The Council Meeting
It was the following day after the warriors returned and a celebratory dinner was held in the Great hall the previous night. All the adult's of Berk were assembled in the Great Hall that evening married couples and anyone deemed unworthy of a sacrificial candidate. It was agreed to not tell any of the youths of Berk as they were the candidates for the lengthy decision process. Chief Stoick sat in his Chief's throne waiting before all the assembled were gathered and the massive doors closed. Then he rose his mammoth presence silencing those gathered immediately till the only one left talking was Mildew and Stoick soon silenced him with a hard stare.
"People of Berk many of you who were not part of the voyage are probably wondering why you are gathered here and not with your children. Well I am here to explain clearly what occurred during our mission. I know rumors have been flying and heresy is called into speculation as well but we must remain calm." he said his gaze moving across the room looking over his people he had sworn to protect and would continue to do so till his last breath.
"Our mission to Hel Heim's gate was a success the Red Death Queen is no more. We will no longer be plagued by her minions." he said upon saying so murmurs erupted though the hall.
"However, it was not without consequences we had some wounded but we successfully brought them back where they are convalescing thanks to Gothi." he said gesturing to the elder who sat on her chair with her staff resting across her lap nodding her head.
"Which leads me to our next problem in a fortnight the island of Berk is threatened with annihilation from the surviving dragons. They have vowed to come and raze Berk to the ground and kill all who stand." he said. At this a panic of voices went up in the air.
Gobber stood up from his chair and bellowed "SILENCE YOUR CHIEF IS SPEAKING."
Silence fell across the Great Hall immediately Stoick then continued "However, we were given a choice to avoid this occurrence we need to select from among us a human sacrifice. A virgin human sacrifice no less." he said reluctantly.
Gasps went across the hall and wide eyed looks of shock.
"We should board the ships and escape immediately go start over somewhere else." a panicked voice shouted out in the crowd.
"There are not enough ships to carry every man, woman, and child off of Berk we have lost too many in dragon raids." Stoick said expecting this.
"We should fight them off surely we have weapons and all the warriors returned. Overwhelm them with our numbers." Another voice called out.
"There are at least five dragons out there for every villager on Berk. We wouldn't hold out a day." Stoick said having to admit his limitations for once.
"What about are allies? surely they would come to our defense." another shouted.
"We only have a fortnight it would take that long to contact and gather our allies. Besides many of them have chosen peace with the dragons as opposed to violence." Stoick said reluctantly.
"Who's to be the sacrifice?" a voice called out.
"That's the thing it will be a hard decision to make but will be made by myself and the tribal council. Till then no mention is to be made to the young people and candidates." Stoick said.
At this a panic went up amongst the assembly.
"Chief you can't possibly be serious?" a voice called out.
"Your choosing amongst the children to be slaughtered like mutton." called out another.
"You won't touch a hair on my child if any of you know what's good for you." another threatened raising an ax.
"If you believe them your a fool Stoick. This was predicted in the prophecies mark my words you can't trust a dragon. They won't be satisfied with one sacrifice till we're all dead." Mildew shouted jumping up and waving his staff wildly. Gobber came up and clubbed him over the head using his hook hand causing the old man to rub his head and give dirty looks at Gobber.
"Right, I understand this is hard for all of you to accept, but as your Chief I am not accepting this decision lightly either. I have sworn to protect each and everyone of you and now I have to choose an innocent in the summer of their youth. One who hasn't even begun to live life yet or will ever understand the joys of parenthood or the wisdom of old age to be taken to the dragons." Stoick said.
"But I have a duty. A Chief protects his own and if we must sacrifice one for the greater good of the many than it is with a heavy heart I say so be it. Those of you are not tribal council I suggest you go to your homes and tuck your children into bed and spend time with your loved ones. While the council will begin talks. Once again do not tell the young people what was discussed this night." Stoick ordered.
Their was a rumbling of voices as Vikings rose to their feet heading towards the great halls doors leaving for their homes. The tribal council gathered round the council table taking their seats all silent and solemn waiting for the villagers to leave before talks could begin. Once the last villager left the great hall doors shut with a thunderous echo.
Those assembled looked about: Chief Stoick the Vast, Gobber, Spitelout Jorgenson Stoick's brother, Gothi the elder, Sven, Mulch, Bucket, Helga, and Mildew because he refused to leave.
Stoick then called to order "We will not make the final decision this evening we need to plan and sleep on whatever decision we are about to make. In a few days time we shall call a village meeting where we will present our final decision to the people. Remember we have a fortnight. First, we should draw up a list of the candidates."
Sven produced a paper as he was often responsible for recording council minutes and decisions and he began writing furiously as names were called out.
"Fishlegs Ingerman"
"Tuffnut Thorston"
"Ruffnut Thorston"
"Snotlout Jorgenson"
"Ash Hofferson"
"Right now that this is settled." Stoick said.
"Wait a minute yer' forgettin' a name Stoick yer' own child." Mildew snapped with malice in his voice.
Stoick winced hoping to protect his daughter but then admitting with reluctance.
"Hiccupa Hortense Haddock the III"
He felt as though he had written her death sentence. As he saw Sven write her name out on the sheet but what could he do she was an equal candidate as were the teens and would be no less missed when gone he realized.
"How do we know the candidates are still "worthy." Spitelout said.
"Whatever do ya' mean? Spitelout." Gobber asked questioningly.
"I mean surely my son would have sowed some oats by now being virile and taking after his old man." Spitelout said proudly to the collected disgust of those at the table.
"Then we will question the candidate of their activities." Stoick said feeling as though things were getting out of hand.
"That won't be good enough Stoick they could lie. Make Gothi give them a purity exam." Mildew snarled.
Stoick sighed "Gothi?" he asked turning towards her.
Gothi stood and began writing in the dirt Gobber stood coming forward to read what she wrote "I find this discussion morally repugnant and want nothing to do with the final decision. I will perform the exam I do as part of Bridal purity rights for the candidate but I have heard enough."
With that Gothi was prepared to storm out till Stoick rose and rested a hand on her shoulder "Gothi please I need your wisdom in this and a voice of reason before this truly goes out of hand." Stoick said reluctantly.
Gothi huffed and began writing. Gobber looked in shock and said "I can't say that he's the Chief."
Gothi then rolled her eyes and sat down at the table in a huff.
"What do we do if the chosen candidate won't go willingly?" Helga asked.
"I will try and explain to them what they are chosen to do is for the good of Berk and that they are keeping their families and loved ones safe." Stoick said rationally.
"No, good they'll prove a flight risk best to lock them away in the jail with guards. Clamp em' in irons." Mildew argued.
Gobber whispered in Stoick's ear. "Don't s'pose any chance Mildew is a virgin fer sacrifice is thar? We'd kill two birds with one stone."
"Not after three wives. I already thought of it." Stoick whispered back.
"That is not the Berk way we will NOT treat them like a prisoner." Stoick said. "They will be treated with great honor and given a proper warrior's funeral in their absence. Their family will also be taken care of for importunity. Since they will not be around to care for them in their old age. We can make sure of that at least."
Sounds of "Ayes" and agreement were heard around the table. "Tis only fair." a voice said.
"Any chance any of the candidates would volunteer?" Sven asked optimistically.
Stoick sighed "As much as that scenario would solve a lot of headache and heartache. I don't see any of our youth wanting to give up on life and freedom." he said in response.
"What lad or lass would sign up for that? I mean if it was a great battle when I was their age I would've willingly signed up better to die in a blaze of glory." Gobber said reminiscing.
Stoick shot Gobber an angry look "Thank you Gobber for making that clear." he said gruffly.
"We should just choose one of the maidens and call it a day." Spitelout said dismissively. "The future of Berk will need strong warriors."
Helga angrily pounded her fist on the table "And just where do you propose those "strong warriors" come from anyway the sky? Women give birth you half wit. You should choose one of the lads since their are a surplus of 'em." Helga argued back.
"We will consider all the candidates equally regardless of gender." Stoick said attempting to settle the argument. "Also, I think a blessing ceremony by the elders should be in order for the candidate as well."
More "Ayes" and nods went about the table in agreement better the chances of getting into Valhalla for the tribute.
"Alright, I think we need to take a break for the night emotions are getting high. I want you all to think long and hard about this and we will continue tomorrow. If anyone thinks of anything else please bring it up tomorrow." Stoick said pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
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