Chapter 38 [~|~] The Waterbending Master
"I'm not one to complain, but can't Appa fly any higher?" Sokka whined, as Appa's feet grazed the surface of the ocean once more.
"You? Complain? Never," Azara joked, tugging the blanket around her tighter as a cool breeze blew through the air.
"I have an idea. Why don't we all get on your back and you can fly us to the North Pole?" Aang grumbled, obviously getting annoyed with Sokka.
"I'd love to. Climb aboard everyone. Sokka's ready for takeoff," Sokka said sarcastically as he shook his rear. Momo jumped on his back as Katara sighed.
"Look we're all just a little tired and cranky from flying for two days straight," Katara pointed out, trying to ease the tensions.
"And for what, we can't even find the Northern Water Tribe? There's nothing up here," Sokka groaned, flopping back onto Appa's saddle. Suddenly, an ice column materialized in front of Appa, causing Aang to swerve out of the way to try and avoid the ice.
"You just had to open your mouth!" Azara yelled, holding onto Appa's saddle for dear life. Another ice spike appeared in front of Appa, catching his leg. They screamed out as Appa hit the water, instantly being frozen in place by several men in boats.
"They're waterbenders! We found the Northern Water Tribe!" Katara exclaimed as the boats neared. The boats escorted them to the Northern Water Tribe. Emerging from the surrounding frozen landscape, the wall of the magnificent city was the first feature the group noticed.
"This is amazing!" Azara gasped as a portion of the wall melted away and a team of waterbenders pushed them inside. The waterbenders of the North Pole were in complete control their entire environment, creating the magnificent structures of their city.
"I can't believe how many waterbenders live up here," Katara commented, staring up at the city and its residents with wonder.
"We'll find a master to teach us, no problem," Aang nodded at Katara as he waved to the citizens. Azara sat quietly in Appa's saddle as she stared up at the city with astonishment.
"This place is beautiful," Azara praised, looking up at the large building in the city center.
"Yes, she is," Sokka sighed dreamily, as if in a daze. Confused, Azara looked behind her to see a beautiful Water Tribe girl float by on her own boat. She had stark white hair that was pulled back into loops, which stood out against her brown skin and ocean blue eyes. Her hair pins and clothing screamed status to Azara.
Azara knew immediately what Sokka was talking about, and it wasn't the architecture. On impulse, she grabbed the hood of his jacket and pulled him back into Appa's saddle. "Hey! What was that for?" he complained, turning around to glare at her.
"You were about to fall into the water," Azara replied, crossing her arms over her chest. Sokka muttered something she couldn't hear as Katara stifled a giggle.
They were led to the Northern Water Tribe Royal Palace, which was nestled deep in the city, for a feast prepared in their honor. Azara sat awkwardly quiet, staring at the table, as Aang, Katara, and Sokka smiled at the assembled Water Tribe individuals. She looked up from the table as the Chief of the Northern Water Tribe, Arnook, stood up to give a speech.
"Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the Southern Tribe, and the princess who willingly turned her back on her nation to aid our cause. And they have brought with them someone very special, someone whom many of us believed disappeared from the world . . . until now. The Avatar!" he announced as Aang waved shyly at the crowd.
"We also celebrate my daughter's sixteenth birthday. Princess Yue is now of marrying age!" Arnook continued, stepping to the side as Princess Yue, the girl Sokka had stared at earlier, stepped forwards to speak.
"Thank you, Father. May the great Ocean and Moon spirits watch over us during these troubled times!" Yue spoke elegantly, addressing the crowd.
From what Azara had seen of Yue so far, she did not doubt for a moment that Yue was a perfect princess. She had the walk, the talk, the look, the clothes—she embodied everything a princess was supposed to be. Everything Azara was not, at least anymore.
"Now Master Pakku and his students will perform," Arnook introduced, gesturing to where three waterbenders stood.
Instead of stabbing at the unknown meat in front of her, Azara picked up her head and watched the demonstration, fascinated by the serenity that waterbending provided. Her uncle had always talked about the soothing nature of waterbending, the opposite element to firebending. Maybe she would also benefit from learning from a waterbending master.
Staring back down at her meal, Azara spotted Yue out of the corner of her eye as she sat next to Sokka. Azara sighed, believing that the people of the Northern Water Tribe, despite the warm welcome, would similarly avoid her like the residents of Kyoshi Island had.
"Hi there! Sokka, Southern Water Tribe," Sokka smiled, turning to Yue.
"Very nice to meet you," Yue returned, before the two looked away from each other awkwardly.
"So, uh, you're a princess, huh? You know, back in my tribe, I'm kind of a prince, myself," Sokka spoke, leaning on the table as Katara scoffed from next to Azara.
"Ha, prince of what?" Katara asked, leaning over.
"A lot of things!" Sokka shot back quickly. "Do you mind? I'm trying to have a conversation here."
"My apologies, Prince Sokka," Katara mocked, causing Azara to chuckle under her breath.
"So, it looks like I'll be in town for a while. I'm thinking maybe we could do an activity together?" Sokka suggested, leaning on the table.
"Do an activity?" Yue giggled, holding her hand over her mouth.
"Quite smooth, Sokka," Azara muttered, unintentionally drawing Yue's attention to herself.
"You're Princess Azara, of the Fire Nation, right?" Yue asked as Azara turned to her, their eyes locking momentarily.
"Just Azara is fine," Azara insisted, forcing a smile. "The princess title . . . doesn't really work anymore."
"You're so brave, to leave and turn your back on your nation and your family. I don't know if I would be able to do the same in your position," Yue replied, instantly making Azara feel bad for judging the girl, who had been nothing but nice to her despite her past and her nation. And at this point, Azara knew that people like Yue were few and far between in the world.
"It's a lot easier when your nation and your family is crazy," Azara shrugged, being completely serious. An awkward silence fell over the three of them when Azara shivered at another cool breeze.
"Are you cold?" Yue asked as Azara hugged herself for warmth.
"Just a little bit. I, uh, never saw snow before this whole thing," Azara joked, shivering lightly again.
"Why don't you come by the palace tomorrow? I have plenty of extra, warmer, clothes that you could borrow," Yue offered as the two princesses almost completely cut Sokka out of the conversation, causing Sokka to pout to himself.
"I would love that," Azara smiled, nodding, as Katara stood up, stretching and yawning.
"You coming? I'm going to head to our lodging," Katara asked Azara, who nodded and stood up alongside her friend.
"If you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to turn in for the night," Azara spoke, turning back to Yue.
"Of course! Just come to the palace whenever you're free," Yue nodded as Azara smiled and walked away with Katara, leaving Yue and Sokka to resume their awkward conversation.
"She seems really nice," Azara commented as Katara glanced back at her brother and Yue.
"Sokka certainly seems to think so," Katara chuckled as Azara looked back at Sokka and Yue for a moment. Suddenly, Azara ran into a hard surface, falling back into the snow from the impact.
"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking!" a guy apologized, holding out a hand to Azara.
Staring up at him, Azara's eyes widened slightly at his appearance. He looked a year or two older than her, his build tall and stocky. His bright blue eyes reflected the moonlight and his mouth was curved into an apologetic smile. The wind blew his short but wavy dark hair over his eyes.
"Uh, it's my fault. I wasn't even looking where I was going," Azara replied as she accepted his hand.
"Hey, you're Princess Azara, right?" he questioned, causing Azara to inwardly grimace.
"Yes, but please just call me Azara," she replied, looking up at him again. Tilting her head to the side, Azara studied his face. "You look familiar."
"Oh, I was just performing up there." He motioned to the stage, where the waterbenders had just performed.
"So, you must be one of Master Pakku's best students, then, huh?" Azara asked, clasping her hands together in front of her.
"I'd hope so. He's been training me since I could walk," he spoke, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. "I'm Kesuk, by the way."
"Azara, but you already know that," she returned, a shy smile on her face.
"And I'm Katara," Katara added, causing Azara to playfully roll her eyes at her.
"Nice to meet you both. If you need anything during your time here, don't hesitate to seek me out," Kesuk offered, turning to leave before suddenly remembering something. Turning around, he focused on Azara again. "If you're bored, I'd love to spar with a firebender. If it's something you would be interested in."
"She's interested," Katara piped up as Azara sent her a withering look.
"I would love to. I'm meeting Princess Yue at the palace tomorrow morning, but maybe some time after that?" Azara suggested, as Kesuk nodded.
"Perfect. I'll meet you at the palace around noon."
"Sounds great," Azara smiled as Kesuk turned to leave.
"I look forward to it, Azara. And it was nice meeting you as well, Katara." Kesuk bowed, before walking back over to Master Pakku. Azara waved awkwardly as Katara jabbed her in the side.
"Ow! What was that for?" Azara hissed, rubbing her tender side.
"You and that guy! He was totally asking you out," Katara smirked as they walked back to their accommodation.
"I just met him, Katara! Besides, he probably just wants to see if he can beat a firebender in combat. I'm the most convenient option," Azara brushed off, but Katara shook her head.
"No, he was staring only at you! If I didn't speak up, you would have forgotten I was there!"
"Not true!" Azara retorted as they crossed a bridge.
"Come on, Azara. You think he's attractive, don't you?" Katara accused, causing Azara to blush at the comment. Sure, Kesuk was attractive with his messy hair and lopsided smile, but she had just met him. She was not about to chase after some random man she just met because she thought he was cute.
Glancing around to see if anyone heard Katara, Azara covered her face with her hands. "Don't say that so loudly!" Azara hissed, playfully pushing Katara away as the Water Tribe girl chuckled at her. "Honestly, if this gets back to him, you're so dead."
"Alright, I'll back off," Katara replied, but the smirk on her face made Azara believe that this conversation was far from over. "I'm just saying, we'll be here for a few weeks. Nothing wrong with finding a partner . . . you know, for sparring."
"Is 'sparring' some kind of Water Tribe euphemism?" Azara inquired, raising an eyebrow at Katara, who shrugged innocently in response. "You'll be the death of me, Katara."
"I expect an invitation to the wedding."
"Katara!" Azara yelped in embarrassment.
"Who's getting married?" Aang asked from behind them, causing Azara and Katara to whirl around to see him and Sokka standing side by side.
"No one!" Azara replied, shooting Katara a look to keep her mouth shut about Kesuk.
"You guys are acting weird," Sokka stated, glancing between Azara and Katara.
"Not as weird as you were with Princess Yue," Katara shot back, causing Sokka to blush.
"Well, it doesn't matter because she agreed to see me tomorrow!" Sokka retorted as he crossed his arms over his chest. Azara's eyes to widen in surprise at the statement. Katara simply raised an eyebrow at Sokka's outburst as Aang glanced over at Azara worriedly.
"That's great," Azara spoke after a moment of silence, forcing another smile as she clasped her hands together behind her back. "Congrats."
"Thanks," Sokka trailed off, feeling more awkward by the second.
"Well, we should probably get some rest. Katara and Aang have waterbending lessons tomorrow and you have your . . . thing with Yue, Sokka," Azara suggested, nodding towards the house the Northern Water Tribe had given them for their stay.
Katara and Aang walked in first, chatting about their upcoming first waterbending lesson, as Sokka trailed behind them. Azara stood quietly outside the house for a moment. Taking a moment to collect herself, Azara rubbed her temples as she groaned. "Fucking Water Tribe, I swear," she muttered to herself before walking inside the building.
A.N. So here's the first chapter of the Northern Water Tribe saga! Kesuk is my OC and as alluded to above, a powerful waterbender. He's going to stick around for a bit--what are your first reactions to him? Or the Yue and Azara dynamic? The next few chapters will explore Azara's relationships with both Kesuk and Yue more, so stay tuned!
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