There are so many ways to Win.
Acnologia sensed him.
That was the first red flag. If Acnologia could sense him, that meant Tyregenium wanted to be found. Still, it was Tyregenium, so Acnologia had to go. Gray was blaming Lyon for the marker all over his face, Cana was drinking, another party was going on, and Serena was still crying from the dragon slayer's performance the previous day and was parading the dragon slayers through the guildhall throwing sparkles and glitter everywhere. These factors made it all too easy for Acnologia to slip out unnoticed, he was usually in the background anyway.
Tyregenium waited for him on a hill overlooking Magnolia.
Acnologia approached already identifying his puppet; the new head councilman
"So you control the council," Acnologia growled.
"Yes," Tyregenium nodded turning around and smiling, "Hello Acnologia."
A cold wind blew at Tyregenium's words... Acnologia did not believe it was a coincidence.
"What do you want?" Acnologia asked.
Tyregenium sighed, "I want to tell you something... I want... to warn you, almost."
"Warn me huh?" Acnologia bit.
"Yes, I want to tell you about the storm coming... and tell you that not even you can protect your apprentices against it."
"Those kids have nothing to do with this. Why can't you just leave them alone!" Acnologia growled.
"Because they are important to you and I want to destroy everything you ever cared for, your guild, the two dark mages Zeref and Mavis, and those kids. I want my apprentice back."
"I would rather die," Acnologia growled.
"Oh... no, you wouldn't," Tyregenium grinned meeting his gaze, "Dying would mean that the world is defenseless... it would give me my playground, and I'd be able to torture those kids of yours to my heart's content."
Acnologia's eyes widened and he choked down his next words.
"I love watching the fear in your eyes grow... it makes me giddy with excitement," Tyregenium grinned.
"I hate you," Acnologia managed to spit out.
"I know... and you have good reason. I'm sure you know that I was responsible for awakening E.N.D this time."
"Although... I didn't expect him and the demon to understand each other... now they coexist... it's disgusting really and I blame the blonde. Her bloodline has always had a way of ruining my fun."
Acnologia shook with uncontrollable rage. The mere fact that Tyregenium was thinking of Anna made him want to rip him apart.
'Control ourself! This is what he wants!'
'I'm gonna kill him.'
'No! You're always on my side! What happened!?'
'No! Bad idea!'
"But... did you know that I was there for the grand magic games?" Tyregenium continued, "That's right, do you truly think that the lightning dragon made such a foolproof rune barrier... granted it was decent, but I secretly intervened making it perfect."
'Figures. Should've known he was there.'
'Why are we letting him continue to talk!'
'Just bear it a bit longer... this may be important.'
"I also awakened E.N.D the first time," Tyregenium grinned, "Oh yes, I possessed Mard Geer, I made him trap his own guildmates in their old home and then gained Zeref trust... then, of course, I tried to kill Lucy - but my puppet was murdered by E.N.D before I could have any real fun. And obviously, before that I made you choose between your siblings and one of your children."
'Hold ON this is important!'
"But I was intervening with your life long before that... I was the one who told Jiemma of Tartaros, led him there... I helped Hades design that cage that held you on Tenrou Island - I had hoped that the lord of Grimoire Heart could eliminate at least one of your apprentices... Obviously I put too much faith in them... Good riddance. And before that was the Eclipse gate." Tyregenium recalled.
All of Acnologia's voices silenced themselves and listened intently.
"The eclipse gate is where I captured your siblings. They foolishly entered my realm of time thinking they could lead their children through it and to the next timeline. I attacked them and attempted to steal the children naturally... but they fought me off and I could only grab two dragon slayers-"
"You're the reason Sting and Rogue aged differently," Acnologia realized.
"Yes... they don't remember any of it... but I was able to grab them. I tried to take them into a different dimension because the bonds of time were most obnoxious to me back then. Time is strange... very strange and I was halted at the border between dimensions by Weisslogia and Skiadrum who, very stubbornly, fought back. They bit both my claws and attacked my wings stranding us in between dimensions. We all aged strangely... the children gained seven years and not a single memory for it. It was Grandeeney, who helped them escape. I would have re-caught them had Metalicana and Igneel not stopped me... they attacked my back... ripped it open... do you believe it? They attacked me like cowards, they went for my wings! The king of the fire dragons went for my wings! Disgusting! He has no right to be called king!"
Acnologia didn't answer but his blood continued to boil.
'Shut up for just a little bit longer.'
"Yes well, the children escaped... and met you on the other side, but I like to think that I got my vengeance. After all... I did kill the woman responsible for turning my apprentice against me."
Acnologia tensed and his voices began screaming.
'Don't trust him, he's just trying to rile us up!'
' Calm down!'
"A demon killed her," Acnologia growled slowly.
"Oh no," Tyregenium smiled looking to the horizon. "Allusion spells are far too simple. I cast one on Zeref, and he thought I was a demon, I killed that woman then and there and Zeref couldn't do anything but watch. I made him think he had killed me and then made my escape... What was her name? What on earth was that human's name?" Tyregenium pondered.
Acnologia was shaking. He could see it all plain as day, it was almost as if Anna was dying right in front of him again... except now he could hear Tyregenium laughing in the background.
"Anna," Acnologia growled biting his tongue and trying to control himself.
"Oh yes... Anna. She was a pretty thing, wasn't she? It's a pity she met you... she could have lived such a long and happy life."
"SHUT UP," Acnologia roared shaking. He was doing everything he could to stop himself from committing murder.
'That's not him it 's just a puppet, that's not him it's just a puppet, that's not him it's just a puppet, that's not him it's just a puppet!'
'DIE! Kill him! KILL HIM NOW!'
'That's not him it's just a puppet, that's not him it's just a puppet, that's not him it's just a puppet, that's not him it's just a puppet! KILLING HIM WON'T HELP!'
"You killed Anna," Acnologia shook.
"Yes," Tyregenium smiled, "Does that make you angry? Does it make you feel like killing someone?"
'Yeah, kinda.'
"No," Acnologia lied.
"That's a lie... and this is how I know that you are not a lost cause."
"A lost cause?" Acnologia growled.
"There's a little beast inside you, I just have to carve it out of your sickening sweet soul... and I can do that."
"Really?" Acnologia hissed.
"What's the one thing you've feared this whole life apprentice?" Tyregenium asked looking at Acnologia his eyes sparkling with happiness.
"Nothing," Acnologia growled, "Except maybe being convicted for murdering an innocent councilman."
"Oh, and there are the threats," Tyregenium grinned. "No... you fear that the rest of the world will know."
"Know what?" Acnologia growled.
"Who you really are."
"Oh... and I suppose you plan to expose me? What, with the council that everybody loves?"
"Oh no," Tyregenium grinned, "I've already exposed you."
"Oh yeah?" Acnologia growled.
Tyregenium turned to him and raised his finger. Suddenly thousands of memories flooded into Acnologia's mind from his past life.
"What did you do?" Acnologia gritted.
"I've been doing that to every person on this earth," Tyregenium grinned, "I just did all of Fairy Tail and your eldest dragon... my, my... I wonder what they'll think of their beloved Alpha after today?"
"You're lying," Acnologia growled.
"My gosh apprentice, I don't lie."
'He's lying.'
'Can we kill him now?'
'He's got to be lying.'
'Can we please kill him now!?'
"I imagine that they're terrified of you... they won't be able to face you due to all of their confusion. Maybe I should strike now when you're uncoordinated... murder all your precious hatchlings," Tyregenium taunted.
"What do you want!? You always have a reason for doing these things!" Acnologia hissed.
"I want you... and whatever allies you can gather to meet me for your final stand. I'll let you decide the place and the time... but the longer you take, the worse it'll be for everyone you ever loved," Tyregenium smiled.
"So you want a fight then!?" Acnologia shook.
"Of course," Tyregenium grinned, "You and your allies vs my army... of course I doubt anyone will want to stand alongside you, Dragon of the Apocalypse!"
The words cut Acnologia like a knife but the dragon king stood strong. He was shaking with terror and anger... but he was containing himself.
"I'll get back to you," Acnologia breathed realizing that he couldn't run anymore... Tyregenium had him where he wanted.
"Wonderful... and once you're broken... or dead, whichever comes first, I'll move on to the rest... so chose your battlefield wisely," Tyregenium recommended.
Tyregenium grinned knowing that Acnologia was trapped. Acnologia wanted to know what everyone truly thought of him, but he was also terrified of what the answers were. Tyregenium could taste the fear his apprentice held.
"Is there anything else?" Acnologia growled.
"Oh no. When you're ready, call out my name and I'll be there, wherever you are whenever you want. My entire army and I will be ready... will you?"
Acnologia snarled something and turned around and then walked away showing great self-control.
"Goodness, it's going to take more than I thought to make you rip my throat out," Tyregenium sighed.
"Tyregenium," Acnologia growled stopping and turning to face him once more, "When I do call you, prepare yourself... because I am going to slaughter you for what you did."
"What I did to who? Anna... or you?" Tyregenium snickered.
"There is no difference... but I'll kill you for her... so just prepare yourself for death," Acnologia snarled walking away.
"And you better prepare yourself... because very soon you will be all alone in this harsh world and it's only a matter of time before you follow in my footsteps."
Acnologia snarled a final word, "Never." and then walked away.
Once Acnologia was out of sight Tyregenium collapsed to his knees holding himself.
"Damn... humans. I shouldn't have used that much magic energy," Tyregenium snarled as he shook in pain... the pain wasn't his. Suddenly the shaking stopped and the human slumped; dead. The magic used by Tyregenium was far too much for him. Tyregenium's consciousness slipped out of the body and into the next dimension leaving his old discarded puppet lying in the grass.
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