"Okay, we're done here," the councilmen sighed walking out of the door. They were covered in glitter, smelled of alcohol and had a few bruises from random flying tables and chairs (a few were purposeful gifts from Erik)
"Aww, you're leaving already? You didn't even question Acnologia, Makarov, Ur, or Gildarts!" Serena grinned. "Or me for that matter."
"Oh no, we're fine," one councilman laughed nervously shaking the glitter off him.
"Besides God Serena, you are not a member of the Fairy Tail Guild, we have no jurisdiction to question you," another stated.
"Oh well, ta-ta!" Serena grinned closing the doors.
Every Fairy Tail member sighed in relief.
"That went well," Ur smiled.
"Yeah, your glitter bombs were a nice touch," Wakaba coughed completely covered in pink glitter.
"I do what I can," Serena grinned.
"Okay, now we have to go find Natsu!" Sting cried standing up.
"But you're still injured, that isn't a good idea," Ur sighed.
"Doesn't matter, we're going after him. We failed the first time and I'll be damned if the council gets him because we couldn't bring him home!" Gajeel growled, "He didn't rest when I ran off and I'm not sitting round here while he's out there."
"Acnologia, talk some sense into these brats," Makarov sighed.
"Sounds like they have all the sense they need," Acnologia answered. He turned to them, "Of course there are conditions to letting you go."
"What?" Rogue asked.
"He says 'throw them at me'... I think," Wendy said clearly puzzled.
Acnologia pointed to Erik, "Stop jumping in front of your siblings when they are in trouble." He pointed to Gajeel, "Stop getting stabbed!" He pointed to Wendy, "Listen when your brothers tell you to stay put!" He then pointed to Rogue, "Stop letting Sting jump into dangerous situations!" He Pointed to Sting, "STOP JUMPING INTO DANGEROUS SITUATIONS!" He pointed to Laxus, "You... you did alright."
Laxus smirked.
"Mfphizgafirtphizz," Erik muttered.
"What was that!" Laxus snapped.
For the next two days the Fairy Tail members, plus Serena, spread out in groups to search out Natsu.
Lucy was with Erza and Levy. She promised herself that she would find Natsu... she couldn't forget the guilt in his eyes when he looked at her. She gritted her teeth and promised herself that she'd make it up to Natsu. She would save him this time.
E.N.D had found Natsu's weak spots and was poking at them, wearing the dragon slayer down. Natsu however, was very resilient. And so Natsu was still fighting back. Fairy Tail still had time, but the time was running out.
On one bad day, Natsu collapsed on his knees and looked up at the sky.
'Why worry? You are perfect if the world can't see that, why should the world be allowed to see? There is no need to worry. We are everything we need to be, we are one and the same, just let us work together! Together we a stronger force! We never need to fear again.'
'Stop talking, you talk too much.'
'Oh come on-'
'Talk one more time and I'll start humming 'It's a small world'!'
'You wouldn't dare-'
Natsu smiled and began humming it's a small world and began to chuckle when he heard the demon scream.
'You're so annoying!'
'I can't believe you're being this difficult!? The world has turned it's back on you! Everyone hates you and here you are being-'
'Are you serious?'
'My god.'
Lucy froze when she felt a pull. She couldn't explain it, there was just a calling.
"Hey you two, I'm going to go check out over here," Lucy said.
"Splitting up may be a good idea," Erza concurred.
"Why don't we meet up at the town by sundown," Levy recommended.
"Sounds good," Erza nodded.
"See you then!" Lucy nodded clearly distracted. She walked through the woods, the pull getting stronger.
'Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!' E.N.D roared finally silencing Natsu's song. Natsu leaned backwards until he was sitting on the grass looking up at the blue sky.
"What do you want from me?" Natsu asked finally.
"I want to be free." a voice stated. Natsu looked back at saw the outline of E.N.D standing in the trees. It wasn't uncommon, E.N.D often took form in a hallucination in Natsu's head. " I have two choice in life... let you live, allow myself to suffer for eternity in an abyss of nothingness or complete my purpose... but before I complete I would like to live a little."
"Why? What do you want to do?" Natsu asked softly.
"...I don't know actually," E.N.D pondered, "But I want to find out... I want to live. Is that so bad?"
"If you live only to kill others then your life is pointless," Natsu growled.
"That's easy for you to say. You were in my place for what... an hour? You don't understand my hunger for freedom because you've had your chance to live Natsu Dragneel. You got all the luxuries in life, and then you threw it all away for a girl."
"For Lucy," Natsu corrected.
"Whatever, she's still a human... a pointless human."
"If she's so pointless why did you agree to save her?" Natsu asked going on the attack.
"... Does it matter? It's not like she's happy I saved her. You saw the fear in her eyes, she's terrified of you... How does that make you feel?" E.N.D grinned getting to the heart of the matter.
Natsu didn't respond.
"Aww, your scared that she hates you... your right. She does. Your siblings don't, of course, but... if you ever see them again, I'll make sure to finish the job I was given."
"You won't get the chance," Natsu growled.
"Oh, your still so confident."
"I'll never let you lay another hand on them!" Natsu roared standing up and turning to face the demon. He was gone.
"Actually, I have claws," the demon corrected appearing in Natsu's peripheral vision, "And besides... don't you see those tattoos on your skin... that's me. That's me creeping up on you and when you least expect you I'll strike and you'll wake up in that flaming battlefield again... except this time, it won't be a dream."
"Natsu!" someone cried. Natsu knew that voice.
"Oh look... it's Lucy," E.N.D chuckled looking through the trees where the blonde-haired woman ran.
"No..." Natsu trembled. He thought of the fear she had felt, and then he glanced at the demon... he could take control... If Natsu lost focus, E.N.D could take control and Lucy would be afraid once again. Natsu looked down at his black tattoos and shuttered.
"You should go talk to her," E.N.D hissed in glee sensing that this might be his chance to take control once again. Natsu turned and ran.
"Always running," E.N.D hissed running alongside him, "You run from everything, every problem you cause, every fear you have. You even run from me... I'm you Natsu Dragneel! I am you!"
"You aren't me!" Natsu bit, "I'm nothing like you!"
"NATSU!" Lucy cried now certain that she was chasing him. She thought of summoning a spirit... but then something else came over her and she simply put on speed.
"Just go talk to her!" E.N.D hissed desperately... he wanted his freedom back, he wanted it so badly.
"NO!" Natsu cried tears building up as he ran faster.
"Why not?"
"BECAUSE YOU'LL HURT HER!" Natsu cried. He continued running, but E.N.D froze in his tracks and let Natsu leave him behind. His desperation for freedom was gone and he stood there stunned by his other-self.
"You think I'd kill Lucy?" E.N.D asked from inside Natsu's head.
"What else would you do," Natsu bit speaking aloud, "That's all you want! Death and destruction!"
He ran to the edge of the trees and froze. He was looking over a cliff. He panted heavily and looked back, he didn't know what to do.
"Jump," a voice said clearly. Natsu looked to his left and there stood E.N.D. He was clear as day, not just a shadow or a figure. He was standing at the edge of the cliff. His eyes were full of sadness and he looked to the horizon sadly.
"What?" Natsu shook.
"You are a danger to everyone around you. The world isn't safe as long as you exist. So do the world a favor and take a swan dive off this cliff. It's tall enough, you'll die on impact," E.N.D answered looking down nonchalantly.
"What are you saying?" Natsu asked wondering if he should start a fight.
E.N.D sighed and looked to the horizon again, "In my short life I've had two main problems, how to claim your body and escape the horrible place that is your subconscious, and what to do once I had it... I always wanted to destroy the world... but... but I don't know-"
"What don't you know!?" Natsu asked surprised by E.N.D's sudden change.
"NATSU!" Lucy cried, her voice was growing nearer.
"Do it quickly, before she can summon a spirit and stop us." E.N.D gritted looking back.
"Because... I love Lucy." E.N.D spat.
Natsu's eyes widened.
"I've always loved her... and although I hate it, I could never kill her... But I still have a purpose! I still have a calling! I have to cleanse the world! I have to kill everyone... except Lucy... and that includes-"
"Zeref," Natsu nodded looking back frantically and trying to figure out how to push E.N.D down inside him so that he couldn't take control.
"Of course... but then we'd die... and... and that would leave Lucy all alone... That would leave our Lucy alone... and she'd be hurt... and I... I can't hurt her."
"Why the hell didn't you tell me?" Natsu asked.
"I am you, idiot! You knew it all along! You knew I couldn't hurt her that's why you agreed to let me take control the first time!" E.N.D spat.
"So... so..." Natsu began.
"I can't complete my purpose without hurting Lucy... we can't do anything because I will always be here, trying to gain control because that is my purpose! So you have to do it now... when I can think clearly."
"Why can you think clearly now!?"
"Because you thought I was going to kill Lucy... and until you said that I thought I could... and then... I don't know... but we have to do it now... If we don't... we'll leave Lucy... We'll hurt her..." E.N.D turned to Natsu, "Please... please end us before we hurt her... before I hurt her."
"B-but," Natsu choked.
"What purpose do we have to live!" E.N.D yelled, "We left our family dying! For all we know some of them are already dead! We betrayed our guild! I am going to revert to my old ways and destroy the world... But if you do it now no one has to suffer anymore..." E.N.D choked.
"Then why not just leave me alone!" Natsu cried, "Why not just never come out again!"
"And live in that hell!? I'd rather die than go back there!" E.N.D cried his words catching in his throat, "You know what it's like... It's helplessness, it's weakness... it's everything I despise but I'm stuck in it! I don't know who I am in there or why I exist and I can't do anything about it! I'd rather die... no, I'd rather murder the world then go back there! Don't you see that there's only one choice! There's only one way we both win... and that's if we both lose.'
Natsu looked over the cliff and gritted his teeth. He looked back to E.N.D.
"Save the world... Natsu Dragneel," E.N.D said sadly looking down, "Kill me."
Natsu's face was shaded by his bangs as he thought about it for a moment. E.N.D wasn't going to stop fighting and Natsu didn't blame him... but eventually he would break and people would die... Natsu took a deep breath took a step towards the cliff. E.N.D smiled softly and faded away.
"Thank you Natsu," E.N.D breathed as he disappeared back into Natsu's head.
Natsu hesitated before taking the last step... that hesitation saved his life.
A whip wrapped around his stomach and jerked him backward. Lucy tackled him and pinned him down.
"YOU IDIOT!" she cried.
"Lucy-" Natsu began... and then he realized she was crying.
"I get why you ran off.... but why, why would you try something like that!"
"Lucy..." Natsu began, "I'm so-"
"Don't you apologize!" Lucy cried as her tears streamed down her face, "You have to come home... you have to apologize to the guild! You have to apologize to Happy! But don't you dare apologize to me!" She was still pinning him down but then she lowered her head and she choked down a sob. "You can't apologize because I owe you an apology!" Lucy sobbed.
"What?" Natsu breathed.
"I know... I know that I was why you ran away... because despite myself I was afraid, and I knew you must have thought that I was afraid of you but I never got to talk to you to explain it!" She looked at him and shook tears streaming down her face. "I wasn't afraid of you Natsu! I was afraid for you!"
Natsu's eyes widened.
"I knew you were going to feel guilty because of what E.N.D, and I knew that no matter what anyone said you would blame yourself! I just wanted you to come back so I could tell you that it wasn't your fault! That's why I was scared!" She tightened her grip on his wrists as she cried. "So don't blame yourself anymore! Everyone is scared! But not of you! Never of you! Everyone is scared for you!"
"Scared... for... me," Natsu repeated slowly.
"So please," Lucy trembled, and then she looked at him and gave a soft smile, "Please come home."
"Lucy," Natsu gritted he looked at his black tattoos and felt the tears begin to fall, "I can't go back... I'm too dangerous."
"No!" Lucy disagreed getting off of Natsu and allowing him to sit up. Natsu sat up and wiped his tears away.
"Don't you see me," he trembled, holding up his arm which was covered in the black tattoos, "I'm proof... it's proof that he's still there... he's still there trying to get out."
"Natsu," Lucy gritted, she looked at him, "There's nothing there."
"What?" Natsu asked his eyes widening, he looked down at himself, "No... they're everywhere, the tattoos are-"
"Natsu... you don't have to be afraid anymore," Lucy said softly. Natsu stopped and looked at her.
"That's why you ran... you're afraid of yourself." Lucy had a fire in her eye when she spoke again, "But we love you no matter who or what you are! Natsu! Stop running from yourself!"
Natsu took a shaky breath in, and looked at himself.
Stop running from himself? How? How was he supposed to accept that the demon was a part of him!?
'I love Lucy' he heard E.N.D's voice echo in his head over and over again.... and then it dawned on him
E.N.D didn't have to be his enemy... E.N.D didn't know how to live, he didn't know what the purpose of life was, all he knew was that he had been a prisoner all his life and he had hated it. Natsu remembered when he and E.N.D switched places. E.N.D's life had been an abyss of emptiness that he drowned in... it didn't have to be that way.
'Yo... you there?'
'You didn't jump... you're an idiot.'
'Yeah... and I might be a bigger one after this...'
'Don't bother explaining this plan. It's stupid.'
'Are you gonna do it?'
'You won't let me be in control.'
'No... but you can live with me... we don't have to fight... so would you do it?'
Natsu and Lucy contacted everyone and informed them that they were coming home. They made their way to Magnolia... only Natsu did now have visible black tattoos, they ran down his chest and stopped at his shoulders. He and E.N.D shared one body, one mind, one soul. At first, it was hard... they disagreed on many things... but soon they realized that they were indeed the same person, they had only had different perspectives.
E.N.D was Natsu and Natsu was E.N.D. There was no difference and had either realized that a week earlier, they never would have given Tyregenium the chance he needed.
But they didn't; so Tyregenium got the chance he needed.
But none of that mattered now... none of it mattered... because Natsu was coming home.
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