Chapter 12 - Traps and Schemes
"Kids 4, Adults nothing," Macao sighed, massaging his head.
All of the kids were gone, save Yui, Mui, Rui, and Kurui and Kuro who were too young to even contemplate escape.
"I know," Levy nodded. Ten books were open around her as she sat at the table and even more lay stacked at her feet. She was skimming through the lines of the closest book, her brown eyes darting back and forth as she scoured the pages for any information that was even slightly helpful.
Kurui and Kuro sat on the floor a bit aways from their mother, flipping through books of their own full of elaborate art and pictures depicting heroic acts and epic battles. Once or twice, they'd look at one another as if they were in a conversation but they wouldn't say a word.
"You seem to be taking it well," Macao recognized. Everyone else in the guild was gone, it was like a ghost town, even Wakaba had gone out to try and talk to a few connections to help find the kids. Macao wasn't about to leave his son and daughter-in-law in town, especially with Wendy's pregnancy due to end at any day. When that baby came, rest assured he was going to be there. So, Macao had gone to the library where he had found Levy and Lucy rushing around, pulling all sorts of dusty books from the shelves.
Levy turned a page in her book but said nothing to Macao. Her hair was a mess and she had large bags under her eyes. Macao looked at a nearby book and tried to make out what language it was even in.
Suddenly, Levy slammed the book before her shut.
"There's nothing here!" Levy cried before collapsing, hitting the table with her head and sitting there, defeated as the days of restless nights caught up to her.
"Hey now, you shouldn't give up so quickly, there's gonna be something in these things," Macao assured the younger woman.
"How many hours?" Levy asked, looking up, tears in her eyes. "How many hours have I spent reading just to end up with nothing? I'm no closer to finding out where this enchantment sent Gajeel, my babies are out there playing hero, someone's scheming something somewhere, and I am no closer to finding anything!"
Kurui and Kuro both looked up at their mother's outburst, concern in both of their eyes. Their large brown eyes looked to one another and sparkled as if they were having some conversation.
Macao reached over Levy's shoulder and picked up a piece of parchment from the table. Strange runes were scribbled all over the paper, next to them were a bunch of possible translations with thousands of question marks hidden in the page, evidence of Levy's desperation and confusion.
"Well... I'm afraid I'm not much good with books, but if there's anything I can do, let me know," Macao assured Levy.
The tired blue haired woman looked up thankfully at the old man, "Actually... could you go take this paper to master Makarov?"
She handed the old man a scroll of paper from her feet. "Maybe he knows something more," she prayed."
"Master Makarov?" Macao asked timidly, thinking to the ancient man. "Levy... I don't know - "
"I don't know who else to turn to," Levy muttered.
"Well then absolutely!" Macao nodded, striding for the door. "I'll be back in a jiffy!"
"Thanks!" Levy smiled as the man ran out the door. She looked back to her book and bit her lip in hopelessness. With nothing else to do, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a communication lacrima.
"Hey, Jet?" she murmured, putting it to her ears.
"Hey Levy!" her friend greeted her back.
"A-any luck finding Emma?" Levy asked, knowing the answer.
"No... but don't worry! You know she'll be fine! She's tough, like her mother and her old man. We'll find her Levy. Her and Lance. Droy and I won't give up!" Jet assured her.
"Thanks," Levy breathed, not surprised but still disappointed.
"Hey... how are you holding up?" Jet asked.
Levy smiled a bit at her friend's concern even as tears peppered her eyelashes, "I'm fine."
"You sure?" a distant voice asked; Droy.
"Droy doesn't believe you," Jet relayed through the lacrima.
"Well tell Droy I'm fine. You two get back to it now, sorry for interrupting!" Levy laughed.
"Alright. We'll call you if we find anything! We promise!" Jet laughed in reply.
"Alright!" Levy smiled, "Bye!"
"Bye!" the two voices of Droy and Jet rang back at her. They hung up and Levy was left with a forced smile and a shaky hand. She placed the lacrima on the table and began crying.
It was such a hopeless ordeal that she felt terrified for her family. More then that, she felt helpless and powerless to help. She wanted nothing more than to run into the world and find her kids but she'd be no more help. Everyone was relying on her to crack the enchantment that seemed absolutely impossible, she didn't understand half of what she was reading.
"Levy?" Lucy's voice asked.
The blonde peeked out from a bookshelf and upon seeing her friend's condition she dropped the books she had been holding, ran over, and hugged Levy.
"It's okay! We'll find them!" she assured Levy, understanding perfectly well her best friend's struggle.
"I-I don't know what to do," Levy trembled.
"Exactly what we're doing. We have to keep looking," Lucy assured her, tears in her own eyes.
"For what!?" Levy cried. "What are we even looking for!"
Lucy held her friend closer and closed her eyes. She too had never felt so alone, afraid for Natsu, afraid for Nashi and Igneel, scared to death of the future, helpless and powerless to do anything but waste time in a library.
"Höldrevn," two small voices murmured in unison.
Lucy and Levy froze and they looked over to the blue-haired twins on the ground.
"Fáthren," Kurui explained softly, her large four-year-old eyes full of wisdom unlike anything normal.
"Fáthren drüther Höldrevn," Kuro finished, speaking whatever he was speaking fluently and with complete confidence as the young child looked at his mother.
The two women stared at the children in disbelief.
"They just spoke," Levy murmured, unbelievingly.
"Forget that, what did they just say?" Lucy asked.
"I... I have no idea," Levy answered.
Kakumi took another long breath, smelling the wind. He then fidgeted with his shirt, his nervousness showing.
"What's wrong?" Nova asked, looking down at the boy.
Kakumi looked back to make sure that the other three girls trailing them weren't going to overhear his next words.
"I lost the scent," Kakumi murmured.
"You what?" Nova asked, unable to hear the mumbling of her little brother.
"I can't smell Nashi, Lance, or Storm," Kakumi explained, almost whining. "I'm sorry."
"Ah," Nova dismissed, "We'll find em' soon. Somehow"
"HEY! Nova!" Victoria cried from the back. "May we consider a rest stop?"
"Rest stop!? We can't do that if we want to catch up to Nashi and the others," Rosemary denied with a sneer.
"That's why I didn't ask you, I asked Nova," Victoria scowled.
"Why do we need to stop anyway, did you break a nail?" Rosemary taunted.
"No, actually, I figured Kakumi would be hungry," Victoria announced, crossing her arms knowing she had the moral high ground in this case.
Nova sent Kakumi a sidelong glance, "Are you hungry?"
"... A little," Kakumi mumbled, shifting uncomfortably. "B-but Rosemary's right, we shouldn't stop... maybe I can pick up the trail again..."
Rose, who had heard the boy's self-conscious conclusion, rolled her eyes, put her hands on her hips and grinned. "Well I'M starving!"
Victoria and Rosemary froze in their argument and looked to the white haired girl.
"Rose, you're supposed to be on my side," Rosemary gaped, feeling betrayed.
"Hah, I knew my charm would win you over," Victoria smirked.
"I'm not betraying you, Mary," Rose smiled reassuringly. "I'm just hungry and we should probably think about settling down to eat."
"We shouldn't use our packed snacks yet, let's see if there's a town nearby," Nova offered.
"Sounds good," Rose nodded.
"O-okay," Kakumi nodded, smiling a bit at the prospect of eating. On cue, his stomach let out a huge rumble which made all of the older girls look to him. His face turned a bright red and he almost curled into a ball in embarrassment.
"Awww! I didn't know you were so hungry! Don't worry, we'll find you a nice restaurant!" Rosemary cried, feeling guilty as she pampered the boy, running up and ruffling his hair.
"I'll pay for it so you can eat as much as you like, sweety!" Victoria assured the boy, peering over Rose's shoulder.
"You need to tell us when you're hungry so we can get you food, we can't have you starving. You're to precious to be hungry!" Rosemary cried, hugging the boy.
"Okay! Okay! Okay!' Kakumi cried, suffocating in the embrace. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong," Rose deadpanned from the back.
"Alright, give my bro some breathing room, let's go find a town... and then see if they have a bar!" Nova smirked.
"NoVa! You can't drink alcohol! You're underage!!!" Rosemary cried, detaching herself from Kakumi.
"I mean... no adults around so..." Victoria snickered.
"NO!" Rosemary shouted.
Victoria rolled her eyes but followed Nova as she set off walking down the trail. Rosemary took off after them, yelling all the reasons underage drinking was a terrible idea. Kakumi followed with Rose Vastia at his side.
"You know, we're not going to judge you if you're hungry," Rose told the boy.
Kakumi fidgeted nervously and averted his gaze. "I don't want to slow anyone down..."
"We came on this adventure for you," Rose sighed, putting her hands in her jacket pockets.
"I... I just lost the scent trail and..."
"And how long have you been hungry?" Rose asked nonchalantly.
Kakumi muttered something that couldn't be heard.
"What?" Rose pressed.
"Since Mary tackled Victoria," Kakumu muttered.
"That was three hours ago," Rose sighed.
"Yeah... but I had the scent trail and I didn't want to slow us down!" Kakumi cried.
"You're not slowing anyone down," Rose chuckled. "You're still a kid, stop being so hard on yourself."
"That's what Nova says," Kakumi sighed.
"Well she's right," Rose nodded. "You're too tough on yourself."
Kakumi muttered something else and the white-haired girl only smirked. "Once we find your old man, you and I are going to talk about some self-worth since apparently Nova isn't getting it through your head."
"AhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Emma screamed in frustration, almost ripping her hair out.
"Screaming doesn't make this any easier, you know," Silver deadpanned as the young girl threw her tantrum.
"I came to find Lance! Not look at a stupid map!" Emma yelled, kicking a pebble with all her might, sending it flying into the woods.
Igneel knelt next to Simon, only calm because he was looking at the map with some interest. Simon was trying to figure where his older sister had gone while Ame and Silver debated over what they should avoid if they didn't want to get caught by the adults.
"We'll figure it out Emma!" Igneel smiled.
"Not FAST ENOUGH!" Emma growled kicking a larger stone. It raced into a nearby bush and let out a small clang as it hit something metal.
Everyone tensed and looked to the bush.
"Owww," a small voice moaned.
"Who's there!" Silver demanded, ice swords forming in his hands. Ame pulled the dew from the ground and held it at the ready. Igneel touched the key of Capricorn at his belt which his mother had intrusted to him, ready to summon the spirit if needed. Emma quickly wrote the word 'bat' in the sky, envisioning which bat she meant, and the word solidified into a large wooden baseball bat that she held at the ready. Simon only tensed.
"Come out or we'll drag you out," Simon threatened.
"Okay! Okay!" a small voice panicked. The bush shook as a familiar small little metal dragon scrambled out.
"Tug?" Emma recognized.
The miniature metal dragon looked terrified, "I'm sorry! I swear I wasn't trying to do anything bad!"
"What were you doing in the bush then?" Ame asked with a scowl.
"I-I want to help!" Tug cried, flapping his small wings excitedly. "I... I saw your guys's escape and... and wanted to see if I could help!"
Everyone dropped their guard slowly.
"You... want to help us?" Silver asked.
"Yeah!" Tug tipped.
"Why wouldn't you go try and help the adults?" Silver asked.
Tug shifted nervously on his claws and his tail twitched self-consciously. "Cause I'm so little... no one thinks I'm any help. Everyone sends me on errands to keep me out of trouble but I want to help!"
Simon's heart melted and he immediately swore to protect the puppy-like creature.
"I get that," Emma scoffed. "They always underestimate the little guys. Jerks."
"I know!" Tug nodded. "That's why I want to help you guys! You're small too so your nest mates never take you seriously! We're a whole lot alike - "
Suddenly, a baseball bat impaled the ground in front of him, making the poor dragon squeal in fear.
"Did you just call me small?" Emma glowered a dangerous aura around her.
"Take it easy, Emma! He's our best bet!" Igneel growled as he pulled the girl away. The small dragon stood there absolutely paralyzed in terror.
"Hey, earth to Tug!" Ame ordered, snapping her fingers to startle the thing out of his daze.
Tug's attention snapped back to the blue-haired girl.
"You were supposed to deliver a message back to your home, what happened to that?" Ame asked.
"Oh, I told my big sister and she flew to go tell our nest that you had received my message!" Tug smiled. "She told me to stay here and try and help so that's what I'm doing!"
"You know, we're technically being bad," Silver offered.
"Yeah... but I want to help find Lord Gajeel!" Tug tipped.
Everyone nodded, believing the small dragon.
"So... Tug... you wouldn't happen to know how to track, would you?" Simon asked.
Tug looked a little crestfallen.
"Well... no... I actually don't have a sense of smell..." Tug murmured sadly.
"Oh," Emma sighed.
"But! I can sense magnetic fields!" Tug tipped, trying to stay positive.
"Magnetic fields?" Igneel asked.
"Yeah..." Tug nodded.
Suddenly Igneel snapped his finger, "Emma! Remember when we stuck magnets on Lance when he was sleeping!"
"Yeah," Emma nodded slowly.
"YOU CAN DO THAT!?" Silver and Ame cried in unison, horrified that they had just now learned this. The opportunities for pranks they could've pulled flashed through their mind like bad memories.
"Tug, can you search for specific magnetic fields?" Simon asked.
"Well... it matters... why was this Lance magnetic?" Tug asked.
"He's an iron dragon slayer!" Emma offered.
"Oh... well... Iron is difficult. It's ferromagnetic which means within a certain temperature range and other specific conditions can it be attracted to magnets. It's not so much magnetic as it is attracted to magnets... but... maybe..." the little dragon sat down and pondered long and hard. "Would it be similar to Lord Gajeel's magnetic field?" Tug asked.
"Yes!" Emma nodded, not quite certain.
"Then I think I can track him!" Tug smiled.
Everyone in the group smiled, happy to add an adorable dragon to their party.
Nova's group had found themselves in a small town, walking down the streets in search of a restaurant or bar. Kakumi had been feeling strange since they'd stepped onto the cobblestone street and he was trying to understand why.
"Hey... there's an inn over there... they may have food," Victoria offered.
"We probably have to pay for a room if we want food," Nova sighed.
"Ugg, why is it so hard to find someplace to eat?" Victoria moaned.
"There's that place," Rose offered, jutting her thumb in the direction of a battered down bar behind them.
"NO!" Rosemary denied.
"Well we have to eat somewhere," Victoria cried exasperated.
An argument ensued between Victoria and Rosemary once again. Rosemary explaining all the reasons a bar was a bad idea and Victoria calling her a few less-than appropriate nicknames.
Kakumi wasn't listening to the argument, there was a pull in his chest, pulling him to that battered down bar. He looked back at it, confusion flickering in his bright blue eyes. He took a few cautious steps towards the bar who had it's rickety doors wide open, one of them hanging off its hinges.
Kakumi walked up to the door and peeked in. There was a large collection of drunks, all were either singing, yelling, fighting, sleeping, or moping in a corner. He couldn't understand for the life of him why his nose was picking up something familiar. It was a familiar smell but he wasn't able to place it.
"This place looks fine," Nova's voice announced. "Look, Kakumi's interested."
At her words, his big sis wrapped an arm around him and smiled, "You okay with us eating here?"
Kakumi looked up at her and slowly nodded, "A-Alright."
"The decrepit bar it is," Rosemary scowled, clearly put down after she had lost the argument.
"Hell yeah," Victoria smiled, striding into the bar like she owned the place. She walked up to the bartender who seemed confused as to why a teenager was even in his establishment.
"We need a table for five," she told the man.
"Uh... we don't serve underage - " the bartender sighed.
Victoria's gaze grew dangerous, "Table. For. Five."
The bartender looked at the girl, then to the coin purse which was strung on her wrist. Weighing the costs he shrugged and gestured them to a table off to the side. The group went over and sat down, finding themselves with a group of rowdy drunks to their left signing about a girl named Sally and a sour old man to their right who seemed to be trying to drink himself to death.
"What a nice place," Rosemary scowled sarcastically.
"It's fine," Victoria dismissed, studying her nails. "I'm paying anyway so why are you complaining?"
"Because this place stinks of sin, filth, danger and is not okay for younger audiences," Rosemary glowered, gesturing to Kakumi who seemed infatuated with the vibrance and life that thrived in the rundown tavern.
"He's fine," Victoria laughed, "Look at him."
Kakumi was trying to find the source of the familiar smell but it was nearly impossible in the intoxicating environment. There were so many different smells and sounds that he was struggling to even pick up Rosemary's scent as she sat down across from him. Nova settled next to him and snatched his menu away before he could look at it.
"H-hey!" Kakumi objected.
"Uh-uh, you're not seeing the prices," Nova glared at her younger brother. "You're ordering what you want, not what's cheap."
"Indeed!" Victoria agreed wholeheartedly.
"B-but I eat a lot and I don't want to make Victoria pay a lot!" Kakumi objected, almost panicking.
"Sweety," Victoria assured the boy, "I'm in no danger of going broke. It's on me, don't insult me by worrying about my purse."
"O-okay," Kakumi muttered, self conscious.
"Sooo.... do you feel like steak, chicken, salad, soup?" Nova asked, reading over her brother's menu.
"Hey, hey, hey!!" a voice rang out as Kakumi made his order.
They all looked as someone strode into the bar, grinning like a maniac. He had black hair with white tips that stuck out in all directions like some animal's hide, he wore filthy clothes but his smile was bright and his eyes unnerved Kakumi immediately.
"Guess what, losers!" the man laughed. "It's almost ready!! It's gonna happen!"
"Not you again," the old man to the group's right sighed, taking another swig of his drink.
"The dragon kings are gone my friends!" the newcomer laughed putting his fist in the air.
There was a hearty yell as a dozen drunks yelled their intoxicated support.
"Those stupid lizards aren't coming back, so I'm back to offer you all that deal!" the man laughed.
Nova almost leaped out of her seat, had Rose not put a calm hand on her shoulder, the man would've been killed. Rosemary's green eyes flickered with anger, as did Victoria's blue ones. Kakumi only watched the exchange in frozen horror.
"Come with me, let's blow this backwater place and storm up the south mountains. The Emerald dragon can't stop us, she's old, and let's face it, mates, we're only getting older. If we don't act now we'll miss our chance," the black-haired man was grinning as he walked around the bar, perhaps a little drunk himself.
"Emerald dragon," one of the bar inmates cooed as he imagined it.
"Yes!" the man nodded eagerly, spreading his hands to elaborate. "Imagine it! An entire dragon's pelt's worth of Emeralds! We'd be rich! We could buy ourselves a castle, hell we could build a castle!"
Nova almost resorted to murder, but Rose stopped her again.
"We need information," Rose told Nova calmly.
"I don't need information, I need murder," Nova hissed back.
"Those dragon kings can't do anything. They're gone!" the man cackled. The cavern broken into a fit of laughing and cheering.
"They'll be back," a cracked voice interrupted, causing a pause in the cheering. The young man turned, as did everyone else to look at the old man to Kakumi's right.
"Sorry? What was that?" the black-haired man chuckled.
"Exactly what I said," the old man scowled, glaring at his empty cup. "They'll be back. You underestimate them once and you'll find yourself a dead man."
"Wise words, from a drunk," the black-haired man laughed, shrugging off the comment.
The old man slammed his mug on the table, making everyone jump, though they didn't know why.
"Go on then. Try and kill your old dragon. If the thing doesn't kill you you'll find vengeance knocking on your door. That goes for all of you fools. Those dragon bastards will find a way to return and when they do they're going to murder everyone who tried to mess with them, and their kids, and their friends, and everyone else who they could possibly be affiliated with," the old man was raving now, almost as if he was yelling at himself.
The young man 'tsked', "Those dragon kings are dead. Everyone knows it, the damn wizards are just trying to fool us otherwise."
"Who the hell told you they're dead?" Rosemary objected. Everyone looked at them as if noticing the children in the bar for the first time.
"Everyone knows it," someone answered.
Victoria stood up and laughed, "If you think that, you're asking for a beat down."
The drunk young man would've said something had he not sensed it.
Everyone sensed it.
The magic power thrumming around those children was so immense... so terrible... so powerful. The air hummed with promise, the cups on the tables trembled, broken splinters and stones levitated as the children made their power known. The young man trembled in fear as each of the teenage girls glared at him, even the boy who looked shocked had a tint of anger in his eyes. Everyone in the bar shook and the man took a step back.
"Y-you're mages," he recognized.
"Aren't you a smart one," Rose sneered.
"I don't want any trouble," he shook.
"Then scram, loser," Nova hissed. "And if you even think about going after any peaceful dragon, I'll kill you myself."
Without another word the man fled leaving everyone in the bar to fearfully resume their normal routine. After a few drinks it was all forgotten but the kids all bristled indignantly.
"Who are you brats?" the old man to Kakumi's right inquired coldly. They all turned to him, eyeing him up.
"Justs some travelers looking for trouble," Nova answered. "Thanks for being a voice a reason in that craziness though."
The old man scoffed and lifted his cup to drink... then realized it was empty. He looked back to the kids, his eyes resting on Kakumi. The blonde was staring at him as he smelled the air, his blue eyes sparkling with curiosity. The old man's eyes flashed with recognition and he stumbled out of his chair, falling backwards and hitting his head on the floor.
The children all jumped to their feet and ran over, helping the man to his feet and back into his chair.
"Whoa, whoa, are you okay?" Nova asked worriedly as the old man shakily settled back, in his chair.
"Did you hurt anything?" Kakumi asked nervously, peeking from behind his sister.
"H-how..." the old man wondered, staring at Kakumi.
"He doesn't look so good," Victoria recognized.
"You're turning pale, sir, are you alright!?" Rosemary asked fearfully.
"I am not doing CPR on an old drunk," Victoria announced.
"L-Laxus?" the old man breathed as he looked to Kakumi. Kakumi's eyes widened and he took a step back.
"No... I'm not...." the boy denied. He couldn't place it but this man's scent was undeniable familiar, hidden under years of alcohol, dust, and grime.
"Laxus is my old man," Nova offered. "Why? You know him?"
The old man looked in horror to Nova and then back to Kakumi. "Laxus is... you're his children?"
"Yeah?" Nova nodded, confused.
The old man looked from Nova to Kakumi to Nova again.
Suddenly, it clicked for Kakumi.
"Grandfather?" Kakumi breathed in disbelief.
Suddenly all of the children saw the old man in a new light. This man was the infamous Ivan Dreyar. The reaction was immediate. Nova backed away and threw an arm in front of Kakumi just in case there was something dangerous stowed in Ivan's robe. Rosemary and Rose both got into fighting positions, the air growing cold around Rose. Victoria only crossed her arms and scowled.
"Yes," Ivan nodded looking at his grandchildren. "Yes... I am Laxus's father. And... and clearly you've all heard of me."
"Ha, that's an understatement," Victoria sneered.
"What are you doing here?" Nova demanded.
"I live here," Ivan expressed, gesturing to the bar. "This town is my home."
"Last Dad heard of you, you were locked up," Nova scowled.
"Years and years ago. Since then I've been here. Working at this bar and sleeping on its tables," Ivan explained.
"That's sad," Victoria shrugged, "Like the rest of your life."
Ivan rested his hand on his knee and leaned forward, staring at Victoria. "You remind me of one of Laxus's friends... what was her name... Pine tree or... or -"
"Evergreen?" Victoria offered, raising one of her eyebrows.
"That's the one," Ivan nodded. "She's your mother, no?"
"Oh no, she's my mom," Victoria nodded. "And she's told me all about you."
"We all know about you," Rosemary scowled.
"Oh... let me guess. Scarlet hair, nasty temper, and a scary face, you must be Titania's girl," Ivan sighed.
"Rosemary Scarlet," Rosemary spat her name out like a threat.
"And you?" Ivan looked to Kakumi. "What's you name?"
Kakumi opened his mouth but Nova sneered.
"None of your business, old man. You stay away from him," her voice was almost at a growl.
"Nova, it's okay," Kakumi assured his older sister. "I can't smell any bad intentions or... or anything on him..."
"Nova, huh? That's a pretty name," Ivan nodded, looking at the ground in a melancholy way.
"You don't get to like it," Nova growled. Kakumi gently pushed her out of his way and walked up to the old man. He stuck out his hand and smiled.
"My name's Kakumi. It's nice to meet you Grandpa," he smiled.
Ivan looked to him, an absolute replica of Laxus when he had been a young boy, save with bright happy blue eyes. Shakily Ivan took Kakumi's hand in his old wrinkled one and shook it.
Nova was still scowling but she obviously wasn't going to intervene unless Kakumi said otherwise. Kakumi took a step back once their handshake was over and smiled at the old man.
"What are you kids doing out here?" Ivan asked, looking at all of them.
"None of your - " Nova began.
"We're trying to find Dad," Kakumi explained. "An enchanter sent him somewhere and he can't get back. Our friends went to go beat up the enchanter but we wanted to help too, so we're following them."
"Ah," Ivan nodded, a soft smile on his lips. "Off to help your father."
"Yeah, you know, cause he's a good Dad," Nova hissed.
"Nova," Kakumi scolded her in a soft voice, pleading to her with his eyes. Nova 'tsked' but said nothing else. She knew the stories. Her grandfather was an *input word* with no morals and a scheming mind. He'd forced Laxus to become a dragon slayer, nearly killing him. He then tried to kill him only to be foiled by Uncle Erik who nearly died trying to save Laxus's life. Acnologia had dealt with his magic only for the man to return in the year of the Grand Magic Games where Fairy Tail made it's first victory. Ivan was a powerful man, even without magic. She wasn't about to risk Kakumi's safety just because he'd gotten old, drunk, and weak.
"Have you seen our friends. One of them is a girl who has salmon hair, the other two boys have blue and black hair. Two are dragon slayers, one isn't. You'd probably remember them if you saw them," Kakumi explained.
Ivan shook his head. "I haven't seen them... but if it's the enchanter you're looking for, I may be able to help."
"No way," Rose, Rosemary, Victoria, and Nova all said in perfect unison.
"Guys!" Kakumi whined.
"We can't trust him!" Rosemary cried.
"He tried to kill your dad," Rose reminded Kakumi. "Twice."
"I never intended to kill Laxus at the Grand Magic Games," Ivan objected.
"Oh, so that just makes it all fine then, doesn't it," Nova sneered.
"He tried to kill Kina's dad... let that sink in," Victoria reminded them all. "Kina's dad... as in Uncle Erik... like... who in they're right mind would do that?"
"But we need help," Kakumi cried desperately. "I lost their scent!! I can't find them and I'm useless right now! If we want to help dad we need information! Please... just give him a chance!"
"Oh, he's had his chances," Nova laughed cruelly. "He was disbanded from the guild, chance No.1. Acnologia stripped him of his magic, chance No.2. He was arrested in the Grand Magic Games, chance No.3. The rule is three strikes and you're out. He's out."
"Please Nova, at least listen to what he has to say," Kakumi pleaded.
Nova looked at her brother and sighed in defeat. His eyes were wide and he truly thought this was their best chance... besides... she would have no trouble killing this old man if he tried something.
"Fine," Nova reluctantly agreed.
Kakumi grinned and looked back to the man, "So... what do you know?"
Ivan looked at the boy and his eyes almost started watering.
"I... I - umm..." Ivan quickly wiped tears away from his eyes and composed himself. "There was a group in town a while ago, they were the ones who told everyone that the dragon kings were gone, they said they had something to do with it. They also said that they were heading for Keji, as in Mt. Keji."
"Mt. Keji," Rose wondered. "I think I know that place... but that's a while away, we'll never make it there in time."
"There's a train station a few mils north of here," Ivan offered. "If your friends are dragon slayers, they'd probably avoid transportation at all costs giving you guys a chance to catch up to them."
Kakumi's face paled at that prospect.
"We couldn't do that to Kakumi," Victoria dismissed.
"No!" Kakumi objected. "I'll be fine! We've got to catch up with Nashi and the others!!"
"There's a train that leaves every day at three in the afternoon... if you hurry, you may be able to catch it," Ivan explained.
"Three!?" Rosemary cried. "That gives us an hour!!"
"Then we've got to go!!" Rose nodded.
"But the food!" Victoria objected.
"We'll take it to go and eat on the train!" Rosemary cried, running up to the bartender and discussing it. Victoria ran up with her, fought over a few orders, paid the bill, and ran back.
"Here, take the food, please be our refrigerator!" Rosemary pleaded to Rose.
"Sure," Rose sighed, taking the back of food in her cooling hands.
"Now let's go!" Victoria urged, running out of the bar. The group followed until Kakumi remembered something. He immediately turned around and ran to Ivan, hugging him. This surprised Ivan, Rose, Rosemary, Victoria, and Nova. The girls tensed while Ivan froze in uncertainty, his arms didn't wrap around the boy and he only stared at the child in confoundment.
"Thank you," Kakumi smiled, pulling away. "Maybe we can come and visit after we get Dad back!"
Ivan's next words seemed to get stuck in his throat. "I... I don't know about that."
"Well... We'll figure something out," Kakumi assured him, some of his nervousness returning.
"Kakumi! Come on!" Victoria cried, ushering the boy away. Ivans stood up and followed, Nova stopped him in his tracks.
"Hey... Thank you," she told the old man, her words seemed to pain her. "Thanks for helping us... though this doesn't excuse anything about you... And if this turns out to be some trap, rest assured I will get out of it, hunt you down, and make you suffer for it."
Ivan gave a soft chuckle and nodded, "I would be disappointed if it was any other way. It's a family tradition after all."
Nova gave him a small glare, as if she was trying to gauge how much she could trust her grandfather.
"Nova... was it?" Ivan asked, looking to the girl. "Those people who were riling up trouble... they weren't the loud boisterous type like that weakling you frightened off. They were calculating, smart, and seemed to be scheming. I don't know what they have planned but... it isn't good."
"Are you... are you asking me to be careful?" Nova asked, peering at Ivan as he watched the other children run down the street for the paved path through the woods.
"I'm asking you to keep your witts about you. If those bastards could catch Laxus by surprise, they may be very capable. Watch your back."
"Thanks... Gramps," Nova admitted, a wry smile on her face. Before the stunned Ivan could reply, Nova had taken off, sprinting down the street after her group, leaving the grey-haired Ivan there, unsure and shaking in disbelief.
"Hey, Ivan, you didn't tell me you had grandkids... or kids for that matter," the old bartender laughed, walking out of the bar and stopping next to Ivan as the two watched the kids run into the woods.
"I... I don't... not really, anyway," Ivan stated to himself, perhaps a touch saddened.
Time did many things for different people, but one thing time does do for all is amplify unresolved guilt, even in the most stonehearted of people.
"Come on, it's right there!" Nashi cheered, leading her group onwards up a steep hill and towards the base of a huge mountain.
"Nashiiiii, wait up!" Lance moaned, trodding after her.
Storm smirked as he ran past the other boy, eager to be next to Nashi. The two crested the hill and Nashi took a little breath as she stared at the mountain. They had arrived at Mt. Keji. The sun was setting which lit the sky a gorgeous orange and gold.
"We made it," she smiled.
"Yeah," Storm nodded, looking at her. "So... where's Shiro and the others?"
Nashi sniffed the wind and turned curtly towards the edge of the forest. As if on cue, Shiro, Shido, and Kina all walked out and up to them.
"You came," Shiro grinned, running up to Nashi.
"Well duh!" Nashi smiled, "And I brought help!"
"I heard," Kina nodded. Lance finally reached the top of the hill and gave the group a smile.
"Alright... so... that's the lair of the guy who's responsible for sending our Dad's to Zeref knows where?" Lance asked.
"Yeah," Kina nodded.
"We've been monitoring it for a while but we haven't found anything unusual, except a door close to the top of the mountain," Shido explained. "We spied it last night."
"So... what's the game plan?" Storm asked.
"Break in, kick butt, make grown men cry," Shiro shrugged, cracking his knuckles.
"Beat the hell out of the people responsible for making the enchantment," Shido agreed.
"Sounds easy enough," Nashi grinned.
"That's what I'm afraid of," Lance breathed.
As he said so, the wind shifted position, blowing over the mountain and into their faces.
"Smell that?" Nashi grinned.
"Oh yeah... smells like adventure," Shiro laughed.
"Let's go," Kina beckoned, striding for the mountain.
"I smell them! They're close!" Kakumi cried, scrambling up a hill covered in brush and trees. "Nashi, Lance, Storm, Shiro, Shido, and Kina too!"
"We caught up!" Nova cackled, running after her brother.
"Told you the train was a good idea. The dragon slayers would rather die than use it," Rosemary smiled.
"I think Kakumi almost did die when we used it," Rose smiled, pulling her white hair into a messy ponytail as they chased after the two Dreyars.
"I'll be up in a minute!" Victoria cursed. It was going to take was while seeing as she was picking her way up the mountain with her heels.
"Take your shoes off!" Rosemary yelled back.
"Over my dead body!" Victoria yelled back up. "When you're being pinned down by some cultist creep and I gouge his eye out with these stilettos, you'll thank me!"
"Ooookay then," Rose murmured. Rosemary meanwhile was fuming, her cheeks starting to match her hair.
"Just a little further!!" Kakumi called.
"How much longer are we going to do this?" Simon asked as the water sphere they were in raced through the woodlands.
"Until we catch up to them. There's a whole lot of ground to cover!" Ame yelled, holding her arms out to keep the water sphere solid as it bounced into trees making its way after the small metal dragon who was leading the charge.
"We'll be there soon, Nashi," Igneel smiled to himself.
Emma, meanwhile, was plotting on how many ways she could beat Lance with a baseball bat for leaving her behind on his adventure.
Within Mt. Keji, Master Riki stood patiently. His hands were clasped behind his back as he watched the thousands of monitor lacrimas which showed him the complete coverage of the mountain. Two guards stop by his side, dressed in brown garb, magic power thrumming at the ready.
"Master Riki," one of the observers of the cameras cried. "They're all here."
"All of them?" Riki asked, not taking his eyes off the large group of children striding towards his stronghold.
"Yes..." the observer cried excitedly. "All of the dragon slayers are within our boundaries!"
"Good," Riki smiled. "Then it's working."
"Sir... should we execute the next phase?" the guard to his right asked.
"Yes..." Riki smiled. "Yes... I think that sounds most agreeable."
His plan was coming together.
(Sooo, a lot happened in this chapter and it's pretty long. I'm kinda proud of it.
Hope you're still enjoying it! Anything you really liked or really didn't?
As always thanks for reading and have a great day/night!!)
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