Chapter 6
Happy Valentine's Day everyone. I love you!
Kathrines pov:
I wake up the next morning to the someone tapping on my door. I groggily get out of bed and go to the door. I open the door and say "Hello?"
"Good morning my Queen. I'm so sorry if I woke you up early. I was wondering if you would like some breakfast. I caught some fish and cooked them for you." Ruby says holding a basket in her mouth.
I smile at her. "Thank you Ruby, your so kind. I hope you saved some for yourself." I say. She bends down and I grab the basket out of her mouth.
"Your Welcome my Queen. I did get some fish for myself. I was wondering if you would like to try flying today?" She asks coming into the room.
I set the basket on a table, and sit down in front of the table. "Please Ruby just call me Katherine. Queen is just weird to me. And I think it would be a good idea to try flying." I say with a smile.
"Of course Kathrine. Eat up!" She says. I pick up a piece of fish and take a bite. "Wow this is really good!" I say.
Ruby tries to smile causing me to laugh. I finish the other two fish before setting the basket aside.
"Well I'm stuffed. Oh I was wondering there seemed to be some armor like stuff in my closet and I was wondering what it was for?" I ask heading towards the closet.
"Oh that's your flying gear. All the queens wear it. It's built to shift around so it can fit any body type. You should try it for today. It supper lightweight to help with speed." Rudy says.
"Ok let me put it on." I say going to the closet. I slip out of my nightdress and grab the flight gear. I pick it up, and I'm amazed at how light it really is.
It's made out of some metal and it feels lighter than air. It's like a full body suit, so I have to slip my legs through the head hole. It's long sleeved but the sleeves have tiny holes that let in a little bit of air so I don't burn up.
There is a zipper in the back that I'm able to reach, and zip up. I grab the helmet of the shelf and walk out of the door. "How do I look?" I ask turning around.
"Like a real rider!" Ruby says happily. I smile at her and go to the washroom. I grab a hair brush and get all the knots out of my hair.
I put it in a tight braid. Once I'm done I grab the helmet and Ruby and I leave the room. We go down the hallway to the cliffs edge.
I take a tentative step towards the edge and look down. "You can do it Kathrine. You already flew with me for miles. We will go slow at first. Trust me." Ruby says gently.
I smile at her and go towards her back. She lowers her wing and I take a tentative step on. "Does this hurt?" I ask putting both my feet on her wings.
"No, don't worry. Soon you will be able to walk on my wings while we fly." Ruby says causing me to gulp. I get all the way up her back and sit where her neck and shoulders meet.
"What you want to do it tuck your feet into my shoulder blades and hold onto my scales. You will probably need the helmet for now because the winds can get a little ruff. But your eyes will soon adapt to take the wind." Ruby says. I nod and put on the helmet.
I fasten a few straps and make sure it's nice and tight. When I'm sure that it will stay I grab on to Ruby's scales and take a deep breath.
Ruby lifts her wings and leaps out of the cave. I grasp on to her scales tighter and let out a scream of fear.
Ruby flaps her wings a few times before she levels out. "Your doing great Katherine. I'm going to turn left now and what you want to do is lean to the left with me. Don't lean crazy far but just enough so that you aren't sitting strait up." Rubs says.
I hold on tight and wait for her to turn. She slowly glides to the left and I turn with her. Suddenly a gust of wind comes from the side casing me to lose my grip and go flying off her side.
"Ruby!" I scream in fear. I fall for a second before a tail is wrapped around my waist. I look down expecting a red tail, but instead I see a green one.
I look up to see a green dragon. It has leaves all over its legs and around its face. It also has two long vines coming of the sides of its face.
"Hey! Stop it!" I scream to the dragon realizing it's wings were what made me fall. I
"Don't worry my Queen I'm just helping you. Ill take you somewhere safe away from the unstable fire dragon." The dragon carrying me says.
"No please she's my friend she won't hurt me!" I yell trying to make the dragon stop. I hear a roar and I turn around to see Ruby coming towards us.
"Stop!" I scream in the minds of both the dragons. Ruby's looks at me stunned and I stare back. Did I just communicate to them through my mind?
"Great job Kathrine! You are now able to talk to dragons through our minds. It makes your commands stronger and more forceful. That's why the green dragon stopped!" Ruby says happily.
"That's great. Can we land now? This has been fun and all but I think I need to take a break ." I say to the green dragon. It nods and lowers me to the ground.
Once we landed the dragon sets me on the ground and does some kind of bow. Which looks really funny. It puts one of its paws forward and kneels on the other.
"There's no need for that." I say. The dragon stops bowing and I ask the question I'm dying to know.
"Why did you try and steal me from Ruby?"
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