Chapter 53 [~|~] Return to Omashu
A.N. Hello my lovely readers! Here's the next update, which turned out a lot longer than I expected! I rewrote this chapter like six times because I couldn't decide what to include or not here, but I hope you guys enjoy it!
"I can't believe it. I know the war has spread far, but Omashu almost seemed . . . untouchable," Aang trailed off, obviously distraught at the discovery.
"Up until now it was. Now only Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left," Sokka sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"This is horrible, but we have to move on," Katara spoke to Aang, who shook his head.
"No, I'm going to find Bumi," Aang replied firmly as Sokka stepped forwards.
"Aang, stop. We don't even know if Bumi is still . . ." Sokka didn't dare finish the sentence as Aang turned to glare at him.
"What? If he's still what?" Aang demanded, causing Azara to jump in.
"Around," she spoke softly, placing a hand on Aang's shoulder. "I know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people who can teach you earthbending."
"This isn't about finding a teacher. This is about finding a friend," Aang announced, turning back to Omashu.
"Well, how are we going to get in? We can't just walk in like last time," Katara asked as Aang thought over their options. Raising his finger, Aang smiled and turned to the group.
"I have an idea."
They walked carefully down to the bottom of the trench surrounding the city as Aang pointed out a secret entrance hidden below the bridge. "A secret passage? Why didn't we just use this last time?" Sokka questioned as Aang pulled off the cover to the passage, releasing a flow of sewage. Azara wrinkled her nose as the stench hit her.
"That answer your question?" Aang joked, leading the way into the tunnel. Azara followed after Katara, using a wall of flame to push the sewage away from her. Reaching the end, Azara jumped up and looked around the city, which appeared largely abandoned. She could see several rows of houses and streets, yet there were no citizens out and about. Not even a single light on in a house.
"That wasn't as bad as I thought," Katara commented as Sokka dragged himself out of the tunnel, covered in sludge. Katara quickly spun around, using water to wash the sewage off of her brother. Aang airbended at Sokka, drying him off. Azara stared at the three pentapi on Sokka's face as the Water Tribe boy began to freak out at the sight of them.
Aang tackled Sokka to the ground before shushing him. "Shh! Stop making so much noise. It's just a purple pentapus," Aang pointed out, rubbing the head of the pentapus, causing the creature to let go of Sokka's face. As they pulled the pentapi off of Sokka, Azara spun around at the sound of footsteps.
"There's someone here," she whispered, pulling her hood over her head. The last thing she needed was to be recognized.
"Hey! What are you kids doing out past curfew?" a guard barked as a group of Fire Nation sentries turned the corner and walked towards them.
"Sorry, we got caught up. We're heading home now," Azara replied calmly as the guard stared at the marks on Sokka's neck.
"Wait, what's the matter with him?" the guard asked, pointing at Sokka. Glancing nervously between each other, Katara stepped forwards.
"Uh, he has pentapox, sir," Katara supplied as the guards walked over.
"It's highly contagious," Azara added as the guard scrutinized Sokka.
"Oh, it's so awful, I'm dying," Sokka groaned, dramatizing to scare the guards. He held up his arms like a zombie and stumbled forwards.
"And deadly," Katara nodded as the guards backed away.
"Hey, I think I heard of pentapox! Didn't your cousin Chang die of it?" a guard questioned, turning to his companion.
"We'd better go wash our hands and burn our clothes," another guard piped up, the guards turning and running away.
"Thank you, sewer friends," Aang smiled as they carried on with their search for Bumi. They stayed low and hidden in the shadows as they walked around the city, dodging patrol after patrol.
"We need to find Bumi and get out of here. This could be bad," Azara whispered as they ducked behind a construction site while another patrol passed by.
"Where would they be keeping him?"
"Somewhere he can't earthbend. Somewhere made of metal," Aang deduced as they moved on.
"Unfortunately, that's a lot of places," Azara sighed as they spotted another patrol ahead. Except, this one had two women and a baby. Staring down at the group, Azara's eyes widened in recognition.
"Mai? What is she doing here?" Azara gasped, staring down at them with surprise.
"You know them?" Katara inquired, glancing at Azara out of the corner of her eye.
"You could say that."
A younger Azara laughed as Ty Lee performed a series of cartwheels. "That's amazing, Ty Lee! You should join the circus when you're older! Or be a spy!" Azara praised as Ty Lee walked back over.
"Thanks, Azara!"
"Please, the circus? Only the degenerates end up there," Azula scoffed as Azara shot her a look.
"You've never even met anyone from the circus," Azara pointed out, causing Azula to roll her eyes at her sister.
"No, but girls of our backgrounds don't end up in places such as the circus," Azula replied as Azara huffed at her sister's antics.
"You're right. Girls of our backgrounds get to be trapped in big stupid palaces for the rest of their lives," Azara grumbled, leaning against a tree next to Mai, who remained out of the argument. It wasn't uncommon for the royal sisters to disagree, but they always managed to make up afterwards. Ty Lee and Mai had learned long ago to stay out of the conflicts.
"You say that like it's a bad thing."
"You don't ever what's outside these walls? What's outside the capital city? The Fire Nation?" Azara listed, staring off with a far off look in her eyes.
"Who cares? Now, Ty Lee, show me how to do that," Azula ordered as Ty Lee led her back to the open patch of grass. Azula sighed, staring at her feet.
"I don't think it's that crazy," Mai offered, causing Azara to smile and turn to the older girl.
"Not at all. I'd give anything to get away from my parents for a time," Mai added, causing Azara to nod. It wasn't uncommon knowledge that Mai's parents were stifling at best.
"I can imagine," Azara agreed, thinking about her own parents. "Thanks for understanding, Mai." Mai smiled back and nodded before noticing Zuko approaching, a light blush falling over her cheeks. Azara turned around and noticed her brother as well. "Go on," she encouraged, nodding towards Zuko.
"Who? Me?" Mai asked, as if it were not obvious. Azara chuckled before glancing back at her older brother.
"Go on. He doesn't bite, I promise," Azara winked, causing Mai to smile at Azara's encouragement. Thanking her friend, Mai stood up and went to approach Zuko. Azara was left by herself next to the tree. Her smile faded as Zuko and Mai quickly caught up in a conversation while Ty Lee and Azula continued to be caught up in Ty Lee's gymnastics lesson.
Sighing to herself, Azara sat up and started drawing things in the dirt. "One of these days, I'll get out of here," she promised herself. "One day."
Azara was knocked out of her flashback when an avalanche of rocks flew by them, heading straight for Mai and her mother. Aang quickly jumped into action, pushing the rocks away with an air blast. However, the action revealed their group's location.
"The Resistance!" her mother yelled out as Mai and the guards charged.
"Run! Run now!" Azara pushed, pulling up Katara and Sokka as the guards and Mai drew closer.
"You know her?" Sokka asked as Azara turned around to stop the knives Mai had thrown at her. Dodging one of the blades, Azara pulled a piece of scaffolding down to block more. She could see Mai's eyes widen in surprise as Azara's hood fell back, revealing her identity to Mai, but Mai didn't let the surprise halt her chase.
"I know enough to not want to stick around," Azara warned, sending a fire blast at a guard, pushing him off the scaffolding. She knew that statement was a lie, but now wasn't exactly the moment to divulge her new friends in her past. Azara would tell them the truth later, when they had found King Bumi and left Omashu behind them.
Katara knocked two guards down a ladder as Azara caught up with them. Aang, hearing a blade flying through the air, spun his staff and blocked a throwing star from Mai. "This way, come on!" Azara shouted, leading the way through the streets. Turning at the sound of another knife flying through the air, Azara grabbed Sokka by his shirt and yanked him back, a knife missing his shoulder by a few inches.
Sending a fire blast up at Mai, Azara gasped as the ground below her suddenly gave out. Falling hard onto the solid ground, Azara let out a grunt as her shoulder and head connected with the floor. She rubbed her head, groaning, as she sat up and stared at several Earth Kingdom soldiers. They motioned for the group to follow them into a larger room, filled with the missing residents of Omashu.
"So, is King Bumi with you guys? Is he leading the Resistance?" Aang asked, as an Earth Kingdom soldier whipped around, an angry expression on his face.
"Of course not! The day of the invasion, we readied ourselves for battle. We were prepared to defend our city . . . to fight for our lives and for our freedom. But before we even had a chance, King Bumi surrendered," Yung explained, as Aang looked concerned. "The day of the invasion, I asked King Bumi what he wanted to do. He looked me in the eye and said, 'I'm going to do nothing'." Yung turned to the gathered people, sighing to let out his built up frustration. "It doesn't matter now. Fighting the Fire Nation is the only path to freedom. And freedom is worth dying for."
"Actually, there's another path to freedom. You could leave Omashu. You're directing all your energy to fight the Fire Nation, but you're outnumbered. You can't win. Now's the time to retreat, so you can live to fight another day," Aang stated calmly as Yung shook his head.
"You don't understand. They've taken our home, and we have to fight them at any cost!"
"I don't know, Yung, living to fight another day is starting to sound pretty good to me," a resistance fighter shrugged from behind him.
"Yeah, I'm with the kid!" another piped up. The citizens of Omashu started to whisper among themselves as Yung turned to Aang.
"Fine! But there's thousands of citizens that need to leave. How're we going to get them all out?" Yung sighed as Sokka stepped forwards.
"Suckers!" Sokka suggested, drawing odd looks from the rest of the room. "You're all about to come down with a nasty case of pentapox." As the citizens applied the pentapox to each other, Sokka started to instruct them on how to act. "The marks make you look sick, but you have to act sick too. You have to sell it!" Azara watched with mild amusement as the citizens practiced groaning and toddling around like sick people around the room, Sokka shouting out pointers and compliments.
After a few hours, the group emerged from their underground hiding place, the morning sun illuminating their occupied city. "Okay everyone! Into sick formation!" Sokka called as Aang turned to leave. Azara was about to follow after him, when she noticed Katara staring after Aang, who had released his glider and restarted his search for King Bumi.
Walking over to Katara, Azara placed a comforting hand on Katara's shoulder. "He'll be alright, Katara. But we should get going," Azara spoke softly, causing Katara to nod and follow along with the other sick citizens. Azara had to stop herself from laughing at the guard's reactions to the crowd of 'sick people'. The Fire Nation soldiers allowed them to leave without another problem.
After leaving Omashu, the group settled in the hills for the night before they would make their way towards Ba Sing Se in the morning. There was still no sign of Aang as the sun set, and Azara could feel the worry rising in Katara. Adding some more wood to the fire, Azara sat in between Katara and Sokka as Aang approached the campsite, Flopsie following closely behind him.
Noticing his approach, Katara, Sokka, and Azara hurried to their feet to greet Aang. "We looked everywhere. No Bumi," Aang sighed in despair as Katara led him to the campfire. As they settled around the fire again, Yung approached, a grim expression on his face.
"We've got a problem. We just did a head count."
"Oh no. Did someone get left behind?" Katara asked, standing up.
"No, we have an extra," Yung stated, pointing at Momo, who was struggling as Tom Tom hugged him. Azara shared a surprised look with the group before walking over slowly to the child.
"Hey, sweetie, let's let go of Momo for a second," she spoke softly, gently grabbing and releasing Tom Tom's hold on Momo. The lemur hurried off as Tom Tom reached for him again. Scooping him into her arms, she returned to the campfire, tickling Tom Tom's stomach to keep his attention off Momo for a moment. "Here, why don't we stay over here and leave Momo alone."
Azara placed Tom Tom on the ground in front of Katara, who's motherly instincts instantly kicked in. As Katara cooed at the baby, Azara smiled as he babbled, moving to stand on his short and stubby legs. Tom Tom took a few steps forward before tripping and falling to the ground. Noticing Sokka's club, which was in front of the Water Tribe boy, Tom Tom reached out for the weapon and started to suck on it.
"No! Bad Fire Nation baby!" Sokka scolded, ripping the club out of Tom Tom's hands. The baby sniffled for a moment, before sitting down and crying. Azara and Katara turned to glare at Sokka.
"Don't yell at him! He doesn't know any better," Azara huffed, smacking him on the arm. Sokka sighed before turning to Tom Tom.
"Oh alright," Sokka sighed, handing the club back to the baby, who instantly perked up again.
"Ooh, you're so cute," Katara spoke in baby babble at Tom Tom, hugging him from behind and placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Sure, he's cute now, but when he's older he'll join the Fire Nation Army," Yung stated grimly, looking up from the fire. "You won't think he's cute then. He'll be a killer." Azara glared at Yung from across the fire at his comment as Katara held up Tom Tom.
"Does this look like the face of a killer to you?"
"She asked you a question," Azara pointed out, her eyes still narrowed at Yung.
"Why am I not surprised the Fire Nation princess has an attitude?" Yung scoffed, turning to face Azara, who did not back down. She wasn't usually a confrontation person but seeing Mai and staying up for nearly two days straight had worn her patience down significantly.
"Katara asked you a question," Azara repeated, Yung's comment doing little to deter her. "Does that look like the face of a killer to you?"
"Why don't you answer that question, Princess? Especially, since you're so quick to defend your nation."
"I'm not defending my nation. Believe me, I know firsthand about the cruelty the Fire Nation and Fire Lord are capable of. And I'm sorry for whatever pain or struggle the Fire Nation has put you through personally. But let me make it clear that your quarrel is with the Fire Lord and his minions, not the people of the Fire Nation."
"And why not? Are they not complicit and beneficiaries of this war?" Yung shot back, but Azara remained calm and articulate.
"Tell me, Yung, you're a soldier, are you not?" Yung nodded in confirmation, allowing Azara to continue. "And when you're a soldier, you follow orders without question, don't you?"
"I would never kill innocent people, even if I was ordered to."
"Even if you and your family would be killed instead?" Azara asked, her lips pursed. Yung didn't reply, allowing her to continue. "Believe me, you have a right to be angry with the Fire Nation. You have a right to hate me, even, if that so pleases you. But I implore you to look past your anger if you can."
"And if we don't want to?"
"Then you're doomed to fall victim to the very thing that's sustained this war. Fear. Hatred. Anger." Azara paused for a moment, aware that everyone's eyes were on her currently. "The Fire Nation is a very hierarchical society. Everything, and everyone has its place. Otherwise, the machine falls apart. The citizens are motivated by fear and misinformation to pledge their allegiance to the Fire Nation. Soldiers transform this fear into anger and take it out on whatever target their superior points out."
"In summary, everyone loses. Their freedom, their humanity. Except the Fire Lord and his cronies. They gain power through this process and continue to reap the benefits of the system as their citizens starve and slowly die fighting and supporting them." Azara paused as Yung refused to meet her gaze. "I again cannot blame any of you for hating the Fire Nation, my family, and even me. But if all you hold in your hearts in anger and hatred, you're only fueling this war more."
"It's hard to unlearn anger," another soldier spoke up, who looked older than Yung due to the gray in his beard. "But perhaps the girl in right, Yung."
"Please, if you're so special, why haven't more from the Fire Nation joined your cause?" Yung questioned, causing Azara to stare into the fire.
"I was always taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest nation in the world. It was taught as an absolute truth. The war was our way of sharing our greatness with the world. It was our job, our duty, to share our greatness with those who were not as fortunate as us. Breaking away from that hypnotic state is nearly impossible. And any form of rebellion is quickly stamped out without hesitation."
"So, what makes you so special then, Princess?" he asked, as Azara glared at the fire.
A younger Azara walked down to the pier, a squad of guards behind her. It was about two months into Zuko's banishment, and they had stopped in a quaint Earth Kingdom town to refuel and gather supplies. Azara had insisted about going out and into town, trying to get away from Zuko, who had been in an attitude for the whole week.
"Have you ever been here before, Lieutenant?" Azara questioned Jee, who stood directly behind her.
"No, Princess. But I'm sure it's like all the other ones," Jee replied as Azara nodded.
"I'll follow you then, Lieutenant. We should hurry and gather the necessary supplies before Zuko has another fit," Azara sighed as Lieutenant Jee bowed, leading the way throughout the town. Azara walked ahead of the other Fire Nation guards, looking around at the small Earth Kingdom with curiosity in her eyes. She had never stepped foot outside the Fire Nation before.
As they walked through the town, Azara noted how many of the villagers cowered out of their way, eyes low as they avoided eye contact. Azara raised an eyebrow as she continued walking, following after Lieutenant Jee as he directed other soldiers to go about gathering the supplies they needed. As Azara walked along, she noticed the hard glares from some of the other villagers, making her blood run cold.
"Lieutenant?" Azara called, walking alongside him.
"Yes, Princess Azara?"
"Why do they look at us that way?" Azara asked, glancing at the glaring villagers before turning to the lieutenant for an explanation. He was quiet for a few moments, deciding how to explain the situation to the young princess.
"We're Fire Nation," Lieutenant Jee spoke calmly as Azara raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, of course we are. But what does that have to do with anything?"
"The Fire Nation is not particularly popular in the Earth Kingdom," Lieutenant Jee sighed as Azara looked away, feeling confused and slightly betrayed at the accusation.
"But—" Azara's further questioning was cut off as a man in front of them, who was carrying several large baskets tripped and dropped them, spilling various vegetables onto the ground. One basket fell in front of Azara, who jumped back in surprise.
"Princess Azara, are you alright?" Lieutenant Jee asked quickly as Azara waved him off. Turning to the man, Azara's eyes widened as she noticed the plain and ingrained fear in his eyes. The man dropped to his knees, nearly burying his head in the dirt.
"Please, forgive me, Princess. I meant no harm, I only slipped. Please have mercy on me! I-I-I have young children, please have mercy!" the man begged, causing Azara's eyes to widen in concern as she stepped back further.
"You committed no offense. What did you think I was going to do?" Azara questioned as Lieutenant Jee eyed the princess warily. The man looked up at her with confusion, as if the answer were so obvious that no one should have to explain it.
"Princess Azara, we should go," Lieutenant Jee urged as a small crowd started to form around them. Azara glanced around, her heart racing.
"She's going to execute him," one person whispered to her left as Azara took another step back.
"Just like the rest of them," another spat under his breath.
"Monsters, every single one of them. Even the children."
"Lieutenant Jee, I would like to go back to the ship now," Azara ordered quietly. Jee nodded and directed Azara back towards the ship, the crowd parting in front of them as they hurried along. Reaching the ship, Azara hurried up to her quarters, closing the door behind her. Sliding down the door, Azara covered her mouth with her hand.
"They . . . they think we're monsters . . . that I'm a monster." Azara blinked, a tear coming to her eye. "They think I'm just like my father."
Azara stared at the fire, the memory fading from her mind. "I broke out of the bubble. I got away from all of the propaganda." She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I saw how others looked at me, cowered in fear as I passed, and I didn't understand why . . . until they spit it in my face." The fire was the only sound for a moment before Yung shook his head.
"Sorry, Princess. I didn't realize this was a pity party for you," Yung scoffed, causing Azara's gaze to harden as she stared into the fire.
"You don't have to be rude to her. She willingly left the Fire Nation to help people like you," Sokka defended, glaring at Yung before glancing worriedly at Azara, knowing how the words Yung spoke had hurt her.
"You're right. I forgot that the Fire Nation princess was unfamiliar with suffering. Welcome to the club, kid," Yung retorted as Azara clenched her eyes shut at his accusation.
Ten-year-old Azara knocked on the door her father's office, her limbs shaking under her robes. "Come in," he called, prompting Azara to open the door. Shutting it softly behind her, Azara stepped into the room, which was dimly lit by the fire behind her father's large desk. "What is it, Azara?"
"I wanted to ask your permission to go to Ember Island with Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee. Ty Lee's sister is going to—"
"—I told you that you do not have time to waste on such childish pursuits, Azara. You have duties here," Ozai cut her off, standing up from his desk and walking around to Azara.
"But Father . . . Azula gets to go," Azara added quietly as Ozai glared at his daughter. Azara instantly realized her mistake when her father stormed forwards.
"How dare you," he hissed out, grabbing onto her arm, and shaking her. Azara cried out in pain as he tugged her closer, trying to escape him. "You will listen to me and do as I tell you, Azara, or there will be swift consequences. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please, you're hurting me," Azara cried out, trying to remove her arm from her father's grasp. Ozai stood up, throwing Azara to the ground.
"You will return to your room and think about what you've done. You're not going anywhere, Azara, until you learn to obey me." Azara nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks as she stood up. She cradled her arm as she moved to the door. "And Azara?" Ozai called, facing the wall. Azara stopped moving for fear he would hurt her again if she dared defy him.
"Remember our deal? You can tell no one of this," Ozai stated as Azara nodded, more tears sliding down her red cheeks, which were still chubby from her youth.
"I understand, Father," Azara spoke before letting herself out of her father's office. The moment the door closed, Azara took off for the courtyard. It was nearly nightfall as she found cover under the large tree overhanging the turtleduck pond. Pulling her knees to her chest, Azara sobbed, her cried muffled by the fabric of her dress.
"You don't know anything about me," Azara spat out, glaring at Yung from across the fire.
The sound of a hawk cut off any further conversation. Yung hurried to his feet, grabbing the message off the hawk and walking back over. He handed the message to Aang, who began to read it aloud. "It's from the Fire Nation governor. He thinks we kidnapped his son. So . . . he wants to make a trade. His son for King Bumi," Aang announced, shock clear on his face.
A.N. So next chapter will have the reunion I'm sure many of you have been looking forward to! And just to clarify, Azara does not sympathize with the Fire Nation's mission in the least bit, she was just standing up for her citizens (who, as shown in The Painted Lady, do not benefit from the war). Next update will probably be sometime this weekend, but could be later depending on if my computer decides to be a little shit again or not. Thank you to all my readers, commenters, and voters as always!
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