the letter he sent to you. He said that if I can get that filled in and back to him before Harry changes back then Harry would be able to stay with me." I explained.
"Draco Christmas is tomorrow. When will you get this back to Griphook?" Severus sighed and shook his head.
"I'll owl him." I shrugged.
"You can't. You should hope and pray that Potter doesn't change back until the new term. Fill it in and I'm sure Potter doesn't want to be registered." Severus pushed the page to me.
I picked Harry up and took the page. If tomorrow was Christmas then I just had to get the page to Griphook today. Not that there was much of today left. It was already 12 and I wasn't sure what time Griphook would leave the bank. Harry looked almost as upset as I was feeling.
I made my way to the front of Hogwarts and then sprinted to Hogsmead and used a floo to get to Diagon Alley. By the time I made it to Gringotts it was nearly empty. One of the goblins refused to let me talk to Griphook and I almost gave up.
If it wasn't for the fact that Harry jumped from my hands and ran off I probably would have given up. Harry's stunt got me to Griphook's door which meant I still had a chance. Griphook walked out just as I picked Harry up. As a result I was given 10 minutes to fill out the form and give it to him.
"The information sheet will be updated by the end of the week. I shall send a mini copy to Hogwarts so that Harry may remain in your care. Good luck to the both of you."
I sighed in relief and left the bank. Harry licked my chin and snuggled closer to my chest. I kinda hoped his change would happen before Christmas because it would have been nice to spend more of our holiday with him like that. Whatever Griphook had done made Harry's kitten version permanent and that would only change once the potion was gone.
"So I just want to go back and sleep. What about you?" Harry nodded his head and I shook mine.
Harry agreed to doing anything I wanted as long as I didn't leave him. It was cute and troublesome at the same time. Almost like he was clinging to me for dear life. My mind went back to the information sheet and what I read. I shook the thought from my mind.
Harry wasn't gay. His friends would be back and he would cling to one of them. But hadn't he been clingy with me from the beginning? No, whatever Griphook did was why Harry had become clingy. I was just there when it happened. But his friends hadn't actually left for the break.
I was so stupid for forgetting that Granger and Weasley had stayed. Harry saw them when he woke up. He still chose me over them. I looked at Harry sleeping in my arms. Could he really actually be interested in guys?
"Hogsmead Inn."
The flames from the floo wrapped around us and Harry's head looked up at me. When I landed Harry wasn't looking at me. Was I going crazy? I stepped out and fell. A sudden onset of dizziness washed over me. Harry was licking my face as my vision turned to black and I passed out.
~*~*Harry's POV*~*~
Draco hadn't been eating much and I was getting worried. I saw him frowning a lot as well. There was clearly something bothering him but he never spoke about it. Even hearing the conversation between him and Snape about me didn't seem to sit well with Draco. I figured if I could help him I should.
Even after getting him the opportunity to see Griphook something was still troubling him. I felt a sudden drop in my stomach as I realized Draco was falling. I should have made him eat more. He was so pale, worse than usual. His eyes shut not long after he hit the ground.
A few people walked towards him. Some tried to touch him but I wouldn't let them. Draco needed protecting and I wasn't going to lose another person I cared about. Not again and definitely not Draco. They'd have to kill me too if they wanted him.
"Clam down there little kitty. I just want to take the boy up to a room." A big man said as he grabbed me.
I fussed and hissed and clawed at him but nothing seemed to phase the man. He did actually carry Draco and I to a room and laid Draco on the bed. The second he put me down I jumped up and laid on Draco's chest. I don't know how long it was but I eventually tired myself out.
I was woken up by a sudden shift. I jumped to my feet ready to attack. I didn't see anyone but I felt a hand stroke my back. I spun around and almost fell but Draco caught me. He had woken up and moved which was why I had woken up too.
"Ahhh you're awake." I jumped and turned again. "That pet of yours has been terrorizing people trying to help you."
"Harry, calm down. I'm okay." Draco said.
"Actually you're not. You need to eat, kid. So here I brought you some food and something to drink. You should feel better afterwards. I can't let you go until tomorrow unfortunately so get comfortable, eat everything I bring for you. Should be right as rain by tomorrow morning and you can be on your way."
"Thank you." Draco said and I growled at the man.
I wasn't about to let Draco eat anything that might harm him. No way in hell. I wouldn't be able to deal with losing someone I loved. Wait... I turned and looked at Draco. His features seemed a bit more recognisable now. He was still clearly weak and the man was right. Draco needed to eat.
Draco shifted and sat up. He picked at the plate of food and tried to give me some. I refused to eat anything until he did. I was fine. I had him to carry me if I wasn't. He didn't have anyone to carry him. Once again I was completely useless and helpless in protecting someone.
"Are you not eating because of me?" Draco asked.
I nodded my head and curled up next to him. I hated myself. He needed to be protected and I was a goddamn fucking kitten. It infuriated me beyond comparison. It... Draco's fingers glided through my fur distracting me from my mental bashing.
"This isn't your fault Kitten. I was the one being stupid. I'll be fine and this won't happen again. I promise, okay?"
I looked up at Draco and he looked genuinely concerned about me. I rested my head on his leg and watched him finish the last bit of food. I climbed into his lap once he put the plate down. I was worried about him because I loved him. He took care of me when I needed him the most.
"Harry, I love you and I've been worried about what will happen when you turn back. It's because of you I had a chance to get that form to Griphook. You didn't have to choose to stay with me but you did. I wish you could talk because I need to know why. Why do you keep choosing me?"
Draco sighed and set me next to him. He turned on his side and held me close to him. I wanted to tell him that I loved him too. I chose him because before I knew how I felt he made everything okay. He helped me see that being what I am is okay. I chose him because he is the reason my life is exciting again.
(1490 Words)
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