Choosing A Sacrifice
Stoick and Gobber were walking away from the Great Hall together feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. After traveling to Hel Heim's Gate to defeat the Red Death in battle, then returning to Berk on a long voyage, and now having the difficult decision of having to select a young person to be sent off as a sacrifice. Due to the stubbornness of their kind. It was enough to drive a man to drink. Which is why Stoick asked Gobber to stop by the Chief's house for a drop of mead after a long day.
Upon entering the house the conversation continued. Unbeknownst to either of them that Hiccupa was laying awake upstairs in bed.
"Gobber, I have to tell you of all the duties of being Chief this is by far the most difficult decision I will ever have to make." Stoick said while twisting the spout on the keg and filling his mug.
"Aye, but your not alone in this decision you have the tribal council to help ya' do realize, do ya'?" Gobber said filling a mug as well.
"Still I have to choose one of these young people to be sent off to their untimely death. Really I'd much rather be off in a battle. The stakes are easier on a battle field." Stoick said sitting in his chair by the fire and taking a pull on his mug.
"I agree with ya' thar Stoick still no less loss of life but at least the young'un has a fightin' chance on a battle field at least. Not like bein' sent off as a sacrifice to a dragon." Gobber said taking a gulp of his mug.
Upon hearing this discussion Hiccupa froze and held her breath so she could better hear what was being discussed. Often she had overheard discussions of village life and disputes but she often paid them no mind out of respect for her father, but then this scenario have serious consequences for her life.
"Gobber I have to protect Hiccupa she's my daughter as well as my heir. Also, I made a vow when Valka was taken I would always watch over her. I can't let this happen to her. I'd never forgive myself." Stoick said immediately over come with guilt and grief.
"I understand Stoick I've known the wee lass her whole life. She's my only apprentice why I think of her as the daughter I never had. I couldna' in good conscience vote for her as sacrifice that's fer sure." Gobber said feeling wistful at the thought of Hiccupa being chosen.
"So are you with me in this then to protect Hiccupa at least, Gobber?" Stoick asked his long time friend and advisor.
"Of course Stoick your my brother in arms." Gobber said clasping hands with Stoick.
Hiccupa held in a breath 'What were they talking about "sacrifice", "dragons", "having to choose" obviously it was a secret'. Hiccupa decided she would need to do some spying and learn more information
"Well Stoick I best be headin' off blacksmith-in' in the mornin' waits for no one." Gobber said downing his mug in one gulp and then standing up and stretching.
"Don't you worry lad I can't imagine the council would vote their own heir fer a sacrifice. You have a G'night." said Gobber patting his friend on the shoulder and hobbled out of the Chief's house towards the smithy where he worked and lived.
Stoick sighed setting his mug aside and then stood up and started up the stairs wanting to check up on Hiccupa which he hadn't done in years.
Hiccupa heard her father's heavy footsteps on the stairs and closed her eyes tight feigning as though she had been asleep the whole time.
Stoick opened the door as quietly as he could and peered in he saw Hiccupa asleep in bed and breathed a sigh of relief. He almost turned away when he thought better of it and walked inside pulling the covers over his daughter and kissing her forehead. Then he turned away closing the door quietly behind him and began his descent down the stairs.
Upon hearing the door shut Hiccupa opened her eyes looking towards the door in shock she couldn't remember the last time her father had performed such a tender and fatherly task. Not since she was a very young child had her father shown her such affection she was used to looks of disapproval and disappointment. And she so hated disappointing her father. 'Maybe he has changed since the last dragon battle.' Hiccupa thought. Hiccupa lay in bed thinking of all she had heard and her fathers tender moment of affection before she finally drifted off to sleep.
~~~The Next Day~~~
Even though it was agreed not to tell any of the younger members of the tribe about the sacrifice it didn't mean the adults couldn't talk amongst themselves. That was the main topic of discussion throughout the village the next day. The fishermen discussed it while tossing nets and hauling in their catch while out to sea in their boats. The women discussed it while washing clothes at the communal washing basin. The sheep farmers discussed while herding their sheep. The market was all a buzz with discussion centered around it as people went to purchase or trade for what they needed.
It did not take long for Hiccupa to glean everything about what happened at Hel Heim's gate and about the demand for a human sacrifice. She was in the blacksmith's with Gobber working but between working and wondering the village she managed to pick up snippets of discussions when people thought she wasn't listening. She was in a state of shock after she had learned everything. 'Why wouldn't her father just pick up and leave? why go along with this sacrifice?' she thought. 'The Hooligan's had allies they could leave the island and return in a few years time.' she thought no loss of life needed.
Vikings are easily swayed by magic and shape shifting dragons in case you haven't noticed.
Hiccupa was in the forge lost in her own thoughts as she worked pounding away at a piece of heated metal. Apparently too lost in her thoughts when she heard Gobber shouting.
"Hiccupa what in Hel's name are you doing to tha' lass?" he asked with his hands on his hips.
She looked down at the piece of metal noticing a flattened, mangled mess she had completely lost track of what she was doing while trying to make a sword. "Sorry Gobber I was lost in my own thoughts...uh thinking of a new invention?" she said awkwardly coming up with a quick excuse sheepishly.
"Lass how many time have I told ya', ya' need ta' focus on th'a task at hand or we end up with this." Gobber said gesturing towards Hiccupa.
"You just gestured at all of me." Hiccupa said disappointed.
"Exactly." Gobber sighed feeling guilty. "Why don'cha go off and take tha' rest of tha' day off. Spend time with your friends."
"Hey, if you find them let me know" Hiccupa said sarcastically "Really Gobber are you sure? I mean I can refocus again if you want." she said surprised.
"Nah. Go off Lass come back tomorrah' fresh and ready." Gobber said taking the metal from Hiccupa and shoving it back in the fire.
Hiccupa set her tools in the water pail to the sounds of hissing and clouds of steam she pulled them out and put them away to dry. Then she untied her leather apron and hung it on a hook. She washed her hands and face of soot as she always did when she finished at the forge drying off with a towel. Then she left the forge.
She was unsure what to do at first when she thought she could venture back to the house and grab her sketch book and go find something to sketch or brainstorm an invention. Till she saw the gossiping villagers of Berk. Apart of her was relived it was not about her for once but yet an uneasiness fell about her and she forgot all about her sketchbook. She could speak with her father tell him she knew what was happening and offer a solution despite her clumsiness and failed inventions she did have a sharp mind.
Determined she decided to go find her father and head held high she made way for the Great hall where she was sure he would be. However, she didn't make it to the Great Hall when she found all the teens gathered about in a group talking and looking around nervously. When she walked nearer she felt all their eyes fall on her. She was prepared to ignore them and keep walking when she heard.
"Why should we tell Useless anyway? You think her father would let HER be CHOSEN." she heard her cousin Snotlout say nastily.
Hiccupa stopped and listened closer realizing that of course they were talking about her she was used to this behavior from people talking about her as if she was not their. Just typical passive aggressive behavior on behalf of Scandinavians when they aren't being directly aggressive that is.
"She is a member of this tribe and she is a CANDIDATE Snotlout whether you think so or not." she heard Ash argue.
"SHE IS STANDING RIGHT HERE." Hiccupa shouted deciding she had had just about enough of this behavior to last her a life time. Lives were at stake and their was no time for arguing right now.
The group looked at her wide eyed with mouths agape stunned not used to such an outburst from the usually snarky yet quiet daughter of their Chief. She stepped forward to join the group as Ash and Fishlegs parted to make room for her between them a flicker of fleeting respect was shown in the other teens eyes.
"I know what your talking about." she said eyes cast downwards.
"Yeah, and how'd you figure that out? Useless." Snotlout said as nastily as he could with a snicker.
"I over heard my father and Gobber speaking last night." Hiccupa said voice hard raising her face up.
"She's the Chief's daughter and Gobber's assistant she would have figured it out eventually." Ash said.
"I assume you've heard the gossip all over the village?" Hiccupa asked the group of teens.
"Pretty much"
Everyone stops and turns to stare at Tuffnut. "What?" he says shrugging his shoulders.
"Well, I have nothing to fear I am the Chief's nephew after all and my father's only son he would let nothing happen to me." Snotlout said admiring his nails confidently.
"Snotlout don't you think Hiccupa is more worthy of that sentiment since she is Stoick's daughter after all." said Ash sounding annoyed at the cocky Viking.
"I'm just saying I have an in." said Snotlout crossing his arms and glowering.
"I just know they are gonna pick me. I am so done for." said Fishlegs panicking.
"Fishleg's you can't possibly mean that." Hiccupa said.
Fishleg's went on to speak, "I'm serious you heard Snotlout he's the nephew of the Chief. Hiccupa your his daughter. Ash is destined to be a great warrior. Ruffnut is a woman they need her for the future of Berk. And Tuff..."
"Is needed to blow things up and cause destruction. LOKI!" said Tuffnut.
Everyone stared at Tuffnut in silence. "What?" said Tuffnut looking confused.
"Fishlegs Berk will need you too." said Ash.
"Yeah, you know everything there is to know about dragons. You could have a future as a dragon fighting trainer." Hiccupa added helpfully.
"Oh, come on. Your saying he's important because he reads to much get serious. While you read I'll be killing the things the books tell you to kill." Snotlout said exasperated while pointing at his chest.
"Snots right you guys I should just go to the Great Hall and save them the trouble and volunteer right now." said Fishlegs sadly.
"No, your not gonna do that Fishlegs. Your a Viking and...and your gonna let your tribe decide what happens. Who knows they'll probably choose Snotlout anyway." said Hiccupa grasping Fishlegs by the forearms.
"Hey, I heard that!" shouted Snotlout.
"Yeah, listen to Hiccupa. Fishlegs chances are you won't be chosen and if you are think of it as an honor you'll be serving your village. Destined for Valhalla for sure." said Ash clamping Fishlegs on the shoulder. Causing Hiccupa to wince at the phrase.
"Cool. I wanna go to Valhalla." said Tuffnut.
"Yeah, count me in." added Ruffnut.
"Oh, Thor." said Hiccupa rolling her eyes.
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