Chapter 18 - The Power of Family
Kakumi collided with a wall and gasped for breath as his back and sides exploded with immense pain he didn't think was possible. How was it possible for someone to hurt so much.
"Leave him ALONE!" Nova screeched as she tried to pull herself to her feet, a new wound on her head from where Vixt had kicked her away.
"Don't worry, he'll live for a while until the bastard Riki gets his plan on the way," Vixt cackled as he sauntered up to Kakumi who was wheezing, struggling to remember how to breathe as coughs racked his body.
Kakumi cursed his weakness... his frailty.
Vixt grabbed the back of his shirt and hauled him up like a helpless kitten, smirking at his terrified expression.
"Not so big and strong now that dear old dad is nowhere around, are you?" Vixt cackled, shaking Kakumi a bit before dropping him back to the ground and kicking him in the stomach with enough force to send him skidding backward, yelping in pain. He lay limp after that, whimpered and crying as he slowly curled into a ball.
Vixt was wrong... Kakumi was never big or strong... even when his father was around.
"You... you SPINELESS STUPID UGLY USELESS PIECE OF ABSOLUTE SH*T!" Nova yelled as she stumbled to her feet and almost keeled over from pain and dizziness.
"And you," Vixt cackled, turning nonchalantly around to stare at Nova. "The loudmouth. The b*tch who can't keep her damn mouth closed for two seconds so I can revel in my victory. Tyregenium's scales, you're annoying... I'll really enjoy killing you."
Those words sent a rush of absolute terror racing through young Kakumi.
Kill... Nova...
Nova, however, wasn't shaken in the slightest.
"You want to fight some more kids to make yourself feel better! Come on! Show me what you've got you ugly, blue-haired, toothbrush looking, neon blue, sorry excuse for a dragon slayer!" she cackled madly, trying not to fall over and taking a brave limp of a step forward.
"I think I'll make it painful. You know, so your little coward of a brother can hear you scream!" Vixt cackled.
"Come at me you *input word*, I've fought neon signs scarier than you," Nova smirked.
Vixt sneered at the comment before rushing forward and grabbing Nova by her neck. Nova snarled and kicked Vixt right where the sun-don't-shine and reveled in the look of agony on the dragon slayer's face.
"Say goodbye to your descendants. I just destroyed your *input word* bloodline," Nova cackled as Vixt's grip loosened and he took a moment to recover before letting out an angry roar and sending thousands of volts of electricity racing through Nova, making the girl scream in agony.
Kakumi watched in terror as the attack ended and Nova collapsed to the ground, steaming. Vixt panted in anger and stomped on Nova's head.
"Stupid. Stupid little b*tch. Stupid little - " Vixt chanted his curses as he stomped on her head again. His words were lost to Kakumi.
The boy stared at Nova who wasn't moving except for when Vixt's foot collided with the side of her head.
She was...
No... no, she couldn't be... not Nova. Not his sister. There's no way she would... no way she could be...
Kakumi couldn't function. The tears in his eyes didn't even fall he was so shocked.
He felt sudden terror and fear latch into his heart as he considered the thought that Nova was dead. Not Nova... no... no, she was too strong. She couldn't die... she just couldn't...
He needed her... he needed her... he...
He wasn't strong enough.
A lump in his throat choked him and he struggled to breathe as panic and fear set in. He was alone. He was weak. He was helpless.
He didn't want to be weak... he didn't want to be helpless.
"There's a strength in you, Kakumi..." He could hear his mother's voice in his head and he froze, hearing old conversations play in his head. "I see it, your father sees it, and Nova most definitely sees it. I know one day, you'll see it too."
"No Mom," Kakumi rasped as his sides ached and he thought of Nova lying so still on the ground as Vixt laughed. "I don't see it... It's not there..."
"It's only you... and I think that's my fault. I didn't think my magic could be good for anything, I didn't think I was worth much of anything. So... I guess this is technically my side of the family," she had laughed at that and Kakumi had wondered how anyone, especially someone as great as his Mom, the literal she-devil of Fairy Tail could think she wasn't worth anything.
"Kakumi, we're here to be with you, to have adventures with you, to be a part of your life. Not to protect you, though we'll do that too, but, I know you're capable of that. You're capable of so much. You have a huge heart and that will get you so far, farther than you could ever think possible. You just have to trust in yourself and... don't tell your father this... but you have to trust in your anger."
"My anger?" Kakumi had answered.
"I get angry sometimes... especially when it comes to our family and those who want to hurt us. It's in that anger that I find my strength because that anger tells me that I am willing to do anything to protect the ones I love. You have that Kakumi, and you will find strength in that anger, and I think at that moment, you will realize just how strong you can be."
"Not so strong now, are you!?" Vixt cackled as he stomped on Nova again, pulling Kakumi out of his mind and back to the struggle.
He thought of Nova and he struggled to pull himself to his feet as a new sensation filled him. Anger.
He'd never really be angry. Scared... he'd been scared a lot, but he didn't want to be scared anymore. Anger surged through his body and he focused on it, fed it.
He thought of Nova, how she'd laugh at all of his jokes, how she's ruffle his hair, how they'd slip out of the house to grab an ice cream, or how she'd tease him about being afraid of lightning storms while she held him and comforted him. He thought of all the things she did for him that he was thankful for and then thought of Vixt.
How dare he hurt her. She didn't deserve to get hurt... she didn't deserve to die!
Kakumi's resolve faded a bit as he got to his feet and stared at Vixt's back, taking in how much taller and stronger the man was. Then he saw Nova at his feet and his anger returned.
"LEAVE HER ALONE!" he shouted, his voice cracking with his natural fear but the anger in his veins causing his skin to prickle with magic energy.
Vixt turned around and smirked. "Really? You want to try and play hero again?"
"Leave her alone," Kakumi allowed himself to growl. He'd never really done it before, but it came so naturally in his anger that perhaps, in another time, he would've been impressed at how intimidating his growl sounded.
"Oh-ho, are we trying to get brave now?" Vixt jeered as he turned and allowed a few blue lightning bolts to dance around him. "Well, that facade won't work with me! I know what you are. A weak, spineless little boy who's trying to be brave for his b*tch of a si-"
Whatever Vixt was going to say was cut off when Kakumi suddenly flew forward and punched his jaw.
"DON'T CALL HER THAT!!" Kakumi screamed angrily.
To both of their surprises, something in Vixt's jaw snapped and the fifth-generation dragon slayer went flying. Kakumi took a step back in shock and looked to his fist that was crackling with yellow electricity.
Had he... had he just done that?
"What the hell!?" Vixt hissed as he got to his feet and held his jaw. He glared at Kakumi and collected himself. "So... you've got some spunk after all. Little more impressive, but definitely nothing compared to me!"
With that Vixt surged forward, crackling with electricity as he moved at the speed of light.
Kakumi planted himself between Vixt and Nova and took a deep breath as his father had shown him.
"Lightning Dragon... ROARRRRRRRRR!" Kakumi cried, unleashing a huge fork of yellow lightning from his mouth that collided with Vixt and sent him tumbling.
There were no retorts this time. Vixt jumped to his feet and began jumping around the room in his lightning body.
"Suddenly big and strong, huh!?" Vixt's voice echoed as he bounced about. "It won't be enough! I'll beat you to a pulp like I did your stupid sister!"
Hearing Vixt's taunt only worsened Kakumi's anger and all fear and reservations vanished as he let out a startling snarl and activated his own lightning body before pursuing Vixt.
"You hurt NOVA!" Kakumi screeched, catching up to a shocked Vixt and landing on his back, sending him to the floor.
"And I'll hurt YOU!" Vixt yelled, throwing Kakumi off and kicking him away with as much power as he could offer. Kakumi tumbled away, but unlike all of Vixt's other blows which he knew had been softer, he hardly felt this one.
His adrenaline was pumping, his mind was screaming, his blood was practically boiling with rage. Anger at Vixt for hurting Nova. Anger at himself for being too weak. But mostly anger at Vixt.
He lunged again, charging forward fast as a lightning bolt before he punched Vixt in the solar plexus. Vixt took a step back in shock, the wind knocked out of him and Kakumi took that chance to throw two more blows before sweeping Vixt's legs. Vixt hit the floor and wheezed.
"I'll make you pay for hurting her!" Kakumi cried.
"I'LL KILL YOU AND YOUR SISTER!" Vixt roared, jumping to his feet and lunging in pure rage.
The two exchange blows, jumping around the chamber as flashes of golden and blue light. Kakumi could feel himself tiring and it seemed that Vixt was only getting angrier and stronger with every blow Kakumi landed.
Finally, Vixt grabbed Kakumi by his neck and threw him with all of his might down to the floor, which Kakumi crashed through, landing in the next level below. Kakumi gasped and lay there for a while, stunned.
He still wasn't strong enough... he still...
"You're a pathetic excuse for a dragon slayer," Vixt hissed as he landed a few feet away and stalked forward, his eyes gleaming in rage. "You're a disgrace to your bloodline... a disgrace to Laxus..."
A few minutes ago, those words would've destroyed what was left of Kakumi's reserve but now... looking at Vixt's battered form, wounds given to him by Kakumi, those mild insults seemed empty. He was an older dragon slayer, someone trained bu Tyregenium for Mavis's sake, and he was struggling to beat a young dragon slayer like him.
"This power is mine," Kakumi hissed as he got to his feet. Vixt hesitated, seeing the boy's eyes that weren't flickering in their typical fear but instead were gleaming in anger, his pupils were slivered in his glowing eyes. "It was my... my father's before me and his great-grandfather's before him. L... lightning runs in our blood and... and I'll make them proud," Kakumi hated how his voice shook, how the fear still clutched his heart, but he was proud that the lightning still obeyed his command. Happy that he still felt in control...
This power... this was his to control. This lightning. No one could take it away from him...
He'd make Nova proud. He'd protect her...
"You'll fail. I'll beat you. I'll kill you," Vixt wheezed, collecting himself and taking another menacing step forward.
"You won't TOUCH my family again!" Kakumi cried, his voice cracking but his words true.
"YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" Vixt screamed in anger.
Vixt roared and lunged and Kakumi unleashed everything he had. He thought of his father, his warm eyes, and his proud expression whenever Kakumi did something grand. He thought of the days he spent training and how patient Laxus had been with him...
I will make you proud, Dad.
You too, Nova...
A second before Vixt landed his attack, everything in the room changed. Vixt almost froze when Kakumi's entire aura suddenly crackled to life with living lightning that danced around the boy turning from bright gold to a terrifying deep red.
Red? Lighting wasn't... lighting wasn't red...
Then, Vixt saw two figures behind Kakumi. One was familiar... Master Laxus, or at least his silhouette and the other was clearer. A young man with blonde hair and a scowl on his face as he glared at Vixt who shared a resemblance to both Laxus and Kakumi.
Vixt felt his heart freeze and everything in his draconic instincts warned him to flee. Run from this boy and the power he suddenly held.
The next moment, Kakumi got in a peculiar stance.
"LIGHTNING DRAGON SECRET ART! LIGHTNING DRAGON'S RAGE!!" a magic circle appeared as Kakumi screamed those words. The child raced forward and collided with Vixt like a ton of bricks sending Vixt soaring into the air, dark red electricity ripping through his very being as the boy's magic power tripled. Vixt couldn't resist it, couldn't withstand it... he overpowered him in every way and with an agonized screech he felt the pain seize his mind and consciousness leave him.
He landed with a heavy thud a few feet away from Kakumi who landed on the floor Nova lay on. The boy took a long look at the steaming fifth-generation dragon slayer and took a long pained breath, he felt exhausted.
He also felt amazed, proud, and strangely enough... guilty. He looked back and saw Nova laying there and as panic returned he scrambled over and collapsed by her side, checking frantically for a pulse as tears spilled from his eyes.
Where was the pulse!? She couldn't be dead! She couldn't be -
"Nova! Nova!" Kakumi sobbed.
It was only when she stirred that Kakumi froze and looked in hope at her as she slowly opened her eyes.
"Kakumi?" she asked weakly.
Kakumi choked and sobbed, pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't do anything! I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough! I'm sorry - "
Nova, half-delusional, only weakly put an arm around him and held him close. Before passing out again she smiled and murmured; "Love you Kakumi."
Kakumi sniffled and sobbed. "I love you too, sis!"
"IGNEEL! DUCK!" Nashi screeched as she threw a punch at her brother who scrambled away.
"Sorry!" Storm hissed as he tapped the ground with his shoes and froze the ground.
"Don't APOLOGIZE! FREEZE ME IN PLACE!" Nashi ordered shrilly as she tried to fight the control held over her body.
Storm hesitated for a moment before attempting to do what Nashi had recommended. Igneel had to dodge another attack from Nashi and his mind was racing with how wrong this had all gone.
His spirits were gone! Nashi was under someone else's control! August was gone! What was he supposed to do?
Storm released a wave of ice from his hands that struck Nashi but didn't freeze her, in fact as the ice crept up her skin, it practically evaporated within a millisecond and vanished in under five seconds.
"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Nashi cried.
"Your body temperature is rising, I can't freeze you without giving us all frostbite!" Storm cried. "You're too hot, you need to calm down!!"
All that phrase managed to do what make Nashi turn red in embarrassment before she fell back into her anger as she nearly kicked Igneel.
"SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!" She yelled desperately,
Būdo watched it all as she stood, giggling and twisting her voodoo doll as much as she could. Luckily, she couldn't force Nashi to activate her magic but the girl was getting angrier, and with that came an unbearable heat that emanated from her and warmed the room.
Across the way, the sniper was still trying to get a visual through the ice wall and was cursing as he relocated to get a better shot off.
"Ice make DOLPHINS!" Storm yelled, taking a page out of uncle Lyon's book as twenty pure-ice dolphins rocketed towards Būdo who had to pause controlling Nashi to dodge the pod of ice creatures that dodged and weaved around her in an attempt to catch her off guard. As they did that, Storm skated over to Būdo at record time and dodged his own dolphins as he tried to snatch the doll out of Būdo's grasp. The woman easily saw him coming and grabbed his wrist before throwing him into one of his own dolphins, shattering his spell and sending him skidding across the floor.
"So clever," Būdo praised. "But not good enough!"
"Speak for yourself!" Storm cackled as he got off, wearing a smirk.
Budo felt a chill on her hand and glanced at the hand she'd grabbed the boy with. Emblazed on her palm was a frost magic circle.
"What is this!?" Būdo demanded.
Storm snapped his fingers and suddenly, thousands of needle-like icicles burst from the magic circle, embedding into Būdo's skin and eyes. She screamed in agony as Storm tried for the doll again, but Būdo just barely managed to avoid him. Storm snapped his fingers again, activating the spell and Būdo screamed in pain and frustration.
A scream of agony from Nashi made Storm freeze as he looked over and saw she was twisting very unnatural backward.
"*input word**input word**input word*!!!!" Nashi cried as she felt her spine threaten to snap.
"That's not fun. You're no fun!" Būdo hissed as she rubbed her eyes with her arms. In her hands, the doll that controlled Nashi was bending just as Nashi was.
"Nashi! Nashi!!" Igneel cried, trying to help Nashi out of her extremely uncomfortable position.
"Let her go," Storm hissed.
"Get your spell off of me!" Būdo whined. "I don't like it! It hurts!"
"WELL SCREW YOU PSYCHOTIC *INPUT WORD*! I HURT!!" Nashi yelled in retort.
"Give me the doll and I'll release the spell," Storm threatened, holding up his fingers, ready to snap again.
"No no no," Būdo giggled. "You take it off of me, or I snap the girl's back."
"YOU NEED HER ALIVE!" Igneel argued.
"That doesn't mean she has to be able to walk!" Būdo laughed shrilly.
"You - " Storm began before a stot rang through the air and a bullet ripped through Storm's shoulder.
"STORM!" both Nashi and Igneel yelled as the ice mage fell backward on the floor. He spied the sniper's new position and threw up another ice wall with his unharmed arm.
Igneel felt his anger triple as he saw scarlet blood run down Storm's arm, staining his jacket. Igneel glared at Būdo and felt the rage bubble in his blood. He charged the flexible voodoo woman with a roar of anger, unsure of what exactly he was going to do but knowing he was going to do something.
Būdo saw him coming and smirked, underestimating him.
That only fueled Igneel's anger and he ran faster at the woman.
"Well, Lucy's brat certainly didn't get any smarter," a voice rang out in his head as he charged. "Need a hand there, Igneel?"
The magic power in the room rippled as a strange blue aura appeared around Igneel. There was a flash of light that blinded everyone, the sound of a doorbell, and the strange smell of the sea.
When Būdo's sight returned to her she found a very differently dressed Igneel, inches away from her, with a fist wrapped in turbulent water that sent her cartwheeling.
Storm sat up and gawked, Nashi's body relaxed and her jaw fell open too.
Igneel was dawned in strange attire that was reminiscent of Lucy's Aquarius star dress. He had a green cape of sorts wrapped around golden shorts that were pinned together by a familiar symbol; Aquarius. It matched the golden headband tied around his head that now held up his bangs which had the symbol of Aquarius in green. His eyes had a blue sheen to them and his fists were covered in a sphere of turbulent waters. Behind him was a strange outline of what appeared to be a mermaid.
"Get this ugly wannabe," the voice in Igneel's head instructed and he happily obliged.
"You're gonna pay for hurting my sister and her boyfriend!" Igneel shouted, lunging at Būdo, somehow leaving a splash behind him as he took off.
"Wait what?" both Storm and Nashi asked.
Būdo, still taken aback by this display squeaked as she avoided Igneel's first two blows which only frustrated the boy. He brought his fists down on the stone ground which sent up a huge tidal wave that crashed into Būdo, sending her tumbling with the current until she slammed into Storm's ice wall and the water vanished. She'd dropped her doll.
"Mr. Cursey? Mr. Cursey!?" she cried desperately as she looked around, absolutely drenched.
She was shut up when Igneel shot forward and kicked her square in the jaw with another salt-water attack.
"You're NOT FUN!" Būdo screamed after she recovered and jumped upwards to avoid Igneel's attack. She came down with a kick that Igneel blocked but the force forced Igneel into the ground and instead of the ground cracking, there was a splash of water around them as if they were fighting in shallow water.
"AND YOU'RE GONNA PAY!" Igneel shouted as he launched himself into the air with a splash. Gifted with the agility and strength he didn't know he had, he twisted and turned midair, summoning a vicious current to his side that flowed around him like a snake connected to his fist. When he came down on Būdo, she let out a stunned croak, before her knees buckled and she fell to the ground. Igneel landed back on the stone, throwing up a bit of water from his magical splash.
Seth, the sniper, fixed his sights on the blonde brat that had just held still when a blue glow caught his eye. He looked up just as Storm, who had pushed himself to his feet, released a huge ice arrow that blasted through the sky.
"Got ch'ya," Storm hissed in pleasure as the arrow hit its mark and the sniper tumbled from his position, covered in frost and unconscious.
Igneel didn't notice Storm's victory and instead stood still, panting and unsteady, unused to the huge amount of magic energy he had just expended.
"You did good, brat." the voice hummed in approval and as Igneel's vision began to fade, the spirit Aquarius appeared clear as day.
Igneel knew that spirit, his mother always spoke of her fondly, constantly on the prowl to find her key.
"It's you," Igneel smiled as his star dressage faded and his old clothes returned, namely his father's scarf that he clung to as he began to keel over.
"Yeah. Leo thought you may need some help... tell your Mom I said hi," Aquarius smiled.
"Okay!" Igneel chirped before promptly falling on his face and passing out. He had barely touched the floor before he was being jostled around by a freed Nashi, who had the voodoo doll in hand.
"Igneel!? Igneel if you dead so help me - " Nashi began.
"Shhhh, mmtootired," Igneel yawned before falling asleep.
Nashi took a relieved breath as she picked up her little brother. Storm walked over and Nashi was immediately fretting over his shoulder.
"It's fine, hardly stings," Storm assured her as he brushed off her concern with a smile.
From her expression, he did not believe him.
"Come on, let's go find August," Storm chuckled, holding his injured arm and walking beside Nashi, Igneel fast asleep in her arms.
Kina, Shido, and Shiro were playing a high-risk terrifying game of tag with magic carpriccos. Zero flung his spell around like elaborate whips and the kids scrambled to avoid them as they threw their own spells.
"WHITE DRAGON ROAARRRR!" Shiro yelled as he blasted Zero midair.
Zero deflected the spell and smiled as Shido leaped up out of his shadow and tried to hit him with a shadow-veiled claw attack. Zero avoided the boy's blow and retaliated with one of his own that sent Shido skidding across the floor. The boy pushed himself to his knees when a scream diverted his attention.
"SHIDO WATCH OUT!" Kina screamed.
Shido looked up just as one Zero's dark capricco spells arced down, before anyone could really react, Shiro had flown forward and pushed Shido out of the way, eating the blow himself and getting sent flying into a wall. He fell back down to the floor and wheezed.
"Ow," the boy moaned.
"Are you okay!?" Shido asked, coming to his senses and racing over to help his friend up.
"I'm fine," Shiro murmured.
Kina, meanwhile, was expertly avoiding the magical whips and racing ever closer to Zero. As soon as he was in range, her eyes and hair turned a bright shade of maroon and poison enveloped her arms and hands.
"POISON DRAGON WING ATTACK!" she yelled jumping up to avoid another attack and unleashing her own. The multi-wide-range attack was impossible to deflect and so poison rained down on Zero. Before the dust could clear, Kina came down with a poison-laced Talon Attack that made Zero's knees buckle from the mere force.
Kina fell low to the floor to avoid a blind swing from Zero and came back up with a fierce uppercut to the tall man's jaw. It shook Zero for a moment which gave Kina another opening to punch his solar plexus that she took with pleasure before being forced back by another attack.
She fell back to Shiro and Shido's position, listening carefully to Zero's body.
By now, her poison should be seeping into his system, making his actions slower and his reaction time sluggish. It would worsen his fatigue and make his limbs feel like lead while his organs screamed in agony...
At least that's what it should be doing.
"His body is too strong, unless I unload a full roar into his face, there's no way my poison can take effect," Kina hissed.
"Then we'll beat him without you poisoning him," Shido growled.
"Yeah, we got this!" Shiro nodded.
"DUCK!" Kina yelled.
They all did as a dark capricco slammed into the wall behind them. The three of them scattered to avoid the onslaught of attacks, Kina's mind working at lightspeed to try and find a way to win.
Shiro let loose a Holy Ray that hardly scratched the dark mage and Shido's next breath attack had about the same effect. The only way Zero could be beaten was if he was weakened, and the only one who could do that was Kina.
She dodged another attack and threw out a small wing-attack that Zero managed to avoid. She began trying to plan how to get her poison into his system. It would require time and with Zero's wild and nearly unpredictable whips, she wouldn't get sufficient time unless she risked it...
Another yelp from Shiro solidified her answer as the boy skidded close to the edge and had to be caught by Shido who appeared out of the shadows to grab the boy's hand.
Kina heard Zero's maddened mind and rushed forward, leaping and ducking to avoid attacks as she grew closer.
She'd need a bigger attack this time... something that Zero couldn't resist.
She ducked under another whip and launched herself at Zero's face, bearing her snakelike fangs as she grabbed the sides of his head.
"POISON DRAGON ROOOAAARRRRRR!" She screamed as she blasted Zero with a point-blank poison dragon roar to the face. Zero screamed through the blast, which was perfect as it meant the poison traveled down his gullet and seeped into every inch of his body. Kina could feel it eating away already and she smiled.
Zero's hands flew up and clamped around her wrists before pulling the girl to the ground. Kina's head smashed against the stone floor, causing her to see stars before a bit of blood trickled down her face. Zero pulled her up again and kicked her away.
Still dazed, Kina had enough mindfulness to roll away to dodge the first whip attack, but not the second that slammed her into the earth like a ten-ton pound of steel.
"KINA!" Shiro cried.
Kina tried to sit up but was hammered back into the ground by another dark capricco. Zero was seething, bags appearing under his bloodshot eyes, and his hands shaking. Kina could help but smirk until another attack hammered her again and the world went black for a moment.
When it returned, Shido was pulling her to safety while Shiro was distracting Zero with his many Holy Attacks.
"Kina! Kina are you okay!?" Shido hissed desperately as she shook the older girl.
Kina grabbed his shirt and pulled him close so he could hear her.
"He's weak. He'll only get weaker. Work together and you can beat him," she hissed, feeling her consciousness threaten to slip away.
"Kina, Kina stay with me!" Shido ordered sharply, slapping her and startling her awake.
Awake enough to see Zero had glanced over at her and was throwing another attack at them. She lunged forward and pushed Shido away as the attack slammed into her side and tossed her over the side of the cliff.
"KINA!" Shido cried.
"GET HIM!" Kina ordered desperately as she plunged into the pit. If only she was as strong as her mother or was as good with her magic as her father... If only she could protect them!! Tears slipped from her eyes as her consciousness slipped away and she fell further away from her friends.
Shido would've run to the edge of the cliff, but the next attack caught him unaware and he was flung across the room, closer to Shiro.
"She went off the cliff!" Shido cried desperately.
"WHAT DO WE DO!?" Shiro demanded, his voice shrill.
Zero laughed at the attacks ceased for a moment.
"I knock off one useless snake and the others panic, it's too funny," he chuckled.
Shido noted the bags under his eyes, the uncontrolled movements.
"We can still do this," Shido soothed Shiro.
Shiro looked to Shido and recognized the look in the shadow dragon slayer's eyes. Pure determination and rage.
"Right," Shiro forced himself to nod and looked to Zero, hating how his hands shook. "Right."
The two raced forward again, fear pounding in the back of their head and anger simmering at their fingertips with their magic power. Shiro glowed with Holy enchantments that fueled his charge. He rolled under attacks and knocked others away, his mind racing.
If he could let loose a White Dragon's Claw... Zero wouldn't be able to move, then they would have a chance... he just needed a clear shot.
An attack caught him unaware and he barely twisted out of the way, the dark capricco ripping through the skin on his cheek. He heard Zero laugh before he broke into a frustrated scream when Shido appeared behind him and blasted him with a shadow dragon roar.
It was then Shiro saw his opening. Zero was whirling around to face Shido who had already slipped back into the shadows. Shiro raised his hands and focused on his magic power before releasing a beam of light that shot through the magical whips and blasted into Zero's back, tearing through his clothes and marking his skin with the familiar emblem.
"He can't move!" Shiro yelled, inhaling deeply as he prepared a stronger version of his roar; "WHITE DRAGON'S HOLY ROAR!"
"SHADOW DRAGON'S VENGEFUL ROAR !" Shido yelled unleashing one of his signature move that was equivalent to Shiro's.
The blast that followed was tremendous and shook the entire mountain. A dust cloud blinded everything around them and the floor trembled. Shido and Shiro stumbled to one another and took a few deep breaths as rubble fell around them and the cloud of dust concealed everything.
"Did we get him?" Shido panted.
"I hope so. That was right about all I've got," Shiro breathed, smelling the air.
Shido looked around the dusty area and tried to sense for anything.
The dark capricco emerged from the dust without warning and slammed into the boys with such force that both felt their ribs give way. They flew into the wall where Shido felt blood pour into his mouth and Shiro collapsed to the ground.
Zero emerged from the dust, bruised and burned but not defeated.
"I am imminent and unavoidable. I am destruction. I. Am. Destruction!" he yelled with a crazed smile. "And you will be my first victims. I don't see why your so critical to the plan anyway, there's nothing you offer that I cannot take!"
Shido tried to push himself to his feet but had to collapse to cough up more blood. *input word*, had a rib pierced his lungs?
"Shido?" Shiro asked weakly. "Shido we can't beat him by ourselves... What do we do?"
Shiro hated how sad that statement was. He was angry about how useless he felt. He was angry he had said it aloud but he hoped Shido would offer some solution, some brilliant plan to get them out of this.
"I... I don't know," was all Shido could wheeze.
"I shall deliver you to a fate worse than death!" Zero cackled as he began drawing arcane gestures. "See my creation! Genesis Zero! Go forward, you souls! DEVOUR! DESTROY!"
At his words, dark purple spirits rose around him, wailing and crying their cacophony to the young boys before them. Shiro and Shido watched in horror as the spell began crawling for them, the soul's extending their hand to grab them and drag them down to whatever world they'd come from.
"NO!" Shiro screamed, radiating Holy Light that seemed to hold the souls back for a moment. "NO! I'M NOT DYING! I REFUSE TO DIE! I'M NOT GONNA DIE HERE!!"
"Boy, this is not death, this is an eternity of being powerless in the realm of shadows from which there are few ways of escape!" Zero yelled, pushing his spell onward. Shido felt helpless to do anything as he watched his friend stand behind him and an army of darkness. He felt powerless.
"Don't despair, Shido. It's alright to be afraid but never despair," His mother had instructed him once.
"Especially in a fight," his father had added. "When everything feels hopeless, the only thing you can do is stand. Stand and fight in a new way. Any way. There was a time when Sting threw me at a demon king because nothing we did was working!"
"Did you win?" Shido had asked.
"That's debatable," Kagura deadpanned.
"I don't think we did, Uncle had to help. But we survived, and that's more than we could've said had we despaired and given up."
"What your father is trying to say is, if you ever find yourself against impossible odds. Stand up and make those odds possible."
Shido took a pained breath and pushed himself to his feet before standing next to Shiro in a show of unity.
"Maybe we can't beat him by ourselves," Shido spat, blood trickling out of his lips. "But we sure as hell can do it together."
Understanding the message, Shiro nodded and closed his eyes, his glow slowly fading as the two boys focused as hard as they could on one another.
"Dad, how do you and Uncle Rogue do it?" Shiro has asked his father.
"What? Unison raid?"
"Yeah! How do you do it?"
"Well... ya know it was never hard for Rogue and me."
"'Cause we knew each other so well. I trusted him with everything I had and that meant my magic too, 'cause that's all a unison raid is, a union of magic. Anyone with a strong bond can do it."
"Then why can't Shido and I do it!?"
"You'll get there sunbeam, chill! I wasn't able to do it until I was quite a few years older than you."
"This is it," Shiro said aloud as he felt Shido's magic power meld with his own. It was an exhilarating feeling twice the amount of magic energy shifting in the air around them. It was also terrifying as Shiro felt as if he had no control... but that was alright at the moment, he didn't have any control in this situation anyway.
The Dark Genesis Spell was upon them, but in unison, Shiro and Shido released a long pent-up breath before raising their hands, palm faced outwards. A dark and white sphere appeared in the air before them, throwing the Dark Genesis spell back.
"TWIN DRAGON HOLY SHADOW FANG!" the two screamed as the sphere exploded in wave energy that washed the dark spell away and raced for Zero who'd eyes widened in terror. He saw it... The wave of energy... it looked like a black and white dragon racing towards him, jaws opened as it brought him his own destruction.
But beyond that, the two insignificant brats stood there at the tail of the dragon, eyes glowing with magic power and fangs bared. For just a moment, the magic power around the flickered and Zero clearly saw two dragons above the boys, Eastern Dragons that snarled before dissipating back into the magic power.
It was terrifyingly reminiscent of the last dragon slayer Zero had faced. Suddenly, the Holy and Shadow magic was replaced by flames in his mind's eye and he could see Natsu standing there...
Oh, only a fool would pick a fight with the spawn with such powerful creatures as dragons...
And Zero knew... He knew as the magic power slammed into him, sending immeasurable pain racing up his severely poisoned body...
He was a fool...
When the dust cleared, Zero was on the ground, not moving.
Shido collapsed in Shiro's arms, struggling to breathe.
"Stay with me," Shiro pleaded as he hoisted Shido's arm over his shoulder. "We're getting out of here."
"Kina... We need to find Kina," Shido growled.
"She... She's strong... she can make it..." Shiro whimpered seeing his friend's condition. "Come on... you have to help... you have to walk with me..."
Shido growled in pain but did so and the two of them picked their way up the cliff face, trying to reach an exit.
Tug and Emma were huddling together, trying not to panic. Lance was bleeding, Emma couldn't help but cry because her big brother was bleeding.
She didn't like crying. Crying made her look like a baby and she was not a baby... but she didn't feel super strong now... she didn't feel cool or awesome. She felt scared.
Tug did too, and he could smell everyone else's fear. The water girl was terrified for her brother who was slowly getting better at breathing but was scared of death. Emma... nice, brave, strong Emma was so scared she was hugging Tug now, and while Tug appreciated the touch... he couldn't help but feel useless.
Because... then there was Lord Gajeel's heir. The boy was still standing despite the scarlet blood streaming down his scales. He smelled of fear too, but also of strength and anger and determination. Tug watched in awe as the boy had thrown himself in harm's way again and again only to stand back up and prepare to do it again.
It was amazing... and made Tug feel like a coward. He was too tiny... too weak, that was what his sisters cooed when he asked to leave the nest. He needed to get stronger, that's what his brothers said.
But... but this boy was small and rather weak! Lance couldn't take on a dragon yet, but he was so brave!
Tug could do it! Tug could -
It was dark again. Tug pressed himself into Emma's arms, fear clouding his mind as he whined uncontrollably. He wished he was back in his cave, with his nest mates, curled up near his Father, listening to the heavy snores of the large dragon that was always there to protect him...
There was no one here to protect him now except nice... squishy Emma. She was too squishy, all flesh and no scale. She wasn't...
She wasn't as strong as him but she still wanted to protect him...
Tug could feel the magnetic pull of the enemy's knife as it appeared nearby and raced for one of his friends...
It passed the rain and ice siblings...
It passed Lord Gajeel's heir...
It was coming for... EMMA!
It was pure instinct for little Tug. He like Emma, she didn't tell him he was too small and didn't make fun of him when he was afraid... she was little, like him, and she was brave. She was strong and fun and nice! Tug didn't think twice about lunging for the knife that only he could sense.
Emma felt Tug race out of her arms and a moment later, heard a pained squeal as something warm splashed on her cheek; blood.
"LIGHT!" she screamed as she signed the familiar spell.
Little Tug was belly down on the stone before her, scarlet blood covering his stomach. Emma quickly pulled her little friend to her chest and cried when she saw the terrifying wound in the dragon's stomach.
"Tug!" she choked.
"It's okay," Tug grinned weakly, his tail wagging a small bit as he looked up at Emma. "I brave now! I keep you safe!"
Emma choked and buried her face into Tug's cool scales, trying to hide her tears as the little dragon's tail wagged slower until it was still.
"Don't die... don't die, Tug..."
The lights when out again and Emma only pulled Tug closer. She signed the word again right as Lance screamed and when the light was up, Lance had another wound.
"Dammit..." Emma sobbed. "Dammit. Dammit, F*ck Sh*t *input word* *Input word* *Input word*."
She felt so useless. Her hands were covered in little Tug's blood now and she wanted to scream...
She wanted to kill this f*cker. They hurt her brother. They hurt TUG!
Suddenly, she felt her fingers thrum with magic power and she raised a blood-stained hand uncertainly. Tug's dragon blood seemed less scary now as she studied her fingers. She felt... strong... like there were endless opportunities at her fingertips...
She felt like she had the power to do whatever she wanted.
What did she want...
To kill this bastard.
She needed to see the assasin first.
Following her instincts, Emma raised her fingers, dripping with blood, and signed the word 'Sight', and almost immediately she felt a change in her eyes. She held her head and gawked.
Then, the lights when out...
But Emma saw everything clear as day. She saw the bastard suddenly teleport ten feet away from them and rush them, but thanks to her spell, so did everyone else.
Ame threw a torrent of water at him while Lance let out a draconic roar and charge, dodging the foe's knife and punching his face. The black-clad assassin went to teleport but Emma was too furious for that...
She wanted this bastard to suffer... so that's exactly what she wrote.
"SUFFER!" she screamed as she traced the words in the air, dragon blood on her fingers.
The change was instant. The assassin collapsed and screamed in agony, unable to do much else.
Lance was on them in a moment, pinning the assassin down and growling inhumanely.
"You're... going... to pay," Lance growled as he filled his lungs with air. "IRON DRAGON ROARRRRR!" he screamed, letting loose a cyclone of metal bits that engulfed the enemy and carved a perfectly round hole in the floor where the assassin had been.
The darkness vanished leaving normal cave light and everyone took a breath, except Emma who looked down to Tug. She looked to the dragon blood on her fingers and prayed...
Solid Script wasn't able to directly affect people, it could change the area around them, but not the people... but that's what Emma had just done. She hadn't created something to help her see or hurt her foe, she had helped herself see and hurt the enemy directly...
Maybe... maybe she could heal with this new power too.
"Heal," she willed as she traced the letters in blood on Tug's scales. "Please... please heal..."
Slowly, the dragon's blood began to fade and the wound, spurred by magic began to heal. The blood on Emma's fingers vanished and immediately Emma felt exhausted and... sad...
That magic energy that had offered her such strength was gone... but that went to the back of her mind when Tug's little tail wagged.
"Tug?" she smiled hopefully.
"Did we win?" the little dragon murmured, burying his snout into Emma's arm.
"Oh TUG! I thought you were gonna DIE! That was so BRAVE! You're the BEST!!" Emma cried, hugging the little dragon and jumping around. Tug wagged his tail and licked Emma's face like a puppy, feeding off of her excited energy.
The older three watched and took a long breath. Lance stumbled and had to sit down to try and stop himself from passing out from blood loss as Ame finished clotting her brother's wound.
"I'd just like to say - that sucked and I'd like it if we never did that again!" Ame smiled.
"I second that," Lance rasped. He then looked to Emma. "Emma, that was amazing! What did you do?"
"I used magic with my hands covered in dragon blood... it was sick," Emma answered with a grin.
Meanwhile, Riki was frantically drawing some runes in red chalk. When he finished, he wiped his brow and released a breath.
"BEGIN THE MAGIC TRANSFER!" Riki yelled down the hall. He heard yells of affirmation as years of planning went into action. His magic circle began to glow a dark red light and he felt the magic power around him tremble as the spell took effect.
He just needed the blood magic from Acnologia's kin... and... a connection to the spirit world.
He strode into another cavern and approached the group of mages there.
"Is the artifact sufficient to complete the spell?" Riki demanded of the mages.
"It's... it creates a tether to the afterlife... but there's no soul attached to it. We need an aspect of death to make this work," a mage answered passionately, holding up the artifact they'd taken from the magic council. A short dagger of sorts who's handle appeared to be decorated with depictions of tortured souls.
"An aspect of death," Riki echoed.
"This knife traps souls and their magic or releases them upon it's wielders command and unfortunately, the last wielder of this blade released all of the trapped souls before handing it over to the council. It's empty."
"Empty," Riki repeated. "May I see it?"
The mage handed it over and Riki took it, trying to conceal his trembling hand.
He'd come this far... He couldn't back out now.
Riki looked up at the mage before him and took the man in. He was young, barely out of boyhood, and oh so determined. Riki tried to remember what the man was fighting for but found himself unable to remember his name much less his motivations.
"If this works, we may see each other again in our old life and never remember this moment," Riki murmured.
"Sir?" the mage question.
Riki clenched the knife and closed his eyes as he grabbed the mage's shoulder and pushed his chest onto the knife.
There was a gasp from the man and the other mages took a startled step back.
The man died in Riki's arms, the knife growing colder in Riki's hands as it's blade darkened with the new soul trapped in its midst.
Riki slowly let the dead man fall to the floor before he wiped the blood of the blade and took a deep breath. He handed the knife to another mage and calmed his nerves.
"His sacrifice will not be in vain. Make this work," Riki ordered.
The mage shook her head, steely determination in her eyes, unlike the others who looked horrified.
"We will make it work," she vowed.
All through the mountain, magic circles appeared. They rotated on the walls, on the floors, and more specifically, dark red magic circles appeared under the feet of the young dragon slayers.
Shido and Shiro stumbled when they appeared, feeling their energy suddenly plummet as if it was being sucked out of them.
"Bad... that's bad," Shiro recognized.
"Very bad," Shido winced.
Kakumi was kneeling beside Nova who was slowly waking up when his appeared.
"Nova!?" he cried uncertainly as he looked down.
Nova looked at the magic circle her eyes wide. "Sh*t I think it's starting."
Kina was laying still on a stone floor, miles below where she had fallen. She'd been able to come back to consciousness and break her fall with a magic attack, but she felt something in her back shift when she fell and there was a sharp pain in her leg. She tried to push herself to her feet but could barely hold her own weight when the magic circle appeared under her.
She knew what that meant, she'd heard it in Riki's plan.
Her blood connection to Acnologia would feed Riki's plan.
NO! Kina stumbled forward until she hit a wall where she leaned and caught her breath.
When the magic circle appeared under Lance, the poor guy thought he was about to die. He pushed Emma away in case it turned out to be some sort of explosive but when nothing happened every took a deep breath.
"You feel any different?" Ame asked uncertainly.
"Just... drained," Lance answered, holding his bleeding wounds. "But that may be due to blood loss."
"Yeah," Emma grimaced.
The magic circle didn't inhibit Nashi at all. Her fury was fueling her attacks as she dueled with more enemy mages. Storm held a sleeping Igneel as Nashi decimated the enemies in front of them that they'd stumbled upon in their attempt to escape.
There was something terrifying about seeing her in battle. Her hair danced with the fire around her and her eyes burned with rage as she incinerated her foes. No one could manage to subdue her.
Watching her friends get taken. Watching Storm get shot. Watching Igneel having to fight to protect her. Losing control of her body.
She was going to make these bastards suffer.
She hardly noticed when the magic circle appeared and starting draining her. She was too busy cleaving her way through the mountain to get Igneel and Storm out of there.
The further they got, the more resistance there was to keep them in the mountain. The more resistance they met, the angrier Nashi became. Scales starting forming over her skin as she tapped deeper and deeper into her draconic instincts. Even her thoughts strayed from her usual consciousness.
How dare these people attack her nestmates! How dare they insult her bloodline! How dare they hurt her hatchling of a brother and threaten her nest!
There was something else too, a deep voice in the back of her head that kept growing louder. It was calling to her every time she fell further into her draconic side.
"Nashi, what is that?" Storm demanded as he ran up to catch up with her. Igneel was conscious now but was exhausted and was piggy-backing it on Storm's back. Nashi looked down at the magic circle at her feet and growled.
"The stupid human is using my blood tie to Acnologia to try and resurrect him," Nashi hissed.
"What do we do?" Igneel mumbled.
"Get out of here, somehow," Nashi growled looking around.
There was another shift in magic energy as someone started yet another phase of the plan.
"They're getting close to completing it... This is bad," Nashi hissed.
"Only if no one stops the madman," a voice echoed in Nashi's mind and Nashi looked up sharply back Storm to make out a strange figure standing right behind storm. Her fists burst into flame and she growled.
"Who are you!?" she demanded.
Storm jumped out of the way and looked behind him. "What!? What do you see?"
"Hey! Hey, chill you're freaking out your friend!" God Serena cried, gesticulating wildly. "And I mean, come one! Don't you recognize me?"
Nashi growled as she looked the strangely transparent man over. It was hard to make out any colors but the man's hair was down and he wore a plain robe. The only defining characteristic was a scar over his nose.
"No, I don't know you," Nashi growled.
"Okay, well, how about THIS!?" Serena grinned as he got in a victorious pose. His hair went back to it's normal dual ponytail style and his robe became a bit more decorated.
"God Serena?" Nashi recognized as her jaw dropped.
"Oh Tyregenium, now Sis is seeing ghosts. We're dead, aren't we?" Igneel whined.
"In the flesh- Wait, wait no, I can't use that saying anymore... Uh... In the Spectral Flesh!" Serena explained extravagantly.
"Wha-How?" Nashi gawked.
"Your little annoying enemy is literally tearing apart the separation of the spiritual world and this one, also - I'm amazing and the laws of reality don't apply to me," Serena smirked.
"Uh... okay... so... What are you doing here?" Nashi asked.
"To give you some advice. Pops would give it himself but he's a little stuck at the moment what with this stupid 'resurrect Acnologia BS', I've honestly never seen him so pissed and I knew him when Erik and Laxus were TEENAGERS! Honestly, you'd think being dead would chill him out but Nooooo, everyone keeps having to screw with us, trying to resurrect us like PEOPLE DO YOU NOY UNDERSTAND WHAT REST. IN. PEACE MEANS!??"
"Riiiiight, okay, advice..." Nashi nodded... maybe she was hallucinating... yeah that sounded right.
"Riki may be a freakin nut-job and a hypocritical Karen, but his plan isn't half-bad. He's got the determination to resurrect Acnologia's body and power while he makes a puppet out of it. As for the whole 'reverse time and fix things', I mean... I don't think THAT'LL go over well but I'm not too sure because if he goes back in time, I won't be dead anymore and it's hard to know things if you're not dead. ANYWAY, I come to bring some fabulous news - "
"How do I stop him?" Nashi demanded.
Serena looked very bothered that he'd been interrupted but he sighed and shrugged. "Call it cheesy, but the final thing he has to do to finish the incantation is call the being he's ressurecting by name. The name affects it all. If you can interrupt Riki while he's going through Acno's Sh**-ton of titles, you may be able to throw everything of track. If not... tell your Dad he's gonna have to prepare to deck Acno because things may get messy and I really like being dead."
"You do?" Nashi asked.
"Girl, do you KNOW how easy going it is when your dead. Like, Holy Ankserham I can do NOTHING for eternity and not feel bad about it," Serena grinned.
"Oookay... thanks? I guess?" Nashi smiled, uncertain of how to continue.
"Ah, no probs, you were the only kid I could actually communicate with for some reason... Guess it's all that 'alpha dragon super connected to the spiritual stuff BS' that Acno used to tell me about. I dunno, just tell Natsu that you saw me as a ghost and I... cartwheeled or something. He'll believe it."
"But you didn't - "
Serena proceeded to do a cartwheel before standing up and smirking. "Uh, you were saying?"
"Sure. I saw a ghost do a cartwheel," Nashi gave up trying to make sense of things.
"You saw a ghost WHAT!?" Storm cried.
"I wanna see," Igneel complained.
"Peace out Nashi, I think I hear the god of death yelling at me so Ima go before I get someone damned for all eternity. Ankserham is a real *input word* today. He really hates when people mess with death and all so... bye! Don't get killed! Acno already has a punishment box with your name on it!"
With that, Serena disappeared.
"Nashi... are you okay?" Storm asked.
"Uhhhhh, No. No I don't think so. Shall we continue on?" Nashi deadpanned.
"Sure..." Storm relented.
August was having the time of his life.
That was sarcasm.
He was being dragged through the mountains, tired up with magic restriction rope, unable to move or cast a simple spell.
"I hate you all," August announced as they continued on.
"We really don't care," One of the mages retorted.
"I'm aware, that's why I'm being dragged through the dirt by a bunch of depressed edgy cultists who hold me responsible for the actions in their life that are actually just results of their own poor choices multiplied by their own innate stupitidy and eagerness to shove the shame of their sorry lives onto another," August deadpanned.
"Shut up," another mage snapped.
"Sorry? Did I offend you with the mean, terrible, accurate things I said? My bad, let me try again," August sighed before clearing his throat. "I'm aware you don't care about my opinions seeing as you give little regard to anyone other than yourselves and your sad little lives that have fallen as flat as my father's hopes and dreams. Hence, you shove the blame of your miserable existence on powerful beings who's actions actually didn't directly affect your life but instead set things into motion that made you make, Ankserham forbid it, actual decisions. There, was that better?"
"You're as insufferable as they say you are," a mage deadpanned.
"Dare I ask who says that about me behind my back?" August asked. "I mean, insulting me is as utterly stupid as kidnapping Zeref's kid or ressurecting Acnolog- Oh wait, it's you guys. You guys say that about me, don't you? You're that stupid, aren't you?"
"Can we gag him or something!?" a mage demanded.
"It won't help, his damn eyebrows are just as condescending as his voice," another answered.
August smirked when suddenly, a white magic circle emerged under him.
"Master's gone into the second phase. The ritual will be completed soon," a mage smiled.
"Oh yippe, can someone grab my popcorn. I'd like to snack while I watch this blow up in your face," August sighed.
"August!" His mother's voice suddenly cut through his head clear as day and he felt a smile come to his lips.
"Shut it you damn kid, there's no stopping us now," a mage sighed.
August began cackling. Cackling. He was almost rolling in laughter as he listened to his mother call out for him.
"You all..." He wheezed and had to try and contain himself. "You all are sooo f*cking screwed."
"What the hell are you talking about?" a mage growled.
August looked up at him, suddenly no longer sarcastic and bored, but dangerous and gleeful. "See - there's no reason to wonder where you god is now! She's at your doorstep, and by the sound of it... she's fresh out of mercy."
Indeed, Mavis had arrived, along with the entire force of Fairy Tail and their aligned guilds.
(What do you all think? Our children are growing up and kicking ass. They grow up so fast... *sniff*. Anyway, thanks for reading and putting up with my non-coalesced plot. I love you all and I hope you have GREAT day/night)
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