Chapter 97 [~|~] Come Back, I Love You
A dark figure stared down at the hidden air temple, only bright gold eyes peeking out from the otherwise completely black silhouette. The sun had set, but the group was still settled around the fire, chatting about something the figure didn't care about. Eventually, one by one the group split off and walked into the temple to go to bed.
The figure waited another hour before descending towards the temple. Leaping off the side of the cliff, the figure propelled themselves towards the temple with firebending. Landing silently in the courtyard, the figure paused with bated breath. When a rockalanche did not jump out at them, the figure continued silently into the temple.
Staying on their toes, the figure slid through doorways, looking for one person in particular. Finally spotting the Avatar, the figure dug into their pocket and pulled out a cloth. After pouring an unknown substance onto the cloth, the figure walked towards Aang's bed. The slight shuffle caused Aang to crack his eyes open, but before he could do anything, the cloth was pressed to his mouth.
He struggled momentarily, before falling limp back down onto his bed. The figure tucked the cloth back into their pocket and pulled out some metal cuffs. Picking up Aang and slinging him over their shoulder, the figure hurried out of the temple. However, as they ran along, they failed to notice Zuko, who had always been a light sleeper, stirring from his bed.
Cracking his eyes open, Zuko groaned, before sitting up and walking towards the door to investigate the noise. Opening the door, Zuko's eyes widened as he spotted a black-clad figure disappear around the corner with Aang held over their shoulder. He immediately jumped into action.
"Hey, stop!" he yelled, before chasing after the figure, who quickened their pace. Reaching the courtyard, the figure ran towards the edge when they were cut off by a fire blast. Cursing, the figure turned around to face a half-dressed Team Avatar.
"Put him down!" Katara demanded, hands reaching out to control the water from the fountain.
"Who is that?" Sokka asked, glancing over at Zuko. "Someone you know?" he accused with his boomerang held tightly in his hand.
"Why do you just assume that I know every assassin we run into?" Zuko snapped before lowering into a stance, eyes narrowing on the figure.
"If you don't give him back in the next five seconds—" Katara warned angrily before Toph interrupted her, shock clear on her face as she felt the ground with her unburned hand.
"—Wait! Don't hurt her!" Toph yelled out, standing up as everyone stared at her in confusion.
"What are you talking about?"
"You're not going to believe me," Toph spoke, standing up straighter as the figure tossed Aang to the side and prepared to fight, lowering into a stance.
"Try us," Sokka insisted as Toph grew more nervous.
"It's Azara."
The group let out a collective gasp as the figure jumped forwards, throwing a ball of flames at them. Katara repelled the attack with a band of water before sending a water whip towards the figure. Zuko jumped forwards as well, sending a fire blast at the attacker, who dodged and sent a powerful fire slice back.
"That's impossible! Azara would never—" Sokka argued before having to duck to avoid an incoming fire blast.
"Why don't you tell her that!?" Toph yelled back as she relied on The Duke to keep her out of harm's way, her feet still too burned to 'see' properly.
Spinning around, the figure released a powerful fire comet at the group. Katara and Kesuk used water from the fountain to block the attack before sending a wave back at them. Using rocket propulsion, the figure jumped over the wave, and did a front flip, before firing a fire slice at the group again. Haru raised a rock wall to block the attack.
"What's the plan!?"
"We need to get Aang away first!" Sokka shouted out as Zuko shot fire blasts at the figure. "Earthbenders, tunnel under and grab him. Everyone else, keep her attention away from Aang."
Haru and Toph nodded before standing together. The earth spun below them before they slid underground, heading for Aang. "Over here!" Zuko shouted, drawing the figure's attention away from the rock wall. Katara and Kesuk also worked together to keep the figure occupied. One particular blast from Katara knocked the figure down and away from Aang.
"Now!" Sokka yelled out. Toph and Haru popped up below Aang before throwing up a rock wall to block their escape.
The figure growled and rolled forward, sending fire blasts left and right with pinpoint accuracy. "Now, what!?" Katara shouted to Sokka, blocking another fire blast.
"Now, we trap her!"
"Look out!" Zuko warned as the figure winded up, electricity gathering around her. "Get down! Now!"
The group hit the deck as a powerful lightning blast hit the rock wall Haru had conjured earlier, causing an explosion. The figure rushed forward as the dust rose, jumping over what remained of the wall, when Zuko intercepted her.
The two firebenders quick stepped around each other, each of their blows being successfully blocked as the others staggered to their feet. Zuko flung his arm back, grabbing the mask, before yanking hard, causing the figure to stumble. But before anyone else could land a blow, she jumped around, hitting Zuko in the chest and knocking him back.
Standing with her gold eyes shining with anger, Azara glared at the group.
"No," Sokka whispered out as she turned to him. Spotting Aang behind Sokka, Azara charged forward. "Azara, don't!" Sokka warned, grabbing his boomerang as he stood protectively in front of Aang, who was still unconscious.
"That's not her, Sokka!"
"Sokka, watch out!"
As Azara winded up to deliver a blast, the ground under her suddenly shifted. Stumbling forward, she tucked into a somersault, before glaring over at Toph. She was kneeling down, using her hands to feel and bend.
Jumping in front of Toph, Kesuk sent a water blast at Azara, forcing her back again. Katara joined with him, sending water blasts at Azara. Together, they encased her in ice, leaving just her head above the ice. Azara narrowed her eyes at the change in dynamics before the ice started to glow from her flames and started to melt.
She blasted herself out of the ice prison. Azara delivered more fire blasts, but Zuko, back on his feet, blocked them. Forcing her back with a fire slice of his own, Zuko released a powerful comet back at Azara. She managed to avoid his fire comet, but not the boomerang that had swung around to hit her in the back. Grunting from the hit, Azara stumbled to her hands and knees before she was encased in a rock prison this time.
"Azara," Sokka whispered out, his eyes glistening with unshed tears as his missing girlfriend huffed and began to struggle.
"Azara, stop!" Zuko demanded, but she continued to thrash.
"My only duty is to serve the Fire Lord. My only duty is to serve the Fire Lord," Azara repeated over and over again, twitching as her body convulsed.
"What the hell is going on with her!?" Sokka yelled, running over to her. But Zuko stepped in front of him, blocking his path.
"Look, you're just going to get burned if you get close to her acting like that," Zuko warned, pushing the Water Tribe boy back lightly.
"What's wrong with her?" Kesuk reiterated, staring at Azara sadly as she continued to twitch and growl, repeating the same phrase over and over again.
"She's brainwashed. Like Jet," Toph deduced as The Duke helped her over, her burnt feet still limiting her abilities. Zuko looked at Toph oddly at the mention of Jet but shook his head. He had to focus. He had his little sister to think about.
"Well, how do we knock her out of it?" Zuko questioned as Sokka turned to him.
"Jet went back to normal once we triggered his memories. We probably have to trigger Azara's as well," Sokka explained, staring at Azara with only concern in his eyes.
"And if that doesn't work?" Zuko voiced, his arms crossed over his chest. "Then what's the backup plan?"
Sokka paused for a moment as Azara thrashed again. "We don't have one," Sokka stated clearly, missing Zuko's concerned expression.
Once Aang had woken up from the gas that Azara had given him, it was decided that they would take shifts with Azara. Watching over her, talking to her, trying to trigger her memories. Toph had fastened a metal plate over Azara's mouth to prevent her from sending any fire blasts at anyone after she had nearly clipped a distracted Sokka with one as an added safety measure.
Even Haru, The Duke, and Teo took shifts, each rattling off random memories even though none of them were particularly close with Azara. Nearly a day had passed since Azara had returned to them and her condition didn't seem to have changed in the slightest.
"Hey, Azara, it's me again," Kesuk sighed, sitting across from her on the bench that Haru had bended for them. "Remember when I was teaching you some waterbending techniques because you wanted to incorporate them into your firebending? I honestly thought you were a little crazy for trying to combine them, but you clearly knew what you were doing. You're incredibly strong, one of the strongest people I've ever met. And I know you can fight this, Azara."
Toph's shift was next. Instead of sitting on the bench, Toph stood calmly in front of Azara, who had somewhat settled in her binds. "Remember when you told me that I should stick around, even though I got into those fights with Katara? Yeah, well, we got into a few more while you were gone. Aang and Sokka tried their best, and we worked it out eventually . . . but somehow I think we would have reconciled a lot early if you were around."
Toph lowered her head slightly, her hands clasped behind her back. "You told me that everyone had a role in the group." Picking up her head, Toph shifted her foot so that she could see Azara with her seismic sense, her burns heeled enough to 'see'. "And we sorely need someone to fill your role, Azara. We need you. Aang needs you, Katara needs you. Sokka probably needs you the most . . . and I need you too, Azara. So, come back to us. Please."
After another hour, Aang walked over, relieving Toph of her shift. Sitting cross-legged on the bench, Aang stared up at Azara. "I know that you can break through this, Azara. You broke through all those ingrained teachings from your childhood. Which I learned, while you were gone, is pretty difficult. But I know you can do it again."
Aang smiled for a moment as Azara looked up at him. "You know, I always thought the two of us understood each other really well. You carried the guilt of running away from your nation and so do I. And you proved at the North Pole that you'd do anything to maintain balance in the world and we both made the ultimate sacrifice for it. And I really missed you while you were gone."
Aang paused for a moment, staring up at Azara again. "Working through my recovery after Ba Sing Se has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. It tested me in ways I didn't think possible. I pulled through, with help from our friends. And I know you can do the same, Azara, and we're right here to help you. We're right here."
Katara relieved Aang as it was starting to grow dark. Unlike the others, Katara stood behind Azara, bending water around her head, trying to heal her mind. "I don't know if this will work, but I need to try, Azara," she spoke before the water started to glow. "If you asked me a year ago that I'd be trying to heal the Princess of the Fire Nation, who just happened to be one of my best friends . . . I probably would have called you crazy. But now, I just want you back."
The healing water seemed to relax Azara, though she still didn't change her gaze from where Aang sat around the fire. "Remember our talk after Aunt Wu's, where we talked about our futures? You so desperately wanted to choose your future . . . and that was taken away from you. And I'm so sorry for that. You didn't deserve that. You didn't deserve any of that."
Katara paused as she moved her arms around. "I'll never be able to properly thank you for helping me and Aang escape, but I need you to remember. Remember all those nights we spent around the fire. Remember all the lessons we taught each other. Remember how you helped us, how you helped us fight the Fire Nation. Remember how you held our group together. We need you, Azara. Please, come back to us."
Zuko walked over as Katara bended the water back into her pouch. "Anything?" he asked, but Katara simply shook her head, before walking off.
Taking his seat on the bench, Zuko stared up at Azara, who glared back at him. "I know I haven't always been the older brother you needed, or even wanted. I've made some mistakes. I shouldn't have betrayed you in Ba Sing Se for Azula. I shouldn't have yelled at you after Azula hurt Uncle. I should have stepped in earlier to protect you from Dad probably a thousand times."
"What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry, Azara. I never understood how you were always able to see good in me. Or anyone else for that matter. And maybe your friends were right—you shouldn't have tried so hard to get me to change. And even though it's a little late, I have changed. For the better. Like you wanted me to years ago," Zuko explained, picking up his head slightly.
"I came here to teach Aang firebending, which is what you originally set out to do. I thought that because I didn't know where you were, the next best thing to help you would be to carry on your mission in your place. But now, with you here, I know that we can do this together. Like you wanted. And I know you can fight this, Azara."
"Because even when I was at my lowest point, you stuck around. You were there for me when I needed you during my banishment. And I didn't realize it at the time, but you were right. Dad never loved us, and we should have left a long time ago. You were always there to remind me of that too. So, please come back. Even if it's just to say 'I-told-you-so' to me. Please, Azara. Come back."
As everyone else turned in for bed, Sokka trudged over from the fire. "How is she?" he asked as Zuko stood up, turning around.
"I don't think it's changed," Zuko replied, studying Azara's expression. "She still looks like she wants to blast our heads off."
Sokka nodded, taking a seat in front of Azara as Zuko walked off. Sitting in front of his girlfriend, Sokka lowered his head. "I know you're in there somewhere, Azara, please. I know you can hear me," Sokka pleaded, a tear dripping down his cheek as he stared up at Azara. She stared back with mild indifference now that Zuko and Aang were out of sight.
"You know, you really need to stop sacrificing yourself and let someone else do it for once. First the North Pole and then Ba Sing Se . . . I know that you feel the need to prove to the world, and maybe to us or yourself, that you want to fix the pain that your ancestors caused. But we need you too, Azara, I need you too. And right now, I need you to be selfish, to focus only on you. For once."
"I don't know what the Dai Li did to you or how to really fix it, but I have to try. I won't give up on you because I know you wouldn't give up on me." Sokka straightened up slightly before speaking again. "Remember who you are, Azara. Please."
"You're the girl who managed to convince so many people, myself included, that everyone in the Fire Nation isn't evil. You're the girl who inspired members of your own nation to rebel, to fight back. You're the girl who sacrificed herself for the Moon Spirit, for the world. You're the girl who always held your family together, whether it was your biological family or the one we found here."
Sokka paused, lowering his head. "And you're the girl who got me to change. For the better," Sokka continued, reaching into his pocket, and holding the bracelet he had given her back in Ba Sing Se in his hand. "You're the girl I fell in love with, the girl who I desperately need back."
Standing up, Sokka walked over to Azara, and held up the bracelet. "I need you to remember this, Azara. I need you to remember me, to remember us." Azara stared up at Sokka with disinterest before turning her gaze to the cactus charm. "I love you, Azara. Please . . . come back to me," Sokka whispered out as Azara studied the charm for a moment before her eyes widened in recognition.
Memories started to fly through her mind at an uncontrollable rate, just random flashes of images popping up and leaving as soon as they came.
Spotting the beam of light from the deck of Zuko's ship.
Helping Aang to escape from Zuko's ship.
Throwing her crown into the gorge around the Southern Air Temple.
Reconciling with Sokka on Kyoshi Island.
Sokka comforting her after a nightmare in King Bumi's prison.
Fighting alongside her friends to free Haru's village from the Fire Nation.
Running to hug Sokka after he returned from the Spirit World.
Fighting against Zhao's men in Avatar Roku's Temple alongside Zuko.
Joking around with Sokka on Appa's saddle after they escaped the pirates.
Sokka rescuing her from the reservoir, where Jet had left her to die.
Waving to Sokka and Katara before using fire propulsion to scale the Great Divide.
Hugging her friends after they rescued Sokka and the old man.
Sokka comforting her in front of the fire after discussing her past.
Aunt Wu telling her about her happy and peaceful future.
Helping Sokka to pass his warrior initiation with Bato.
Learning to generate lightning with Jeong Jeong.
Congratulating Sokka on his plan at the Northern Air Temple.
Meeting Yue and Kesuk at the North Pole.
Fighting alongside the Northern Water Tribe against Zhao.
Hugging Sokka after the Moon Spirit brought her back to life.
Gossiping with Katara as they flew to the Earth Kingdom base.
Nearly kissing Sokka, only to get interrupted by Chong and the other nomads.
Seeing her sister, Ty Lee, and Mai again at Omashu.
Realizing what Sokka's vision in the swamp meant about their connection.
Sokka helping her up after cutting the net in Chin Village.
Rooting for Toph, the Blind Bandit, at Earth Rumble VI, much to Sokka's dismay.
Talking with Toph after the argument and convincing her to stay.
Kissing Sokka for the first time on the ridge.
Finding out about the eclipse in Wan Shi Tong's library.
Protecting Katara, Toph, and Sokka from the buzzard wasps in the desert.
Meeting Suki again and talking about their travels.
Standing in the sludge with Aang after they blew up the drill together.
Dressing up for the Earth Kingdom ball and Sokka's reaction to her reveal.
Going on a date with Sokka and receiving the bracelet before they shared a kiss.
Coming back to the present, Azara's eyes filled with tears as she stared up at Sokka. He noticed her tears and instantly got on his knees, cupping her cheeks with his hands. "Azara, can you hear me?" he asked frantically, tears filling his own eyes.
Azara nodded, unable to speak due to the piece of metal blocking her mouth.
"Do you know who I am?" Sokka questioned, his heart starting to beat erratically out of his chest.
Azara nodded again, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Do you know who you are?"
Azara nodded once more as Sokka wiped her tears away with his thumb.
"I'll go get Toph. I'll be right back," Sokka promised, pressing his forehead against her own briefly, before getting up.
"Way ahead of you, Sokka," Toph called, walking over to Sokka and Azara.
"I thought you were asleep," Sokka replied as Toph bended away the metal band from Azara's mouth, allowing her to speak.
"I had a hunch," Toph shrugged, moving to step beside Sokka. "Now, we need to make sure it's actually Azara before letting her out."
"Nice to see you again, Toph," Azara spoke, her voice scratchy, but sincere.
Toph spared her a smile before growing serious. "Alright, we need to ask her questions and I'll make sure she's not lying."
Sokka nodded, before turning back to Azara. "Where did I give you this bracelet?" Sokka held up the cactus charm bracelet again.
"In Ba Sing Se. I noticed it in a stand, and you bought it later. You gave it to me before asking me to be your girlfriend."
"Why did I get you a cactus charm?"
"Because you were tripping on cactus juice in the desert. It was a joke," Azara answered without hesitation.
Sokka turned to Toph, who nodded, before turning back to Azara. "Alright, last question. In the Spirit Oasis, after you came back, what did you say first?"
Azara smiled slightly as she stared up at Sokka. "So, what'd I miss?"
The earth walls around Azara dropped. She steadied herself on her arms before Sokka slid down, holding her up as he wrapped his own arms around her. Toph walked away quietly, deciding to let the two of them reunite in peace before she would wake the others to tell them the news.
Azara let out a relieved sob as Sokka buried his face in her hair. "I thought I lost you," Sokka cried, unwilling to let her go as tears dribbled in streams down his cheeks.
"You'll never lose me," Azara whispered out, holding onto him like he was all that tethered her to the ground, tears bursting from her own eyes. Picking her head up, Azara cupped his face in her hands, the two teenagers locking eyes as they rested their foreheads against each other's.
"I love you," Azara gasped out, her hands starting to shake. "I was going to tell you back in Ba Sing Se, but I thought we had more time, and I should have just said it and—" Azara was cut off by Sokka's lips on her own. Closing her eyes, Azara tilted her head to the side as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding them in that position.
Sokka pulled back for a moment, a teasing smile on his lips. "I love you too." Azara smiled and chuckled before pulling him back to herself, Sokka happily obliging and reconnecting their lips. Azara grabbed the front of his tunic, afraid that if she let go of him, he'd just disappear in front of her. As her hand trailed down his arm, she paused as she felt the familiar cool metal of the bracelet.
Pulling back, she stared down with surprise at the bracelet. "Where did you find this? I thought I left it back in the Fire Nation," she murmured, locking eyes with Sokka once more.
"Azula had it. We ran into her during the invasion," Sokka explained as Azara trailed a finger over the cactus charm. Sokka wordlessly placed the bracelet back on her wrist, where it belonged. "She used it to waste our time. The invasion failed. I failed. I failed everyone, I failed you—"
"—No, you didn't," Azara interjected, cupping one of his cheeks in her hand. "You didn't fail me, Sokka." Bringing his hand up to her own cheek, Azara smiled as more tears threatened to fall. "Cause I'm right here. With you."
The moonlight reflected off the cactus charm as Sokka nodded, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "I love you. So much," he spoke, his voice dripping with emotion as he rested his forehead against her own.
"I love you too . . . Cactus Brain," she teased lightly before cupping his face with her hands.
Azara brought his lips back down to her own as Sokka held her against his chest tightly. One of his hands trailed up to her head, neither willing to move more than a breath away from the other. Azara wrapped her arms around Sokka's shoulders to steady herself, one of her hands tangling in his hair. Nothing else, save for the occasional break to breathe, mattered to them.
Not even the sound of approaching footsteps was enough to break them out of their moment.
A.N. So, here's the reunion you guys were all waiting for! And consider it an "I'm sorry" gift for all the angst over the last couple of chapters.
I don't know when the next update will be because my life's about to get a bit hectic. I have outlined the rest of the book, but there are still a few decisions and OC chapters I have to figure out before I keep publishing. So, know that the next chapters are coming!
Thanks again for reading, commenting, and voting!
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