Chapter 22 [~|~] A Devious Plot
A.N. Warning: Includes mention of/a scene containing an incident of physical assault by a male character on a female character.
Night had fallen and Sokka started to pace as Azara didn't return. "I'm sure there's an explanation, Sokka. Jet wouldn't let anything happen to her," Aang stated from the floor as Sokka stopped pacing to stare at the airbender.
"I'm worried about Jet hurting her!" Sokka snapped as Aang and Katara shared a look.
"Despite what you may think, Jet doesn't hurt innocent people," Katara shot back, but Sokka shook his head at his sister.
"Don't you realize the danger she's in? If Jet found out her real identity—" Sokka started but was cut off as Jet walked into the tent. Sokka turned around to glare at him. "Where is she?" he demanded, his fists clenched.
"Who? Jin?" Jet asked, leaning on the doorframe. "I was just showing her around the ziplines, and she fell. Nothing too bad, just a twisted ankle," Jet explained as Katara and Aang jumped to their feet in worry. "She's going to be fine, but I thought it would be best if she stayed in the infirmary for the night."
"I should go check on her," Sokka replied, moving to exit the hut, when Jet grabbed his arm.
"Actually, she's already asleep. We gave her some pain medication and it knocked her right out," Jet lied as Sokka glared up at him. "She should be all set to go tomorrow."
"Perfect. Then we'll leave tomorrow," Katara smiled before turning to her brother. "I'm sure she's fine, Sokka. Jet wouldn't let anything bad happen to her."
"Of course not. I'll take care of her, Sokka, don't you worry," Jet nodded, patting Sokka's shoulder, before walking out of the hut. Sokka narrowed his eyes at the tent flap before turning around to face Katara and Aang.
"Doesn't that seem at all suspicious to you?" Sokka asked, gesturing towards the tent flap. Aang and Katara looked at each other for a moment before they both shrugged their shoulders.
"Maybe a little, but Azara's a pretty capable firebender," Aang pointed out, glancing at Katara out of the corner of his eye.
"Besides, I don't think anything terrible would have happened in camp without us hearing about it. This place is too small," Katara added, trying to soothe Sokka away from charging out the tent to give Jet a piece of his mind. "Besides, like you and Jet agreed, you can go check on her first thing in the morning."
Sokka nodded silently, before trudging over to his sleeping bag. Aang and Katara nodded off soon after, but Sokka continued to stay away. As he leaned against the tree in the center of the hut, Sokka glanced over at Azara's unused sleeping bag. He looked away, his concern bubbling up again.
Sighing, and deciding that he would go check on her the first thing in the morning, Sokka leaned back against the tree and fell into a light and fitful sleep. The sound of Jet talking and a cart moving woke Sokka out of his sleep. The sun had not yet risen when Sokka slipped out of the hut, following Jet and his Freedom Fighters from a distance.
Sokka ducked behind some bushes as Jet and his Freedom Fighters stared down at the valley. "Now listen, you are not to blow the dam until I give the signal. If the reservoir isn't full, the Fire Nation troops could survive," Jet explained as Sokka narrowed his eyes.
"But what about the people in the town, won't they get wiped out too?" the Duke asked, jumping down from the cart.
"Look, the Duke, that's the price of ridding this area of the Fire Nation," Jet replied softly, placing a hand on the Duke's shoulder.
"What about the girl?" the Duke questioned, causing Sokka's eyes to widen. Jet lightly smirked, walking over to the cart, and lifting a figure out. Sokka gasped as he recognized Azara in Jet's arms, his anger flaring as he clenched his fists. She was bound with her arms behind her back, the chains clinking as Jet set her down on the ground. Her head lolled to the side, showing the gag covering her mouth.
The sound of rustling behind him made Sokka look up. He was roughly grabbed by his wolf tail and pulled to his feet by Pipsqueak as Smellerbee held a knife to his neck. "Where do you think you're going, ponytail?" she hissed menacingly. They dragged him out of the bush, Jet smiling as he noticed their approach.
"Sokka, I'm glad you decided to join us," he commented, walking forwards as Sokka was forced to his knees by Smellerbee and Pipsqueak.
"I heard your plan to destroy the Earth Kingdom village!" Sokka snapped, glaring up at Jet.
"Our plan is to rid the valley of the Fire Nation."
"There are people living there, Jet, mothers and fathers and children. People."
"What, like her?" Jet scoffed, pointing at Azara, who was still knocked out from the tranquilizer. "Sokka, have you forgotten what people like her did to your family?"
"I know exactly what they did! But she's not like them. She's trying to do better," Sokka hissed as Jet rolled his eyes. "Unlike you, I'm capable of separating the person from the group."
"She's a threat and I'm doing the world a service by getting rid of her," Jet snapped causing Sokka to lurch forwards before he was pulled back by Pipsqueak.
"If you hurt her, I'll—"
"—You'll what?" Jet interrupted, walking over to him. "I thought you understood the demands of war. Obviously, I was wrong." Jet turned around, glancing back over at Azara. "I see she's manipulated you into believing she wants to help. But the Fire Nation is a group of ruthless murderers only."
"Look who's talking," Sokka scoffed. "There's nothing you won't do to get what you want."
"You'll thank me one day, Sokka," Jet sighed, before glancing up at Smellerbee and Pipsqueak. "Take him on a long walk. I can't have him warning Aang and Katara."
"You can't do this!" Sokka shouted, pulling against Smellerbee and Pipsqueak.
"Cheer up, Sokka. We're going to win a great victory against the Fire Nation today," Jet called, before turning to Azara. "I'll take care of the princess myself. Ready yourselves for my signal." Jet leaned down, lifting Azara over his shoulder, before walking down towards the dam.
Azara struggled to open her eyes, the effects of the tranquilizer starting to rub off as she came out of the induced sleep. A sharp slap to the cheek caused her eyes to shoot open, her body jerking at the action. Azara glared up at Jet as tears built up in her eyes from the slap. Her cheek burned and her vision was blurry from the tears, but Azara would not allow him to see her cry.
"Good morning, Princess," Jet smiled as Azara pulled against her restraints. Looking around, Azara found herself chained to a large wooden barrel, her hands further tied behind her back. "You see all these boxes? They're filled with blasting jelly and explosives, so don't even think about firebending," Jet stated, standing up. "Actually, you would save me some time if you chose to blow yourself to bits."
"You won't get away with this!" Azara yelled out, struggling against the chains again.
"That's exactly what Sokka said," Jet sighed, crossing his arms over his chest as Azara glared up at him.
"What did you do to Sokka?" she demanded as Jet smirked, leaning down to get closer to her.
"I would worry about yourself, Princess. I'll take care of Sokka, don't you worry."
"You son of a bitch!" Azara snapped, struggling against the chains again. "Come back here! You won't get away with this!"
"Oh, but I already have," Jet smirked, before walking off back into the woods. Azara huffed as the chains refused to budge. Sighing and leaning back against the barrel, Azara tried to calm herself down.
"Come on, Azara, think," she muttered to herself, looking around for anything to break the chains around her. She refused to die here.
Meanwhile, Katara and Aang walked along the forest, reaching the clearing with a view of the reservoir and the village. "What is that?" Katara asked, pointing at the mass of barrels and crates in front of the newly filled reservoir.
"Hey, those are the red barrels he got from the Fire Nation," Aang realized, staring at Katara with concern clear on his face.
"Why would they need blasting jelly?"
"Because Jet's going to blow up the dam," Aang gasped, his eyes widening in horror.
"What? No, that would destroy the town. Jet wouldn't do that," Katara shook her head as Aang readied his staff. As he ran towards the edge, Jet ran out of the woods, snatching Aang's glider with his hook swords. Aang hung over the edge of the cliff, before using his airbending to right himself.
"Yes, I would," Jet stated, standing up with his hook swords at his sides.
"Jet, why?" Katara questioned, looking at him in disbelief.
"Katara, you would too if you just stopped to think. Think about what the Fire Nation did to your mother. We can't let them do that to anyone else, ever again."
"This isn't the answer!"
"I want you to understand, Katara! I thought your brother would understand, but—" Katara recoiled back at the mention of her brother.
"Where's Sokka?" she snapped, tears coming to her eyes. "Where's Jin?"
"You mean Azara?" Jet corrected, causing Katara and Aang to shoot each other scared looks.
Elsewhere, Sokka watched from Appa's side as the village evacuated, looking for any sign of Azara, but finding none. "We searched everywhere, there's no sign of her," a soldier stated, walking over with the old man Sokka had helped. Looking to the ground, Sokka thought about all the possible places Jet could have stashed Azara. He glanced up, his eyes focusing on the reservoir.
"The dam," he gasped out, before climbing up onto Appa's head. "Appa, yip yip! Yip yip!" Appa took off quickly towards the dam, Sokka's hands starting to shake. He could feel the time running out, and there was still no sign of Azara. "Please be there," Sokka whispered to himself as Appa picked up speed.
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