The Price to Pay
Acnologia and Tyregenium grappled in the air for a few moments until Tyregenium dug his claw into Acnologia's wounds making him wince. Tyregenium used that moment to throw him to the ground. Acnologia caught himself before he hit the ground and landed on the earth watching the black and white dragon carefully as the beast landed on another stone spiral.
Serena ran up to Acnologia. The dragon slayer had a nasty bruise on his face that was making one of his bright eyes swell shut, he was battered, bruised, and bleeding from his shoulder but he still wore a smile. "This guy sure doesn't play nice," Serena chuckled.
"No," Acnologia answered simply.
"Is this the best you can do? It's laughable... Honestly. Here I thought I would get a fight and instead I meet you, a meek little black dragon prince who thinks that wearing a crown makes him king. Perhaps it's time I remind you why I am the-" Tyregenium roared.
"Oh my god, can you SHUT UP!" Serena yelled startling both dragons.
"Listen up you overgrown dalmatian!" Serena yelled, "There is no way that you are going to win this! What? You thought you were just going to come in, kill everybody and suddenly Acnologia was just going to roll over and bow to you! Not likely!" Serena laughed. Tyregenium growled and narrowed his eyes.
"Shut your ugly zebra snout, I'm lecturing this time! Acnologia isn't going to serve you and let's just say for one moment that you actually won. Even if somehow you managed to subdue the entire human race and force them to serve you there's going to be someone you stand against you. Let's say you managed to kill all the dragon slayers too! What so Acnologia is suddenly going to be afraid of you and go all psycho? I don't think so!" Serena challenged.
"Your ignorance is evidence of your youth," Tyregenium growled.
"Yeah!?" Serena challenged, "How about you stop playing high and mighty and fight for real? You know instead of hiding behind your little brainwashed minions!"
Tyregenium looked to Acnologia, "You've obviously failed to teach your apprentice respect."
"Oh I taught him respect," Acnologia growled, "But I also taught him that respect was to be earned!" As he roared this he stood up higher and laced his roar with challenge that made Tyregenium quake with anger. "Treat all respectfully but only hold respect for those who earn it and if someone who doesn't deserve it demands it, make it clear that it is not something you give lightly!" Acnologia growled.
"And you better believe that I hold no respect for someone like you, you oversized penguin!" Serena yelled.
"You both bore me," Tyregenium growled. He raised his head and roared, calling for his allies. Suddenly the sky was full of roars as dragons suddenly appeared in the air, "Perhaps now, I stop playing" Tyregenium smiled as his army doubled in size.
"No," Brandish gasped as she disregarded the unconscious matter dragon slayer that she had beaten.
"Mam! The enemy has doubled in its numbers. Should we retreat?" a soldier asked.
"NO!" Brandish yelled hiding the fear, "PUSH FORWARD!"
"Oh. My..." Lucy shook as more dragons filled the sky.
"Oh please no..." Levy shook.
Mavis knocked away one of the dragon slayers and looked to Zeref who looked at her darkly.
"No," the dragon slayer under Zeref's foot shook, "We are the five days of death... we were made to destroy you!"
"And now, you know your fatal flaw," Zeref stated simply, "You thought you could triumph... but no one triumphs when they fight against Fairy Tail and their allies."
"Let us hope your right," Mavis stated looking to the sky full of dragons and then down to the earth full of dragon slayers, "Because I did not calculate for this."
Acnologia looked at the sky and pushed down his fear. Three thousand dragons looked down at him and Serena.
"Hey Acno," Serena said. Acnologia looked down and Serena smiled and gave him the thumbs up, "You go take down ugly up there... I got these winged wanna-be's," he grinned.
Acnologia breathed out and smiled softly.
Then without warning he launched himself at Tyregenium taking the dragon king by surprise. The dragons dived for Acnologia but were blown away by hot wind. Serena stood one hand raised, his gale dragon slaying magic sending strong gusts through the air while his other hand was covered in hot flames making the air rise.
"WARM AIR RISES SUCKERS! CHEMISTRY B!&^#$!" Serena laughed as the warm air formed a sort of large cyclone distracting the thousands of dragons.
'Thank you Serena," Acnologia thought while fighting Tyregenium, 'You've once again given me the strength to fight'
The two grand dragons fought but Acnologia knew he was weakening. He felt his power leaving his body and he angrily tried to ignore the pain. After a few moments of exchanged blows Tyregenium grabbed him by his shoulders and butted snouts with him.
"At least fight me at your full power!" Tyregenium growled, "It's pathetic watching you throw everything away for those brats! You're dedicating nearly seventy five percent of your strength to their dragon seeds just trying to stop them from suffering as you did... WHY WON'T YOU JUST LET THEM GO AND FIGHT ME AS YOU ARE!"
Acnologia snarled as he realized Tyregenium had caught on to his weakness.
"VENOM DRAGON ROAR!" Serena yelled roared at an oncoming dragon. He wiped his busted lip and grinned as another lunged for him.
"You give everything to them... fearing that the transformation will be to much seeing how much blood they must have accidentally bathed in." Tyregenium pressed as they tumbled threw the air. "But you have no thought to yourself... for that... that doubt in my power, I will make you suffer!"
"SHUT UP!"Acnologia roared.
Tyregenium gave a powerful thrust with his wings and shoved Acnologia against a cliff wall, "You have almost no strength for yourself... lets see how you plan on stopping me when your precious children are in danger." With that Tyregenium released Acnologia and dove towards Serena who was fighting among the droves of dragons. Many lay dead on the ground and he was killing more within seconds.
"No!" Acnologia roared trying to stop the great dragon, his claws slid harmlessly on the dragon's thick back scales.
It happened to quickly, Serena heard Acnologia's roar and turned to see Tyregenium flying towards him. He gave a cocky smile and narrowly dodged the front claws. He began to draw runes as the dragon barreled past him, but Tyregenium was clever, his tipped tail whipped as he passed the mage slicing his side open. Serena gasped and fell to the ground; he stumbled and fell to his back clenching his side. Acnologia didn't see this; he lunged for Tyregenium and began trying to claw him apart. Then he realized Tyregenium was grinning, he pinned him down and in the corner of his eye he watched the black tail flick back and forth taunting him. Scarlet covered a side of his silver tipped tail and Acnologia looked back to where Serena lay.
"Serena!" He roared jumping towards the mage; he morphed back into his human form and scrambled to where the mage lay.
Tyregenium roared something that Acnologia didn't care to interpret. He knelt down next to Serena who was panting heavily.
"Serena," Acnologia whispered putting a hand on the wound and cradling the dragon slayer with his other.
He heard the swoosh of wings as Tyregenium took off and flew towards him, Serena lifted a blood covered hand and finished two runes, a large magic circle appeared before the two and blasted thousands of beams filled with dragon slaying magic at the black dragon who roared in pain and fury but still retreated, it also attacked the other dragons flying towards them who were sent flying with one hit. Serena's hand dropped weakly, he was out of magic power and was losing blood far to fast.
"Serena," Acnologia growled, "I'm here, I got you..."
"Ac... Acnologia," Serena choked weakly looking at his hands that were covered with his blood.
"It's gonna be okay," Acnologia said his voice turning to a whimper.
"I'm not... I'm gonna," Serena said fearfully, he shivered and gripped Acnologia's cloak in comfort
"You're gonna be fine, WENDY!" Acnologia cried. Wendy was too far away to hear him... no one could save him.
"I don't want to die," Serena choked. His hands shook as he grasped Acnologia's cloak, he was crying uncontrollably. Acnologia pulled him into his chest... as if trying to protect him. As if he could protect him against death.
"I don't want to die dad!" Serena cried weakly. Acnologia's eyes widened as he said those words... a father? Serena had seen him as a father? Suddenly Serena's grip loosened and Serena went limp in his arms.
'No,' Acnologia thought, he didn't want to release the mage even though he knew, Serena was gone.
"Serena," Acnologia breathed gripping the wizard's saints body, "Serena I'm right here... Serena I'm here... come back.... SERENA!"
With the castor dead the magic circle dissipated, Tyregenium roared in fury and unleashed his breath on the two. Acnologia didn't even try to move, he sheltered Serena's body as the blast hit. The dragon's breath unaffected his skin which was as hard as scales and blew away the tears.
Serena had thought of him as the father... Acnologia had never been able to be one to him... and he never would be able to. He wanted Serena back, he wanted him to give him his cocky smile... he'd give anything if he could have dramatic, and extravagant Serena back. The flash backs began coming.
"Serena," Acnologia chocked hugging the body of the wizard saint, the Tyregenium's breath died away but both where unharmed. Acnologia knew what to do, death was inevitable, and no one deserved it more then Tyregenium.
Sting cried aloud as the dragon pinned him down. He tried to take the pain but when the dragon pushed down he cried out and tried to force the dragon off him. He shook and looked up at the sky... was this how he died?
Laxus punched one dragon aside but roared in pain as another much smaller dragon clawed his back; he kicked that one away but the blood on his back set up a signal and the dragons came from far and wide like sharks to blood. They attacked Laxus without mercy until one lucky one knocked him to the earth with it's wing. Laxus lay in the earth and tried to catch his breath; when he finally did his breaths came out like pitiful wines. He couldn't do much more of this.
Rogue was hit point blank with a dragon's roar and hit a mountain due to the force. He fell limply to the ground and tried to find the strength to stand as the dragons drew closer sensing their chance.
Erik was kicked to the ground and he lay there trembling his breaths coming out in coughs.
"What's wrong, can't breath little hatching!?" the space dragon laughed kicking him again and again. Erik could only eat the blows.
Gajeel swore as he held his bleeding arm, a lucky dragon had been able to land a hit but that dragon lay in its own blood now. Gajeel sat down behind a rock and swore. The roars of hunting dragons were getting closer. He wiped the blood off his face from his split lip and took in a deep pained breath, he had to keep going.
Wendy screamed as she was thrown into a mountain. She shakily got to her feet only to be bombarded by dragon roar attacks. When they died down she lay in the rubble of the mountain, rocks and dust covered her. She tried to stand but found her leg was pinned down by a rock. She whimpered and tried to move it but she was already weakened. Slowly her pink hair turned back to blue and she lay there trembling as the dragons came closer.
"Please... please I... I need just a little more power," she whimpered as she tried to move again.
Lucy faced the dragon without fear attacking it with her Sagittarius Star Dress. Around her the guild was also fighting dragons. Some of them weren't lucky and screamed... they're screams were heard.
Natsu raced over the land hearing his guild cry for him. He knocked dragons aside left and right but he was exhausted. Bags sat under his eyes, bruises covered his body, and he was bleeding in many places, still he ran over the earth being tortured by the voices of his guild mates who stood no chance when facing dragons.
Acnologia still sat holding Serena's body. He bent his neck and pressed his nose against the top of Serena's head breathing in his scent, "I see you again soon," he vowed softly to Serena's spirit.
"Have you given into your monster yet my student?" Tyregenium taunted.
Acnologia gently lay Serena's body down, his eyes were closed but it was cruel for he appeared to be sleeping for a second as if the fates wished to torture Acnologia for yet another crime; Acnologia would never forgive himself for thinking of Serena as a student when Serena saw him as so much more.
"Well?" Tyregenium taunted.
Acnologia transformed and looked at the black dragon with hatred, he didn't bother with words. He lunged at the dragon knocking him off his claws and ripping into scales and flesh but it wouldn't be enough, but Acnologia no longer cared about facts; he wanted to murder Tyregenium... that's all he knew.
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