Chapter 11
So sorry for the late update! I've been crazy busy! Enjoy the new chapter!
Kathrines pov:
I watched as Night Wing scarfed down another fish. That's his tenth one. "Okay buddy that's enough for now." I say putting the bucket down.
He lets out a soft cry and leaps into the air. I catch him and walk out of the room. Finally it morning.
I didn't get a ton of sleep last night, because Night Wing was crying all night. Only when I payed next to him would he quiet down.
Finally I fell asleep in the hay. "Okay Night Wing lets go open up your pins." I say caring him towards the dark pin.
I walk up to the wall. I gently touch him towards the door. There is a small screech and the door falls away.
Inside is all black. There are small lights, but it's mostly a cave with a small pool of water. Night Wing lets out a screech and jumps out of my arms.
He starts running around the room and sniffing everything. There is a small jut coming out of the cave wall that allows the dragons to lay above the pond.
Night wing goes up to it and stands on the edge. "Be careful Night Wing!" I yell picking up the satchel.
I hear a small screech and a flap. I look up to see Night Wing falling towards the ground. I run towards him hoping he doesn't go splat.
His wings go out and he slowly glides to the floor. Running as his feet touch the ground. "God, Night Wing you scared me." I say picking him up.
"That's enough flying for you today." I say taking him out of the room. With the satchel around me.
"Lets go see if we can unlock the electric door." I say walking over to the other door. I set Night Wing up against it and nothing happens at first.
I keep him against it and finally the door brakes away. I look in and see a bunch of chard trees. I look up to see storm clouds.
I don't know how but it looks like a storm will come in here. Once again Night Wing leaps out of my arms and starts to explore. I smile and grab the satchel.
"Come on Night Wing, your probably tired let's go back to the room." I say walking away. I hear a small screech and I turn around with my arms open.
A second later Night Wing is in my arms. "Good boy." I whisper waking down the hall towards my room.
I rock my arms trying to make him fall asleep. I open the door and his eyes start to drop. I go into the pins with the satchels on my arms.
I lay down in the hay and Night Wing moves into my lap. I run his scales and he lets out a small purr falling asleep.
I grab the night dragons satchel and take out the book. I open it up and start to read.
Hello queen,
Great job finding a Night Dragon. It probably wasn't easy so you need to take good care of it.
Night dragons are very mysterious creatures. They hate the sunlight which makes it hard to find them.
They can go out in the sun, but it hurts there eyes. Some mix breeds can see through the sun but they are rare to find.
Dark dragons aren't very social creatures and usually you will find them alone in a cave. Dark dragons usually only come out in the daylight when it's mating season.
Dark dragons love fish and grow very fast. As a hatchling they will be very attached to their mother. They grow very fast and usually can fly after two weeks from birth.
There powers are very great. They can see in the night, they have blue fire, and have echolocation.
When a dark dragon gets scared or mad they can produce shadows to hide in. Dark dragons are very powerful and there are many skills that haven't been unlocked.
Dark dragons are very hostile towards new people. The older the dragons get the harder it is to bond with them.
If you can bond with a dark dragon from a young age you will have a great connection. The younger the dragons are when you bond with them the more you can connect with them.
Once you connect with a dark dragon that connection can never be broken. Dark dragons are very hard to find, but once they make a connection they will help you in any task.
I close the book smiling down at Night Wing. I really hope are connection stays strong because this book makes it sound like I will really need him.
I stare at Night Wing for a little longer. I put the book up and open the other one.
Hello queen,
Congratulations on finding another dragon. An electric dragon no less. Electric dragons are the second rarest breeds, after Night Dragons.
Electric dragons are very hard to find considering the fact that they never come down on land.
Electric dragons will usually be found in a lighting storm. They will travel in pairs or alone.
They aren't very social creatures so it's hard for them to find a mate. Electric dragons don't like to leave there storm unless they know there is another one waiting for them.
That is why there is a storm in the habitat. Once electric dragons come in there lightning will charge the clouds allowing a storm to start.
The dragons don't mind if there are other with them, the usually prefer it. It's just hard for all of them to stay in one storm.
Electric dragon don't shoot fire, they shoot a hot electric ball that is equally terrible. If the dragon is old enough it can leave its storm and store the energy it had.
Electric dragons are loyal and will protect there own. They are caring dragons and fun to be around.
I close the book and look down at Night Wing in awe. I wonder what powers he will have. I sigh and pet his scales falling asleep with him.
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