Chapter 21 [~|~] A Grievous Betrayal
A.N. Warning: Slight and brief description of blood/wounds.
"Hey, Sokka. Is Jet back?" Katara asked as Azara crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at the trees. Their recent argument was stupid to put it mildly and she just wanted to leave this forest.
"Yeah he's back. But we're leaving," Sokka declared, turning to face his sister.
"Great, let's get packing!" Azara spoke up as Aang walked over, a confused look on his face.
"But I made him this hat," Katara whined, showing the funky looking hat that she had been making before she and Azara had argued.
"Your boyfriend Jet's a thug," Sokka stated firmly as Katara glared at her brother.
"What? No, he's not!"
"He's messed up, Katara."
"He's not messed up. He's just got a different way of life. A really fun way of life!" Aang defended, referencing the ziplines that connected the camp.
"He beat and robbed a harmless old man!" Sokka snapped, standing up.
"I want to hear Jet's side of the story," Katara replied, crossing her arms over her chest. Azara was apprehensive to involving Jet in the conversation. While Sokka could be dramatic, she knew he wouldn't lie about something like this. Jet, on the other hand, she didn't trust.
Aang and Katara led the way to Jet's tent as Azara grabbed Sokka's arm. "I believe you," she whispered as they walked through camp. "We should get out of here, sooner rather than later."
"Agreed," Sokka nodded as they reached Jet's tent. Azara stood back as Katara retold the story Sokka had provided. Jet sat calmly on his bunk, staring at the ground as the piece of grass in his mouth shifted from side to side.
"Sokka, you told them what happened, but you didn't mention that the guy was Fire Nation?" Jet asked, glancing up at Sokka with a lazy expression on his face. Azara furrowed her eyebrows at the comment, but otherwise did not react.
"No, he conveniently left that part out," Katara huffed, crossing her arms, and staring at her brother with an 'I-told-you-so' look.
"Fine! But even if he was Fire Nation, he was a harmless civilian!"
"He was an assassin, Sokka." Jet replied, brandishing a knife, and stabbing it into the tree trunk in front of him. Azara studied the blade with interest, her eyes narrowing at the craftsmanship of the blade. "See? There's a compartment for poison in the knife." Jet untwisted the ring at the butt of the knife, revealing a small tube filled with red liquid. "He was sent to eliminate me; you helped save my life, Sokka."
"I knew there was an explanation," Katara sighed in relief as Azara glared at Jet.
"I didn't see any knife!" Sokka snapped, stepping forwards.
"That's because he was concealing it," Jet drawled as if the statement was obvious.
"See, Sokka? I'm sure you just didn't notice the knife," Katara continued, further irking her brother.
"There was no knife! I'm going back to the hut and packing my things," Sokka insisted before storming out of the tent. Azara followed out after him, running to catch up with him.
"Sokka, wait up!" she yelled, grabbing his arm, and pulling him back. "Hey, calm down."
"Do you believe him?" Sokka asked, turning around to face Azara.
"Not even a little bit. That knife wasn't even Fire Nation. And I doubt the Fire Nation would ever rely on an elderly assassin to take out someone like Jet. It just doesn't make sense," Azara explained, causing Sokka's eyes to widen in worry.
"We have to leave, tonight," Sokka nodded as he spotted Katara and Aang behind Azara.
"Sokka, are you alright?" Aang questioned, but Katara was less amused.
"That was really rude, Sokka. All Jet did was explain what happened," she shot at her brother. Azara could feel Sokka tense next to her but tried to play the peacemaker between the two siblings before Sokka exploded.
"Look, I can tell you with complete certainty that the knife Jet had was not Fire Nation," Azara sighed as Katara's stance softened.
"What?" she asked, looking confused. Azara shook her head, opening her mouth to speak when another voice cut her off.
"Sokka! Jin!" he called, sauntering over to the group. "You guys worried me there."
"We were just leaving," Sokka snapped, causing Katara to shoot her brother a look.
"But, Katara and Aang already agreed to help me with a special mission tomorrow," Jet almost pouted, knowing that he had some level of influence over the two of them.
"That's true, we can't break a promise," Aang agreed, but Azara was not amused.
"Then we leave as soon as you're done with that," Azara replied, arms crossed in front of her chest. She had a bad feeling, and her instincts had been right the day before. If only they had hopped onto Appa's back yesterday, she would have less problems.
"I'll come find you guys early tomorrow morning. Crack of dawn," Jet spoke to Katara and Aang, who nodded and began to walk back to the hut. Azara turned around to follow them when Jet's arm shot out and grabbed her bicep. "I was hoping to talk to you, Jin, if possible."
"She doesn't have to—" Sokka began to argue, but Azara cut him off.
"—Sure, Jet. Let's talk," Azara stated confidently as Sokka shot her a concerned look. Turning back to him, Azara nodded. "I'll catch up with you later, Sokka. We'll leave first thing tomorrow. Promise." Sokka glared at Jet one last time, before turning and walking back to the hut.
"Let's take a walk around," Jet offered, gesturing to the maze of huts and tents in the trees.
"Of course," Azara responded, her body tense as she followed Jet around the camp. They walked in silence for a few moments, Azara growing more concerned by the minute. "So, what did you have to talk to me about?"
"I can't simply want to get to know you, Jin?" Jet teased, knowingly irking Azara and enjoying the fact. Azara narrowed her eyes, turning to look up at the higher branches of the trees.
"There's not much to know," Azara shrugged, her voice soft as Jet turned a corner. She noted that the huts and tents of the camp were getting farther away. They had not passed or seen another person for a bit and Azara tensed as Jet leaned towards her, his lips hovering over her ear.
"I think there's a lot to learn about you, Princess Azara of the Fire Nation," Jet hissed in her ear, causing Azara to reel back and step away from him. Azara glared at him as three Freedom Fighters fell from the trees, surrounding her and blocking her exits. "Did you really think no one would notice?" Jet asked, pulling out his hook swords menacingly.
"What do you want from me?" Azara demanded, her tone hard as the Freedom Fighter behind her stepped closer.
"Revenge. I thought that was obvious," Jet scoffed, stepping closer to her. Azara did not flinch, her hands clenching into fists. "You walk into this camp, strutting around after all your family has done. It makes me sick," Jet growled out. He swung his hook swords around menacingly, wanting to get a reaction out of her.
"Jet, I don't mean any harm to you or anyone up here. I'm helping Aang with—"
"—I don't care what you're here to do! All you need to know is that you're not walking out of here. Someone has to pay for the crimes of the Fire Nation," Jet snapped as Azara glanced behind her at the tense Freedom Fighters. "Why don't you use your little bending, Princess? At least give yourself a chance," Jet taunted, but Azara hands unclenched at his words.
Without her bending, she would be fighting with a hand tied behind her back. There were at least five Freedom Fighters surrounding her, including Jet, and she knew that they were all skilled and highly motivated to hurt her. With her bending, they would not be as big of a problem. But if she used her bending and hurt the Freedom Fighters or set their camp on fire, she would be playing right into Jet's hand. She would be proving to them that she was a monster, just like the everyone was expecting her to be. Like her nightmares kept telling her.
Defiantly staring up at Jet, Azara raised her hands in a defensive pose. "I don't need firebending to defend myself," she stated, initiating the fight. Jet lunged forwards first, but Azara ducked under his swing. Turning behind her, Azara dodged one Freedom Fighter, grabbing the other and swinging him around to knock into the boy running towards her.
The two crumpled to the ground, but Jet jumped over them. Azara dodged his swings again, flipping backwards to avoid the blades. Sliding underneath and then pushing the next Freedom Fighter towards Jet, Azara watched as he skillfully avoided the girl, his glare still focused on her. "You can't keep dodging! Fight back!" he demanded, launching forwards again.
Azara grabbed the rail and swung over the side, dropping to the wooden pathway below. Jet jumped down after her, swinging his hook swords menacingly as he walked towards her. Azara, admittedly, was not the best at defense. Firebending, by nature, was an offensive technique. But she would not prove Jet right. He didn't deserve that satisfaction.
"Fight back!" Jet yelled again, charging.
Timing her movements, Azara grabbed one of his wrists and twisted, pulling Jet to the ground. Jet rolled and jumped to his feet, turning around to face her again. The two glared at each other, breathing heavily from the fight, but both determined to win. "Jet, we can talk about this," Azara tried, but the Freedom Fighter was not amused.
"I don't talk to Fire Nation scum," Jet growled jumping forwards. Azara blocked his first swing but cried out as he clipped her shoulder. Stumbling, Azara held a hand over her wound, which was starting to bleed. "What do you know? Firebenders do bleed," Jet scoffed, cockily stepping forwards, but Azara was ready for him and pissed.
Kicking his feet out from under him, she jumped forwards and knocked his hook swords away. She stood with one foot pinning his left arm to the ground and the other on his chest. "Yield!" she demanded, her fists raised and ready for retaliation.
"Do it!" Jet yelled as Azara glared down at him. "Kill me!"
"No! I'm not going to hurt you." Azara stared down at him as he glared back at her. "Jet, I don't know what you have against the Fire Nation, but I can promise you that I do not mean any harm to you or your Freedom Fighters," Azara stated, her stance softening. Stepping off him, she offered a hand to Jet. He stared at her hand for a moment, but Azara did not waver. "Let me help you, Jet."
Begrudgingly, Jet grabbed her hand and allowed her to help him up. "You're not like the other firebenders," Jet spoke as he stood up, his hand dropping to his side.
Azara smiled lightly at the comment, but the moment quickly ended as a dart was shot into her neck. Crying out, Azara stumbled to the ground, pulling the dart out of her neck. Staring at it, Azara felt her vision start to swim. Jet stood over her, smirking as the tranquilizer took effect. With his foot, he knocked her onto her back, Azara gasping out for air as she fought to stay awake. Kneeling down, Jet smirked as she stared up at him with a mix of fear and anger.
"You're so much dumber than the other firebenders. Should have stayed in the Fire Nation, Princess," he chuckled as Azara's eyes rolled back into her head. Her head lolled to the side as she passed out from the effects of the tranquilizer. Jet smirked before turning to his Freedom Fighters. "Load her up."
A.N. Cliffhanger!
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