1 - Partners
~*~*Harry's POV*~*~
"Mr Potter. For the duration of the year you will be partnered with Mr. Malfoy."
I groaned and stood up. The damn greasy grit was trying to make me snap. I'm pretty sure he was going to succeed also. Either way I didn't want to fight. I was tired of constantly fighting, whether it was for my life or the lives of others. Hell, I am only 16 years old and I have already almost died five times.
First year there was that stuttering professor with Voldy attached to the back of his head. Second year was young Voldy with a damn basilisk. I had to risk my life to save Ginny and the basilisk venom got into my body. Then there was third year, with Remus Lupin being a werewolf and Dementors trying to kill Sirius Black.
I seriously don't understand my need to endanger myself for the sake of others. Anyway, in fourth year Voldy was back and I wasn't able to save Cedric in the graveyard. Finally there was last year, Voldy and his damn Death Eaters tried to kill me. Except Sirius showed up and I couldn't save him.
That, as they would say, was the straw that basically broke the camel's back. I just stopped giving a shit after that. My life was one big fucking mess and I didn't want to be bothered by any of it. I was sick of it, annoyed by it and bored of always fighting. I was a kid and I just wanted to be a kid.
Even though Snape was trying to ruin said boring life by pairing me with Malfoy I didn't care enough to fight him or Malfoy on the matter. I sat down next to Malfoy and he shoved me. I knew then that this was going to be a really long year. It was also going to be extremely difficult to get through.
Honestly I knew before that moment. I had known since the moment I saw Dumbledore before the start of school. It had been clear then that he wanted me to do something but I absolutely refused to be roped into another scheme. So I didn't go with him, I sat in the diner until he left.
I just wanted something normal for once. It was my life and...
"Pay attention, Potter." Malfoy sneered at me.
I rolled my eyes and took down the notes on the board. It was bad enough being partnered with Malfoy, but Snape said our marks would affect each other's. So naturally we ended up arguing about that. Well Malfoy argued with himself since he wouldn't get off my case and I wasn't interested. He was so nitpicky about every little thing.
"Where's your textbook?"
"I don't have one." I shrugged.
Malfoy scoffed at me and turned towards Snape. "Professor Snape! Potter doesn't have a textbook."
I rolled my eyes again. "Tattletale."
"Potter. Take one from the cupboard." Snape sighed.
I shrugged and walked over to the back cupboard. There was only one notebook in there and it looked pretty much how I felt. Malfoy looked so smug when I returned and I wanted to rip his face off for telling on me. He was my partner, not my boss.
Potions class was always annoying but for the most part we were just taking notes in the first few weeks. The book I was using always had the most interesting things written in it. Changes to the amounts, instructions and pointers on using the ingredients. It actually made me enjoy potions.
"What are you doing?"
"Making the potion, Mione." I frowned.
"Harry, it says cut." Hermione pointed at her textbook and then at what I was doing.
I shrugged. "You'll never be able to cut it. You have to crush it."
Malfoy had given up trying to direct me with the potion. He claimed that he'd do it himself since I wasn't listening to him. However, like everyone else in the class, he was struggling with one ingredient. Snape walked over to us and frowned quite a few times, I could see his veins pulsing in his temples as he gritted his teeth each time.
I managed to finish the potion before the end of class. I almost couldn't contain my excitement and pride. I had been the only one to finish the potion. I wanted to hear him compliment me on my achievement. I was struggling with myself trying to resist my primal childish urges.
"Since Mr. Potter seems to be the only competent one here able to make a proper Living Death Potion... The rest of you all will have detention until someone else gets it right. Mr Malfoy, since you are Mr Potter's partner you are excused from the detection." Snape sighed and dismissed the class.
Malfoy frowned at me but didn't say anything further. I guess he figured that he was let off easy because he had been making his own potion. I had also figured that Snape just wanted a reason to let him go because Malfoy was his star student.
Ron and Hermione complained about detention for the rest of the day. I was seriously trying my best not to smile. I had a growing urge to rub it in their faces, like a 5 year old who had something special that none of his friends had.
The end of the day couldn't have come any faster and at the first opportunity I ran to the quidditch field. All I was thinking about was that I would be alone there. No one around to see me break down and give in to everything I was feeling.
"Same shit different day." I sighed as I plonked myself onto the ground.
My life was dreadfully boring now. It was nothing but the same thing on repeat day in and day out. I had no time to be myself and it was painfully dreadful. I was an extremely childish person at my core and so many little things made me want to act out.
Truth be told I constantly felt more and more like a child than an actual teenager. I got older in age and body but I was still a toddler at heart. Because of that my actions were constantly governed by what I saw people around me doing.
I laid back and stared at the sky. I planned on staying there until the sun went down since it was the only thing that usually helped subdue my child-like instincts. I assumed it was something that could be considered child-like. In the sense that a child has run themselves tired and simply just lays down wherever until their mother calls for them.
In this case the moon would be my mother. She'd tell me that it was late and if I didn't go inside I'd get sick. I assumed that's what a real mother would say to their kid. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The air around me wasn't cold but it wasn't exactly warm either.
The light on my eyelids faded and I opened my eyes again. The sun had gone away rather quickly so I got up and headed back to the castle. I had to get back before Ron and Hermione anyway because I didn't really want to explain why I was out on the field.
As I walked back I thought about my decision from the beginning of the year. Before coming back to Hogwarts, Dumbledore had wanted me to go somewhere with him. I didn't know where and I didn't want to find out. Whatever it was, I knew he couldn't have been happy with my decision.
When we got back Dumbledore seemed to be a lot more on edge. I didn't understand why, but if my refusal had anything to do with it that explained why he wasn't talking to me. Not that I cared much anyway because I shouldn't have to be worrying about if I'm going to live or die anytime soon.
I stopped in my tracks as I noticed students walking through the hall ahead of me. I realized that the detention with Snape must have been over. I noticed Malfoy walking towards the crowd and pretty much followed suit.
My head snapped to the side. "Hi Ron, Hermione."
Hermione smiled. "Were you waiting for us?"
I nodded my head and turned back to where I had just seen Malfoy. He was gone obviously and I didn't know why I suddenly felt a little lost. It was almost like someone important to me had just left me alone and abandoned.
"Morning Harry."
My head immediately snapped to the side. Did he hear what he just said? What should I do? Shake his hand? I bit my tongue and tried not to shake my head. I didn't want him thinking we weren't friends after... Wait what am I thinking?
"Malfoy." The response came out a little robotic.
I couldn't take my eyes off of Malfoy. I was confused and excited. Malfoy had just used my first name. I watched as he pulled his things from his bag. I stared as he rolled up his sleeves. He hesitated and turned towards me, breaking me out of my trance. I quickly looked down at the desk in front of me.
Malfoy seemed more anxious about rolling up his sleeve than usual. I didn't even realize that I was holding my breath when he did. My head slowly turned as I watched his fingers trace the mark and then curl up and start scratching it.
"Don't do that Draco. You'll hurt yourself." I thought to myself not having the courage to say anything to him.
(1625 Words)
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