To Anger A Lord
For as long as memory allowed the Viking's of Berk were a stubborn lot. Where other's would have moved away generations ago they refused preferring to remain on their island. Why remain where it snows nine months of the year and hails the other three? Where the food is tough and tasteless much like it's people? no one may ever know why. Unless of course you ask the daughter of the Chief a truly cynical child of these times "Vikings have Stubbornness issues" she will inform you, if you ask.
However, no one in her village bothered asking questions or her opinion on the matter. Being of the act first, then ask questions later party if they even bothered to that is. Unfortunately she belonged in the think before you leap party. Which few belonged in unless you were the elder (who had long given up speaking as no one listened to her anyways so why waste the energy).
What is the Vikings of Berk with their stubbornness issues main concern about remaining on such a desolate islands main problem?...Dragons.
For generation after generation they had refused to give up and admit defeat or compromise. For many islands in the archipelago of the Northern hemisphere lived in peace with dragons. Dragons are surprisingly peaceful creatures who only attack when provoked much like any other wild animal one would encounter in the wild. Choosing to take on a protective stance if they feel personally threatened, their territory, their mates, eggs and hatchlings.
Which is why the ultimate stupidity of the tribe was tested when a team of Viking ships arrived past the fog of Hel Heim's gate. The Vikings unceremoniously leaped from their ships hefting wooden shields, swords, axes, crossbows, maces, hammers, and unloading large catapults from the ships directed at the mountain. The Vikings moved about like a swarm of frenzied ants to any who looked from high above the mountain top. Being directed by their enigmatic Chief Stoick The Vast who was rumored to have popped a dragon's head clean off it's body as a wee babe. Does one believe it? Logic would say no, but looking at the man you would have to agree much like his own daughter had to agree to it, yes.
Once in position catapults loaded with boulders conveniently culled from the rocky shores of the island. Warriors in place at his back the Chief makes his way to the head of the fray with a lift of his sword he commands the launching of catapults thus causing an enormous gaping cavern to erupt in the mountains side. The Chief enters dwarfed by the size of the hole itself charging in he bellows out his immense war cry startling dragons of various sizes, colors, and classes to take off into the sky screeching and screaming as though death were on their heels. Next to him his lifelong friend and fellow warrior Gobber joined in with his own menacing battle cry.
Once cleared of the dragons and satisfied that the nest is cleared and the dragons will have surely moved on to a new nesting site. Hopefully, farther from the shores of Berk this time. A cheer erupts from the crowd of assembled Viking warriors a great victory was achieved without any bloodshed. While disappointing to the warriors who relished a frenzied blood soaked battle field it provided relief to the other's who simply wanted to return to their village and families.
The Cheering however ceased when a great and terrible roar was heard from the deep bowels of the mountain a roar so terrible no one had ever heard of such a sound. Fear swept across those gathered and shields came up weapons at the ready. Warriors frantically reloaded the catapults. When a great and horrifying creature erupted from the fissure in the mountain nearly mimicking the size of the mountain itself. It was a fearsome red and grey dragon massive in size multiple eyes all about its head, razor sharp fangs like spears, spikes all over its body, and a massive club like tail.
Stoick looked towards his long time friend and brother in arms and said "I need to create a distraction, keep it away from the others so they can regroup and make it to the ships."
"Well, I can double their time." Gobber added by setting his hook on his friend's shoulder. Stoick nodded giving orders to the Vikings nearest him and then running off with Gobber close behind.
In, childish antics they threw rocks and taunts angering the dragon and causing it to become distracted losing interest in the other Vikings. It began storming along the beach towards Stoick and Gobber.
It was at this time the Vikings prepared the secret weapon flaming catapult boulders the plan was when the dragon was ready to draw its gas and blow its fire the catapults would be launched into the dragons mouth setting flame to the gas thus causing the dragon to alight from within because someone had realized after observing Terrible Terrors fighting, dragons were not fireproof on the inside.
When the signal was given Stoick and Gobber made way to the other side of the island dashing through the beasts legs further infuriating it. The great dragon then swung about to go after it's prey tail slamming into the mountain causing it to collapse. Once turned about and seeing the great crowd of gathered Vikings and vessels the beast prepares to draw its gas opening its jaws wide.
"NOW" shouts Stoick as loud as he can while dropping his sword down.
Catapults all across the beach are launched all directed at the beasts gaping maw great flaming balls of fire hurl through the sky. Several flaming boulders soar pass the dragon hitting the beast but then several enter the jaws of the dragon at this the creatures great jaws clamp shut with a loud crash.
"GET DOWN AND TAKE COVER" Stoick then bellows as shields are lifted and others hit the ground.
The dragon in a vain attempt at self preservation attempts flight into the air but soon erupts into flames bursting at the center and being torn into pieces. Pieces which rain down on the Viking warriors down below. A sickening smell of burning and charred flesh fills the air as what remains of the once proud Queen plummets to the beach, it's tail slamming into the mountain before being engulfed inflames.
The Vikings remain huddled down on the ground waiting covering their faces against the flames and smoke that fill the air. A great long expanse of time passes before the flames burn out the air grey with smoke and fog . Vikings begin emerging from their crouched positions assessing the situation. They begin assisting their neighbor in standing back up, helping those who had become trapped beneath burning dragon Queen carcass, and tending the wounded.
Stoick stood tall a look of proud satisfaction on his face as he wiped soot and ash from his face looking over and checking over his warriors. 'A Chief protects his own' he always instructed and followed as a personal mantra. Cheers and battle cries filled the air in celebration. His friend Gobber clapped a hand on his back.
"Well, done Stoick couldna' done it better ma' self" Gobber said in his thick accent.
"Aye, a job well done now Berk will have peace and we can prepare for winter without further intrusion" Stoick said proudly.
He admired his warriors and their bravery each and every man and woman watching them prepare to disembark and head for home and their awaiting children and loved ones. He thought of his own daughter back home perhaps it was time he spent more time with her and stopped treating her as a constant disappointment he thought. His thoughts were soon interrupted by a great whistling high pitched screech.
"NIGHTFURY GET DOWN!" a voice shouted out.
Stoick looked to the dark figure anger in his eyes just when victory had been achieved and he had secured a safe future for his daughter and people this beast had to interrupt them. He growled hefting his sword, no dragon would stop him as he approached the very offspring of lighting and death itself.
The ebony winged creature landed a distance away from the warriors near the charred remains of the Queen. Upon landing it stared towards the warriors and bared its teeth menacingly. Stoick charged to the front of his warriors ready to return this beast to Hel along with the other winged bastards. Suddenly the Nighfury began to glow a bright blue color as it gave off a screech. Many of the Vikings cowered in fear even Stoick hesitated not sure of what was to follow.
The glowing blue continued and the shape seemed to shift and then the light faded and left standing in its place was a tall, handsome young lad with pale skin, jet black hair, and piercing green eyes. He stared at the assembled throng coldly. Then he looked about his surroundings seeing the charred remains of the Red Death Queen.
Stoick then bellowed out "What sorcery are you?"
At this the young mans back straightened causing him to whip around, anger on his face. "You foolish humans! For years we have been patient. We have tried to live in peace and yet you refuse to do so. This...this is the ultimate insult how dare you kill a member of the royal family." he spoke out loudly in a cold angry tone to those assembled.
"Peace" Stoick bellowed incredulously "You call having our island overrun with murderous dragons on a near daily basis living in peace?"
Shouts of agreement went up from the other Vikings. The young man spoke.
"That island has been sacred land to my kind long before your people have ever settled there. The fact you choose to remain astounds given it was spelled to be as unwelcoming to humans as possible." He looked over the Chief and stared into his eyes as if reading his soul.
"It will take more than bad weather and a few winged reptiles to scare us Berkians off." Stoick cried out causing calls of agreement and assent.
"Very, well I have a proposition for you. You must agree to the terms if you wish for the island of Berk to remain intact and not for every inhabitant on the island to be annihilated. That goes for you Chief Stoick the Vast." the young man said coolly.
Stoick was stunned how did... whoever this was find out his name? Also, he realized the safety of his people was once again at stake and worst of all. Hiccupa. No he would agree to anything to keep her safe. "Very well you have my attention a Chief protects his own." he said eyeing those closest to him.
The young man chuckled causing a chill to run down Stoick's spine. "Very well you have a fortnight to bring a member of your tribe as a sacrifice." The young man paused as though overhearing a voice. "The dragons demand a virgin sacrifice in exchange for what has happened today. If not we will lay waste to Berk killing every tribal member from your elders to the youngest of infants." he said.
The Chief paled at what he heard knowing it would mean a gathering of the youngest of the Vikings which would include his own daughter. No, he refused to have his daughter included in the proceedings. She was his heir and would one day lead he had went on this quest to protect her and secure a future for her. She would be spared he would make sure of it.
"Very, well you have my word as Chief Stoick the Vast" he called out "Where do you want...after a fortnight where should our ships journey?" Stoick asked not able to voice the words knowing the outcry he would receive upon his return.
"You will have only one ship. No weapons are to be on board. Your ship will be watched and protected if necessary to ensure the safety of the sacrifice is brought to us. You will then bring the victim to my island where you will leave them never to see them again." the young man said with a confident air. He then waved his hand and a map appeared at Chief Stoick's feet.
The Chief felt a sickness in his stomach at what this had turned into bending and picking up the map he nodded his head in agreement. "If those are the instructions we shall deliver in a fortnight then." he said reluctantly.
The young man smirked "Then I suggest you leave here and never return to these shores again. Remember you have a fortnight or Berk is no more." he said.
Then he started shifting and changing the blue glow reappearing the high pitched screech was heard as the nightfury launched into the air disappearing into the smog filled skies. The Vikings stood in silence.
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