Well Merry *Input word* Christmas
Acnologia remembered why he hated the cold... he was reptilian. The dragon slayers weren't fully cold-blooded, but if you weren't Natsu, then the dragon slayers got cold very easily. Acnologia could feel some of his pride being chipped away as he entered the guild in a fur coat.
"AWW, what's wrong dragon, the cold getting to you?" Ur teased playfully.
Acnologia ignored her remark and the fact that she was in her bikini...
'seriously, what was wrong with that family?' a voice in his head pondered as Gray and Lyon ran about also in their swimsuits as snow fell outside.
'Ice mages, what do you expect.'
Acnologia grabbed what food he could and ran back home to his Kaidas, who were attempting to keep warm... well, except for Natsu.
Natsu was normal Natsu, he ran around the house causing chaos... but everyone else, they all had issues. Rogue was in a shadow always, unless he needed to eat, other than that he remained in the shadow concealing warmth. Sting was huddled under a table with three blankets around him. Gajeel was a literal piece of metal, so the temperature didn't bother him, but no one else touched his cold skin.
"Oniichan," Wendy whispered.
"Eh?" asked Erik who was doing his best to keep both himself and Cubellios warm.
"Not you, Natsu-san I'm cold," Wendy said.
"Well I got you Wendy," Natsu smiled and snuggled with him on a couch.
"Natsu-san," Sting whimpered. Natsu looked at him skeptically.
"Fine," Natsu agreed.
Sting also snuggled with Natsu. Laxus was trying to remain in composure as he shivered and pulled his fur coat closer around himself. The eight of them hunkered down inside as snow began to fall.
"I'm so happy we have a house," Erik shivered.
"Yeah?" Acnologia asked.
"I would not want anyone to see me like this," Laxus shivered, both with fear and the cold.
Acnologia smiled and looked out the window... that's when he saw it, Christmas decorations.
'It's Christmas time.'
'Well woopdie doo.'
'Christmas means bills... and presents... and cold... and-'
'And being freaking social! We don't want to be social!'
As it turned out they only were involved with a few gatherings and were able to hide in nearly absolute confinement. Serena visited for a little dragon-get-together on Christmas Eve.
"So have y'all been good Kaidas this year?" Serena chuckled.
"We have, for the past four hundred actually," said Rogue matter-o-factly.
"Yeah, okay that's great," Serena shrugged the comment off, "Are y'all ready for a visit from Santa?"
"Who is Santa?" Wendy asked.
Serena looked to Acnologia, "You didn't tell them about Santa-what!" Serena cried in his typical overdramatic manner.
"Didn't think it was necessary," Acnologia shrugged.
"FINE, I'll culture them, with a performance," Serena smiled, his eyes gleamed.
"Please don't," Acnologia sighed remembering all of the performances he had been forced to spectate.
As if on cue, a random spotlight shone on Serena, "Santa, is the embodiment of Christmas, he comes down the chimney to give good children toys and gifts, but if the children were bad-" Serena began in his epic ballad voice.
"Did you say down the chimney?" Gajeel asked.
"Well... yes," Serena said, clearly put out due to the interruption, "Anyway, if the children were bad then," he began.
"So, he's like a burglar?" Sting asked.
"No, old Santa Clause is-" Serena sighed.
"His last name in CLAWS!" Wendy shrieked.
"He sounds like a jerk that had come to ruin our Christmas!" Natsu exclaimed jumping up.
"Uh... no," Serena said.
"BURN THE CLAWS!" Rogue yelled.
Natsu sent his breath into the fireplace and set the logs ablaze.
"You are all misunderstanding," Serena sighed.
"Guys, let's go to bed, ERIK, if you hear this Santa Claws, we'll leap out of bed, tackle him, tie him up, and turn him in," Sting ordered.
"Kaidas UNITE!" Wendy yipped happily.
Erik and Laxus were on the ground laughing, both clutching their sides. Serena was amazed at how quickly it had all gone down. He watched the five dragon slayers head to bed like soldiers.
"Now do you see why I didn't bother explaining Santa Clause to them?" Acnologia sighed.
"Yeah, yeah I do," Serena mumbled.
"THAT WAS GREAT!" Laxus laughed laughing so hard lightning flew off him.
The next morning, chaos ensued before 4 AM. Underneath the small tree that had been put up were loads of gifts. Acnologia watched the dragon slayers unwrap their gifts as he drank coffee. Gajeel had been given a wooden guitar, he looked at it like it was the most beautiful this he had ever seen and immediately began strumming it. Sting opened his gifts and found toy soldier figurine, and firecrackers... 'THANK YOU SERENA,' sense the sarcasm.
Rogue found a long cloak in one gift and a sword in another, he looked at the sword skeptically, pulling it out of his sheath and putting it back in, it was longer than him, but he looked at it fondly. Natsu got a dragon plush and a fireproof blanket. He needed one. Acnologia smiled as an unmarked box was ripped open by Natsu who had simply assumed that Acnologia had forgotten to mark a present... but Acnologia hadn't. Natsu looked skeptically at the sandals but eventually shrugged and put them on.
'Look, Zeref even knows his shoe size,' a voice in Acnologia's mind chuckled.
'I can't believe he actually did it,' another answered.
Wendy got a dream catcher with light blue feathers and silver string; she also got a plush blue dolphin, which she began to cuddle immediately. Laxus got an iTunes card and spent no time adding music to his playlist, he also got a plasma ball... which he considered eating. Erik got a book on snakes and a shirt that said, All ways be yourself, unless you can be a snake, then always be a snake. Erik loved it.
Serena was given a large assortment of drawings, hairbands, and a shirt that said, Who's a dragon, this guy with two figures pointing towards the chest, Serena gave Acnologia a glare, Acnologia could only chuckle, it had suited him so well... and it was on sale.
Then Wendy grabbed Acnologia's hand, "It's time for your present Uncle," she smiled.
"I don't need a present," Acnologia said.
"Too bad," Laxus stated.
Then they all ran into their rooms and walked out with a painting/picture. It was of a big black dragon with blue markings with seven figured on its back. It wasn't done by a professional, but Acnologia felt an overwhelming sense of joy. He smiled broadly.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS UNCLE!" Natsu yelled at the top of his lungs causing Erik to recoil.
The rest of the day went well, the dragon slayers got hyper, Natsu burned the tree down, Sting broke the floor, Wendy broke a window, all was great. It was a pretty good Christmas. Acnologia even got to punch Serena... gently of course.
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