Lucy and Lisanna
Things were calm in Fairy tail, nothing too earth-shattering happened; Acnologia and his hatchlings had all but eradicated most dark guilds so Fiore was peaceful. Acnologia said goodbye to Mira and her siblings as they took on an S-class job, he had full faith in them... then they came back.
"Lisanna... what," Evergreen choked after the guild had finished listening to Mira's explanation.
"No way," Erza denied in shock.
"She's dead," Mira cried, her hand was in a sling and multiple wounds covered her body, Elfman was no better, except he was also drowning in guilt.
"I killed her," Elfman cried.
"No, no you didn't," Mira cried her voice laced in pain.
"Lis...Lisanna, she's," Natsu's voice came from the doorway. Acnologia looked to Natsu, Happy was by his side, both of them had the look of horror.
"Lisanna's dead," Mira cried in agony.
The funeral was held and two graves were made, since there wasn't a body, two graves weren't a problem. Natsu was sad sometimes, but it was Bickslow who worried Acnologia. Even his dolls remained silent, but no-one knew how he felt except Acnologia. Bickslow kept to himself and moved on. Acnologia understood the pain of losing someone you loved and let Bickslow sort it out on his own; the man moved on, but never truly fell for anyone else again.
Natsu mourned Lisanna, but he wanted to live happily, just as he believed Lisanna would want him to. Still, he kept his distance for a good long time. Acnologia was concerned for everyone and he too mourned Lisanna. She had been so happy and carefree; much like Grandeeney had been in her younger days.
The guild always remembered but moved on. Mira became less violent and stopped going on jobs, she stopped using her magic and attempted to forget it. Acnologia and Makarov didn't try to tell her otherwise, they all mourned in different ways. Mira's change impacted Erza and Laxus who had always rivaled her, now the two were quieter when at the guild, the skirmishes seemed to only occur between the younger ones.
And so Fairy Tail changed after its loss.
Then, a few years later, a rumor about another "Salamander" and Natsu rushed to the house.
"Guys, we have to find this guy," Natsu said to his family
"Salamander? Why? What's so special about this copycat?" Gajeel asked.
"It's not a man, its Igneel, I know it," Natsu said.
"Aye, I believe him," Happy said.
"It's not Igneel Natsu," Acnologia sighed.
"Nah, but this guy stole Natsu's nickname, so let's go teach him a lesson," Sting laughed.
"Can you tone it down Sting?" Laxus scoffed.
"I agree with Sting-kun! Nobody messes with our family!" Lector yelled.
"You ruffians," Charle scoffed.
"You should come with us Charle!" Happy pleaded.
"As if I'd be a part of this pointless quest that will inevitably end in violence," Charle sighed.
"Aww, please Charle, it wouldn't be the same without you and Wendy!" Lector cried.
"How did this escalate so quickly!?" Rogue asked.
"You don't ask that," Gajeel sighed.
"Well even if it is Igneel, a fight is gonna happen," Natsu laughed.
"Let's do it!" Sting yelled.
"Pfft, you guys go do what you want, I want no part in it," Erik sighed from the couch.
"Oh come on Erik, we haven't done anything as a dragon family in forever, what happened to Kaidas unite?" Sting asked leaning over his moody older brother.
"If you ever call me that in public, you're dead," Erik threatened.
"A family outing would be nice," Acnologia admitted.
"Have fun," Erik called.
"Please Oniichan, it won't be the same without you," Wendy pleaded.
Erik looked at Wendy "Dammit," he sighed, he just couldn't say no to his little sister AKA Acnologia's secret weapon, "Fine, just let me go get Cubellios," he sighed.
They eventually made it to Hargeon alive (despite the train ride), enjoyed the sights, went window shopping, but then there was a commotion; women were crowding around a man, usually Acnologia would turn around and walk the other way... but fate had other ideas.
"Oh, it's the amazing Salamander," one woman cried running past the dragon slayers.
"Amazing and Salamander don't go in the same sentence," Gajeel scoffed.
"Unless it comes to our Natsu's appetite," Laxus chuckled.
Erik smiled as he listened, "Oh this guy is a joke."
Natsu rushed forward and being Natsu, barreled through the people and face planted in front of this Salamander guy.
As Acnologia moved in, he could sense Natsu's disappointment. The man was an obvious criminal, but that could wait.
"See, this is why you can't be great Natsu, then people steal your nicknames," Laxus stated studying the "copycat".
"Excuse me?" Salamander objected
"Not you Bora, the real Salamander," Erik rolled his eyes.
"How do you-" Bora began.
"Sorry Natsu-san, he isn't Igneel," Wendy said.
"Great, let's beat him up!?" Sting asked.
"Sting, please chill, we're in public," Rogue sighed.
"I mean, I'm pretty sure this guy is running a criminal slave trade, so we can, but, you know, it's not like you guys are gonna listen to me," Erik sighed.
"Meh, we can beat him up in the act," Laxus said.
"Why did you take Natsu's name you phony?!" Happy demanded flying towards Bora.
"Easy Tomcat, you're acting like a ruffian," Carle said grabbing him by the tail.
"Yeah, just let the loser go, he's not worth our energy" Lector said.
"Fro thinks so too," Frosch nodded.
"Chill people, we came we saw the guy, now we can go home, and maybe stop and beat up a few dark guilds on the way," Acnologia sighed, "We still have rent to pay!"
The dragon slayers obeyed and left.
"Wait!" a young girl called after them. Acnologia turned and nearly had a heart attack. It was Lucy, she looked just like Anna and Layla, it had to be Lucy Heartfillia.
She ran up to the group panting. "Thank you," she said, "I'm not sure if I could have broken his love curse on my own, but thanks to you," she turned to Natsu, "I saw right through that creeps game," she smiled giving a thumbs up.
"Lucy," Acnologia said.
Lucy looked to him, and studied him, then she snapped her figures, "I remember you," she smiled, "you came and told me to come to join Fairy Tail."
"That I did," Acnologia nodded.
Erik read her thoughts, "Hold up, you're Layla Heartfilia's daughter?" he asked.
Lucy shrugged, "I would prefer to go by Lucy."
"Great, Lucy can come and join Fairy Tail," Natsu smiled.
Lucy looked rather stunned at the random invitation.
"We need a new member, the same voices day after day gets a little repetitive," Erik agreed.
"And she has strong magic, I can feel it, you'll fit right in Lucy," Wendy smiled.
"Welcome to the club, Lucy!" Happy smiled.
Lucy moved to speak but Charle spoke first.
"More responsible women to be good examples would be good, anything other than the drunkard," Charle sighed.
"Sometimes, you judge people too harshly Charle, Cana is nice," Wendy smiled.
"But she is NOT a role model," Charle objected, the whole group laughed
"Well, welcome blondey," Laxus smiled.
The nine began to walk home, Hargeon was behind them, and then Erik stopped. Stopped dead.
"Erik?" Acnologia asked stopping.
"Oniichan, what's wrong?" Wendy asked obviously concerned.
Erik was listening intently and his gaze hardened as time moved on.
"What's going on?" Lucy asked Natsu.
"Erik has super hearing, he can hear people's voices from miles away, he can even hear your thoughts," Natsu said.
"Oh," Lucy nodded slightly creeped out.
"Erik. What's up?" Laxus asked.
"It's Bora, heard him mention Fairy Tail," Erik snarled.
"What, why?" Rogue asked.
"I don't know yet, but judging by the conversation... you wouldn't like it," Erik said.
"Well then," Lector smiled, "Let's show him some fairy-dragon wrath."
"Hold up... surely it can't be too bad," Charle said.
"He's luring an unsuspecting girl onto his slave ship under the pretenses that he can give her contacts to all the large guilds, Fairy Tail being one of them," Erik said darkly.
"I take back my previous comment," Charle sighed.
"I think we should go beat him up!" Sting smiled.
"What did you eat that made you so violent!" Gajeel snapped.
"Pot calling kettle black!" Sting snapped back.
"I agree with Sting... we could turn this criminal in, beat up a bad guy, and get enough jewel for rent," Rogue offered.
"Fro thinks that's a good idea!"Frosch cried.
All of the dragons smiled, except for Lucy, she was probably reconsidering her friendship options.
"Okay, this is just to creep this guy out so that he turns himself in, I do not want another destroyed town, am I understood?" Acnologia asked looking over the city of Hargeon.
"AYE SIR!" Happy yelled.
"Good, you all know the plan?" Laxus asked.
"Yep," Erik smiled in his scary way. Cubellios hissed and as she wrapped around Erik and looked over his shoulder.
"Go get him Oniichan," Wendy smiled.
Erik jumped down from the building they were standing on and ran towards the park.
"You sure you're okay doing this?" Acnologia asked Lucy.
"Are you kidding, I get to see Fairy Tail's dragons in actions, this is a dream come true!" Lucy smiled.
"I think you'll find that it's a bit disappointing," Charle said.
Erik was in the park; Cubellios sprouted wings and took him into the sky where she hovered.
"Okay Lucy, go," Acnologia said.
Lucy walked into the park where Bora was lounging on a bench.
"Excuse me, Mr. Salamander," Lucy began.
Bora was up in a moment... checking her out.
'The creep' a voice in Acnologia sighed.
'Let's just sic Erik on him' another growled.
'Let's not.'
"Oh my, what beauty lies before me?" he asked.
Acnologia saw Lucy clench her fist and a tick mark formed on her head, she quickly calmed down after a few seconds.
"I hear you're from Fairy Tail, is that true?" she asked.
'Aww, dear saint, she's giving him a chance at redemption,' Acnologia thought.
'No. Just kill him now," another voice retorted.
'JUST SHHHHHHHHH YOU PSYCHOPATH!' a third voice objected.
"Beat him up Natsu!" Happy laughed from to top of the building.
"Were you even listening to the plan?" Charle asked.
"Fro doesn't think so," Frosch sighed.
"Yeah, why, are you interested in joining?" Bora asked.
"Of course, what do I have to do?" Lucy asked.
"Come to my boat later tonight," Bora said.
"Did you get that?" Erik's voice came from the treetops.
Acnologia carefully leaped off the building he was on and sat down around the corner, he didn't like hiding, but he liked watching his hatchlings at work. He could watch them out of the corner of his eye and still be unseen
"Who's there?" Bora asked.
"Yep!" Lucy smiled holding up a recording Lacrima, "every word!"
"What is this!" Bora cried.
"Proof that you're giving out false information to attract women to your vessel," Lucy smiled.
"I am in Fairy Tail," Bora snarled.
"See, I've been around Fairy Tail for a while, and I haven't ever seen a scoundrel like yourself," Erik's voice rang out again. Bora and Lucy whipped around to see Erik sitting on a bench, Cubellios wrapped around him.
"Who the hell are you?" Bora sneered.
"That's of little concern sir, I believe the question we should be asking is who are you?" Wendy asked stepping into the trail.
"Look, little girl, I don't know what you think you're doing hanging out with this dude, but I don't want to have any part of... whatever it is you guys are talking about," Bora said.
"We're talking about how you're throwing the name Fairy Tail around to lure unsuspecting women onto your slave boat," Erik sighed, Cubellios hissed and Erik began to stroke her.
"You were a bad man to begin with, but the moment you tried to drag Fairy Tail's name through the mud, you asked for trouble," Wendy said.
"So what, a jerk with a snake and some kid is gonna threaten me for some guild that they know nothing about, that's rich," Bora laughed.
"Well then Wendy, would you be so kind," Erik smiled in his evil scary way.
Wendy threw her jacket off exposing her guild mark, "I am Wendy Marvel, one of the eight dragons of Fairy tail, also known as the sky maiden, you have insulted my guild, and made that jerk comment about my brother. You have asked for trouble," she threatened. Acnologia knew it was hard for her to be too scary, she was doing very well though.
Bora looked to Wendy, then back to Erik, and then he launched into the sky with his fire. There was a flash of light as Sting jumped into the air and knocked Bora back to the ground. Bora got to his feet and launched a huge ball of fire towards Wendy, Erik, and Sting who had landed. The three dragon slayer didn't even flinch. Natsu ran in front of them, grabbed the flames, and began to eat the flames.
"Dude, these taste disgusting," Natsu said as he ate.
Bora stood up shakily "Look I'm sorry, please, I don't want any trouble."
"Well you got it," Gajeel said leaning on a trunk, no one knew where he came from.
"But, this fight isn't fair, all of you against me, come on, at least give me a chance," he pleaded.
Rogue materialized next to Sting and Laxus walked out into the open.
"You want a fair fight, that's fine, pick one of us and that'll be your opponent," Erik smiled. Acnologia cringed... Erik was supposed to threaten a fight but scare Bora into turning himself in... he was going off the script and they all knew it.
Bora didn't hesitate, "I want the sky maiden."
The dragon siblings all cringed, "dude, bad move," Gajeel said following along.
"It's true, Wendy will send you flying halfway across the world while we just simply pound you into pulp," Sting nodded.
"Wendy you up for it?" Erik asked her.
"Yeah," Wendy said, she didn't seem daunted by the idea of a fight... Erik was rubbing off on her, "if it's for the sake of my guild."
She stepped forward to face Bora.
"Sorry little kid, but you're going down!" he launched fire at her. She dodged and gave him a good punch to the face; he was sent into the air and used his fire to propel himself away, basically, he fled.
"COWARD!" Natsu said... and he blasted after him.
"SALAMANDER! HOLD UP!" Gajeel yelled after him.
"I CALL SECOND PUNCH!" Sting laughed.
"Idiots," Laxus sighed.
"NATSU WAIT FOR ME!" Happy yelled flying after him.
"STING-KUN HOLD UP!" Lector yelled right behind him.
Acnologia walked up to Erik, "You knew he was gonna run if you gave him the chance to fight."
"Yep," he answered.
"You knew Natsu would chase after him if he fled."
"You just wanted him to get a good beating... you never planned for him to be turned in."
"Absolutely, no one messes with my guild."
Acnologia sighed thinking of the damages that were going to occur, then he noticed Rogue, Laxus, Lucy, and Wendy were gone.
"Where did those kids go!?" Acnologia choked as he panicked.
"To free the women on Bora's boat," Erik said nonchalantly.
Acnologia groaned thinking of the absolute destruction that was going to follow.
He was absolutely right. Natsu demolished half the city fighting Bora, Lucy had summoned Aquarius and she had flooded the other half of the city, and then there were the other minor damages, such as lightning charred buildings, a legion of soldiers with their iron weapons eaten, and the random boat burning in the background... the costs just kept going up... so Acnologia did what most dragon parents would do... he grabbed his kids and ran.
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