Chapter 43 [~|~] Penguin Sledding
"So, what do you guys do for fun around here?" Aang asked, looking between the children.
"Hmm, well people used to go penguin sledding," one boy spoke up, causing Aang to jump to his feet.
"You guys have penguin sledding here too?!" Aang exclaimed as Katara and Azara chuckled at his reaction.
"Yeah, except the penguins moved west a few years ago. You have to sled out there," a small girl sighed, as Aang whirled around.
"A sled . . . or a flying bison," Aang pointed out as the children cheered. Aang raced to get Appa from the stalls, Katara and Azara helping the smaller children into the saddle.
"What's going on here?" a voice called out from behind them. Azara turned to see Princess Yue and Sokka walking side by side towards them.
"We're going penguin sledding! Want to come?" Aang offered as Azara placed the last of the children into the saddle.
"Oh . . . I don't know if that's the best—" Yue started to rebuff the offer, but Azara spoke up.
"—Come on, Yue. Princesses have to let their hair down sometimes," Azara interrupted, holding out a hand to her.
"Oh, alright," Yue conceded, after sharing a glance with Sokka. Azara helped her into the saddle as Sokka climbed up after her, Appa taking off soon afterwards. Azara talked quietly with Yue as her and Sokka avoided eye contact. She knew that they were being extremely petty, but she didn't want to push her luck with Sokka.
Aang set down Appa next to a mound of snow, several penguins waddling around. Aang hurried to lead the children towards the penguins, Katara shaking her head in amusement and following behind him, leaving Azara, Yue, and Sokka standing by Appa. "Would you like to go penguin sledding?" Azara offered Yue, who looked at the penguins with slight concern on her face.
"I don't know if my dress would fit on the penguin," Yue chuckled as Azara shrugged.
"I'm sure we can get Aang or Katara to bend us a bigger sled," Azara offered, before running off to ask Katara to do just that. Sokka leaned against Appa as Yue waited patiently for Azara to return.
"So, you and Azara are closer than I thought," Sokka mentioned offhandedly as Yue turned to him.
"Despite our differences, we have a lot in common. I've never met another princess before. It's nice to talk to someone raised with a similar burden," Yue explained as Katara bended a sled for Azara and Yue out of the snow, Aang already sliding down the hill on a penguin.
"Makes sense," Sokka nodded as a period of silence fell over them.
"Are you and Azara close?" Yue questioned; her hands clasped in front of her dress.
"We're . . ." Sokka trailed off, remembering their argument from earlier. "It's complicated," Sokka finally replied, staring at the ground. He knew he had to apologize to Azara for his previous actions and words, but the timing was the difficult part.
"That's surprising," Yue commented, causing Sokka to stare up at her with shock.
"How so?"
"Well, when I asked her about it previously, the way she talked about you . . . I guess I wrongly assumed you two were really close."
"We've been through a lot together," Sokka sighed, looking up as Azara approached with the ice sled in hand.
"Ready to go?" Azara asked, staring at Yue as a wide smile engulfed her features.
"I suppose," Yue smiled nervously, before following Azara over to the crest of the hill. Azara placed the sled in the snow, holding it and motioning for Yue to get in. With some help, Yue sat at the back of the sled as Azara quickly climbed in the front.
"Alright, I'll focus on steering, you just worry about not falling off," Azara stated, placing her hands on the ground. Yue wrapped her arms around Azara's abdomen, burying her face into Azara's back before Azara pushed them forwards. "Hold on!"
Yue yelled out in surprise as they started down the hill, Azara's laughter filling the air. "Woohoo! Go Azara!" Aang called as he passed them, Azara holding up a thumbs up sign as she smiled. As they reached the bottom of the hill, Azara using her firebending to slow them down.
"And . . . we're done," Azara laughed, Yue unwrapping her arms from Azara's body.
"That was terrifying . . . yet exhilaratingly fun as well," Yue chuckled, standing up and out of the sled. Azara nodded in agreement, pulling the sled off to the side. Sitting by the side of the hill, Azara motioned for Yue to sit next to her as they watched the children, Aang, and Katara slide down repeatedly. "I don't think we've done anything like this in years."
"There should always be time for fun," Azara interjected, as two boys trudged over.
"Excuse me, can we please use your sled? Our penguin ran away," one of the boys asked, looking at the ground shyly.
"Of course," Azara smiled, pushing the sled over. "Be careful, though. It might be a little heavy."
"Thank you, Princesses," the other boy piped up, running over to grab the sled. "See I told you they were nice," he spoke pointedly to his friend, who blushed in embarrassment.
"Have fun! And be careful!" Azara called to them as they started to trudge up the hill together.
"You're great with children," Yue commented as Azara turned to her. Azara shrugged, rubbing the back of her head.
"Eh, it's nice to see that despite everything that happens in the world, it's still easy to make a kid smile," Azara replied offhandedly as Yue smiled at her.
"Spoken like a true princess."
"Thanks, I try my best," Azara chuckled as silence filled the air. "So . . . Kesuk was telling me that you're engaged now. Uh . . . congrats?" Azara trailed off awkwardly as Yue sighed, showing Azara her betrothal necklace.
"Yeah, I am engaged," Yue confirmed as she stared at the ground.
"You don't sound pleased about it," Azara pointed out as Yue sighed.
"Hahn is . . . I'm sure he'll be a great chief."
"I'm sure he'll grow into an even bigger asshole," Azara muttered under her breath, but Yue didn't seem to hear her or acknowledge her. "Did you have any say in the manner?"
"Not really. That's kind of how arranged marriages are, at least around here."
"No, sounds about right," Azara sighed, staring over at Yue. "I'm sorry, Yue. I wish I could do something to help you out. You don't deserve that."
"It's my duty to my tribe," Yue replied, staring ahead at her, as if trying to convince herself that the situation wasn't all that bad.
"That's not your only duty," Azara commented, causing Yue to stare at her in surprise.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean putting yourself through unnecessary suffering isn't really going to help anyone in the long run," Azara shrugged, as Yue stared at the ground.
"My father and his council think it's what's best for the tribe."
"While I highly doubt that, even if it were true, it's easy to make a decision when you're not the person directly impacted by its consequences. If fact, it's easy to make a decision like that when you potential benefit from the decision itself."
"What do you mean by that?" Yue asked softly.
"I mean, how many of those men on your father's council have benefitted from arranged marriages? Marriage shouldn't be used as a weapon, as a means by which to gain greater status. They sold you off to the highest bidder," Azara stated bluntly, before sighing, realizing the harshness of her words. "I'm sorry if I offended you, Yue, but I don't think I would be able to sit silently if I were in your position."
"I have a duty to my tribe, to my people. I have to do this," Yue replied sadly, staring at the ground as she pulled her knees to her chest. "I would give my life for my tribe in a heart beat. Would you not do the same?"
Azara sighed, thinking over her answer to Yue's question. "Of course," she finally stated, looking to the ground. "My one life for the many is a deal I would have to take, regardless of my princess status or not."
Azara certainly would not be objected to the suffering of her father and his cronies, but the average Fire Nation citizen did not benefit from the war; they were just told they did by government propaganda. Those citizens were her people, not her father and his minions.
"But, sometimes, the best way to help your people is to break from traditions, to break from what is expected of you," Azara stated, thinking back to her decision to leave the Fire Nation. "Sometimes, you have to step back and make decisions for yourself, because you know that other people are wrong, and they're hurting others by maintaining their outdated traditions and belief systems. It is your duty to do what's best for your people, but sometimes that decision isn't as black and white as they make it seem."
"That's a lot to take in," Yue mumbled as Azara nodded, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly.
"Sorry, I laid out some pretty heavy stuff there," Azara replied, but Yue shook her head.
"No, I appreciate your honesty. It's hard to find people who will tell you bluntly what you need to hear," Yue explained as Azara smiled lightly, glancing up at the hill as she heard Sokka and Katara arguing with each other.
"Did you tell Sokka about your engagement?" Azara asked quietly, staring up at him as he waved his arms around at his sister.
"I did, last night."
"And you're still seeing each other?" Yue blushed at the question, twiddling her thumbs as she formulated a response to the question. "I'm not here to judge you, Yue. And personally, I think you should just throw that betrothal necklace into the ocean, but your decision is your decision." Yue pulled out her betrothal necklace, staring at it with a sad expression.
"I don't love him."
"I would be surprised if you did," Azara shrugged, thinking back to her own interaction with Hahn.
"I really like Sokka, but I don't know how I can make that work when I'm engaged," Yue explained, as Azara stared at the ground, thinking over the situation. A breeze blew through the area, but the two princesses remained quiet, Azara thinking deeply about her response.
"I think the question you have to ask yourself is which matters more to you: your own heart or the approval of your tribe?" Azara posed, turning to Yue, who sighed.
"What would you choose?"
". . . My heart," Azara decided softly, glancing up at the hill as Katara hit Sokka with a snowball. "I spent too much of my life living up to other people's expectations. I think the one thing I should be allowed to choose freely is who I love. And I don't think I'm selfish for thinking that either."
"I'll have to think about it," Yue spoke as Azara turned to her.
"Whatever you choose, please just let Sokka down easy. I know he tries to put on this buff macho persona, but he's really just an awkward little polar bear dog on the inside," Azara stated as the Water Tribe boy in question slid down the hill, Aang erecting a ramp right in front of him, causing Sokka to fall into a pile of snow. Azara and Yue chuckled at the action.
"Thank you for your help, Azara. I greatly appreciate it," Yue smiled as Sokka walked over, shaking the snow out of his coat.
"We should probably get you back to the palace," Sokka spoke to Yue, who smiled and nodded. She stood up, already walking back up the hill as Azara stared at the ground.
"Are you coming?" Yue called, but Sokka shook his head.
"I'll be up in a minute," he replied, before turning to Azara. "Can we talk?" he asked quietly, causing Azara to stare up at him.
"Of course." Azara patted the snow beside her, Sokka moving to sit where Yue had moments before. "So, what's up?"
"I'm sorry," Sokka stated immediately, causing Azara's eyes to widen in surprise. "For everything. I've been a jerk ever since we got here. I shouldn't have yelled at you and I shouldn't have blamed you for issues that you weren't involved in."
"It's okay, Sokka. You were hurt. It happens to the best of us. I'm sorry I didn't just tell you. It would have made everything easier."
"No, you were right. I should have found out from Yue," Sokka sighed as Azara stared over at him.
"Can we stop being idiots and go back to being friends? I don't like fighting," Azara asked, as Sokka turned to smile at her.
"Of course. I missed you," Sokka replied, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I missed you too," Azara smiled, pulling Sokka into a tight hug. Opening her eyes to stare up at the hill, she pulled back at the sight of Yue staring down at them. "You should probably catch up with Yue," Azara coughed, pulling back from the hug.
"Yeah, I probably should," Sokka nodded, moving to stand up. "I'll see you around?" Sokka asked as Azara smiled and nodded.
"Definitely." Azara waved goodbye as Sokka hurried to catch up with Yue. Sighing as he was out of earshot, Azara stood up and dusted off the snow from her coat.
"Azara, are you coming?" Aang called, jumping onto Appa's head and grabbing the reins.
"I'm coming!" she yelled back, using her firebending to get her up to the top of the hill quickly.
A.N. So, Sokka and Azara made up! Or did they? What does that mean with the Yue and/or Kesuk situation? Next and final chapters are the Siege of the North episodes. Thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting to get this story to where it ranks today!
Also, I just want to gently remind (perhaps to pique your interests and also to have a reference point when people may question it) that this story is NOT entirely canon-compliant. I do try to follow the structure of the series mostly, but I do make some changes where I see fit to properly build Azara's character and relationships.
Disclaimer aside, the last chapters should be up soon so stay tuned!
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