The End of the Grand Magic Games
Today was the tag-team battle day. The first fight was Bacchus and Rocker vs Ichiya and the bunny... the bunny turned out to be Nichiya, Erza nearly fainted. The battle ended with Ichiya being victorious and Nichiya was unconscious.
The next tag-team battle was between Kagura and Millianna vs Yuka and Sherry. Kagura won... no surprise there... Millianna... supervised?
Finally came Erik and Laxus vs Alexi and Obra. Almost immediately Erik and Laxus were overpowered, but they were hanging in there.
"What is wrong with them?" Gajeel asked.
"Seriously, you're gonna pretend to beat us... that's sad," Erik sighed as he watched hologram him get beat up by Alexi.
"Yeah, you would have gotten angry by now," Laxus chuckled as Erik was punched again.
"It's been too long you two," Alexi chuckled.
"Okay, what is this about?" Laxus sighed giving Alexi a look of indifference.
"Laxus," Erik hissed.
"I can't hear his thoughts... I can't hear his mind."
"I've waited for this day," Alexi laughed removing his helmet... it was Ivan, "I've trained for it constantly."
"You!" Erik hissed. Suddenly Erik began to cover his ears.
"Erik, Erik what's wrong?" Laxus asked moving to help Erik who was stumbling.
"So... loud... make it... stop," Erik yelled falling to his knees.
"I designed it myself," Ivan laughed fingering a small lacrima, "I couldn't let you interfere."
"Let him interfere with what?" Laxus snarled.
"A father-son reunion of course," Ivan laughed.
"I want nothing to do with you," Laxus hissed.
"Very well, I want Lumen Histoire," Ivan shrugged casually.
"You know what; I need it Laxus, that is my chance to regain that which I've lost!"
"You're magic," Laxus guessed.
"It was stolen from me, by that monster Acnologia."
"Monster?" Laxus asked. He looked to be praying to the gods for patience.
"He's corrupted you Laxus, he's raised you to hate me but it was I who made you strong, I who made you into what you are. He was jealous; he didn't want others to be dragon slayers he wants to have control over all dragons. Can't you see, son, that monster is using you!"
"You said it again," Laxus smiled.
"Said what?"
"You called Acnologia a monster twice now," Laxus laughed.
"That is what he is, he-"
"No, that's what you are," Laxus hissed his smile fading into a scowl, "you could have killed me that day, that day when you decided you only cared about power. That's all you've ever cared about; power. You want me to bring you the whatever-you-call-it so that you can regain your power. That's all that you want and love, power."
"Lumen Histoire is Fairy Tail's darkest secret, it's the most protected shadow. If you knew about it you would help me, Laxus, I am your father and you can't change that. I am your family!"
"My family is Fairy tail!" Laxus yelled in defiance lightning dancing around him, "My family is Fairy Tail and everyone inside it."
"Very well Laxus, Raven Tail, to me!" Ivan ordered and immediately the members of Raven Tail descended on Laxus. Laxus sought out Obra first.
"You hurt Sting!" Laxus yelled punching him into the ground, then he picked up the blue man and threw him into Nullpudding, "and Rogue," then he summoned a lightning bolt, the creature on Obra's shoulder panicked and tried to run away, "AND YOU HURT WENDY!" he brought the lightning bolt down on Obra shocking him and his creature. The other Raven Tail members fell with hardly any fight.
Then Laxus began walking towards Ivan, "No Laxus, I am your father, look at me, flesh and blood, I-" Ivan begged.
"Don't you know that blood ties don't matter, everyone in the guild is supposed to be family!?" Laxus roared as he sent Ivan flying. Ivan was out cold; Laxus rummaged through Ivan's cloak and broke the mirage lacrima along with the sound lacrima.
Erik was very, very angry.
"I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna-!" Erik hissed walking towards Ivan.
"It's over Erik," Laxus smiled.
Erik mumbled something before turning towards the crowd. Now that the mirage was broken everyone was in awe... Laxus had single-handedly beaten all of Raven Tail.
The guild was upset for many reasons... Lucy, Ivan, Sting, and Rogue being blackmailed into Sabertooth, Lector and Frosch being held captive and... oh yes, now that Raven Tail was disqualified they could only have one team.
"I have to be on it," Natsu growled.
"No Natsu," Acnologia sighed.
"I need to be on that team, Sting will listen to me!"
"But you won't listen to me. Natsu you are a strong wizard but you are also hot-headed, brash, and have anger issues along with a tendency to blow things up! That's not gonna work for this!" Acnologia growled
"Fine," Natsu growled slumping away.
"The team is decided; Laxus, Erik, Erza, Gray, and Gajeel" Mira announce. The chosen nodded and began talking with Mavis on their strategy, Acnologia meanwhile sat on the roof of the bar.
"What's on your mind, old friend?" Makarov asked sitting down next to Acnologia. Somehow the old man could still get on top of the roof, much to Acnologia's amazement.
"Sting and Rogue, they've never been away from us... I mean, sure, they went on jobs but they grew up with the fairy tail symbol on their shoulders. Tomorrow, they'll be forced to fight their family to protect their closest friends. I can't imagine how lonely they must feel... how scared," Acnologia gritted.
"Can't you save them?"
"I'm sure I could... but I would have to kill Minerva, I can't do that."
"Well... then I hope this plan works."
"It will, if anyone can make Minerva release the two exceeds, it's Erza."
Minerva was having her own problems.
Nightmares had haunted her all night and at the center were the two dragon slayers that wanted her blood. She awoke in a cold sweat.
Minerva was in the room across from the dragon slayers; the two had shared a room and had been silent the entire night... and then Minerva heard something. She gingerly got out of bed and across the hall to the twin dragon's room. They didn't want a bed and they both slept on the floor in the small room. She opened the door not making a sound... Sting was shaking, he was lying on the floor with a collection of pillows and he was shaking in his sleep.
"Uncle..." he cried clutching a pillow, "Lector," he whimpered.
Minerva found herself with that same heavy heart, she tried to shake the feeling away. Then there was a growl... low and deep... it was from Rogue, he was also on the floor and his pillow was shredded. Minerva shuddered when he rolled over. His pronounced canines were showing and the growl that was resonated in his chest was anything but human. Minerva had a sinking feeling that he was dreaming of revenge. Suddenly Sting bolted upright, wide awake. Minerva disappeared in a space bubble listening within her small space.
"Sting?" Rogue asked groggily looking towards his roommate. Sting was shaking uncontrollably, his eyes full of fear, "Sting," Rogue breathed rushing towards his roommate. He pulled Sting close, "what's wrong?"
"I shouldn't be so afraid... we win and we get them back right? All we have to do is win," Sting shuddered.
"It's okay, you're okay," Rogue soothed embracing Sting.
There was a moment of steady silence.
"You do realize Rogue that we're only twelve, we're twelve years old in seventeen-year-old bodies, we're Wendy's age... but were also a few years younger than Natsu and Gajeel, Can you understand that? We missed years in that gate, we're only twelve Rogue," Sting shuddered, he had obviously given the topic much thought.
"We missed those years... we won't ever get them back... and now... we have to fight our big brothers... I... I'm scared Rogue, I'm scared."
"It could be worse, we could still be Wendy's age," Rogue tried to encourage, he was still half asleep.
"Natsu is strong, and so is Gajeel, we've never even come close to beating Erik and Laxus... and if we lose... then Lector and Frosch... they-" Sting choked hugging Rogue.
Rogue squeezed harder, "They'll understand... they have to, Uncle will do something I'm sure of it."
"Why isn't he doing something now!?"
"I... I don't know."
Minerva shook and quickly appeared in her room. She didn't understand anything that had been said but still, she was shaking, what was she to do... what could she do. She was just as trapped as the dragon slayers were. If she stopped the plan... then she would probably die, if she continued, she would also die... where did it end?
The fifth day of the Grand Magic games began. Sting and Rogue were shocked to see Natsu wasn't participating. The team consisted of Erza, Gray, Erik, Laxus, and Gajeel.
"You will take care of Gajeel," Minerva told Rogue; Rogue seemed to sink. "That means you will deal with Erik, am I clear?" Minerva ordered Sting.
"I-I can't take Erik, he's so much stronger than me!" Sting cried.
"You will find a way... or else," Minerva threatened
Sting nodded, his eyes were full of fear.
"I will deal with Titania, Orga you have Laxus, and Rufus, I'm certain that the ice mage will come for you, deal with him quickly and then take care of the others," Minerva ordered.
"Yes Ma'am," the two bowed.
The bell began and everyone was shocked to see the Fairy Tail team standing still.
"What are they doing?" Droy asked.
"Waiting, as we told them," Mavis nodded.
"You are about to see my First Master is known as the Fairy Tactician," Makarov smiled.
"Stay safe," Acnologia whispered as he watched Sting and Rogue take to the field. He clenched his hands together and rested his forehead on them, "Please stay safe."
The first few minutes were quick, every member of Quatro Cerberus went down, Bacchus was taken down by Sting. Beth and Arana were knocked out as well, Yuka and Toby went down to Kagura.
Finally Fairy Tail moved, Gray immediately found Rufus and the two began fighting. For the first few minutes Gray looked to be at a disadvantage, but with a few tips from Ur, Gray was able to eventually beat the memory mage.
"How about you remember Fairy Tail!" Gray yelled as Rufus fell.
Erik found Sherry and Sherria and quickly beat them aside, "Sorry, nothing personal, I just have a brother to find," Erik said continuing to run.
Erza found her way to where Minerva was supposed to be, there she found Kagura.
"Titania," Kagura greeted.
"Kagura, I can't have you here," Erza sighed readying a hand.
"And why is that?" Kagura asked placing her hand on the sword by her side.
"I must convince Minerva to release my guildmates, I can't fight you," Erza ordered.
"Minerva and you are not my concern; I'm searching for Rogue Cheney."
"R-Rogue Cheney, why are you looking for him?" Erza demanded.
"The Rogue Cheney I met would not have changed guilds of his own accord, I wish to confront him and understand why he would betray his own brothers!" Kagura scowled.
"If you must know, Minerva is holding Frosch captive, forcing Rogue to follow her orders," Erza gritted clenching her fists.
"F-Frosch is being held captive!" Kagura said anger filling her gaze.
"Well, well, look what I have here," Minerva smiled emerging from a space bubble.
"Minerva," both mages snarled.
"Before you both try to kill me, I want you to know my rules," Minerva smiled; she raised her hand a space bubble emerged, Millianna contained within.
"Millianna!" Erza and Kagura breathed.
"You two will fight each other first, the victor will then fight me, if you happen to beat me, I will release this little kitty... possibly along with two others," Minerva taunted.
"And if we decide to simply beat you here and now?" Erza growled.
"If you disobey my rules, then you will never see the kitties again..." at this Minerva chuckled, "alive that is."
"YOU MONSTER!" Kagura growled.
"Don't worry, I can provide a reason for you two to fight," Minerva calmly walked past Erza who was ready to split this woman in two, "Tell me Titania, how is Jellal fairing?" Minerva taunted.
Erza seemed to freeze, Kagura tensed.
"What are you talking about?" Kagura snarled.
"Oh, you don't know, Titania and Jellal are rather close. They were even spotted conversing on a beach... my, my, Erza that's rather traitorous isn't it, I mean you watched Jellal kill Simon didn't you," Minerva laughed before disappearing.
"Minerva!" Erza yelled, "Come I'm sure we can hunt her down," Erza growled
"No," Kagura gritted.
"You as much my enemy as she is!" Kagura cried lunging forward with her sheathed sword
Gajeel walked calmly down a hallway, he was humming some rhythm when he froze.
"Ryos," Gajeel called.
"...That's not my name," Rogue said emerging from a shadow, "and how did you know I was here."
"Ryos, we played hide and seek as kids. I know you... and I know that you don't want to do this," Gajeel smiled painfully.
"I have to do this..." Rogue gritted activating his shadow drive.
"Ryos-" Gajeel tried coaxing.
"It's ROGUE!" Rogue cried lunging for Gajeel.
Gajeel just barely blocked the attack. Rogue went into the shadows and reappeared behind Gajeel. "I know you too Gajeel," Rogue whispered, and he sent Gajeel flying.
"Rogue, I don't-" Gajeel tried saying then he felt himself being pulled backward, "Rogue, what is this!?"
"A trap, you'll be pulled into the shadows... it won't hurt I swear, your point will go to me, and I'll let you out after all this is over," Rogue breathed as he appeared before his brother.
"Rogue let me out, we can solve this but you have to help me," Gajeel pleaded, digging his now metal fingers into the concrete.
"I'm sorry," Rogue choked turning and beginning to walk away.
"I'm sorry too," Gajeel breathed, he began taking deep breaths, devouring the shadows. Rogue whipped around watching Gajeel devour his shadows, "I think it's time you see just how terrifying I can be!" Gajeel smiled turning into the Iron Shadow Dragon Slayer. He stood up and Rogue took a small step backward.
Laxus walked into the square where Orga was waiting for him.
"So, you finally came," Orga smiled.
"I'm sorry, but I have to make this quick," Laxus sighed.
"Well this will be quick; I'll knock aside before you can blink, for I am Orga the Lightning God slayer!" Orga cackled, black lightning swirling around him.
"Guess what?" Laxus smiled
The lightning around Orga died down, "what?"
"Behind you," Laxus smiled.
"Oh I'm not falling for th-" Orga laughed... then he froze and turned to find Jura watching the two with interest.
Erza was at a disadvantage against Kagura. No matter what she equipped into, Kagura was able to beat her aside. Finally, Erza stood up, "Why do hold such hatred towards Jellal?"
Kagura sent Erza flying, "That is not your concern!" Kagura cried.
"But it is Millianna's! She is in danger and we are quarreling!" Erza yelled catching herself and summoning another sword.
"Do not pull Millianna into this; you have allied yourself with her enemy as well!"
"Jellal? But Millianna was freed of that prison years ago, Jellal was forgiven, he was possessed, surely you can understand that?! The tower is destroyed; he nearly died trying to destroy it!"
"Yet he killed Simon!? MY BROTHER!" Kagura cried attacking Erza again.
"Simon... Simon was your brother!" Erza cried dodging the attack.
"Yes, and Jellal slaughtered him. We lived in a small village, we had little yet we were happy, then we were attacked, it was a child hunt. I barely escaped, but they took my brother. I traveled the world searching for him, and then I met Millianna who told me of his horrible time in the tower of heaven and how it was all Jellal's doing; I accepted that the fault went to Zeref at first and I continued my search. Millianna wasn't sure which guild he joined so I went to them all, even leaving Fiore at some point. Then I heard of the warriors three, I was certain that one of them was my brother. But when I arrived... it was too late, all I was able to do was read about the trial of Jellal who had slaughtered him. Jellal claimed to have been possessed but when Zeref's power was once again in his grasp he didn't hesitate to kill. My brother was enslaved and then betrayed by one of his closest friends, so I made a vow that I would avenge him... that I would avenge my brother!" Kagura cried standing in the guarded position.
"But you didn't see him die," Erza cried trying to stand, "I did, I know what happened."
"What is she doing!?" Natsu cried, "Come on Erza GET UP!"
"Easy Natsu, we have to have faith in her," Evergreen smirked, "Her name is Titania, and when has Mermaid every outclassed a Fairy?"
"I confronted Jellal, he wasn't himself, Lullaby had possessed him. I could have beaten him then and there, but... I hesitated. He beat me, and because I was too weak to move, your brother had to die for me... It's my fault he's dead," Erza admitted slowly getting up into the kneeling position.
"You'd lie to cover up for him!?" Kagura gritted.
"It's the truth, if I had been stronger, your brother would be alive and well today. I could let you continue thinking that Jellal is to blame... but the fault is all mine."
Kagura was trying to control her rage; she was ready to pull out her sword.
"No Kagura!" Arana breathed.
"Don't let your anger get the better of you!" Beth cried.
Kagura drew her sword and attacked, the building behind Erza was destroyed but with a simple movement, Erza had blocked the attack.
"Sorry, I can't die just yet," Erza spoke slowly getting to her feet, "Thanks to my friends I am alive, Simon, Grandpa Rob, and more, I can't die here or now or their deaths would have been pointless. And besides, my family is counting on me."
Kagura lunged for Erza, Erza did the same. The attack was so quick Acnologia had a difficult time processing what happened. Kagura fell to the ground, people weren't quite sure if she was beaten or not. Erza landed firmly and looked back at her opponent. Slowly Kagura got to her feet.
"I can't lose, I will avenge my brother," Kagura gritted.
The destruction from the two caused the building to begin crumbling. A few pieces of the roof came tumbling down towards Kagura. Erza pushed her out of the way, getting herself caught in the process.
That's when Erza revealed that she was the one who had saved Kagura back when they were kids. Kagura helped Erza to her feet, but before the victory could go to Erza, Kagura was stabbed in the back by Minerva. Minerva smiled. "Well Erza, I suppose you won, but the points go to me. You see this is how a queen picks her battles."
Erza looked down at Kagura who ordered something of Erza, "Millianna, you must save her." Kagura looked up at Minerva with hatred but was unable to do anything more... she would have to trust that Erza could do it.
"Oh, the little Kitty? Well, I suppose she's of no more use to me," Minerva sighed releasing Millianna. Erza scrambled towards her friend and found that she was injured... critically so. Erza stood up; her gaze was filled with anger.
"It's the queen of the Fairies vs the Queen of the Tigers!" the announcer yelled.
"It's time to end this," Minerva laughed. With a simple movement, she sent Erza crashing into column after column. Erza collapsed to the ground.
"ERZA!" Lisanna cried.
"Come on Erza get up!" Evergreen ordered.
"How is this happening?!" cried Bickslow.
"Her injury must be worse than we thought," Freed observed.
"Pluck the wings from the Fairy and you'll witness a pathetic sight indeed, I suppose I should just put you out of your misery," Minerva sighed walking up to the wounded red-head, "This is where you fall Titania."
"No, you must get up Erza!" Makarov shouted.
"You can do it!" Natsu cried, "Show that creep who's boss!"
Erza was sent flying once more, Minerva walked forward taunting her.
"That looks like it hurts, you probably can't even stand up," Minerva smiled looking at Erza's ankle.
"It's just as I told Kagura, I can't have you in my way!" Erza gritted standing up once more despite her numerous injuries.
"Don't you realize that you can just give up, if you stay on the ground your point will go to me and your trial will be over? If Fairy Tail just submits we will release whatever we have and you can all go home?" Minerva sighed watching Erza.
"You think that I would dare abandon my comrades. Do you honestly think that Fairy Tail will submit!? Sabertooth is holding our members hostage, you've caused tears to be shed, you've hurt of comrades in ways that you can't begin to imagine! Fairy Tail is out for blood, and you should know that I will not lose this fight! I will not back down! I will keep getting up until you stay down!" Erza said straightening herself
"Sabertooth will emerge victoriously," Minerva laughed.
"Oh no, your fate is sealed, out of all the guilds you chose to go to war with you choose Fairy Tail... and that doesn't end well, just ask Phantom Lord, Grimoire Heart, and all the other dark guilds we've demolished," Erza laughed.
"You should let go of that anger, it's bad for you," Minerva taunted.
"Anger? You tormented my friends; Lucy, Kagura, Millianna, Frosch, Lector, you play with my comrades like they are your personal puppets, you've hurt my family and you have taken pleasure in it. I am beyond anger!"
"If you think I'm frightened then you are more foolish then I thought," Minerva cackled as she unleashed another spell. Erza dodged the first two space explosions, but the third hit her.
"You can't escape my special magic, I will defeat you Titania!" Minerva laughed.
Rogue had been taken out; Gajeel was sitting by his unconscious figure watching the sunset. He was back to his normal form and looked down at Rogue.
"Sorry little bro, right now we need to have faith in Titania, she'll save Frosch, for now, you just rest, I'll make sure your safe," Gajeel smiled ruffling Rogue's black hair.
Orga had been knocked out in about point three seconds, which meant that Laxus and Jura were now locked in combat.
Gray was running around searching for anyone else to fight... but there was no one left.
Erik stood calmly in the middle of the street, listening. A bright streak of light raced forward, he calmly sidestepped and the blast missed him.
"HOLY RAY!" Sting shouted jumping off a building and using it on Erik. Erik only smiled calmly changing his position as the thousand light rays narrowly missed him. Sting landed and his eyes widened when he saw that Erik hadn't been hit once.
"You can do better," Erik nodded; his hands were still in his white coat pockets.
"Please, I have to fight you, please understand that I don't want to but I have to!" Sting cried getting into a fighting position.
"For Lector," Erik nodded.
"I'm sorry," Sting cried activating his white drive.
Erik chuckled as he shook his head, "No Sting, I'm sorry... you can't beat me and you know that. You're scared, but I promise no matter what happens, Lector will be alright."
"You don't know that... YOU CAN'T BE SURE!" Sting cried painfully, lunging at Erik.
Sting used move after move, hand to hand combat, secret arts, but nothing hit Erik. Sting jumped in the air and tried to use talon, Erik reached out his hand and caught Sting's foot, he held him there momentarily.
"Have faith in Fairy Tail Sting, we've never led you wrong," Erik smiled throwing Sting aside.
Explosions sounded out, back where Erza and Minerva were fighting.
"Hold on Erza," Millianna breathed watching the battle. Kagura tried to sit up but the wound in her stomach bled and the pain forced her to lie down again.
"Her magic is changing the properties of Space itself!" Levy cried watching the battle on the lacrima screen.
"The Ultimate Guild deserves the ultimate magic, Territory," Minerva smiled.
Acnologia began to chuckle, and then he began to laugh.
"Uncle, what's so funny?" Wendy asked.
"She calls that the ultimate magic, but tell me, had she beaten Erza yet?" Acnologia snickered heartlessly.
As if roused by her name Erza emerged from the smoke attacking Minerva, "You missed me," she yelled.
Minerva sneered and tried to attack her again and again, Erza dodged each time.
"This anger isn't just mine, its Fairy Tail's, Second Origin RELEASE!" Erza called. Unleashing her full power.
"Second Origin!" Jet cried.
"Wow, Minerva didn't see that coming!" Levy laughed.
"She was hiding it this whole time, that's crazy!" Droy cried.
"She is Erza," Ur laughed.
"Go forward young ones, grasp your destiny," Mavis smiled.
Laxus beat down Jura with a final blow, Erik beat down Sting with a well-aimed kick, and Erza reequipped into her Nakagami armor.
Minerva tried to send a blast towards Erza.
"Nothing can save you," Erza bit, and she cut through the spell.
"She cut through the spell!" Lyon gaped.
"I saw, I still don't believe it!" Jet cried.
"Nakagami armor; it consumes magic at such an intense rate that no wizard has ever been able to utilize it for the past ten years." Levy read from a book.
"Where were you hiding that book?" Romeo asked.
"However, if anyone were to dawn this armor, they would become a force without equal and conquer all that stand against them," Levy read ignoring Romeo's question.
"But how, no, you should be out of power!" Minerva cried, "How are you still standing!"
"I told you, I'll keep getting up until I put you in the dirt!" Erza answered.
Minerva began to back up, "No, stop," she breathed.
"I will have revenge," Erza growled.
"Stay back, you've won this," Minerva cried, "let me go."
"Nakagami, STARLIGHT!" Erza cried unleashing the spell and sending Minerva tumbling through the air. Minerva landed battered and bruised. She was defeated.
"Fairy Tail WINS!" the announcer yelled. Everyone rejoiced except Acnologia, Makarov, Natsu, and Wendy.
"What's wrong you guys?" Cana asked already drunk.
"The battle isn't over yet," Acnologia growled.
Minerva weakly looked up and saw that Erza had a sword pointed at her.
"Finish it," Minerva spat. She had lost, she would die anyway.
"I don't want to kill you," Erza said.
Minerva shook, "I'll die anyway, please just make it quick."
"Release my guildmates, they deserve to be free," Erza asked.
Minerva weakly opened a space bubbled and both exceeds tumbled out of it.
"Sting?" Lector called.
"Rogue?!" Frosch cried.
Erza knelt down and hugged the two, "Rogue will be with Gajeel and Sting will be with Erik. Go find them, quickly."
"Thanks, Erza," the exceeds cried hugging the scarlet warrior. The two turned and took to the sky.
"Now, finish it," Minerva pleaded.
"No, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. You are a victim of a horrible crime, a crime that will be soon brought to justice," Erza growled.
Minerva's eyes widened, was she talking about her father? Was Fairy Tail planning to deal with Jiemma?
Fairy Tail was having their party celebrating their victory... Sabertooth, however, was suffering.
"WEAKLINGS!" Jiemma roared sending Rufus and Orga flying, "We even lost the two dragon slayer brats, because of you Minerva," Jiemma growled facing Minerva. Minerva was bowed down, her wounds had been wrapped and she was crying.
"Please father... th-they had won, I-I released them because-" Minerva choked.
"Because you are WEAK!" Jiemma yelled slapping Minerva.
"Please father," Minerva begged.
"I am not your father, you do not deserve to be my daughter, you do not deserve that Sabertooth mark, and you do not deserve to LIVE!" Jiemma cried summoning his magic. Minerva closed her eyes accepting her fate.
There was an explosion, but Minerva found herself unscathed. She opened her eyes and found that she was floating; she looked up and saw Frosch and Lector carrying her high above the attack. Jiemma was suddenly thrown backward, Minerva looked and saw that Libra was there changing the gravity around Jiemma.
"DIE!" Jiemma cried attacking Rufus and Orga. There was a flash of Shadow and Light and the two mages looked to see the twin dragon slayers standing between Jiemma and them. Both of the twin dragon slayers had faced of pure rage. Jiemma sent a blast of magic towards the exceeds. They accidentally released Minerva and she fell to the ground in front of Jiemma. He raised his fist and brought it down on Minerva, there was a blast of purple light. Minerva looked up and saw a cloaked figure standing between her and Jiemma... Acnologia. He had grabbed Jiemma by his fist and had nullified the spell.
"Acnologia," Jiemma breathed.
"You dare do this to your member; you dare try to kill your own daughter?" Acnologia growled.
"They are weak," Jiemma growled.
"So. Are. You." Acnologia growled.
"I am STRONG!" Jiemma cried trying to break free from Acnologia's grasp. Acnologia only smiled keeping a firm grip on Jiemma's fist.
"I have enough power in my fingers that all I have to do is squeeze!" Acnologia growled squeezing down on Jiemma's fist. Jiemma began to scream. Everyone watched in awe as Acnologia made Jiemma fall to his knees.
"Do you hear that? That is the sound of every bone in your hand shattering?" Acnologia growled.
"Stop," Jiemma cried. Acnologia released the mage who began cradling his hand. Jiemma looked up to see Acnologia sending a kick to his face. Jiemma flew across the room and made an impact with the wall. Acnologia calmly walked up to Jiemma who was lying on his back looking up at the roof.
"You are weak, weak in the soul, weak in heart, weak in mind, and you will always be weak in power when you are compared to me," Acnologia growled placing his foot on Jiemma's chest. He began to push and Jiemma began to scream once more. The screaming filled the silent room, it echoed for a good minute. Acnologia could feel the aura of magic around him, he radiated anger and he liked it.
"Uncle," Sting whispered.
Acnologia looked to where Sting was standing; he looked scared, "Uncle, that's enough, he's learned... please stop."
Immediately the aura around Acnologia died as did the screaming. Jiemma began to breathe relieved that the pressure off his chest was gone. Acnologia backed away and shuddered.
'We lost control that easily?' a voice in his head asked.
'It felt good didn't it? We need to finish it or he'll just come back to haunt us,' another voice growled.
'We lost it... we lost our control too easily... Damn it.'
"Uncle?" Rogue questioned.
"Are you okay?" Sting cried.
"I'm fine, I'm just ashamed..." he looked up at Sting fondly, "Thank you, Sting."
Sting nodded and Rogue smiled. Acnologia straightened up and composed himself before looking back to the guild, "Sabertooth is no longer a major guild, you shall be a minor guild under the service of Fairy Tail. You will have your own job requests and can recruit whoever you want, but Fairy Tail will supervise it all. You will slowly rebuild what you have and become a true guild that will care for its members. You will be led by Minerva," Acnologia announced pointing to Minerva.
Minerva stood and looked on in awe, "What, why me?"
"Because I can see that you have good in your heart," Acnologia answered with a cold gaze, "Once a month two mages will come and see how you are faring, these mages shall be Sting and Rogue, they are honorary members of Sabertooth, your comrades just as you are now ours. If any dare wage war against you, they rage war against us, vice versa. Fairy Tail will always be here for you, and you are now a part of Fairy Tail." Acnologia ordered, his face was hard, unlike his hopeful words.
Everyone nodded not daring to argue.
"We'll stay and help you rebuild your guild from the ground up, then we'll return to Fairy Tail," Rogue spoke.
"Alright then, may I rejoin?" a soft voice asked from the doorway; Yukino walked in. She nodded at Libra who then disappeared back into the celestial spirit world.
"Yukino," Everyone said in awe.
"If you want to," Acnologia nodded.
Minerva got to her feet and walked up to Yukino. She bowed before Yukino, "Thank you for saving me. I'm sorry for how you were treated, I'd be honored if you could rejoin our minor guild," Minerva murmured.
Yukino smiled and hugged Minerva much to the latter's surprise, "Something tells me we should start this friendship over," Yukino laughed.
Minerva hugged her back, "I'd like that."
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