Chapter 3.
The human kingdom wasn't quite large, it consisted of the population counting to only 20,000 and to survive they had to live like insects and rodents, always hiding and watching their backs, fearing for their lives. Since they were weak species they were prone to the attacks from the wizards and other species, their goods were looted by the bandits and their fields were destroyed. It was almost like the other races had outcasted them just because they didn't have any special powers.
The humans lived a life of fear and wariness and only managed to have the trade with the dwarves of the South who had agreed to make the armors and weapons which the humans could use to protect themselves. It was through the dwarves that the human King came to know of the Dragons and wondered that if he could make a pact with the Dragons then he and his people wouldn't have to worry about the other races, rather they would be scared of him. This would completely change the picture and turn the tables.
The king of humans, Theodore Van Campbell had sent a letter with his trusted minister to form a pact with the dragons. He had been worried sick and pacing in his room attempted to be soothed by his rest ministers that the response would be positive but it still wouldn't put him to ease. And, how would he be at ease knowing that if they accepted they might have some sort of condition under which they would extract some sort of advantage for them? Although he had promised to give them the mining rights in the diamond mines in his kingdom, they would demand something else as well. That fact scared him to death.
The news of the minister returning with the response from the Dragons sent King Theodore's heart to his throat as he hurried over to see what they had responded. His minister, Walter Dordon had a somber expression as he handed over the scroll to the king. He opened the scroll with trembling fingers and read what the Dragons had written, his eyes widened as he reached halfway but forced himself to continue till the very end where the Crown Prince of Dragons had signed.
"What does it say, Your Majesty?" One of his ministers asked.
The King was quiet for a moment before he rolled the scroll again and faced the minister.
"I couldn't negotiate, Your Majesty. They insisted that if we agree to this then they would give our country protection and allow trade contracts between humans and all of the species of South." Minister Walter said in a defeated voice.
The other ministers gathered around seemed equally tensed now that they didn't know what exactly was being conversed.
"What is it that the dragons want?" One of them asked not containing his agitation.
"They want us to marry our Princess with their young prince." King spoke up and this sent a wave of gasps among the ministers.
"It is only natural for them to ask something like this."
"The second Prince? But he is said to be the cruel being who doesn't think before hurting others."
"Your Majesty, we cannot let our Princess to be married off to such a brute."
The ministers started speaking their mind while the King stayed quiet contemplating over his situation.
"My daughter in exchange for the peace and upliftment of humans." The king spoke, "If that's the sacrifice it takes then, I won't refuse it. Make preparations, send the news to dragons that we agree to their condition."
"But, Your Majesty, please reconsider, it is also Princess Naomi's life that is on line." Minister Walter insisted with concern for the young princess.
"There is no place for reconsideration, make haste. Princess Naomi is to depart for the Dragons land within four days."
His announcement sent the ministers on their feet as they rushed over to make preparations.
Princess Naomi was the most beautiful lady in the Human land with her milky white skin and a complete doll like figure that made her the object of beauty and desire. Her beautiful golden hair flowed down her back in wavy cascades and the clear blue eyes reflected the kindness and love of her soul. She was an unfortunate child since an early stage of her life as her mother died of illness when she was quite young and her father being the King barely paid any attention to her. So, she had spent most of her time with the maids and the knights whom she befriended and also helped out sometimes. She was seen as an angel among the poor people who often received food and medicines because of her.
The message was sent and princess Naomi was given the message that she was to be married to the Dragon Prince in exchange for the protection of dragons to humans and for the trade rights. To say that she wasn't thrilled for her marriage was something unfortunate on her case as she was just being an exchange for the good of her people. Naomi had grown up watching the misery that her people lived in, even though she had good clothes to wear and plenty of food to eat along with the luxuries that a princess would get, she had grown to share whatever she had with her less privileged companions. One of them was Celia who had come from a village which was attacked and destroyed by the dragons. Celia had been quite bitter in the start but Naomi couldn't bring herself to let go of her kindness because all she saw in Celia was a wounded child. Naomi did her best to help her and till some extent she had managed to gain her trust and loyalty but she didn't know just how much she had managed to help the wounds in Celia's heart.
Regardless, Naomi now stood in the balcony of her room, in four days she would be sent off to the Dragons land to marry the Dragon Prince and she might never be able to see her father, her friends, her people and her home. This brought tears to her eyes, she didn't stop them, she let them escape as she decided she'd cry all her tears here so that she wouldn't feel bad when she would be in the Dragon's land.
"This is completely ridiculous!" Celia fumed as she paced across Princess Naomi's room. Naomi sat on her bed watching Celia pace around.
"How could they trade you off for the selfish purpose?" Celia demanded and Naomi smiled.
"It is not a selfish purpose, Celia. If my marriage with the Dragon Prince can save our country and our people and help us develop then I'm happy with this alliance."
Celia glared at Naomi, "How is it good that to save one you have to sacrifice the other?"
"I'm not a sacrifice, Celia."
"Yes you are. Those dragons are more feral than any other species, they go on a rampage and destroy villages and towns just for fun and you think an alliance with them would be good?" Celia's voice was sharp but Naomi had a soft expression.
"If it brings happiness to my people then, it's alright."
"No, it's not!" Celia cried out as she walked over and sat down on her knees before Naomi and held her hands, "They are Dragons and the Prince himself is one of the monsters. He is cruel, arrogant and has no shred of kindness. He will only hurt you."
Celia's words were almost pleading, "Please don't do this. Please don't sacrifice yourself."
Naomi smiled, her eyes shining with the glow of agony of her heart, "If it's for the betterment of my people then I have to do this, Celia."
Celia sighed in defeat, Naomi was beyond words now, she wouldn't listen.
Merlene watched as Seraphina sat before her, she was already drunk, blabbering nonsense all the more making extravagant gestures if that gave any sense to what she was speaking. The guild Hall was almost empty, Mrs. Turos was cleaning up and Master Jord was still in his office. Merlene watched the girl before her whose head fell over the table with her cheeks flushed red just like her wild hair, her eyes were barely open.
"More booze, Mrs. Turos!" She shouted all of a sudden and Merlene rolled her eyes.
"You're already over your limit, Sera. Let's go home." Merlene said as she stood up.
"No! I want more booze!" Seraphina cried out and flailed her arms as Merlene caught a hold of them to pick her up from the table.
"Let go! Merlene, I want more booze!" Merlene towed her to her side as they stumbled out of the guildhall.
The air was crispy and Seraphina twice as much had thrown herself away from Merlene saying she'd walk on her own but failed to take two proper steps without support. Merlene resisted the urge to knock her out and then drag her all the way till her house, at least while she would be unconscious she would be less annoying. Seraphina broke away from Merlene from the third time and threw up in the corner of the alley, Merlene held her hair back and brushed her back as she coughed out the bile, alcohol and dinner. The pungent smell made their noses wrinkle and Seraphina sat at the sidewalk placing her head between her knees feeling it spinning.
"Are you alright?" Merlene asked as she sat beside her.
Seraphina shook her head making Merlene look for her face, "Sera, look at me." Merlene said and Seraphina sniffed.
"Sera?" Merlene placed her hand on Seraphina's back and felt the tremors that went under the soft fabric.
"Sera, why are you crying?"
"I-I screwed up big this time, right?" She stammered, "Father is so angry."
Merlene didn't know what to say, Seraphina seemed so down that it was almost absurd to even ask her of marriage. Now was the time of dilemma, at these moments Merlene preferred the troublemaker and harebrained Seraphina who would throw a tantrum rather than this grief and guilt stricken Seraphina.
"Sera, get up. Let's go home." Merlene said and Seraphina shook her head.
"I don't want to."
"Stop being a baby, Sera let's go home." Merlene said holding her elbow but somehow she shook it off staggering on the road.
"I don't want to, I'll just go somewhere and live quietly where father won't see me or hear from me." Seraphina said and Merlene stood up placing her hand on her hip.
"Sera, I'm not in mood for this. Let's go home or I'll just have to drag you back." Merlene said and Seraphina faced Merlene with a drunk determined face.
"I am going off to the mountains, I'll just live as a wandering wizard, I won't cause any trouble." Seraphina said as she whirled around almost falling in the process and started walking ahead.
"I'll change my name to Summer and then no one will know it is the Flame Queen of Arctic Flames." Seraphina announced as she staggered ahead stumbling more than the proper steps she managed.
"I'll just be a trouble for my father so, I must go away."
Merlene eyed her for a moment before sighing and walking over to her troublesome companion. Merlene swung her hand, her fist connecting with the back of Seraphina's head making her eyes roll back instantly and her body slumped forward. Merlene wrapped her arm around her torso steadying her and then carried her on her back till her house.
"She is getting heavier and heavier day by day." Merlene muttered.
It took a few more minutes till they reached at Merlene's house and Merlene all but threw Seraphina on her bed before going over to wash her hands and brought a wet towel to wipe Seraphina's face. She sat near Seraphina for a while watching her sleep. How fast did the time flew? Seraphina was just ten when Merlene met her and since then Seraphina had tagged behind Merlene all the times treating her like an older sister. And now, that little brat was seventeen about to be married off. The thought still angered Seraphina but it was the master's decision and if it would be in Merlene's hands then she would have just taken Seraphina and went up to a place where she would cause no trouble and live just as she would please.
"What am I going to do with you?" She whispered as she brushed a stray red strand from her face, "You little Ifrit."
The morning came with Seraphina groaning and cursing all across Merlene's house, this wasn't new for Merlene as this was just one of Seraphina's hangover tantrums.
"Here, drink this." Merlene said, giving her a strong coffee and Seraphina slumped back on the bed with the steaming cup of coffee in her hands.
"Thanks, Merlene." Seraphina breathed as she blew over the steam and Merlene observed. Seraphina took small sips of the hot coffee smacking her lips.
"How old are you, Sera?" Merlene asked and Seraphina stopped to look at her and then burst out laughing.
"What the heck, Merlene you don't know how old I am?" Seraphina said, "I'm seventeen, only two years younger than you."
"Seventeen... Old enough." Merlene muttered and Seraphina crossed her legs.
"Why are you asking that all of a sudden, Merlene? Are you planning something?" Seraphina asked and Merlene pursed her lips.
"What do you think of marriage?" Merlene asked taking the step meticulously.
"With you?" Seraphina asked and Merlene gave her a look.
Seraphina laughed, "Merlene, you know what I think of marriage and stuff."
"What if your father asked you to marry a man whom you wouldn't know?" Merlene asked and Seraphina frowned.
"He'd never do that." Seraphina said but Merlene's unchanging face somehow made her words falter.
"Father loves me he won't just throw me off at anyone, I'm not a-a stone or a burden." Seraphina said and Merlene leaned ahead slightly.
"He doesn't think of you as a stone or a burden, Sera. But the situation arisen now demands your marriage."
"What the hell? What kind of situation would be solved by my marriage?" Seraphina exclaimed, the anger was flaring and Merlene knew she would have to deal with this carefully so that she wouldn't just explode here.
"The situation that said that you had destroyed Hakov town, the situation that you've terrorised a lot of towns and no one is ready to send requests to our guild fearing the damages that they would receive. They are scared of you and your magic, Sera." Merlene said and Seraphina scowled at her.
"How did father agree to this? Who the hell suggested this?" Seraphina demanded.
"Whoever suggested this, it's for your own–" Merlene tried to speak sense into her but Seraphina stood up from the bed and grabbed her scabbard.
"Sera, where are you going?" Merlene asked as she stood up blocking Seraphina.
"To father, I need answers. How could he decide something like my marriage without asking me?" She demanded and Merlene grabbed her elbow before she could storm off.
"Because he is your father. He let you make all your decisions and gave you what you wanted all your life and how do you repay him? Like this, by burning the towns gaining the title of a Flame Queen or a monster who is supposed to be locked up forever? You think he wants that for you?" Merlene shouted, Seraphina glared back with equal ire in her eyes.
"I don't care of that, but I won't be marrying off to some jackass who'd think he could tame me." Seraphina said as she yanked her hand from Merlene's hand and stormed out of her house.
Seraphina stormed into the guildhall where Asilax tried to talk to her but with a swing of her fist he was thrown into the wall and she kept walking towards her father's office. She banged the door open and slammed it close behind her as she faced her father who sat behind his desk with a heavy expression on his face.
"What is this ruckus?" He asked.
"I'd ask you the same." Seraphina glowered at him, "who asked you to arrange my marriage without asking me?"
"Why do you think I should've asked you before arranging your marriage?" Jord replied making Seraphina's anger go up by a few degrees.
"Because it's 'my' marriage and I am the one who's going to suffer. How could you do this to me?" She demanded as she slammed her hands on his table. Jord heard a crack and he looked up at his daughter.
"I don't want you to cause any trouble, Sera. If you do anything I'll have to take some extreme measures." Jord warned and Seraphina failed to believe her ears.
"Extreme measures? What's gotten into you, father? How could you do this to me? I know I did wrong and I'm sorry for that–"
"Sorry? You think your sorry is enough to pay the damages that are pressed over us? You think your sorry will get the Magic Council members convinced that you aren't a threat to everyone?" He demanded, his nostrils flaring.
"I am not a threat to anyone!" A flare erupted from Seraphina which blasted off in various directions catching the things in the room setting them aflame.
Jord eyed his burning books and records and the curtains and the potted plants, Seraphina quickly retracted her flames and apologised.
"That's it. You are getting out of hands." He thundered as he brought his hand up, an orange circle appeared floating over before his palm scripted with ancient language of sealing.
Seraphina panicked as she saw the large orange circle with ancient scriptures appearing beneath her feet and before she could get away or call out her father she was bathed in the bright orange light which blinded her for a moment. Her body felt as if shackles were wrapping around her and she felt suffocated as if the life was being squeezed out of her. She squeezed her eyes watching her flames as they were being sucked away behind the door and all she could do was watch as all her flames were sucked up and the doors shut closed.
The light disappeared and Seraphina slumped on the floor feeling as if all the energy from her body was sucked away. She was barely awake as her father came across the desk and watched her unmoving figure, her eyes were barely open as she moved her mouth the ghost of a voice escaping her mouth.
"Wha-What did you do?"
"I've put a seal on you. You won't be able to use magic from now on until you learn where and when to use your power and this seal would be broken only when..." Before Seraphina could hear what he was saying ahead, her eyes slid closed and she blacked out.
The large heavy doors opened and closed as an old man staggered inside making a beeline towards the man who stood facing the wall sized window watching the green plains and woods outside his castle.
"Your Highness?" The man with long silver hair and olive skin turned on the old man's call, his amber eyes glowed.
"Master Valentine. Did they send a response to our demand?" His smooth, deep voice flowed with the calmness of the sea.
"Yes, Your Highness." Master Valentine replied, "They have agreed to the alliance and are ready to send the princess here in the span of four days."
"Four days." He moved making the light dance over his silver mane. "Have you talked with him?"
Master Valentine nodded, "I have but..."
"He doesn't have any interest in it, does he?"
The loud sound of utensils clashing and a shout of a woman made their ears perk up and they rushed out of the chambers to see what had happened. A maid sat over the floor with the gravy staining over her dress the utensils were fallen around her. She was crying and shivering as she hung her head continuously apologising.
"I told you to not disturb me! What part of that didn't get into your thick skull?" The smooth yet, authoritative voice of a young male resonated through the corridor, needless to say that he was angry.
"He didn't take the news well." The silver haired male spoke and Master Valentine sighed as he walked ahead.
"Now get out of here and don't show me your face!" The maid quickly scrambled to her feet gathering the utensils and quickly rushed away.
Master Valentine stopped before the doors of the chamber and looked inside to see the livid young male dressed in black robe with his damp black hair hanging over his electric blue eyes. He clenched his teeth and Master Valentine felt the pressure around him, nevertheless he moved ahead. The young male was barely standing as he glared more intensely until he ran out of the energy and slumped right into Master Valentine's arms.
"Why do you push yourself so much, Your Highness?" Master Valentine asked softly as he helped him over to the bed watching as he sweated profusely.
"Shut up, I don't need your help."
"I wish I could help you, Your Highness." Master Valentine spoke remorsefully before pulling the sheets over him and then walking out of the room closing the doors behind him.
The marriage must happen soon but Master Valentine now was worried about the girl who was to come. How would she cope with his behavior?
Well, all one could do now was hope for the best.
19th Feb, 2021
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