Chapter 85 [~|~] The Proposition
A.N. I'm back with another set of chapters for you lovely readers! Just a quick warning that this chapter references past abuse and contains threats of abuse (from Asshat in Chief Ozai).
Azara walked through the halls of the Fire Nation palace, easily navigating the corridors despite being away for over three years. She could hear the guards following after her, but she did not pay them any mind. Reaching her childhood bedroom, Azara took a deep breath before throwing the door open.
Stepping inside, she closed the door softly behind her before walking further into the room. Her bed and furniture were covered with thin white sheets to protect them from the dust. Azara tugged the sheets off slowly, memories flooding into her mind as she returned the room to the image she remembered.
Opening her dresser, Azara paused as she spotted the familiar portrait that she had hung up on one of the doors. It had been painted not long after her and Azula's sixth birthday and the stale air had clearly deteriorated some of the edges, but the image remained unchanged. Azara stood in the middle, Azula on her right, and Zuko on her left with their parents behind them.
Trailing her finger over the painting, Azara sighed as the memories of the day returned to her. Azara looked away from the portrait as the door to her room opened. Azula stepped inside and closed the door behind her, a reserved expression on her face. The two sisters stood in silence for a moment, before Azula stepped further into the room, her hands clasped behind her.
"You need to dust in here," she sighed, wrinkling her nose.
"I haven't been here in over three years," Azara shrugged as Azula's eyes landed on the portrait Azara had been staring at earlier.
"I still don't know why you like that portrait," Azula huffed as Azara allowed a twinge of a smile to overtake her lips.
"I think we all look . . . rather happy. A rare occasion," she added in a mutter under her breath as Azula looked away for a moment.
"Congratulations on winning the Agni Kai," Azula stated as Azara nodded, turning to face her sister.
"You didn't bet against me, did you?" Azara joked, a small smile twinging at her lips.
"Why would I want to lose? I knew you would win," Azula replied, a silent understanding passing between the two sisters. As Azula shifted on her feet in the resulting silence, Azara tilted her head to the side, staring at her sister with an analyzing gaze.
"You want something," Azara observed as Azula frowned.
"Why do you just assume the worst in me?"
"I don't. I just know you, Azula."
"Do you?" Azula challenged as Azara narrowed her eyes in response. "This is the first actual conversation we've had in over three years."
"You don't count the business of threatening me and my friends?" Azula scoffed sarcastically, closing the doors to her dresser, and keeping her back to her sister for a moment. "Let me guess, Father sent you."
"I came on my own volition," Azara snapped, glaring at Azara as she turned around. "To warn you. Because I care about you even though you're a pathetic traitor."
"Hmm . . . probably something along the lines of 'one hair out of line and it's back to prison or perhaps the execution block again,' right?" Azara drawled in a bored tone while Azula shook her head.
"You're acting like a spoiled, ungrateful brat."
"Looking in a mirror, are we, sis?"
"Do you have any idea what trouble you caused with your little journey with the Avatar? Here in the Fire Nation. With your family," Azula snapped as Azara glared at the ground for a moment. "Or you knew, and you just didn't care."
Azara returned her gaze to Azula's face before speaking. "I didn't care about how much I hurt Father. Or any of his cronies. I do care about how much I hurt you and Zuko. And even the nation."
"You have a funny way of showing it."
"Right, because blatant displays of affection and love were how we all grew up here," Azara muttered out sarcastically, turning towards the window. She walked over, glancing out at the courtyard for a moment before sighing, her shoulders sagging. "I am sorry, you know . . . for leaving you behind."
"No, you're not," Azula scoffed, placing her hands on her hips. "You just got caught."
"I am sorry, Azula," Azara snapped, turning back around. "I didn't mean to hurt you—"
"—Well, you did, Azara!" Azula yelled, her calm façade cracking for a moment. "You promised me that you never would do what Mother did and the second you had an opening, you took it!"
"Yes, I broke my promise! Yes, I shouldn't have left you behind, Azula. I was wrong for doing that to you and even to Zuko," Azara admitted, walking back over to Azula.
"But you don't regret it."
"I regret having to hurt you guys in the process," Azara replied as Azula scoffed, looking away for a moment to glare at the ground. "But . . . I don't regret helping Aang."
"You really are a traitor," Azula scoffed, shaking her head. "You even chose the peasants over your own family."
"They're not peasants!" Azara defended her friends before sighing and rubbing her face tiredly. "And besides, I shouldn't be surprised that you hate them so much. You did just blast one of them out of the sky!" Azara shouted as Azula rolled her eyes.
"I did what needed to be done."
"What you did was what some people call 'murder,' Azula," Azara pointed out, her voice deadly low. "Why did you need to do that?"
"I saw an opening. And I took it."
"Then I think we're more alike than we realize," Azara growled out, referencing Azula's earlier jab at her.
"We are twins, I suppose," Azula replied in the same tone as the two girls glared at each other.
A moment of silence passed between them before there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" Azara called, turning away from Azula towards the door as it opened to reveal a servant.
"Apologies for the interruption, Your Highnesses, but the Fire Lord requests your presence, Princess Azara."
Azara's blood went cold for a moment as Azula turned back to her sister. "Don't do anything stupid, Azara. You know how fast he can turn."
"Oh, don't worry. I know," Azara grumbled out, shooting her sister a look. "Besides you're taking the stupid with you."
"I think you have me confused with Zuzu," Azula muttered before turning towards the door. "We're not done discussing this, Azara."
"Oh, and just when I thought my luck would turn," Azara muttered, shaking her head as Azula slipped out of the room.
Once Azula was gone, several servants poured into the room to take her place. Glaring in frustration at the mirror, Azara was pulled into a more formal dress and her hair back into a traditional Fire Nation topknot with half her curls brushed down her back.
As Azara was being preened for her meeting with her father, one of the servants noticed something hanging from Azara's wrist. "What is this, Princess—" Azara yanked her hand out of the servant's, clutching the golden band on her wrist tightly.
"Don't touch it!" Azara warned, the servants nodding and ducking away. Sighing and shaking her head, Azara held her head in her hands, wondering how the Fire Nation was getting to her so quickly. She quickly mumbled out an apology to the servant before staring ahead. As the servants finished clipping the Fire Nation insignia to her topknot, Azara turned her head to the side. "Am I finished?"
"Indeed, Princess. The Fire Lord awaits."
The servants opened the door for her, Azara sliding out of her bedroom and turning towards his office. She walked as she had been taught from a young age—back straight, shoulders back, and chin up just enough to remind everyone around her that they were below her.
As she passed through the halls, servants and guards ducked out of the way, bowing and mumbling greetings. Azara paid them no mind, eager to get this stupid meeting with her father done and over with. She had to assume something was going to go horribly wrong during it, and frankly she just wanted to deal with the inevitable.
And something bad did happen, but it was before she could even reach her father's office.
Turning the corner towards the Fire Lord's wing of the palace, Azara froze as a voice she hadn't heard in years called out to her in the same haughty tone that haunted her. "Princess!"
Stopping in her tracks, Azara's hands clenched into fists before she spun around, a deadly glare set on her face. The approaching teenage boy smirked, walking over with his hands at his sides, looking like he was prepared to hug her as if they were old friends. Which they certainly were not.
"Izen," she spat out venomously as he approached.
A younger Azara walked through the palace halls, flanked by Azula and Ty Lee. As they neared one of their favorite courtyards, Azara caught sight of Izen, who was standing by his mother's side as she conversed with Ursa. Azara's eyes widened at his appearance, slowing her pace down slightly.
Azula noticed and frowned at her sister before she noticed Izen in the distance. Smirking in recognition, Azula whispered something to Ty Lee, who giggled before turning back towards Izen. Cupping her mouth with her hands, Azula yelled out to the older boy.
"Izen! Come play with us!" Azula demanded, startling Izen's mother and Ursa.
"Azula!" Azara snapped, elbowing her sister in the ribs. "What are you doing?"
"Nothing," Azula lied before smirking back at Izen. "Well, are you coming or not?"
"Go ahead, Izen," his mother urged, undoubtedly eager to have her son become close friends with not one but two princesses.
"Princess Azula, Princess Azara," Izen bowed, smiling at Azara, who blushed under his gaze. "Ty Lee," he added, noting the girl beside Azula.
"We were just going to play in the garden, if you wanted to come," Azara offered quietly, her hands clasped behind her back.
"I'd love to. After you," Izen smiled, walking beside Azara as Azula and Ty Lee ran ahead.
As they entered the courtyard, Zuko looked up from the pond, expecting to see Mai, but deflating when he didn't see her with his sisters. However, he raised an eyebrow as he spotted Azara talking with Izen, the son of one of the Fire Nation's top generals and one of Ozai's closest confidants.
"What is Izen doing here?" Zuko whispered harshly to Azula, who shrugged. Izen told Azara something, causing her to giggle, her cheeks tinted red again. "Azara!" Zuko called, causing Azara to glare over at her older brother. "We need to feed the turtle ducks!"
"Why can't you just do it on your own?" Azara snapped as Izen looked over at him questioningly.
"Because you're better at sneaking stuff out of the kitchens," Zuko lied as Azula stomped on his foot at the statement. "Ow! What was that for?"
"Just leave them be, Zuzu. She leaves you and Mai alone," Azula reminded him, causing Zuko to blush lightly before turning back to Izen and Azara.
He didn't like Izen. There was just something about the boy that told Zuko to not leave him alone with his little sister. Especially if Izen was anything like his father.
"Don't go too far. Remember Mom says we have that dinner," Zuko told Azara, who rolled her eyes and walked off to the gardens, Izen by her side.
"Alright Dad," Azara called over her shoulder sarcastically before grabbing Izen's hands and tugging him along with her.
"You look so happy to see me, Princess," Izen teased as Azara took a step back, her glare intensifying. "Come on now, that's no way to greet your old childhood friend."
Azara studied Izen's appearance. He had certainly grown since she had last seen him, now slightly taller than Zuko. His dark hair was swept back into a traditional Fire Nation top knot held up with the Fire Nation crest. The sun highlighted the sharp features of his face and reflected off his amber eyes, which were locked with her golden pair.
"Good thing you're not my friend then," Azara snapped, causing Izen to sigh. "If anything, I should alert the groundskeepers that we have a rat infestation in the palace."
"You wound me, Princess," Izen scoffed, holding a hand to his chest as Azara rolled her eyes.
"Stop calling me 'Princess'! Or did you forget my name?" Azara challenged, narrowing her eyes at him once again.
"I could never forget you," Izen flirted smoothly, but it only caused Azara to gag dramatically, taking another step back.
"Does that really work on women? Or am I just the poor test dummy for you?" Azara huffed, causing Izen to smirk.
"Last I remember, you had quite the crush on me. Why a few years ago, I could make you blush just by looking at you," Izen continued, taking a step closer to Azara as she glared into his soul.
"I was eight-years-old," Azara snapped, her golden eyes flashing with anger. "I made a lot of questionable decisions back then, including trusting you."
Azara ran through the halls of the palace, looking for someone to talk to, to comfort her. In the few days following her mother's disappearance and her father's coronation, Azara had not been able to escape the nightmares, particularly those that plagued her during the day.
Her father had been upset with her about something she couldn't even remember that had to do with Zuko. And if the fresh bruise forming on her wrist was any indication, he had chosen to take out his anger on his youngest child.
Running through the Fire Nation palace with fresh tears in her eyes, Azara looked around frantically for someone, for anyone to help her. She spotted Izen in the hallway, walking along with his shoulders drawn back, his gaze set forward.
"Izen!" she smiled in relief, waving at the older boy.
She expected him to wave back, but instead he rolled his eyes, scoffing at her as she approached. Azara slowed her run, looking up at him with confusion.
"Is everything okay?" she asked tentatively, clasping her hands together nervously.
"It was before you came over here to bother me," Izen muttered, causing Azara's eyes to widen in shock, a hurt expression coming over her face.
"I just wanted to talk to you," Azara spoke softly, staring up at Izen with unshed tears.
"Well, I don't want to walk to you," he snapped before trying to walk away.
"Did I do something wrong?" Azara questioned, reaching out to Izen, who knocked her hand away. Azara reeled back, a few tears slipping out. "Izen—"
"—Stop, Azara, your whining is starting to really annoy me," Izen huffed, glaring at her as Azara shrunk back into herself.
"But—" Azara whimpered as Izen laughed at her, shaking his head.
"—You're just a stupid kid, Azara. Why don't you go play with people who actually want to be around you?" Izen scoffed, causing Azara's eyes to widen in shock again, her bottom lip quivering.
"You said you were my friend," Azara whispered out, tears starting to dribble out and over her still chubby cheeks at a faster rate. "You lied to me," she accused, her chest tightening.
"Get used to people doing that, Azara. Because people only put up with you because you're a princess, not because they actually like you." Azara turned and fled at Izen's statement, sobs overtaking her figure as she ran around the corner.
At her statement, Izen's features softened. "I had just lost my mother! My cousin! And you go and say those vile things to me! And now you want to just waltz in here like we're friends!" Azara shouted, throwing her arms out to the sides.
"Azara, I never meant to—" Izen began to reply, but Azara was already tired of his presence.
"—Well, you did. So, this conversation is over," Azara huffed, pushing past him. He reached out and grabbed her wrist, tugging her back to himself. Azara braced herself, holding her hand on his chest to keep her body away from his own.
"Azara, please—" Izen begged, a concerned look in his eye.
"—Get off of me!" Azara growled, pushing herself away from him and ripping her wrist away from him as if she was burned by his touch. Spinning on her heel, Azara started to march away when Izen cut her off, running in front of her to block her path. "Leave me alone!"
"Azara, wait! Let me explain!" Izen sighed, but Azara smacked his hand away.
"Here's a word you've probably never heard before—No!" she called over her shoulder, before storming away. "And because the world doesn't revolve around you, Izen, I have somewhere to be. So, leave me alone!"
"You're not giving me a chance?" Izen called as Azara shook her head, rolling her eyes at his antics as she walked away.
"You think you're worth a chance? You used me, Izen. You just used me for my title! So, I don't care if we're the last two people on this planet, I don't want to ever talk to you again!" Azara retorted, before disappearing around the corner, leaving a deflated Izen behind.
Azara slowed her furious-paced walk as she reached her father's study. The guards opened the door for her, one walking ahead of her to announce her presence. "The Fire Lord has been informed of the princess's arrival," his secretary informed the guard, before moving to leave. Azara stood in the middle of the room, fiddling with her fingers as she waited for him to finally make an appearance.
Azara stood rigid as her father entered his study, the usual cruel smile overtaking his features as he spotted her waiting for him. "Princess Azara, as you requested, sir," a guard announced, causing Ozai to nod and wave his hands, dismissing the guards from the room.
Azara choked down the bile that was threatening to burst out of her mouth.
She knew how this would go. First, he would dismiss the guards and everyone else from the room. Second, he'd circle her, listing off things to try and get an emotional reaction out of her. Third, he'd lay out a threat as if it were a wrapped present in a whisper. Fourth, he'd dismiss her and smirk as she ran away.
It hadn't taken that long for her to figure out his routine, especially given the number of times she found herself in the exact same position.
Ozai approached her, starting to walk around her, as she knew he would. Azara kept her gaze focused ahead on the mantle above his fireplace. There was a small statue of a dragon. It had become her anchor point for years. She learned to never take her eyes off of it.
"Do not think that because you won the Agni Kai that you're free to walk around here as if you're a free woman."
Azara didn't say anything. She knew that if she did, he'd explode on her. She had interrupted him once and had the scar to prove it. "And may I remind you that your position in this palace is tenuous at best," he continued, stopping in front of her to gauge her reaction, but she remained stoic, emotionless as he moved on. "Though I'm sure you already guessed as such."
He circled her again, pausing on her right side as he pretended to inspect something on the wall. "You know Azula vouched for your skills. And she was correct. Your display at the Agni Kai demonstrated mastery of firebending that your brother still seems to lack," Ozai huffed, not missing the opportunity to shit on Zuko, even though he had returned a war hero. "And she tells me you're also a formidable strategist."
Azara was growing impatient, but she knew that was his intention. He wanted to make her impatient, make her uncomfortable, so that he could swoop in and worsen it. "Azula said that Zuko was a prime example of what time and punishment could do to traitors such as yourself. After all, Zuko left here a pathetic child incapable of keeping his mouth shut and returned a man who finally understands the needs of being royalty. Needs that you still need to learn, apparently."
Ozai stepped around her before leaning in, whispering into her ear. "It would be a shame if she was wrong," he stated before pulling back. Azara's eyes widened slightly, but otherwise she gave no indication that she had heard or reacted to his words. "She vouched so heavily for you and your ability to change that if she was wrong . . . I'd have no choice but to correct her vision."
Azara's eyes hardened into a glare, her fists clenching lightly under her sleeves. Ozai stared at her with a knowing expression, a smirk drawing over his lips. "But you wouldn't let that happen would you, Azara?" Ozai continued to circle her. "Good little Azara. Taking all of the punishments her siblings earned. And yet, it didn't seem to teach you any form of discipline," Ozai hissed harshly in her other ear.
He stepped away for a moment before stopping in front of a lit fireplace. "Which is why I have a proposition for you, Azara." Ozai paused as Azara met his eyes for the first time since she had arrived. Her eyes were shining with anger, her shoulders tense as she glared at her father. "Don't you want to know what it is?"
Azara's glare intensified but she nodded stiffly, Ozai smirking to himself at her response. "Despite all your years away, you still have such a soft spot for your siblings. It's pathetic really. A weakness." Ozai paused again for dramatic effect. "One that your siblings share." Azara's jaw clenched subconsciously as she willed the bile back once again.
"Which is why I am offering you a proposition, Azara," Ozai spoke, finally getting to the point as he stood in front of his youngest daughter. "Your life for your siblings'." The remaining breath left her body as Azara stared up at her father. "Which, for now, is strictly figurative. If you do everything that I ask of you, that is."
Azara glared at the ground before clenching her eyes shut, her jaw clenched tightly. "Well, what is your decision?" Ozai demanded with his eyes narrowed.
"What do you need from me?" Azara asked, her voice level despite the situation.
"Nothing extreme," Ozai drawled, a smirk returning to his face. "Merely an arranged marriage to a suitor I have selected." Azara's eyes widened open in shock as Ozai circled her again. "Of course, you can reject my proposition, but . . . there's no telling what unfortunate events may befall Azula due to your negligence. Or perhaps Zuko's health would take a sudden sharp decline."
Closing her eyes, Azara took a deep breath as Ozai stepped in front of her, his hands clasped behind him. Opening her eyes, Azara willed the tears back as she glared at her father, her fists clenched below her sleeves.
"I don't have all day, Azara," Ozai sighed dramatically, inspecting something on his desk before turning back to his daughter.
Azara straightened up, her hands shaking slightly. Choking back bile in her throat, Azara glared at her father. "I accept your proposition. I'll accept the marriage . . . if you leave Azula, Zuko, Uncle, and everyone else connected with me alone. I accept the consequences for my actions alone."
Ozai smirked, pushing himself off the desk and circling her once again. "You know, I had a sneaking suspicion you would say something like that, Azara. You were always so predictable as a child. I see that your time away hasn't changed that. Always doing whatever it takes to save your siblings," Ozai scoffed, rolling his eyes. "They will be your downfall."
The doors to Ozai's study burst open, revealing two men. General Ituku, Izen's father, and Izen, who at least had the decency to look slightly ashamed of the whole situation walked into the office. Azara's eyes widened in shock at Izen's arrival, her mouth suddenly running dry. Ozai moved to greet General Ituku, who bowed to him, before turning to Azara.
"Princess Azara, we're all so pleased to hear of your safe return to the Fire Nation after the terrible tragedy that befell you."
"Tragedy?" Azara asked, raising an eyebrow at Ituku's statement.
"With the Avatar and those Water Tribe savages kidnapping you, the whole nation was besides itself with worry," Ituku explained, causing Azara's mouth dropped open slightly at the accusation levied against her friends.
"Azara!" Ozai hissed, causing her to snap out of her thoughts.
"Thank you for your kind words, General," Azara finally replied, nodding her head as she had been taught as a young girl. She ignored the worried look Izen was sending her.
"Forgive my daughter, General Ituku. It seems that her time abroad has made her forget the decorum we demand here in the Fire Nation," Ozai snapped, causing Azara to glare at the ground as Ituku turned to his own child.
"Not to worry, Your Highness. I'm sure my son can remind her of the rules . . . and of her place," Ituku added as he and Ozai shared cruel smiles. "Isn't that right, Izen?" Ituku snapped at his son, causing Izen to straighten up immediately.
"Yes, Father."
"Which is specifically why I am entrusting my daughter's hand to your son," Ozai stated, causing Ituku to smile widely, glancing between Izen and Azara, both of which avoided his gaze.
"That is quite grand news, Fire Lord Ozai," Ituku nodded, obviously pleased with how everything was turning out for him and his family. "We must start preparations immediately!" As Ozai and Ituku conversed, Izen turned to Azara, who was staring forwards, her hands clasped together as her whole-body shook.
A.N. So, there's another OC: Izen—a Fire Nation general's son who Azara used to have a crush on. As I have no artistic abilities, imagine your quintessential Fire Nation fuckboy and that's what Izen looks like. I pictured him as Zuko's age and he's a firebender. That's pretty much all the relevant pieces of information about him but he'll be sticking around for a bit.
Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting as always!
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