thirty three ~
• (Natsu's POV) •
I was in the carriage with Lucy's mum and we were on our way to the ball. It was really awkward because we didn't really have anything to talk about.
"Natsu..." Ms. Heartfilia said.
"Yeah?" I asked, clearly bored.
"We need to have a talk."
"I know all too well that it's dragon mating season, and I congratulate you for holding up these past two years, but if I don't do something now you're going to die." She started.
"But what are we going to do." I sighed. "I can't be with Luce, can I?"
There was a pause.
"No," She sighed. "But I'm going to hire someone for you."
"You mean a prostitute?" I asked, shocked.
"I do." She replied. "I need you to protect Lucy for me, so I'm keeping you alive."
"Are you insane!?" I yelled. "I'd never do that!"
"Well it's either that, or dying. Take your pick."
I stayed quiet, thinking the conversation was over. But oh no...
"I also have to tell you something about Lucy..." She began.
"What?" I asked.
"She's marrying Sting."
"WHAT!?" I shouted. "Are you kidding!?"
"No, I'm not." She replied. "Lucy will have a secure future with Sting."
"You do know he's not even the real Sting, right?"
"Of course I do. I knew it wasn't him as soon as he came out the hospital. You're a little slow here, Natsu." Then she muttered.
"And you actually thought you had a chance with my daughter."
After a moments silence, I spoke up.
"But what if Luce says no?" I asked.
"She won't say no." Ms. Heartfilia replied. "She's not that reckless."
"You can't force her to marry someone she doesn't love!" I yelled.
"Well then listen here boy," She began. "If she really does love you, she'll say no and run away with you into the sunset."
"But she does!" I replied. "She told me so herself!"
She just laughed.
"I'm done with this." I said, opening the carriage door and jumping out.
"NATSU!" "GET BACK HERE!" She yelled. I ignored her, and the carriage left me behind.
My tux was covered in mud, but I didn't care. I need to get to Luce.
I ran all the way to the ball, but got stopped at the front.
"Who are you?" He asked me.
"Protecter for Lucy Heartfilia." I panted. I'd just ran a long way.
"I'm sorry, without proof, I can't let you in."
"Look here," I growled, getting all in his face. "I need to get to her, she's in trouble!" Flames came out my fist, and he started to tremble.
"O-okay, i-in you go." He stuttered, moving out my way.
I walked in, surrounded by lots of people. Where's Luce?
"Natsu!" I heard someone call my name, so I turned around and I saw Luce, looking as beautiful as ever.
"Natsu, what happened?" She asked me, walking closer.
"Oh...uhh...I....We ran into some trouble, but I sorted 'em out!" I lied. I was not prepared to tell her what I just heard.
"Okay, I'm glad to know you're safe." She smiled. "How's my mother?"
"She's fine." I replied. "Not a scratch on her."
"Lucy!" We both turned round and saw Sting, carrying two glasses of wine in his hands. "I thought you said you'd wait."
"I'm sorry," Luce sighed. "Some stranger kept asking me questions and refused to leave me alone, so I walked off into the crowd." Wait, WHAT!
"Where is he?" I growled. "Is he still following you?"
"No, I lost him." She sighed.
Phew. That was close.
"Anyway," Sting moved on. "Natsu, why are you in such a state?"
"Ran into some trouble." I huffed, looking away.
"Lucy? Luucccyyyy?" I turned back round and saw Sting waving his hand in front of Lucy face. Hold on...
She was checking me out. ;)
"Oh, uhh... Sorry." Luce smiled awkwardly.
"The next dance is about to start, shall we go?" Sting asked.
"Yes." She replied, taking Sting's outstretched hand.
Luce, no.....
"Oh and Natsu," Sting huffed. "You may wanna get changed, you look like you were rolling in pig shit." And off they walked.
Damn, I hate this fucking ball! Luce looks so freakin' gorgeous and I can't even lay a finger on her! And Sting's such a stuck-up bastard.
I had walked to the bathroom, trying to rub off he mud from my suit. I was lucky that Luce believed my lie before.
I just didn't want her to find out. But I guess she will do soon.
I have to stop it from happening!
Once I had got most of the dirt off, I began walking out the bathroom when I saw Luce.
"Hey Luce, you alright?" I asked.
"Yeah." She replied. "Natsu, I need to ask you something."
I arched an eyebrow. "What?"
"I-it's ab-bout...l-love.." She stuttered.
This is my chance.
I pinned her against the wall, my arms were a cage trapping her in.
"What's this question?" I asked, a smirk playing on my face. She blushed, smiling a little and turning her head.
"Y-you know when you love someone, d-do you feel all funny every time you so much as think of them?"
Don't tell me...
"Yep." I sighed. "Welcome to life, my pretty princess." I took my hands away and looked down at her. "Well, who is it? Sting?"
"No, I-I.... I l-lo-love y-you, Natsu." She was as red as that girl Erza's hair, clearly embarrassed. I could even hear her rapid heartbeat. I raised my eyebrow again, then smirked. I leant in so our faces were nearly touching.
"Good, because I love you too." I smiled, kissing her gently on the lips.
I have to make this count. I need to make her mine.
There was a desire in me that wanted to be rough, that wanted to bite, suck, lick, kiss and feel her, but I couldn't. Not now. She's hate me if I did that now. I have to be gentle.
I leant her against the wall and cupped her face with my hand, my other hand was at her hips. Let's keep it there. I brushed the bottom of her lip with my tongue, and she opened her mouth, letting me in. She grabbed my hair and tugged on it, begging for me to be rough, but I can't.
Suddenly, there was a loud bang and Luce broke the kiss. Over at the door was an angered Sting, marching towards us.
"Lucy, we're leaving." He huffed.
"Leaving where?" She asked.
"Away from him." He spat, grabbing her arm and walking away.
I ran after them, but they went onto the balcony, where I wasn't allowed. Damn you Sting. I used my super-hearing and listened through the glass.
"I'm sorry Sting," Luce sighed.
"There's not much we can do about it now." He replied, looking down over the balcony.
"Now, the moment of truth, Natsu." I turned round and saw Ms. Heartfilia, and she opened the balcony door, leaving me standing there.
"Oh, hello dearies," She smiled, lighting a cigarette. "Are you having fun?"
"Yes mother." Luce replied.
There was a moment's silence, then Sting turned round. He looked at me, smirked, then turned towards Luce.
"Lucy, I need to ask you something really important." Sting said, with one hand in his pocket.
"What is it?" Luce asked.
He pulled his hand out his pocket, revealing a small box.
"Lucy Heartfilia," He began, opening the dainty box.
"Will you marry me?"
Word Count- 1267
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