Chapter 50 [~|~] Survivor Mindset
A.N. You might want to considering reviewing Azara's firebending capabilities as shown in Chapter 30 (The Volcano) and her lessons at the Northern Water Tribe in Chapter 42 (Waterbending Lessons) before reading this chapter for background, but it's not completely necessary. Hope you guys enjoy it!
The next morning, Aang moved to go meet General Fong to start his Avatar State training. Sokka and Katara had offered to go with him, turning to Azara to see her response. However, Azara shook her head, a small smile on her face. Fong's words were still on her mind. "I think it's best if I just stay out of your way."
"What? You were so concerned yesterday, what changed?" Aang asked, looking concerned.
"Maybe I should just sit this one out. I'm still tired from the North Pole," Azara lied, slapping herself internally for the lame excuse.
"Oh, ok. Well, we'll catch up with you later?" Aang questioned, causing Azara to nod.
A few minutes passed and she found herself quickly becoming bored. Standing up from her bed, Azara decided to walk around the base. Strolling around the courtyard, she spotted an older woman struggling with a large box and ran over.
"Let me help you with that," Azara offered, taking the box from the older woman.
"Oh, that's very kind of you," the older woman chuckled, straightening up. Her eyes suddenly widened at Azara's appearance, raising a finger. "You're the Fire Nation princess, aren't you?"
"Azara is just fine," Azara replied softly, shifting her hold on the box. "Where did you want this?"
"Oh, this way, dear," the older woman responded, leading the way into the makeshift hospital on the base. "You can put it right with the others." Azara waddled over, setting the box on top of other similarly-shaped boxes before standing up. "Thank you for your help. I was probably going to break my back with that box," the woman smiled, stepping closer to Azara.
"It was no problem, really," Azara returned, before glancing at the wounded soldiers around the room. "I should probably get out of your hair."
"You can stay if you want. I need help unpacking these if you have time," the older woman offered as Azara looked over at the soldiers again.
"I don't want to cause any trouble—"
"—Oh, please. You're not bothering anyone. And if anyone causes a fuss, old Min will handle it," Min promised, walking around Azara to pull the lid off the first box. Azara looked at the door for another moment, before sighing, and walking over to help the woman unpack the boxes. They worked in comfortable silence, laying out the various bandages and supplies from the boxes.
"So, what brings you here, Azara?" Min asked, looking up as she opened another box.
"General Fong is supposed to escort Aang, the Avatar, to Omashu to find an earthbending teacher," Azara explained, stacking bandages. "Though, he seems more interested in finding out how to activate the Avatar State."
"That . . . doesn't sound good," Min sighed, handing Azara another stack of supplies.
"I don't think it is," Azara shook her head, sorting the supplies. "So, what do you do here?"
"I volunteer to help treat the wounded," Min supplied, sitting on a stool, and helping Azara sort the remaining supplies. "Keeps me busy."
"That's very kind of you."
"We all have to do our part," Min nodded, staring up at Azara as she spoke. Azara nodded back, before turning to the next box. "You look like you have a lot on your mind, my dear. Perhaps a cup of tea would do you good."
"Thank you, but I'm not really in the mood for tea."
"Now that is a terrible thing. There is always time for tea," Min shook her head, looking mildly offended at Azara's words. Azara smiled to herself at Min's grumbling, her attitude reminding her of another person who enjoyed tea almost as much as they enjoyed breathing. Min shuffled off to grab a pot and some tea leaves, setting the tea kettle on the stand. "Now, where did I put those flint rocks?"
"I got it," Azara called, walking over. With a quick flick of her fingers, a small fire caught under the tea pot. Min nodded in appreciation as Azara returned to her post.
"So, what's on your mind, dear?" Min asked, pulling out two small cups for the tea.
"Nothing . . . everything," Azara sighed, setting the supplies down. "I haven't been able to think clearly in a long time."
"Hard to relax when you're always on the defensive, my dear."
"I'm not always—" Azara immediately retorted, but Min's look caused her to cut her sentence short. "I mean . . ." Min chuckled lightly, causing Azara to look up in surprise.
"I'm just messing with you, kid. Trust me, I know the look of a survivor when I see one."
"Survivor?" Azara asked, looking confused.
"The jittery eyes that keep flitting back and forth. The never standing with your back to someone else. The tense shoulders. You're always ready to go on the defensive because you've always had to be on the defensive to survive," Min explained as Azara suddenly noticed how tense her shoulders were.
"I . . . how did you notice? I don't even notice," Azara asked, staring up at Min in confusion as Min prepared the tea leaves.
"Takes one to spot another," Min explained, pulling out two cups as Azara's eyes widened in surprise. Pouring the tea into the cups, Min walked over with the two cups, placing one in front of Azara. "I don't mean to bring up your past, Azara."
"No, it's alright," Azara waved off, staring down at the cup of tea. "I guess I'll have to talk about it someday." Min nodded, taking a sip of her tea.
"I was the same way when I was your age. When I was a young girl, my village was raided by bandits. They cut down my father in front of us because he refused to hand over our family savings. Shaped me every moment since."
"I'm sorry," Azara replied, staring sympathetically at Min as the woman picked her head up, sending a small smile towards Azara.
"It was some of the hardest years of my life. My mother was devastated and died a few years later. I was one of five kids and we didn't have any other family to turn to. It was on me to take care of them. No one else was going to take care of them, so it was up to me. And I accepted that, however begrudgingly."
Azara stared at the ground as Ozai encircled her, his hands behind his back as he breathed evenly. "Azara, your firebending master tells me that you lost your match against Zuko recently. Care to explain that disgrace?" Ozai hissed, but Azara didn't flinch. She knew flinching would make this worse.
"He got the best of me, Father. I underestimated him. He's improved greatly under Uncle's instruction," Azara lied, staring straight forwards as Ozai continued to encircle her. In reality, she had overheard Ozai screaming at Zuko's firebending master that if he didn't improve, there would be severe consequences for Zuko.
"He got the best of you?"
"Yes, Father. I underestimated him. It won't happen again."
"I'm greatly disappointed in you, Azara," Ozai sighed as Azara closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to avoid from shaking.
"It wasn't fair, but I did what I had to do to survive, for my family to survive. I assume you've had a similar experience," Min spoke as Azara rubbed her wrist.
"Something like that, yeah," Azara admitted, glancing up.
"But you haven't let it define you," Min observed as Azara raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I mean you helped me, someone you didn't even know. Even though word doesn't spread fast around here, I heard about how you sacrificed yourself at the North Pole. A lot of people would be bitter at the world after experiencing everything you have. But you chose to more forward, to do better. And that, my dear is a victory in of itself."
"You think so?"
"I know so," Min smiled, as Azara returned the smile. The sound of approaching footsteps caused the rest of the conversation to detract.
"Min, should we start the fire? It's getting a little cold in here," a nurse asked, standing behind Azara. Min nodded, before turning to Azara.
"You wouldn't mind, would you? Usually takes us some time to set it up," Min questioned, causing Azara to nod. Getting up, she followed the nurse over to a fire pit at the edge of the room. Several soldiers were sat around it and looked up at her as she approached.
"The wood is over there. Try not to burn down the building," the nurse pointed out, before returning to her duties. Azara sighed, before moving to collect the wood and set up the fire. Lighting the fire, Azara blew gently, allowing the flame to build. Standing up, she turned around to see the soldiers staring up at her.
"Well, I'll just leave you to it," Azara smiled awkwardly, before moving to walk off.
"Don't mind them. They're half out of it anyways," a soldier interjected, causing Azara to turn to stare at him. Azara noted the bandages around his abdomen, some salve covering his arms. "It gets cold in here once the sun starts to sink behind the wall. The fire is appreciated."
"Happy to help," Azara nodded, clasping her hands together in front of her.
"My name's Punir. I'm assuming you're the Fire Nation princess."
"The former princess. You can just call me Azara," Azara introduced, bowing slightly.
"Why are you bothering to associate with her?" a voice snapped from behind Azara, causing her to turn. Another soldier sat shirtless in his chair; his bandaged leg propped on a table.
"It's called being a pleasant human being, Sho," Punir shot back, causing Sho to roll his eyes.
"Her fellow firebenders were certainly pleasant human beings to meet," Sho huffed, shifting in his seat, before wincing.
"Are you alright?" Azara asked worriedly, stepping forwards. Sho held up a hand, his face twisted in a pained expression.
"Your back again?" another soldier questioned from next to Sho, who nodded.
"What happened to your back?" Azara inquired, standing in her place.
"One of your soldiers knocked me into a wall. Back hasn't been the same ever since. My muscles can never seem to relax," Sho huffed, leaning back in his chair slowly.
"You want me to ask Min to get you another heating pad?" Punir offered, piquing Azara's interest.
"You use heating pads on your back?"
"Well what else am I going to use, Princess?" Sho sneered, as Azara turned to the fire, ideas in her head forming. The movements of the waterbending healers replayed over in her mind before she turned back to Sho.
"I think I can help you with your back. With the heating part, anyways . . . if you want," Azara shrugged as Sho shook his head.
"I'm not accepting help from Fire Nation scum."
"So, you're just going to sit in that position for the next week like last time, then?" Punir challenged, causing Sho to huff and turn to Azara.
"Fine, show us what you got, Princess," Sho muttered, sitting forward in his chair as Azara turned to the fire. Closing her eyes, she waved her hands like a waterbender, collecting some heat from the fire. Hot air started to collect above the fire before flowing towards Azara. Opening her eyes, Azara continued to move her arms to trap the heat.
"Let me know if this is too hot," Azara warned, bending the heat over Sho's back. The soldier initially winced, before relaxing into the heat. Azara continued to move her hands in circular motions, pushing the ball of heat closer to Sho's back. "How does that feel?" Sho didn't respond after a moment, until Punir shot him a look.
"Feels much better," Sho finally answered, as Azara allowed a small smile to overtake her features. Stepping back, she stopped moving her hands, allowing the heat to dissipate into the air. "I suppose I owe you an apology," Sho sighed, turning around to look at Azara, who shook her head.
"Let's leave on even terms," Azara suggested, clasping her hands together in front of her.
Suddenly, the door to the infirmary burst open, General Fong stomping through the door. "I told you to not cause trouble," he warned, wagging a finger at Azara, but Min stepped in front of her.
"The only person causing trouble around here is you, sir," Min nearly snapped, placing her hands on her hips.
"Nurse, if I wanted your opinion—"
"—It's true, General. She was just helping us out, trying to make us comfortable," Punir spoke up, standing up from his chair. General Fong narrowed his eyes, scanning the room.
"I'll vouch for her myself, General," Sho added, causing Azara and Punir to shoot him surprised looks. General Fong sighed, before turning to Azara.
"Well, either way, we have a curfew at this base. And you are out past it. Please return to your quarters," Fong addressed Azara, before walking out of the infirmary.
"I better get going. Thank you for allowing me to be in your company today," Azara spoke, bowing to the group.
"You're welcome anytime," Min smiled as Azara shuffled out of the room. Walking back to their accommodation, Azara found the rest of the group already tucked in for the night.
"Where have you been?" Katara asked, sitting up as Sokka snored.
"I went to help with some of the soldiers," Azara shrugged, pulling off her tunic and sliding into bed. "How was Avatar State training?"
"I'm not going tomorrow," Katara sighed, looking at the ceiling. "I don't want to see Aang like that anymore."
"He's got a big heart. I think Fong's just trying to manipulate him because of it. He'll figure it out, he always does, Katara. Especially with your help," Azara replied, rolling over to look at Katara.
"Thanks, Azara," Katara smiled, before the two girls rolled over and went to bed.
The next morning Aang and Sokka went to talk with General Fong about Aang's training as Azara and Katara lounged around the room. Katara was explaining all of the weird tricks Fong had tried on Aang the day before, causing Azara to roll her eyes and flop onto her bed. "The sooner we get away from this General Fong, the better," Azara huffed as loud crashes echoed around the room.
"I wonder what crazy thing they're trying to do now," Katara sighed, standing up. "Maybe we should just make sure Aang's okay." Azara nodded and followed Katara out of the room. Reaching the front courtyard, Azara and Katara shared a fearful look when they spotted earthbenders shooting rock coins at Aang.
Running down the stairs, Katara and Azara met up with Sokka at the base of the staircase. "What's going on?" Azara yelled over the rocks smashing.
"The general's gone crazy! He's trying to force Aang into the Avatar State!" Sokka explained, grabbing his boomerang, and throwing it at a soldier. Katara and Azara jumped into action, trying to knock out as many soldiers as they could. Azara blasted several fire shots at the soldiers, knocking them back and away from Aang.
"Maybe you can avoid me . . . but she can't!" Fong called out as Katara was surrounded by earth coins.
"Katara!" Azara yelled, running towards her friend as Katara sunk down to her knees. Glancing to her left, Azara stopped and sidestepped a rock coin headed straight for her. Azara growled out in frustration as another group of soldiers prevented her from reaching Katara. They fired several rings at Azara, who managed to dodge and leap around most of them, sending fire blasts at every opportunity.
"Azara, look out!" Sokka shouted out as Azara turned to run to Katara. Azara skidded to a stop as Sokka went flying over her.
"Sokka!" she yelled out before turning to glare at Fong, who smirked at her.
"Why are you doing this?" Azara shouted as Fong shook his head at her.
"I wouldn't expect you to understand, Princess." Azara dodged his first attacks but was hit from the side with a rock coin from another soldier. Slamming into another coin, Azara groaned out as she fell to the ground. She could hear someone yelling her name, but darkness called her.
Sokka climbed out of the rock coin he had been thrown into, running to her side as Aang entered the Avatar state. "Azara! Azara!" Sokka yelled, looking up as Aang rose in the air, a vortex surrounding him. Picking up Azara, Sokka hurried behind a building for cover from Aang's rage.
"Azara, wake up!" Sokka pleaded, holding her head in his hands. "Not again, come on, Azara! I can't lose you again!" The whole situation was hitting too close to home considering the incident at the North Pole had only happened a few days ago. Sokka glanced around the corner to see Aang slam into the ground.
Leaning down to shield himself and Azara from the blasts, Sokka clenched his eyes shut as the wind whipped around them. The sound of Azara groaning made him straighten up, his eyes searching her face for any sign of movement. "My head," Azara mumbled, her eyes fluttering open. "What happened?"
"General Fong happened. You got knocked out," Sokka explained as an ostrich horse came trotting by, trying to hide from the commotion as well. "Wait right here." Sokka gently placed Azara on the ground, before running to grab the ostrich horse, bringing the animal over. Azara started to sit up, holding her head in pain.
"Mother of spirits that hurt," she huffed, resting a hand on the ground to hold herself up.
"You think you can stand?" Sokka asked, holding out a hand.
"I'll try," Azara shrugged, accepting Sokka's hand. As she stood up, the banging in her head intensified. Stumbling, Azara held her head as Sokka steadied her.
"Hey, be careful. You were out for a bit." Azara held onto his arms as she blinked, trying to clear the fuzziness in her vision. Standing up on her own, Azara nodded to Sokka that she was alright. "Are you sure you're ok?"
"Don't really have a choice," Azara sighed, turning to the ostrich horse. "Why did you grab the ostrich horse?"
"It looks cool," Sokka shrugged, moving to slide into the saddle. "Come on," he offered, holding out his hand to her.
"Uh, I think I'll walk," Azara replied, staring at the ostrich horse with mild suspicion.
"Come on, he won't bite," Sokka continued, his hand still extended. "I won't let anything happen to you up here." Azara sighed, before grabbing Sokka's hand and pulling herself up into the saddle, sitting in front of Sokka. When she was adjusted, Sokka flicked the reigns, the ostrich horse trotting back to the center of the courtyard where Katara was embracing Aang.
"That was almost perfect! We just have to find a way to control you when you're like that," Fong spoke, rubbing his beard in contemplation.
"You're out of your mind," Aang frowned, staring up at Fong with distaste as Katara comforted him.
"I guess we'll figure it out on the way to the Fire Nation," Fong shrugged as Sokka and Azara trotted up from behind. Sokka pulled out his club, knocking Fong on the head with the butt of the weapon. Fong dropped to the floor, out cold, causing Azara to smirk.
"Anybody got a problem with that?" Sokka called as Fong's soldiers shook their heads.
"Do you still want an escort to Omashu?" one of them asked, stepping forwards.
"I think we're all set," Katara huffed, shooting the soldiers an unimpressed look. Azara didn't even look back as they flew away, too content to put General Fong behind them.
A.N. So, to clarify, Azara can bend heat, which I'm categorizing as a sub-bending style of firebending. Basically, she can manipulate the temperature of substances around her, which was air particles in this chapter. She's still a beginner, as she relies on other sources of heat to get started (ex: the fire), but that could (will) change in future chapters! Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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