Brandish's servant Marvin had somehow infiltrated Fairy Tail and was trying to kill his previous master. Lucy and Cana saved her and Lucy took her home once she agreed to tell Lucy about her mother. It did not go well, Brandish tried to kill Lucy, somehow water was spilled on Aquarius's key and Aquarius saved Lucy.
"And just what were you saying about my key?" Aquarius asked.
"Aquarius," Lucy breathed.
The reunion was a strange one. Eventually Aquarius got to the heart of the matter.
"The reason I'm here is to tell you what happened," Aquarius stated as the room began to melt away. Lucy and Brandish looked down and realized that they were mermaids.
"This is the star memories, here is where you can both see what actually happened," Aquarius smiled swimming through the stars, Lucy and Brandish followed.
Slowly, someone came into view; A tall man on a beach his long ragged blue hair.
"Acnologia?" Lucy asked curiously.
"About 400 years ago, the dragon king found me," Aquarius said with a bit of scorn. Acnologia picked up the golden key and a small smile lit up his face. The vision blurred and they saw Acnologia gifting the key to a blonde-haired woman that looked much like Lucy.
"Who is that?" Brandish asked.
"Anna Heartfillia, Lucy's distant ancestor and a great celestial wizard," Aquarius smiled.
The scene changed again and it showed Anna and Zeref opening the eclipse gate.
"400 hundred years ago, a great and terrible force descended on the world and stole many lives, not even Acnologia could stop it," Aquarius stated darkly, "Anna and Zeref together made a plan to stop it... it cost Anna everything," Aquarius sighed turning away. Lucy stared hard at the fading vision and saw Anna bleeding out in the grass, being held by...
"Acnologia," Lucy breathed as the vision faded.
"The gate required a celestial wizard at both times to allow the people moving through the gate to come out. Layla was the Heartfillia who decided to open it. The gate required all twelve golden keys to open the gate... the only problem Layla came upon was that she was missing one... One key she had lent to a friend, my own."
Lucy and Brandish tensed.
"Layla made up for my key, by sacrificing her own life," Aquarius said painfully. "Grammi returned seven days later and returned my key to Layla... who then gave it to Lucy"
"Brandish is Lucy's age isn't she?" Layla wheezed.
"Yes... I'll bring her next time I visit," Grammi choked.
"That would be wonderful... I think they'll become great friends," Layla smiled.
"I'm sure they will." Grammi smiled.
The vision faded away and was replaced with Grammi's travel home, Zoldeo emerged and stabbed her. Aquarius gritted her teeth and looked away, Brandish screamed, and Lucy looked on in horror.
"And that is the truth," Aquarius sighed.
Brandish screamed in agony and was embraced by Lucy as the star memory faded.
"Brandish... we can be friends... right?" Lucy cried.
Brandish sobbed and returned the embrace. Aquarius smiled and slowly faded away.
"Oh and Lucy, I hope you know that my key has re-emerged in the world." Aquarius smiled, and with that, she was gone.
"These mages are so obnoxious," Jacob sighed.
"I shall go aid our men, you two continue with the plan," Dimaria said. The two men nodded as the Valkyrie headed into battle.
Almost immediately Dimaria came across Kagura who readied her sword. In a slash, Kagura's clothes were torn apart and she stood there humiliated.
"What shall you do now?" Dimaria taunted preparing the next blow, in a second she was punched aside by Wendy.
"Go recover Kagura; I can deal with her while you ready yourself!" Wendy called.
"Thank you, Wendy," Kagura nodded.
"Why you little brat," Dimaria spat.
"Sky God Bellow!" Sherria yelled engulfing Dimaria in a vortex of black wind.
"Hello Sherria," Wendy smiled.
"Long time no see," Sherria grinned
"I'll admit you two possess great power, so I'll give you no quarter," Dimaria smiled manically. The battle around them froze and Dimaria walked around the duo wondering who to kill first, "I think I'll take you little dragon," she said looking to Wendy, she raised her sword and was stunned when Wendy jumped away, Sherria landed a swift kick on Dimaria's back and Dimaria stumbled forward.
"How?" Dimaria cried.
"Hello girls," Ultear said from above, Charle was carrying her. They landed and Charle unleashed her new form; a human one.
"Ultear," Wendy laughed.
"A time mage," Dimaria spat.
"Now we play on even ground," Ultear smiled.
In all honesty, it wasn't remotely fair; Wendy, Sherria, and Ultear were powerful mages in their own right, teamed up together Dimaria stood little to no chance. Dimaria was angered, she activated her god form granted to her years ago. Charle foresaw Wendy being hurt in the explosion so she acted quickly. As the time god form took effect a huge explosion rocked the earth, Charle pushed Wendy out of the way and was fatally wounded Ultear quickly stopped blocking the time flow by Charle allowing her to remain seconds from death.
"Charle!" Wendy cried.
"Girls!" Ultear yelled, "It's taking much of my strength to keep us frozen in time, one of you must beat her, and the other heal Charle."
"How can we do that?" Sherria cried.
"I'll unlock your third origin, the magic you can have in the future, however, the price is grave, you'll never be able to use magic again," Ultear said as Dimaria looked to them.
"I'll do it!" Wendy yelled.
"No, I'm a God Slayer," Sherria objected.
"Then help Charle!" Wendy said shoving Sherria aside and lunging for Demaria. She was very easily beaten and sent back towards Ultear. When Wendy got to her feet Ultear put a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, but she is our best chance," Ultear said sadly.
"No," Wendy cried looking to where Sherria now stood, her third origin unlocked, "No she can't!"
"Who better to slay a God, then a God Slayer," Ultear said.
Wendy looked on sadly as Sherria moved to battle Dimaria/Chronos.
"It's all for the sake of love, love for our guild! The love we hold for our friends! Love for our country! Witness the power of Love!" Sherria yelled mercilessly attacking Chronos.
"Go heal your friend, and any others you can, this battle will end shortly," Ultear promised.
Sting was slightly confused, he was certain that his side had been bleeding and now it was fine. He punched away Jacob and looked down in confusion. Similar predicaments broke out on their side. Then there was a startled shout, "The Valkyrie is dead!"
"The sky sisters destroyed her!" a cheer went up.
Sting smiled; somehow he knew that Wendy was involved with his healed injuries.
"Sting look out!" Rogue cried.
Sting turned to see a knife sent by Jacob soaring towards his chest. A blast of wind erupted and pushed the knife away. Rogue had briefly unleashed his dual elements to save Sting.
"Thanks, bro," Sting smiled.
"Pay attention, this guy's an assassin; he'll kill you with no regret!" Rogue snarled, the two stood back to back as the battle raged around them.
"There!" Rogue snarled slipping into the shadows.
"Be careful!" Sting called as the shadow slipped out of sight.
"I'm always careful," Rogue hissed under his breath as he stalked Jacob. He followed the assassin out of the battlefield and into the forest, he was heading towards Magnolia. "Shadow Dragon's Waxwing Flash," he yelled having a torrent of shadows emerge from his hands and pepper the ground around Jacob.
Jacob turned and attacked Rogue, "I am one of the Spriggan twelve I will not be-"
His face was slammed into the ground and he went limp, "and now you're part of the Spriggan seven," Rogue shrugged walking away.
"We have another report from Rogue, five of the twelve are down," Warren yelled.
"Good, the armies are being destroyed and I don't think anyone will get relatively close to the town, the chances are good," Mavis smiled tapping her fingers on the wooden table on which a map had been placed.
"Hey has anyone heard from Acnologia, he's been unusually quiet since he talked with Brandish," Cana pondered.
"He talked with Brandish?" Lucy asked.
"Yeah, said he wanted to do it alone, and then he just took off. I tried to ask Brandish but she told me that old Acnologia had it under control."
"Acno is wise and strong, I have full faith in his decisions," Mavis said, still she looked at the map with concern wondering where the great dragon was. Since he had returned with Natsu he had seemed uneasy, she wondered what he was doing now. Speaking of Natsu, he too had been quiet asking only where the closest battle was. Mavis wondered what was going on between the two of them.
Acnologia landed and transformed before turning and facing his opponents.
"Acnologia," an old man said waling forward.
"August," Acnologia greeted.
"Have you come to engage in combat?" August asked.
"Never," Acnologia scoffed, "I'd destroy you and then I'd feel horrible."
August shook his head, "Then why are you here?"
"To ask you the same thing, why are you fighting?"
"Father asked me to."
"Does he even know you exist?"
"Does Mother?"
Acnologia was silent, then he sighed, "I myself only found out when I smelled you, I had no idea Mavis had a child."
"Apparently neither of my parents did."
"You do know that if she knew, she'd welcome you with open arms."
"I'm certain. August, I've been planning something for years, but my biggest question was how I was going to tie it to Zeref and Mavis, I think you may be just what I needed."
"I will not help you kill my father, or mother."
"Trust me, killing Zeref will cause me more pain then you can imagine. No, I want to save them."
Irene watched as her forces were destroyed she sneered and clenched her fists. Why anyone would dare to attack her was a mystery, how they were succeeding was even more frustrating. In all she only counted a mere handful; there was a man who used pure speed to fight, a woman who kept calling on angels, a man who melted the earth away, and the frustrating one that kept casting allusions and nightmares. It was under control until the fire user, and destructor mage showed up and began decimating everything. With them came takeover mages, a lightning mage, two demons, and a simple card bender. They should have been destroyed... but instead, they flourished and grew stronger. It frustrated Irene greatly.
Back with the northern army, now that Dimaria and Jacob had fallen the Ishgar Mages were growing confident and stronger. Serena had been called away leaving the others to clear away all who remained.
"Man these guys don't like staying down," Gray gritted as he froze another.
"Gray, clothes!" Ur shouted blasting a few more away.
"Seriously Gray, not appropriate, there are young children here," Ultear sneered.
"UR, YOU TAUGHT ME THIS!" Gray objected.
"You can be so obnoxious Gray," Lyon sighed.
"You're one to talk," Gray chuckled. Lyon looked down and realized his shirt was gone.
"Where did my shirt go!?" Lyon cried.
"Look out!" Meredy cried. Lyon turned to see Jacob; battered and bruised aim a final attack at him. There was a crash as the attack was blocked but not by Lyon, Meredy stood between the two. She turned as Jacob once again went down and put her hands on her hips, "If you would stop worrying about your clothes you wouldn't nearly die!"
"Hey," Lyon waved his face turning a pale red.
"Smooth," Gray sighed.
"Meredy!" Ultear yelled.
There was a magic beam that one of the soldiers had fired; Lyon pushed Meredy to the ground. Meredy opened her eyes and wondered why the ground was to warm... and comfortable, she lay there for a second enjoying it, then she realized she was on Lyon's chest. She squeaked and sat up blushing madly.
"Thanksforsavingmylifegottagobye!" She squeaked running to attack the soldier.
Lyon lay there wondering what just happened.
"You okay?" Gray laughed holding out a hand.
"Yeah... what just happened?" Lyon asked as Gray pulled him up.
"You saved Meredy's life and she landed on your bare chest... I think she liked it," Gray shrugged.
"Really?" Lyon asked.
"I thought it was my crazy imagination acting up on me," Lyon smiled dreamily.
"Okay crazy lover boys, let's go!" Ur yelled.
"Yes mam," both boys saluted.
Kagura, Erza, and Jellal were heading towards the harbor from which the army had come from.
"There's a large amount of magic power concentrated here," Jellal said.
They were immersed in sudden darkness and were overwhelmed by a torrent of attacks.
"What is going on?!" Erza yelled.
"It can't be," Jellal shuttered as their attacker appeared before them; it was Simon.
"Simon!" Kagura cried in joy, she went to rush forward but was stopped by Jellal.
"Don't he's not real," Jellal warned.
"No, it is-" Kagura retorted.
"I must applaud you, not many are able to differentiate the living with the revived," a voice called from the mast, it was Nienhart.
"What have you done with our fallen comrade!?" Erza snarled.
"What you see before you is a recreation of Simon, known as Historia of the Dead."
"How dare he," Kagura gritted.
"Pay no mind to his allusions, he is the enemy we must defeat," Jellal ordered.
"How dare you," Nienhart sneered, "Mere allusions are no match for my magic!" to prove his point he raised his hands next to Simon appeared two more figures, to his left was Kyoka, and to his right.
"Who is that?" Jellal asked.
"The... magic power, it's immense," Kagura gapped.
"It can't be," Erza shook.
"I live once more," Hades smiled looking at the three mages.
All across the landscape, the guild members found themselves facing their previous deceased enemies.
"How's that for allusions!" Nienhart laughed sending the enemy towards the three. Erza jumped away but the other two were knocked into the ocean.
Acnologia re-crushed another of his revived opponents. He was remembering just how many people he had killed.
"Nienhart is acting out," August supposed.
"I would pound his face but I have more pressing-" Acnologia began to retort.
"Acnologia," Igneel called. Acnologia looked and smiled; maybe this spell wasn't so bad.
"Hello you guys," he smiled turning towards his siblings.
"It's a good thing you killed us, huh?" Metalicana laughed, "Too bad Neinhart can't seem to figure out that dragon's don't listen to anyone too well."
"Now, allow us to tell you Tyregenium's full plan," Grandeeney smiled.
"Let's do this quickly, my guild will beat the castor in a few minutes," Acnologia laughed.
August watched the interaction trying to understand what was going on.
Erza desperately tried to hold off the wizards.
Simon lunged trying to attack; he froze a few inches from Erza.
"What!?" Nienhart cried.
Simon smiled at Erza, "Don't blame Jellal alright?"
Erza felt tears build up as Simon disappeared.
"That's never happened," Nienhart pondered.
Erza turned to the others and raised her sword, "If you are wise you will leave before I give you a taste of my steel once more!" she ordered.
Hades smiled, "I've learned what Fairy Tail does, and I leave you in peace."
Kyoka shook as she lunged forward.
"I need more!" Nienhart growled, he summoned more spirits, far too many for even Erza. Soon the mage was wounded on the deck Kyoka stepped in mortally wounding the mage.
"Well, Erza it seems that this is where you end," Kyoka taunted stepping on the mage.
"Erza looked up and met the demon's eyes, "Be gone or suffer my wrath once again."
Kyoka began to tremble fear filling her; she disappeared leaving Nienhart to wonder who the red-haired mage was.
"She can't be... but that look," Nienhart trembled.
Kagura began swimming towards the surface but realized that Jellal wasn't there with her. She looked down and saw that Jellal had been hit with the anchor of the ship and was drifting towards the bottom unconscious. There was a brief moment where she pondered leaving him, but she had a good heart.
Kagura lugged the blue-haired man onto the deck and used CPR to revive him. Jellal began sputtering, he sat up and coughed up the water in his lungs, "where's Erza," he wheezed. The two looked over to the next ship over where they had left Erza.
Nienhart looked over at the mortally wounded redhead and realized that he had no more wizards he could summon, the rest of his magic's had been all but destroyed... and some were even rebelling against him. Erza had terrified the rest into submission and they had dissipated.
"Erza!" Kagura cried rushing over to her side.
Jellal looked up at Nienhart his face full of rage, "and so here I shall commit one last sin," he gritted.
The sky darkened over the city, Ultear and Meredy looked up knowing the cause of it.
"Where's Juvia!" Gray yelled terrified that the storm was her doing, "Is she alright!? Is she hurt!? What happened!?"
"I'm right here Gray-Sama," Juvia said from behind him.
"Oh, good, I'm glad," Gray said awkwardly.
"Smooth," Lyon chuckled.
"Shut up."
Nienhart was vanquished and now there were only six more Spriggan to defeat.
"Now do you understand that gravity of it all?" Weisslogia asked Acnologia.
"It is troubling, and there is no way around it?" Acnologia asked.
"I'm afraid not, train them, prepare them, and kill Tyregenium," Grandeeney ordered. When Grandeeney spoke of violence, you knew someone had done wrong.
"I will, I will protect your children with my life," Acnologia vowed.
"Oh Acnologia," Skiadrum laughed, "We've never doubted your love for our children, not even after we learned of your first life. You love them as your own and we trust them with you."
"Good luck my brother, our castor had fallen, we must return to the land of the dead," Igneel bowed.
"Good luck you guys," Acnologia smiled.
Metalicana disappeared first, then Grandeeney, then Weisslogia, followed by Skiadrum, Igneel, however, had a few parting words.
"Acnologia," he called.
The said mage turned and looked to his brother.
"Anna sends her love," Igneel smiled and with that, he was gone.
"Damn fire-lizard," Acnologia grinned watching the remnants of Igneel fade away.
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