nineteen ~
• (Lucy's POV) •
I'm in a room with two guys.
Im the only girl.
They both hate each other....
And they both love me..
Why did I decide that this was a good idea? (ー ー;)
"Hey Luce, how you gonna get changed?" Natsu asked.
"I'll go to the bathroom." I replied.
"I bet the perv wanted you to get changed here." Sting muttered.
"You wanted her to as well you prick!" Natsu retorted.
I got changed and walked back into the room to find the two boys having a very vicious pillow fight...
In their boxers.
"What are you doing!?" I yelled. Sting instantly covered himself up with the pillow, while Natsu just shrugged and laughed.
"We sleep in our boxers silly!" Natsu laughed. I sighed and got into bed.
"What are you doing?" Natsu imitated my voice.
"Going to sleep."
"Because I'm tired."
"You can't sleep yet!" Natsu whined.
"For once I agree with the hot head." Sting added. "The fun hasn't started yet!"
"I thought we could play a game." Natsu smirked. "Ever heard of Seven Minutes In Heaven?"
"Well, we're all going to play my version. Basically I take Luce into the closet for 7 minutes, then Sting does. At the end Luce decides who was the best, then they earn a point."
"A point?" Sting questioned.
"We are going to play several games and it comes with a point system. Points are awarded by Luce, given to whoever won the game. The person who gets the most points....." He paused.
"Gets Luce..."
"Can I say something before we start?" I asked.
"Go ahead."
"If I'm not a virgin by the time these 'games' are done you will not only get killed by me, but my mother would gladly dance and spit on your grave when you're buried." They both gulped. "And don't do anything too dirty, I'm the one giving the points!"
• (Sting's POV) •
"Right then," Natsu smiled. "Me first!"
"Why do you get to go first?" I sulked.
"Because I thought of the game!" Natsu retorted, stepping towards me.
"Actually," Lucy started. "I want Sting to go first." She then whispered in Natsu's ear and he smirked. Hmm.
Lucy walked up to me and leant towards my ear.
"I want to experience something wonderful before I get bruised." She whispered. This is my chance.
Natsu is going to be rough and hurt her, so I need to be gentle.
Then I'll win.
Word Count- 416
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