The underground duelist
"Alright. Who wants to beat the king!" A underground duelist announced as footsteps echoed through the hallway as the duelist noticed a male standing in front of him. Every rich person in neo domino city took notice of this person as he wore a blue shirt, black pants with a navy blue overcoat.
"Well, well, well a new face in my kingdom. Tell me boy. why do you want with the king?" He question as the boy stood across from him as two workers placed shock collars on the two duelist.
"I'm setting it on fire." The new Comer said as he activated the spare duel disk provided by the backers of the underground duel.
"The king has the first move." He said before drawing a card. "I activate the spell call of the mummy. I special summon Pyramid turtle. Next I normal summon Plaugespreader Zombie. I tune my level two Plaugespreader Zombie with my level four Pyramid turtle. Synchro summon. Appear! Revived King Ha Des. I set one card and end my turn."
"I draw." Drawing his card the duelist looked down at his hand. The six cards in his hand are shown to be Meteor Dragon, two copies of king of the swamp, fusion recovery, mystic tomato and Red eyes Black Chick. "I activate King of the swamps effect. I discard it to add Polymerization to my hand from my deck. Next I summon Mystic Tomato in attack position. Then I activate polymerization to fuse Meteor dragon and my second copy of King of the swamp. Fusion summon. Appear! Meteor Black Dragon!
"Battle! Go my dragon attack Ha Des! Meteor storm!" He commanded as his dragon flew up and breathed in before firing a shower of meteorite combined into fire.
'Quick play spell! Zombie Power Struggle. I increase my Ha Des attack power by one thousand making it thirty thousand four hundred and fifty." King yelled as the duelist pointed out it still wasn't strong enough to beat his dragon as his Zombie was destroyed. Dealing fifty points of damage and a small shock.
"Go Mystic tomato attack him directly!"
A powerful shock from the collar delt damage to King as he smirked from the pain.
"I end my turn." The duelist spoke as he took noticed of his opponents quick play spell. "So the apex duelist does get rare cards when they're in power here." He thought before looking towards a female with blonde hair as she wore a black business suit as she was sipping a glass of wine. "Isn't that right Jessica?"
Kings turn.
"I draw. I activate my continuous spell. I special summon Zombie King. Next I activate the spell Zombie Reborn. By banishing my second Ha Des in my extra deck I can special summon my Ha Des in my graveyard. Next I activate my plaugespreader Zombie effect in my graveyard. I discard Mizuki to summonn it from the graveyard.
I tune my level four Zombie king and my Plaugespreader Zombie together. Appear! Archfiend Zombie Skull! Next I activate my Zombie Power Struggle in the graveyard. Since my Plaugespreader was banished due to its effect. I'll just return it to my deck due to my quick play spells effect. Now I can set it on my field but once it's used up this turn its banished. Battle! Go my Zombie Skull attack Meteor Black Dragon! Next I'll activate power Struggle to make my monster stronger and since my monster is as strong as your dragon they're both destroyed!" He smirked wildly as Meteor dragon fired its meteorite breath as Zombie skull burned through it as impaled the dragon with its claws destroying them both.
"You're up Ha Des destroy that tomato!"
Using its magic Ha Des destroyed Mystic Tomato causing the duelist to be shocked by his collar. Dealing great pain to the duelist.
Duelist: 2950 lp
"My Mystic tomato effect activates I use it to summon another tomato."
"Next in my main phase two I activate Mizuki in my grave. By banishing it I can special summon Archfiend Skull onto my field. Your move boy."
"I draw." Looking at his hand the duelist noticed the spell axe of despair.
"I activate fusion recovery. I add back king of the swamp and my fusion spell. I set a monster and end my turn."
Kings turn.
"I draw! I set a card face down. Next I go into my battle phase. Attack Ha Des destroy his face down." Destroying his face down King noticed it was king of the swamp as it groaned before being destroyed. " Direct attack Zombie Skull."
The duelist was attacked directly as the collars shocked him so hard electricity started to appear from the collar making the Duelist fall onto his hands and knees as his life points fell.
Duelist 450 l.p
The boy looked at the ground shooken up as he stood up and looked at his opponents field with King smirking at him.
"What's wrong boy? Too much to handle?"
"I draw!" He announced as he brought the card to his field of view as he smirked.
"I knew you'd come when I needed you." He muttered as he looked at his opponents field. "That face down card could be a bottomless or a mirror force. But if I don't win this duel I won't be able to upgrade my deck. If this combo fails I lose. But I can't be too cautious. Alright."
"Well are you gonna make your move or am I gonna have to issue a slow play boy." King smirked making the boy chuckle.
"We'll see. I summon Red eyes Black Chick. Next I activate its effect. By tributing it I can special summon a Red Eyes Black Dragon from my hand."
"A rare card?!" King spoke as the boy placed the card on his duel disk.
"Appear Red Eyes!"
"So what? Your monsters are still weaker than my monsters." King smirked making the boy continue his turn.
"I activate Axe of Despair to increase my dragons attack by a thousand." He said as King took noticed of red eyes attack.
Red eyes: 2400>>3400
"Go red eyes attack Zombie archfiend with infernal fire blast!"
Zombie archfiend screeched as the red sphere destroyed it causing King to take damage along with a shock.
King: 2050
"I place mystic tomato in defense. I end my turn."
Kings turn.
"I draw! I activate the field spell Zombie world!"
King smirked as the entire area was morphed into a undead field with some people freaking out due to the zombies looking at them. Jessica looked at the duelist as if telling him to finish this duel quickly.
King placed his Ha Des in defense before ending his turn.
"Come on top deck a good card. I draw!"
Duelist turn
Looking at his singular card he smirked seeing it be shield crush. I activate my spell shield crush to destroy Ha Des! Now red eyes end this duel!"
"I don't think so. I activate my trap. Haunted Zombies. This trap allows me to Banish one Zombie monster to special summon two tokens in defense. I choose Ha des. I forgot to mention due to my field spell all monsters on the field and grave are now zombies. Now I summon two tokens."
"Tch. Go red eyes destroy the left token!"
Using its attack the token was destroyed as the duelist ended his turn.
Kings turn.
"I draw! I summon Samurai Skull. Battle! I attack with my skull!"
"Your monster will be destroyed!"
"All part of my plan!" King smirked as red eyes destroyed his Skull as he was shocked before chuckling.
King: 350 lp
"Now since my skull was destroyed I can summon Plaugespreader Zombie. Now I tune my Zombie with my token synchro summon. Appear Doom Kaiser Dragon!" King called out as his dragon appeared in defense mode.
"Due to Doom Kaiser ability when it's summoned I can special summon a Zombie monster from your grave. I choose Meteor Black Dragon!"
King smirked as his dragon screeched and summoned the fusion monster onto his field in attack position.
"Tell me boy what is your plan now? I took your strongest monster." He laughed making the Duelist smirk.
"It wasn't my strongest." He chuckled making king confused.
"I draw!"
Duelist turn.
The duelist looked at his hand and smirked.
"I activate the polymerization in my hand."
"You still have that?!" King said shocked at how he forgot about the card he's been holding onto since his second turn.
"I fuse Red Eyes Black Dragon with my second Meteor Dragon. Red eyes fuse with space itself and become a powerful dragon. Use your potential to grow even stronger. Appear Meteor Black Comet Dragon!"
"You see I've done my research before coming here. I knew you had Zombie cards and if I was a gambling man I guessed you had Zombie world in your deck. So I summoned my Meteor Black Dragon first as a precaution. But I knew the moment you activated your field spell you fell into my trap. But you attacking red eyes with your samurai skull helped out a lot cause now I know this will do enough damage. I activate my Comet dragons ability. When it's fusion summoned I can send a red eyes monster to my graveyard and you take damage equal to half of its attack. I choose." He began as his deck stuck out a card as he showed it to king. "Red eyes wyvern. It has an attack power of eighteen hundred. So you take nine hundred points of damage."
"No!" King yelled as he tried to take his collar off as Comet Dragon flew up into the air.
"Go Comet Dragon! Comet burn!" The duelist yelled as it flew towards King with Doom Kaiser and Meteor dragon attacking it only for it to dodge and crash right into King.
King: 0000 l.p
King screamed in pain as his life points his zero with the shock collar killing him due to the amount of electricity it pushed out.
"Ladies and gentleman. Your newest Apex Duelist! His title will be known as the Dragon of the underground!"
Walking off the duel field the duelist was shown to his room as the newest Apex duelist. Sitting on the couch he looked at his deck as Jessica entered before throwing a card at him as it spun with him catching it in his fingers. Looking at the card he took noticed of the monster card. "The black stone of legend."
"Keep winning and I'll give you more cards." was all she said before leaving him to ponder.
"One step closer to being on par with them." The duelist mumbled before being called into the ring as he grabbed his deck adding the new card while taking out a meteor dragon.
Over the next few months the dragon of the underground repeatedly won his duels with each one having a stronger monster on his field along with even stronger and rarer cards. The boy sat in his room as a visible scars around his neck from the electrical burns. Jessica walks in as she looked at the duelist.
"Well done Y/n as a reward here's your next card." She said before throwing him a spell card. Fusion Deployment.
Just then a loud bang happened as everyone was heard running as the duelist looked outside his room seeing Sector Security running around and arresting people. Jessica looked at the duelist as she walked away.
"Defend your lair Dragon boy." She ordered as she vanished into the crowd.
"There! It's the dragon!" A sector security officer announced as Y/n stood in their way towards Jessica.
Y/n readied his duel disk as the three duelist did the same.
Y/n: 12000
Sector security1: 4000
Sector Security2: 4000
Sector Security3: 4000
"Duel!" The three officers announced.
"Hurry up and cuff these corrupt people." A gruff voice spoke as he ordered the officers. "Any word on the location of the Dragon?" He asked as a cadet moved next to him.
"Team B is currently dueling him at his room. But they're met with a bit of a problem." He said as the captain looked at the screen seeing three goyo Guardians as the boy had Three Dragons on his field. The one in the left was Comet Dragon, the right had a skeleton like dragon and the middle had a sorcerer in draconic armor.
"This boy." Trudge said as the boy is seen pointing at the opposing monsters as his monsters each attack the enemy as the rest of the life points of the officers were instantly dropped to zero as the boy walked past them into the heart of the dueling ring.
"Captain what's the plan?" The cadet asked as the male thought to himself before nodding.
"This is the plan." He spoke before the cadet nodded and leaving.
"Sector security. Why are you here? A challenge maybe? or is it because of the illegal stuff that goes on in here?" He sarcastically thought to himself. Y/n shook his head as he reached for his neck. "Those burns...I can barely speak now. Even if i can it hurts to all hell. No matter I need to duel to protect my title." Moving to the duel ring Y/n noticed the captain in the center of the ring as he entered the ring.
"Well it's the dragon of the illegal duel ring. You have quite the rep. A duelist with a deck based off of his Red-Eyes Black Dragon. But not only that you're also a murderer with all the duels you win." He said but the duelist just stood there as Y/n looked over the man.
"How about you show me just how strong you are?" He smirked making the boy activate his duel disk.
Testu: 4000
"I have the first move. I summon assault dog in attack mode. Next I set a card. I end my turn."
Drawing his card Y/n looked at his hand as it consisted of Red-eyes Baby Dragon, red eyes fusion, fusion deployment, red-eyes wyvern, card of the red stone and Red eyes Black Dragon. Activating Cards of the red stone Y/n discarded Red Eyes as he drew two new cards. These new cards were Equip Shoot and Red eyes spirit. Summoning Red eyes baby dragon onto the field Trudge took notice of the attack power as it was the same as his dog. pointing at the dog Red-eyes attack and destroyed itself and it's opponent.
"When assault dog is destroyed I can summon any number onto my field. I summon two more." Trudge smirked but noticed glowing red eyes as a monster was on the field of his opponent.
But baby dragon was behind it in the spell and trap zone as the monsters attack power went up by three hundred.
just then a lightning bolt came and slammed onto his monster as he took damage.
Trudge: 2400 l.p
Setting two cards Y/n ended his turn.
Trudge turn
"I draw. I tribute summon cuff dragon onto my field." Just then Trudge noticed Y/n activating his trap red-eyes spirit. "I don't think so. I activate the trap card Wire tap. This card negates your trap and shuffles it into the deck. Next I tribute a level four and two level threes in my hand I special summon Montage Dragon.
Montage dragon 3000atk
"Go montage dragon attack his archfiend! Power Collage!"
Y/n 3800
"Go cuff dragon attack him directly cuff shoot!"
Cuff dragon flew and pinched Y/n in its mouth as his life points lowered.
Y/n: 2000
Y/n pointed out his baby dragon as it allowed him to add a level one dragon type so he adds The black stone of legend.
Y/n's turn.
Drawing his card Y/n noticed it being red eyes darkness dragon. Summoning the black stone of legend Y/n tributes it to summon red-eyes soul.
Trudge points out it being weaker than both his monsters but Y/n quickly tributes it to summon Red eyes Darkness Dragon.
"Red eyes Darkness dragon is a level nine dark dragon monster with twenty four hundred attack and two thousand defense points. Its special ablilty allows it to gain three hundred attack for every dragon type in the graveyard." Trudges duel disk announced as Darkness Dragon's attack went up.
darkness dragon:2400>>2700>>3000>>3300
Darkness dragon flew and attacked Cuff dragon causing big damage to Trudge.
trudge 900l.p
"I activate Cuff dragons ability this allows me to equip it to your monster and it loses eighteen hundred attack points."
darkness dragon 3300>>>1500.
Just then Y/n activated his trap Equip shoot. Darkness dragon spun around and threw Cuff dragon at Montage lowering it's attack instead due to the trap card.
Montage Dragon 3000>>1200
Darkness dragon 1500>>>3300
Pointing at montage dragon Darkness was about to obliterate the opposing dragon but the duel was suddenly cut off as Y/n was tazed causing him to hunch over as he locked eyes with his attacker. But as he took a step towards him he was hit by a tranquilizer. Pulling the small dart out of his neck he stumbled before falling to the ground unconscious.
"I told you tazing him wouldn't work. But it doesn't matter. We got him. Get everyone rounded up. We're heading home." Trudge ordered as he dragged Y/n by his arm as the cadet collected the boys cards.
Slowly waking up Y/n took in his surroundings as he held his head in drowsiness. Getting up he tried to move but his leg was cuffed to the bed. Looking at the mirror provided the boy noticed his face has a golden stripe ran down his left cheek starting from his temple all the way down to his jawline. A second one was parallel to his first one as he looked around.
"Well look who's awake." A voice sounded off as Y/n turned to see a male wearing a grey suit.
"I was beginning to believe you wouldn't wake up. Welcome to your new lair Dragon. This here is where you'll live out the rest of your days. You will be locked in this room at night and will be given three meals a day until your day of execution. Sorry this is just how things work for someone of your caliber." He said sternly as Y/n glared at him. "But you will be given time to stretch your legs and socialize." He said before noticing the burn marks on the boys neck. "Well...if you can." He said walking away as Y/n grumbled at him.
After getting time to socialize with some people Y/n made friends with a big bulky man nicknamed Bear. He was obviously in shape as the man had been seen working out for his time in here. Bear respected the duelist for his ruthlessness and for running cards no one would ever think of using after Y/n wrote down the cards he used.
Y/n sat in his room tossing a ball at a wall. The man that visited Y/n a couple of weeks ago noticed his calm demeanor allowing him to keep a ball to keep him company in his cell. Just then a lot of noise was going on outside as Y/n noticed a guard was being pushed out of the way with multiple bodies rushing past his door. One of these bodies was Bear as he grabbed the keys to Y/ns cell before opening it. Bear noticed Y/n before tossing it to him as he used it to free himself from his bed. Running with Bear Y/n took noticed of the two people with them: Snake and racoon.
These two were sneaky and shady as they knew every in and out of this place. Snake pointed at the camera before Racoon used milk to splatter it on the camera before the four moved on. Rushing to the storage unit the four found their decks. Bear took notice of the multiple officers appearing Snake hurried everyone to the loose ceiling panel. Bear lifted them up as the officers were getting closer.
"Go. Leave them to me." He said as Snake and Racoon hurried along but Y/n stayed back before nodding at Bear making him smirk. "Repent for your sins my friend. Do better."
Y/n moved ahead before catching up with Snake and Racoon. The duelist stopped as he saw Snake point at the officers moving around searching for them. Y/n pointed at the next vent as they quietly shifted through.
Dropping down the three were in the stair way. Running down the stairs multiple foot steps were rushing towards them as Racoon opened a door with the three of them moving through it.
"Where is it Snake?" Racoon asked as he saw Snake smirk.
"We're almossst there. The garage is just down the way. Dragon do you know how to jump start a D-wheel?" He asked making Y/n nod. "I sure hoped so, since you grew up in Satellite."
After moving closer the group noticed a blockade as the cops blocked the door to the garage. Snake and Racoon stopped but Y/n kept running. Racoon looked at Snake as Y/n faked them out and moved to the left as he crashed through the stair case making the cops chase after him as Snake and Racoon ran away with the cops chasing them.
Y/n leaped from stair case railing to stair case railing. Landing on the ground he landed on a officer as he used his body as a cushion. An officer coming back from patrol didn't see the duelist as he was punched in the jaw before being kneed in the stomach and punched in the throat. Coughing on air Y/n used his keys to start the d-wheel he had parked in the front of the building. Reving up the bike he sped off as sparks came off the wheels.
Snake and Racoon had also gotten their hands on a d-wheel but Racoon didn't know how to hot wire it as he was caught. Snake moved towards the city as Y/n went into the sewers. The night sounded off with sirens as Trudge smirked.
"Idiots don't realize their marks will allow us to follow them. Split up and find the bikes and duelist." He ordered as he followed Y/ns signal. "You're mine dragon and this time no interruptions." He said as the Neo Domino city was quite alive for the night.
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