Imitatia's Salvation
The news came to Acnologia about Layla's death two months after it had actually happened. Acnologia felt that it was his responsibility to pay her respects. Luckily for him, Gildarts was there so he sent the seven over to play with him and the guild... well, he sent Laxus and Erik to chill at the guild, Gajeel to eat the nails out of the tables, Sting to drive everyone crazy, Rogue to eat, Wendy to actually play and Natsu to challenge and fight everyone. He smiled thanking Mavis that they were Makarov's and Gildarts's problem for the time being.
A quick transformation and flight brought Acnologia to the outskirts of the Heartfilian land, from there Acnologia walked to Layla's grave, it wasn't hard to find. He stood looking at the grand angel that marked her grave. He looked up at the angel's face and smiled softly.
"Thank you, Layla, you delivered the children to me, I will always be grateful," he whispered. As if to answer him a light breeze started to blow. Acnologia smiled, "And thank you, Anna."
Certain that he had paid his respects he attempted to leave as quickly as possible before Jude found out he was there.
On his way back through the Heartfillia land, Acnologia found a doll sitting in a chair, it was damp like it had been left outside for quite a while, he picked it up. Then he heard Layla's daughter and a familiar celestial spirit.
"I can hardly handle the bathtub but a birdbath... REALLY!" yelled Aquarius.
"I'm sorry," Layla's daughter murmured, "I just got lonely."
Aquarius's gaze softened, then hardened again, "Why don't you find some other kids to play with?" she asked coldly.
"There aren't any," Lucy sighed.
Aquarius scoffed, then her eyes narrowed as she spotted Acnologia who had been looking from the outskirts of the hedge. He tensed when she gave him that familiar hateful glare.
"What are you doing here?" she asked accusingly.
"Pleasure to see you, as always, Aquarius," Acnologia smiled sarcastically.
"Hello, it's nice to see you again sir," Layla's daughter said politely, "Does my daddy know you're here yet? Should I go get him?"
"Actually, I was just heading out," Acnologia said quickly, he wanted to avoid another run-in with Jude, especially seeing how easily he could blame Layla's death on the kids.
"Oh, well, I hope you have a nice day," Layla's daughter said.
"In other words, hit the road dragon," Aquarius scoffed.
"What did I ever do to you?" Acnologia asked.
"Shall I give you the rundown?"
Acnologia rolled his eyes walked forward, then he kneeled down to face the little girl, "I'm sorry about your mom."
The girl looked down, "the maids say she's in a better place now."
Acnologia looked down at the doll he was holding, "Is this yours?"
The girl looked at the doll, and then looked away. "I don't want it," she said.
"Why not?"
"It reminds her of her mother," Aquarius hissed.
Acnologia nodded, "I found her, and she seemed really lonely on that chair, like, she had been left behind."
The girl looked up, "I didn't mean to do that to her, I just, my mother gave her to me."
"Well, personally, if I had to choose between the doll and Aquarius, I would have left 'fishtail' in the chair," Acnologia whispered.
"I can hear you, you overgrown lizard," Aquarius cried.
Layla's daughter giggled, she took the doll, "I'm sorry little sister," she told the doll. Acnologia smiled. He began to walk away, Aquarius scoffed.
"Don't think for a second that I've forgotten about Anna," Aquarius hissed.
'She still blames us for not saving her' a voice in his head muttered.
'Well we didn't,' another snarled.
"I haven't either," Acnologia sighed.
"Hey, mister?" Layla's kid yelled after him.
"Huh?" Acnologia called back.
"What's that symbol on your neck?"
Acnologia chuckled, "That's the symbol of Fairy Tail, the wizard guild that I reside in, it's where my family is."
Layla's daughter nodded, "Is it a good guild?"
"One of the best."
"Can anyone join
"Anyone who has patience and stupidity," Acnologia shrugged, he looked at the girl's face and corrected himself, "as well as a kind heart that can love their guildmates like family."
"Well, then I will see you in a few years, sir."
Acnologia smiled at the young girl who resembled Anna so much it was scary, "what's your name?"
"Lucy, Lucy Heartfillia."
"Well... Lucy, I can't wait."
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