Dragon vs Master
Snake drove through the streets but his joy ride was cut sort as multiple officers surrounded him as he lost the three on one duel as his D-Wheel was letting out exhaust. Trudge rolled up as he looked at Snake remarking that scum will always be captured. Snake looked at Trudge with anger as he didn't want to be thrown back into jail. But Trudge smirked as he looked at the duelist.
"Where is the dragon at?" He asked as Snake said he wouldn't rat out his friends. "Friends huh? last time I checked you've known him for a few weeks. You met him through Bear. Tell you what Snake. Tell me where he went and I'll lower your sentence."
Snake was shocked by this news as the other officers were opposed to this offer. But Trudge told them to trust him.
'He'ssss at the underground. He wrote ssssomething about getting hisss sssspeed duel deck. Your besssst sssshot is to sssuprise him there."
"You heard him boys I want five cops to the underground. A helicopter in the air and I want to stay posted on his location."
"Sir yes sir!" The other officers said as Snake was escorted to the jail.
Y/n drove through the sewers as he was thinking to himself. He knew the way to the underground ring just by memory due to him using these hallways to get to multiple places faster than using the roads. Parking in front of the entrance of the Ring he made his way to his room grabbing his Speed Duel Deck. But he seemed to be hurrying as he grabbed his bag and turned around but he noticed Jessica as she was standing in the doorway.
"Took your sweet time. " She scolded making him look away from her. "You weren't supposed to lose. You failed. Our deal is over. I'll be taking back those cards." She said with her hand out stretched for the cards. "Give them to me." She ordered making him take a step back.
"No." He forced out before coughing making her furious.
"No? No?! I made you who you are with MY cards. You're known as the Dragon thanks to me! Now be a good little lizard and give me my cards back!" She ordered making him shake his head.
Shaking his head Y/n activated the stolen duel disk making her furious. Jessica glared at him with her blue eyes as she spoke with angered breath.
"Fine. We'll duel for them." She said before moving to the now destroyed duel arena. Y/n looked around seeing his lair absolutely trashed. He came from the back entrance so he never got to see it. Being distracted by the mess he felt a familiar cold item wrap around his neck making him go wide eyed. Jessica had just placed a damaged shock collar on him as jagged parts stuck out alon with electrical wiring before she turned it on. "If you won't listen then I'll just show you how much you messed up not doing what you're told."
Y/n: 8000l.p
Jessica 8000l.p
"Duel!" Jessica said as let Y/n make the first move. Looking at his hand Y/n noticed Red-eyes black dragon, Cards of the red stone, the black stone of legend, red eyes soul, Red eyes baby dragon and Black metal dragon.
Activating his spell Y/n discarded his red eyes to draw two cards but was stopped by Jessica as she tossed a hand trap.
Flower petals escaped from the spell card as it was negated making him discard his card. Summoning his Black stone of legend onto the field he was gonna activate it's effect only for it to be negated from Jessica's trap card.
Looking at his hand he had no other plays as he ended his turn.
Jessica's turn.
"I draw! I know everything about your deck Y/n your deck isn't good when it can't get started. I summon Maiden with eyes of blue!" A woman with long white hair appeared on the field as she glared at Y/n with anger as he noticed her deathly glare.
"Next I activate Sage with eyes of blue. I target my maiden with his effect but I chain her effect allowing me to place her in defense as I summon Blue-eyes from my deck. But why stop there? Due to my sages effect I can summon another one!"
Two blue-eyes white dragons appeared on Jessica's field as she then activated her spell card in her hand.
"Next I activate my spell Ultimate Fusion!"
"I fuse the two blue eyes in my hand with the one in my hand by sending them to my deck. Fusion summon! Appear Blue-eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon! Now attack that piece of rock with Ultimate Stream of destruction!"
Y/n felt his collar do immense amount of damage to him as his life points dropped making him collapse to the ground.
Y/n: 3500 l.p
"Get up Y/n. I'm not done with you!" Jessica yelled as he struggled to get up his neck smelling like burnt flesh as he felt the burning sensation of his collar. Her dragon loomed over him as it roared at him.
"I set one card face down. You're turn." She said amused with herself from the smell.
Drawing his next card Y/n took notice of it being Red Eyes Fusion. Activating the card Y/n tossed a second Red-eyes Black dragon and Dark Magician as he summoned his Dark Dragoon.
Activating his monsters effect he went to destroy Maiden with eyes of blue but her effect was activated. But Y/n excepted this as he activated his dragoons second effect as a chain by discarding Baby dragon he negated her monster effect as the first effect of Dragoon went off as the maiden was destroyed. But with negating her effect Dragoon's effect went up by a thousand points.
Dragoon 3000atk>>>4000atk
Activating Black Metal Dragon in his hand Y/n's monster sat in the spell and trap zone as Dragoon's attack went up by six hundred.
Dragoon 4000atk>>>4600atk
Pointing at Alternative dragon Y/n's dragoon went and destroyed it by slashing at the monster cutting it in half.
Jessica: 7900 l.p
Ending his turn Y/n watched as Jessica drew her card. Setting a monster face down she ended her turn as Y/n drew his card. It was Red-eyes Black Meteor Dragon. Activating it's effect Y/n summoned it by sending Red-eyes Wyvern to the graveyard. Attacking Jessica's face down with his dragon Y/n destroyed Ancient White Stone.
Next was dragoon as it attacked directly knocking Jessica's life down.
Jessica: 3300lp
Jessica activated her ancient stones effect in the grave due to Y/n ending his turn and since he has no cards in his hand. He couldn't negate it as Blue eyes appeared onto the field. But this one was different as when it was summoned banished Y/n's Metal dragon equip making him shocked.
Jessicas turn
Jessica activated her face down Dark ruler no more.
This negated every card on the field including Dragoon since it wasn't targeted.
Dragoon 4000atk>>>3000
"Next I'll activated Raigeki!"
"Go spirit dragon attack him directly!"
Y/n felt another powerful shock as his life points dropped further down.
Y/n: 1000l.p
Drawing his card Y/n looked at his hand seeing The Black stone of legend. Activating his Black Meteor dragon in his grave, Y/n banished it to add his Red-eyes fusion to his hand from the grave. Next he activated it to send Red-eyes Black dragon to his grave along with summoned skull as the two fused into his Archfiend skull Dragon.
Y/n's monster rushed and attacked spirit dragon destroying it as Jessica took damage
Jessica: 2600l.p
Next Y/n activated his monsters effect allowing him to do burn damage as he returned Red-eyes Black dragon to his deck as Jessica took damage equal to it's attack
Jessica: 200 l.p
"NO! this is not happening." She yelled as Y/n ended his turn getting up she drew her card as a second copy of her Maiden appeared as she summoned it in attack mode. She glared at Y/n as she ended her turn.
Y/n's turn
Drawing his card Y/n activated the spell Fusion Deployment. Showing Red-eyes Slash dragon Y/n summoned his Red-eyes Black Dragon as it roared at Jessica for hurting it's master. Attacking with red eyes he targeted Maiden with Eyes of Blue as Jessica activated it's effect to place a Blue eyes in defense mode as he attacked it with his Archfiend dragon. He activated it's effect to add back his second Red-Eyes to burn the rest of her life points away. But the duel stopped as Y/n heard sirens from sector security.
"He's over here!" A voice yelled out as Jessica smirked.
"Help me! The dragon is hurting me!" She yelled as Y/n ran towards the back entrance. Sector security noticed him running as a couple helped Jessica as three of them rushed towards the exit.
Slamming through the door Y/n jumped back onto the D-Wheel as he revved the engine as the security team rushed after him. Letting go of the break the d-wheel pushed forwards as Y/n did a wheelie towards the canal.
"He's coming your way Captain. Northeast towards the Canal." A officer said as Trudge understood as he drove towards the canal.
Ramping out of the sewers and onto the canals sidewalk Y/n drove towards the streets as a helicopter followed him. Looking up Y/n noticed them before driving faster. Just then Trudge appeared above him as he saw Y/n ramp onto the street as he gave chase behind him.
"Forced speed duel protocol." Trudge said as Y/n's D-Wheel went into autopilot with the built in duel disk activating shocking the duelist. " You're not getting away dragon. Your friend Snake told us you would be there." He said making him curse Snake in his head.
"I draw. I summon gate blocker in defense mode." Trudge spoke as the monster appeared in front of Y/n causing him to slow down. " I set a card face down and end my turn.
Y/n turn
Y/n speed counter: 0
Trudge speed counter: 1
Y/n took notice of his counter not going up as Trudge pointed out that it was due to Gate Blocker stopping him.
Y/n looked at his hand nodded after drawing. The hand consisted of Slip-Stream, speed fusion, Black stone of legend, Black Metal Dragon, Red-eyes baby dragon and Red eyes black meteor dragon. Summoning Black stone of legend Y/n tribute it as he summoned Red-eyes archfiend of lighting
Going into his battle phase Y/n attacked Gate blocker destroying it as he drove faster.
"Trap activate Broken Blocker!" Trudge said as two more Gate Blockers appeared onto the field causing him to slow down again after turning around a corner a bit wide narrowly missing a couple. "When a monster is destroyed and it's defense is higher than it's attack I can summon two more from my deck with the same name as the destroyed monster.
Setting two cards Y/n ended his turn as Trudge gained another counter.
trudge: 4000 l.p S.C: 2
Y/n: 4000l.p S.C:0
"I summon Jutte Fighter. I tune one of my Gate Blockers with my tuner to summon Goyo Guardian
Y/n looked in shock of the synchro monster in front of him since he didn't know Testu could Synchro Summon. But this card was also stronger than his Archfiend card. Goyo Guardian attacked Y/n's archfiend as it destroyed it with his life points going down by two hundred.
Y/n: 3800l.p
"That's not all when Goyo Guardian destroys a monster it can bring back the destroyed monster onto my field in defense mode. Next, I'll activate the speed spell sonic buster. This allows me to deal damage to you equal to half of my monsters attack points!" Trudge smirked as Y/n took fourteen hundred damage but unknowing to Trudge he activated a trap card.
Y/n: 2400 l.p
"I'll activate the second one in my hand!"
Y/n: 1000l.p
Moving back towards Trudge Y/n looked at his field and hand before drawing a card. The card he drew was Red-Eyes. Y/n smirked as Trudge caught onto this.
"What are you smirking about scum?" He asked but noticed Y/n activating the speed spell Speed Fusion. "How you don't have any counters- No! not that damn trap again!" Trudge angerly yelled as Slip-Stream was shown on his monitor. Y/n fusion summoned his Comet Dragon as it roared onto the field. Activating his monsters effect Y/n sent a second copy of Archfiend from his deck dealing thirteen hundred points of burn damage to Trudge.
Trudge: 2700l.p
Activating his Metal Black dragon in his hand Y/n buffed his comet dragon as the rocky scales of his monster morphed into impenetrable metal as it roared.
Comet dragon 3500atk>>>4100atk
Attacking Goyo Guardian Y/n destroyed Trudges synchro monster as the duelist lost more life points.
Trudge: 1300 l.p
Setting baby dragon onto the field Y/n ended his turn as Trudge drew a card.
Trudge 1300l.p SC: 6
Y/n: 1000l.p SC:5
Trudge used Archfiend to destroy Y/n's face down as Y/n used it to summoned Red-eyes darkness metal dragon.
Trudge growled as he couldn't do anything but set a monster but this wouldn't do anything for him since Y/n had two strong cards since Darkness metal was boosted by Baby dragon.
Y/n's turn.
Drawing his card Y/n smirked before attacking with Comet destroying Archfiend of lightning.
Trudge: 0000l.p
Driving off Y/n left Trudge in the dust as he slammed his fists on his dashboard as the duelist drove away. Driving under a highway Y/n lost the helicopter as he ditched the D-Wheel as he ran on foot.
A limo was seen driving down the street as a man with swirled a drink as he relaxed in it. Suddenly his vehicle stopped as his driver slammed on his breaks as the man asked what happened. The male noticed the man that was running as he had a shock collar on him but what was shocking to him was that the Dragon from the underground dueling ring was here. Opening the door to his limo he called out to the male as he jumped in.
"Drive!" He ordered his driver as they continued on to their destination. Y/n panted as he grabbed the collar and threw it across the seat as he began to pant. Feeling his neck he hissed in pain as the burns hurt him increasingly with each minute. Dueling Trudge was hell to him. The male looked at him as Y/n looked outside the window seeing if Sector Security was following them. "Easy there boy. You're safe. What's your name?" He asked but the boy pointed at his neck as his savoir nodded. "I see your vocal cords are damaged from what I assume is electrical burns. No matter when we reach our destination I'll have someone give you a tablet to speak to us." He said as Y/n tilted his head in confusion. "We are going to a safe house of sorts. The Arcadia Movement. You'll be safe there from Sector Security." He said before nodding to himself. "We'll also get something for that burn of yours. By the way you can call me Divine. I will grant you my real name when you earn my trust."
Jessica paced back and forth as she was in a interrogation room. The door opened to show two officers as she looked at them with annoyance due to them not speaking to her.
"Well? Did Trudge get the cards back?" She asked as she noticed them not saying anything further enraging her.
"No ma'am. Trudge lost to the drago-"
"Lizard!" She cut off as they jumped in suprise.
"Sorry Lizard of the underground. Something is also blocking our signals with his markers. We're having a hard time finding him. But when we do find him. We'll keep you informed." One of them said as they left.
"Damn you Y/n....I would've lost due to that damn fusion card. He's strong.....but I can be stronger. Once I find him I'll personally be the one to end his long life of being on top. I'll also be taking back my cards from his filthy Satellite hands." She said with anger as she noticed the next tournament coming up. "And I know just where to find him." She smirked.
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