Chapter 44 [~|~] The Siege of the North (Part 1)
A.N. So, here's the start to the Siege of the North episodes and therefore the end of Book 1! Thank you all for reading this far and I hope you enjoy these last few chapters!
Azara smirked as Kesuk raised his hands into a fighting stance. "Begin," Master Pakku instructed, causing Kesuk to jump forwards. As they battled, Azara could hear Master Pakku explaining to his students how to properly counter a firebending attack. Azara spun around, a large fire blast spouting from her fist, knocking Kesuk back.
"As you can see, you must time your defensive moves carefully," Pakku stated as Azara withheld a chuckle.
"He's saying you're too slow," Azara joked as Kesuk jumped up, pushing a large wave of water at Azara, who jumped over the wave. Kesuk bended a water whip out of the wave, pulling Azara down to the ground. Rolling up, Azara flipped forwards, releasing a fire comet from her feet at Kesuk. He spun around it and sent another water bullet at Azara.
Azara blasted through it, running forwards. Kesuk raised his hands and froze the ground underneath her, causing Azara to slip and fall on her back. "Utilize your environment. Especially here," Master Pakku called out as Kesuk walked over, offering Azara a hand.
"He's saying you need to watch where you step," Kesuk teased, helping her up. The two laughed until they noticed the black snow falling. Azara's eyes widened, scooping the soot in her hand.
"What is it? What does it mean?" Kesuk asked, obviously concerned.
"The Fire Nation . . . they're on their way here. This is soot and snow," Azara explained, holding up the dirty mixture. "The coal engines on the ships pollute the air with soot, which mixes with the snow to make black snow. And by the looks of it, we have a whole armada on our hands."
The sound of drums beating plunged the Northern Water Tribe into chaos. Everywhere, citizens stopped what they were doing and started running towards the palace. Kesuk grabbed Azara's hand and pulled her along with him. "We have to go! They're preparing for war."
Azara nodded and followed him inside the palace, spotting Aang and Katara. "I'll see you out there?" Azara asked as they turned to face each other. Kesuk nodded, pulling Azara into a tight hug before they went their separate ways. Kesuk took his place with the other waterbenders as Azara looked around for her friends.
Spotting Aang and Katara, Azara moved to sit with them, Sokka stumbling in moments after. Azara followed Yue's movement as she moved to sit beside her father. With everyone in the city collected, Chief Arnook stood up and walked to the center of the stage.
"The day we have feared for so long has arrived. The Fire Nation is on our doorstep. It is with great sadness I call my family before me, knowing well that some of these faces are about to vanish from our tribe. But they will never vanish from our hearts. Now, as we approach the battle for our existence, I call upon the Great Spirits. Spirit of the Ocean, Spirit of the Moon, be with us!" Arnook announced, raising his hands in the air.
Lowering them, he turned back to his people. "I'm going to need volunteers for a dangerous mission."
"Count me in!" Sokka stated loudly, standing up from his position next to Azara.
"Sokka," Katara gasped out as Azara looked up at him worriedly. They had been in dangerous situations before, but this was the Fire Nation Navy they were facing. The Fire Nation Navy led by psycho Admiral Zhao. Azara knew that Sokka could be seriously hurt or worse in this battle. They all could.
"Be warned, many of you will not return," Arnook warned as several other Water Tribe men stood up and walked towards the stage. Azara reached out to stop Sokka but dropped her hand as he walked away, his gaze focused ahead of him. She stared at him as he made eye contact with Princess Yue, an obvious connection between them.
Closing her eyes, Azara looked to the floor and sighed. She missed Sokka glancing over at her as he walked away with the other warriors. His eyes darted over to Kesuk before returning to Azara for a moment. Sighing to himself, Sokka straightened and followed the other volunteers to a separate room.
As the crowd dissipated, each citizen moved about to their specific tasks. Azara saw Kesuk with Pakku and other waterbenders as they discussed their battle strategies. She looked away as Aang moved to leave the palace, Katara standing next to her for a moment.
"Are you ready for this?" Katara asked, an edge of nervousness in her tone.
"I don't think you can ever be ready for war," Azara replied calmly, sharing a look with Katara. "Honestly, I have a bad feeling in my gut. This isn't going to be an easy battle."
Without another word, Katara and Azara walked side by side to join Aang in the courtyard. The three benders stared silently at the horizon for any sign of the Fire Nation Navy, each wrapped in their own thoughts.
"The stillness before battle is unbearable. Such a quiet dread," Chief Arnook commented as he walked to stand next to Aang.
"I wasn't there when the Fire Nation attacked my people. I'm going to make a difference this time," Aang spoke, standing with his glider behind him, determined.
Warriors and waterbenders lined the outer wall, awaiting the first sign of attack. The peace was interrupted by the sighting of a Fire Navy ship in the distance. The following sound of something flying through the air caused Azara to tense.
Spotting two approaching fireballs, Azara ran forwards. Picking up momentum, she yelled out as she released a large fire blast, which knocked the fireball into the water. The second, however, sailed over the first and hit the wall.
Azara yelled out as she was thrown back, covered in snow. Melting the snow on top of her, she spotted a familiar hand in front of her. Smiling up at Kesuk, she accepted his hand as he pulled her out of the snow. "We really need to stop meeting like this."
"Very funny," she huffed, rolling her eyes playfully before bending herself back up onto the wall. Working alongside the waterbenders, Azara attempted to protect the city from the incoming fireballs as Aang and group of waterbenders stopped the approching ships. Running forwards again, Azara stepped quickly and released another fire comet to ricochet a fire ball.
Azara was focused on the battle, tuning out everything else, until she heard her name being repeatedly called. "Princess Azara! The Chief is looking for you!" a warrior called out from below her, causing Azara to jump down from the wall.
"What does he need?" Azara asked as she ducked, another fire ball knocking against the wall and causing some excess snow to fall down.
"He was wondering if you would share your expertise with the warriors on the special mission," the man explained, causing Azara to nod.
"Take me to them." Running alongside the warrior, Azara found herself in the bottom of the palace, in a room that looked like an armory. Bowing to Chief Arnook, Azara stepped back as he began to explain the mission to the assembled warriors.
"Men, you'll be infiltrating the Fire Nation Navy. That means you'll all need one of these uniforms," Chief Arnook spoke, gesturing to Hahn, who walked into the room dressed in a very old Fire Nation uniform. Sokka laughed, quickly gaining the attention of the whole room.
"No offense, Chief Arnook, but those uniforms are very outdated. I'm not even sure the men under my grandfather wore them, they're so old," Azara stated following Sokka's laugh, walking forwards to inspect the uniform.
"These are real uniforms captured from actual Fire Nation soldiers," Hahn shot back as Azara raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him.
"Right," Azara drawled, crossing her arms over her chest. She was not about to let Hahn, who seemed nothing short of a pig, to explain her own nation's military history to her as if she were an insolent child. "Well, as a former princess of the Fire Nation, I can assure you that the uniforms have changed over the last hundred years."
"The Fire Nation doesn't wear shoulder spikes anymore," Sokka added, walking over to Hahn. "The newer uniforms are more streamlined." Sokka flicked one of the shoulder spike, causing it to spring.
"How do we know we can trust this guy? Such bold talk for a new recruit," Hahn scoffed, turning to glare at Sokka.
"With all due respect, Hahn, is it?" Azara asked, tilting her head to the side as she stared evenly at him. "If you don't care for our advice, be my guest and attempt to infiltrate the Fire Nation Navy in that outfit. You'll be thrown overboard before you can even land a hit on anyone."
"That's rich coming from a potential Fire Nation spy. I mean, come on. She's the Fire Nation Princess, why have we let her stay here?" Hahn objected, pointing at Azara.
"Princess Azara has proven on more than one occasion that she has full allegiance to our cause, Hahn, and I value her input. Now, our first objective is to identify their commanding officer," Chief Arnook spoke, turning back to the group.
"His name is Zhao," Azara responded right away, receiving odd looks.
"Middle aged, big sideburns, bigger temper," Sokka added, stepping next to Azara.
"Sokka and Princess Azara, I want you both to tell everything you know to Hahn, he's leading this mission. Hahn, show Princess Azara and Sokka your respect. I expect nothing less from my future son-in-law," the Chief ordered before walking out of the room. Sokka gaped at Hahn at the reveal.
"Princess Yue's marrying you?" Sokka snapped, as Hahn looked at him with an unamused expression.
"Yeah, what of it?" Hahn questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Nothing, congratulations," Sokka muttered, looking away. Sighing to herself, Azara stepped forwards, gaining the attention of Hahn and Sokka.
"We should begin. We don't have much time," Azara stated, her hands on her hips. They gathered around a table as Azara, with some input from Sokka, explained Zhao and his armada to Hahn. "Do you have any paper here? I can draw you a schematic of the ship."
"In there," Hahn pointed to a cabinet off to the side. Azara walked over, bending down to rifle through the supplies, unaware of Hahn's gaze on her.
"What are you staring at?" Sokka snapped, noticing Hahn's gaze, as Hahn looked back over at him with a smug look on his face.
"Just because she's the enemy doesn't mean you can't look," Hahn shrugged as Sokka's mouth dropped open. About to retort something, he bit his tongue as Azara returned with paper and ink. Drawing a rough sketch of a Fire Nation ship, Azara pointed to important rooms and locations on the ship.
"This is the commanding officer's cabin, but he'll most likely remain on the bridge for most of the time," Azara explained, pointing to the appropriate locations. "The armory and uniform room is here; you should stop there first to get new uniforms and weapons. Then, you should proceed this way." Azara traced a path with her finger up to the bridge, but Hahn interrupted her.
"Why go all the way around?" he asked, pointing to a much faster route.
"Because, the less people you see the better. Less chance that they'll recognize you," Azara spoke, but Hahn scoffed at her.
"I think we can handle it," Hahn replied cockily as Azara willed herself to not break his face on the table. "Anything else we should know, Princess?"
"Just Azara is fine," Azara corrected, her tone harsh. Another warrior ran over, breaking the tension in the air.
"The Chief would like to discuss uniforms and weapons with you," he spoke to Azara, causing her to nod and stand up. Leaving without another word, Azara left Sokka to deal with Hahn.
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