fifty five ~
Okay guys, this is it! Welcome to the last chapter of 'The Dragon's Contract'. I hope you enjoy the chapter, and I hope you liked reading the story~
• (Loke's POV) •
Of course! The real Sting was never in love with Lucy, the Dragon Sting loved her!
While all this has been going on, Dragon Sting, Igneel and me have been holding off the demon. Of course, I haven't been much help, but I do know a bit of celestial magic!
Igneel looks concerned about something, like he's thinking. I noticed that as he was fighting, he kept looking at two people in the crowd: a young girl and a guy about Lucy's age.
The girl had long, blue hair tied up in pigtails, and the guy had black, bushy hair and piercings all over his face.
I feel like those two people are hiding something. Something important.
"Let Luce go you freak!" Natsu yelled, setting his fists on fire.
"Don't you worry." The real Sting smirked. "If you can defeat the demon, I'll let Lucy go."
We have to beat this demon, but there's only three dragons. How will we do this?
"Is that a deal?" I heard Igneel yell.
"It is." The real Sting replied.
"Then we accept." Igneel smirked, sending one more glance into the crowd before turning to face the demon.
What is he doing!? Is he insane!? Only three dragons against a demon!!?!?!?
"Wendy! Gajeel! Come on out!" Igneel yelled. Suddenly, there were two puffs of smoke; one blue and one grey.
"Hey old man!" 'Gajeel' smirked, gesturing to Igneel. "It's been a while!"
"Nice to see you again Mr. Igneel!" 'Wendy' smiled, waving her hand enthusiastically.
Whereas before they looked like human beings, not they have sharp claws instead of fingernails and scales across their face.
This is what all the dragons look like in 'dragon mode', but they can only transform into real dragons in the dragon realm. Probably should have said this earlier XD
"Wendy! Gajeel! You're dragons too!?" Natsu exclaimed. Gajeel just gave Natsu a look, while Wendy nodded at him.
"We were sent on an undercover mission to the human realm to observe their behaviour," Wendy began, until Gajeel interrupted.
"Ya know, to see if you were preparing a war or something." He said.
"Right then!" Natsu yelled out. "Let's defeat this demon!"
• (Yukino's POV) •
"YUKINO!" Lucy screamed. Oh my god. Me? I have to kill him?
I don't know if I can. I mean, I'm not an important person, heck, if this was a story I'd be one of those irrelevant side characters.
I sat down, hidden from the crowd, my brain running into panic mode.
"Yukino!" I heard someone call my name. Turning, I saw that it was one of Lucy's friends: Levy.
"Here, have this." She placed something in my trembling hands.
"What is i-" I paused mid sentence, realising it was a knife.
"You need to kill him," Levy told me. "Before it's too late."
"O-okay.." I mumbled.
"I've told Lucy to distract him, then you need to come up from behind and stab him."
I felt a tear run down my cheek.
"B-but I-I love Sting, how can I kill him?" I asked.
"That's not Sting." She told me. "He's supposed to be dead. The actual Sting is out there, battling a demon, so he can keep everyone alive."
She's right. I have to do this.
• (Lucy's POV) •
I watched helplessly as Natsu, Sting, Igneel, Wendy & Gajeel fought the demon. I was looking through the crowd to see if there were any other 'dragons in disguise' when I saw Levy frantically waving her arms.
She then did some funny hand signals, until I realised what she meant. In school we had a code, so we could secretly talk to each other without getting caught.
The hand signs she used meant: 'Distract Sting'
"The dragons are losing." I stated.
"That's right." The real Sting smirked.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked. "Why are you trying to kill all our friends?"
"Our friends?" He scoffed. "These are no friends of mine Lucy. I'm doing this for The King of the Tartarus realm."
"But why?" I questioned further.
"He brought be back from the dead, Lucy." He sighed. "He did my a favour, and now it's my time to repay the favour."
"Can't you see that he's just gonna kill us all anyway?" I tried to put some sense back into him, but he wasn't having any of it.
"No, Lucy!" He yelled. "I owe him this."
I stopped talking, knowing I wouldn't win, but when I looked back at the arena, a spectacular sight lay before me.
"What!?" Sting cried out. "How!?" Then moments later I saw Yukino sneak up onto the balcony, a knife in her hand.
"Sting!" I yelled out, making him turn to face me.
"What!?" He yelled in anger. At that moment, I kicked him where it hurts (again) and he fell to his knees.
I watched as Yukino came up behind him, placed the knife by his heart and whispered something in his ear. Then the knife impaled his heart, leaving him dumbfounded, but more importantly: dead.
Those words that were whispered into Sting's ear would've been very painful for both Sting and Yukino. Those words:
'I'm sorry.'
Word Count- 909
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