I'll Never Forgive You Brats!
While the Dragon Slayer's victory was a grand one, there was still sorrow after the games. Many guilds didn't leave the capital due to their members in critical condition. Lyon, Gray, Juvia, Erza, and Bickslow, who had been the original Fairy Tail team had been knocked unconscious but other then that suffered no injuries... other than their pride.
Sabertooth was also unscathed although some members were less than pleased. Quatro Cerberus, Crime Sorciere, Fairy Tail, Mermaid Heel, and Sabertooth remained in the capital. Slowly, the wounds began to heal.
Mira was the first to awaken. She shifted slowly and opened her eyes the day after the dragon slayer's fight.
"Mira?" Lisanna asked hopefully. Mira smiled.
"I knew you guys could make it," she smiled.
"See, what did I tell you, Lis, she's the she-devil, no way she would kick the bucket," Bickslow laughed putting an arm around Lisanna's shoulder.
"It's good to see you awake big sis," Elfman grinned.
"You gave us all a scare," Evergreen grinned.
"It's good to see you all," Mira smiled.
"It is good to see you too Mira," Freed smiled from the corner room. It was then that Mira realized who wasn't there.
"Where's Laxus?" she asked.
Lucy woke up a few hours after Mira. Slowly she sat up in her hospital bed and felt her aching head.
"Levy?" she asked as the turn of events slowly came back to her. She then looked around, "Levy-chan!?"
"I'm over her Lu-chan," Levy smiled from the next bed waking up as well.
"Do you think they'll wake up any time soon Lily?" Happy's voice asked from behind the door. The door opened and Happy flew in a bunch of daisies in his hand, he didn't even look at the beds and so he continued on oblivious to Levy and Lucy's current state.
"I mean... it's been super lonely with Natsu being out of commission but without Lucy, it's super hard," Happy sighed putting the flowers in a vase. Pantherlily walked to the door in his large form and gasped when he saw Levy smiling.
"What's wrong?" Happy asked.
"What happened to Natsu?" Lucy asked urgently.
Happy did a one-eighty and gasped, "LUUUCCCYYYYYY!!!" he cried throwing himself at the blonde, "You're awake!"
"It's good to see you, Levy," Panthelily smiled walking over to Levy.
"You too," Levy smiled, "Now, tell us about what happened with Dragon's Teeth."
Kinana awoke slowly and was hugged by Laki before she could fully register what was happening.
"I knew you'd be alright," Laki smiled.
Kinana smiled as she took another strained breath, "I'm not perfect yet... but... how long have I been out, and... where's Erik?"
Kagura woke up and stayed still as she turned her memories over in her head. She remembered Synal but there wasn't much else after that. The door flew open and Millianna smiled as she walked in.
"I thought I heard you wake up," she smiled.
"Hello, Millianna... how long have I been unconscious?"
"Wellllll, to be quite frank a day and a half. But you also woke up a few times threw the period talking gibberish," Millianna smiled. "It's just a pity you didn't wake up when Rogue and his adorable wittle kitty came by to check on you."
"Rogue Cheney was here?" Kagura asked.
"Yeah, came and apologized for 'dragging Mermaid Heel into this' whatever that meant. Wittle Frosch was worried about you too. The wittle guy brought you wome pwetty fworers," Millianna grinned as she went in her own world thinking of the exceed in a frog costume.
Kagura looked to the violets in the vase on the table next to her bed. "Interesting," she concluded, "Wait... you said a day and a half... then I missed the final day!"
"Yeah... but it doesn't really matter, we didn't really compete anyway... just watched the dragon slayers throw down," Millianna sighed.
Yukino awoke slowly. She looked to her side and smiled when she saw Sorano sleeping in the armchair next to her.
"Hey Sis," she greeted. Sorano was up in a moment.
"Oh my gosh, Yukino, Yukino you're alright," Sorano smiled hugging Yukino.
"Yeah... what happened while I was out?" Yukino asked.
"A lot," Sorano chuckled, "But everything is fine now."
"Explain it all again, bottom to top," Acnologia sighed looking to Porlyusica who sighed and walked past the seven hospital beds coming to a stop at the last one. Acnologia walked over and looked at Wendy who was sleeping in it.
"Wendy, thank goodness, suffered almost no serious wounds. A small fracture in her wrist and multiple bruising are all results of a serious struggle... however, her heart was palpitating for a while after the fight and so I've had to keep a wary eye on her. She was drained, as they all were, of magic power but you've taught them well and I suspect Wendy will be on her feet in a day or two," Porlyusica explained before walking past Acnologia and over to the next bed.
Acnologia walked over and gritted his teeth.
"Sting... is another story. The bandages I've applied to his side has stopped the bleeding but he has internal injuries as well... nothing I can't fix... but there's more." Porlyusica sighed as she walked up to the white dragon slayer who was breathing through a regulator, his face contorted in pain. "His back was nearly ripped apart and certain shoulder tendons were torn open in this fight. His lungs were so weakened after the struggle that I had to put him on this breathing regulator. He's got a broken rib that thankfully is healing and on top of it all, he's lost a lot of blood and is too weak to even breathe because of it. If I can fix all the muscle damage and if I can stop his internal bleeding, I don't see him being able to walk for at least... a week... maybe two."
"That's not too bad," Acnologia breathed looking over the dragon slayer, "take a year if you have to..."
"I don't need that long," Porlyusica sighed, "but I see many late nights in my future." She walked over to the next bed Acnologia reluctantly following after sending Sting one last glance.
"Natsu has been through this so many times that I'm happy to report that this is only slightly worse than usual," Porlyusica cackled looked at the pink-haired dragon slayer who was mumbling in his sleep... probably something about food.
"He has a bruised rib along with some internal bleeding. A few bumps and scrapes that are typical for Natsu, and a few fractured bones. Knowing him, I can't keep him in bed for longer then a day," Porlyusica sighed.
"Maybe," Acnologia agreed.
"Rogue is in the same boat as Wendy," Porlyusica explained in relief walking up to the next bed, "few minor fractures, bruising, scrapes, low on magic power, nothing he can't come back from."
"How's Gajeel?" Acnologia nodded going to the next bed.
"He has internal organ damage that I've fixed for the moment, I'll be able to do more once Wendy heals... The sword punctured a few vital organs, it may inhibit his future slightly... but I've healed worse. Other then the scrapes and bruises, that's his only issue." Porlyusica sighed.
She walked over to Laxus' bed, "Now Laxus is another story. With multiple broken ribs, a punctured lung, a broken arm, and thousands of bruises and many cases of internal bleeding... I don't expect him to be up for a month..."
Acnologia gritted his teeth and sighed. "Will he suffer permanent damage?"
"No," Porlyusica chuckled, "I'm very good at what I do."
She walked over to the final bed, "And finally is Erik who, despite his best efforts, will live. Most of his injuries were internal. His organs are a mess, his blood is thick with virus's and because of that his white blood cell count is abnormally low... the worse thing is his lungs which are full of scar tissue. I can fix everything... but he may never have the same strength in his lungs that he once had."
"Do what you must," Acnologia answered slowly, "Just make sure they all live."
Porlyusica went back to treating the dragon slayers while Acnologia made his way downstairs, there was a streak of orange before something collided with him. He grabbed the railing to stop himself from falling down the stairs, the orange-haired man, however, flew backward and fell head over heels down the stairs.
Serena lay at the bottom of the stairs in an undignified heap.
"Serena?" Acnologia questioned.
"Acnologia!" Serena cried jumping to his feet, "Of all the times for my lacrima to break, I just heard the news and teleported here as fast as I could. Tell me they're alright! Tell me I came here for no reason! Tell me they're alive!" Serena cried running up the stairs and shaking Acnologia.
"They are fine although if you don't get your hands off me you're going to join them!" Acnologia growled.
"Sorry," Serena yipped and he stopped shaking the dragon king.
"They are fine for the most part... they're resting right now and Porlyusica isn't willing to let anyone see them. I had to force my way past the old hag," Acnologia growled.
Serena sighed in relief, "Good..."
"Although, now that you're here... I do need you to do something with me."
"So, they haven't even tried to escape?" Acnologia asked the mages from Mermaid Heel.
"Not once, although I wish they tried," one growled.
Mages from many different guilds had been guarding the mages from Dragon's Teeth. Mermaid Heel was one of many.
"Well, you're free to go now," Acnologia nodded dismissing them before walking into the hospital room. Frexis sat on one side of the room staring at the wall while Synal lay in another bed across the room from Frexis staring at the ceiling.
"Oh boy, cheery folks aren't they," Serena hissed.
"Quiet," Acnologia snapped.
"Well Dragon King," Frexis stated darkly, "What is our punishment?"
"Punishment?" Serena repeated.
"We are challengers who have been defeated, our lives are now the property of the dragon king," Synal stated gloomily.
"Whaaa-" Serena began.
"Stupid ancient dragon traditions that are stupid and ancient," Acnologia growled thinking of all the inhumane things he had watched Tyregenium do to defeated challengers. "I don't want to torture any of you, or brand you as a loser-" Acnologia began.
"Brand!" Serena choked.
"Quiet," Acnologia growled again, "However, I do need information from you." He sighed looking back to the fifth generation dragons slayers.
"All right," Synal agreed her eyes slowly looking to Acnologia, "our lives are your property, we will answer."
"Acno, a moment," Serena smiled pulling Acnologia around. "Are you sure you can trust what these guys say... they're creeping me out," Serena hissed.
"Serena-" Acnologia sighed.
"Also, have you seen how that guy is just staring off into space?" Serena asked risking a glance at Frexis, "It ain't right... there's a screw loose or something!"
"Look, I know you think I'm just a typical egotistical dragon slayer-"
"You are."
"...Ouch... Okay, anyway, maybe I am an egotistical dragon slayer but there is something very wrong with these people."
"I know." Acnologia smiled, he was not angry, which took Serena by surprise.
"Then... what do we do?" Serena asked.
"You know we can hear you," Frexis growled.
"Hush mortal, a wizard saint is making plans," Serena laughed comically.
"You are going to be you," Acnologia smiled.
"I'm going to ask them questions... and you're going to be you."
"...Like... glitter, sparkles, bows, and spotlights... that me? You want that me?"
"Yes, now pull out all the stunts. Annoy these guys to the high heavens so that they eventually snap."
"YES!" Serena cried... then he came back down from his glorious victory and leaned over to Acnologia, "But I thought they were going to confess to us... why do I need to break them?"
"Because I need to know things that I can't ask," Acnologia answered.
"As usual I have no idea what you're talking about... and as usual, you don't care soooo let's do this thing!" Serena laughed throwing sparkles in the air and posing.
Dear Mavis, Acnologia was going to regret this.
Five long, taxing, torturous hours later Acnologia was finally getting to where he wanted to be.
"How many?" Acnologia asked.
"Thousands... maybe millions," Frexis answered quickly.
"Give your king a certain answer!" Serena announced quoting some play. A spotlight was on him and somehow he was twinkling. Acnologia's sweat dropped... Serena never tired of this.
"Eight thousand, two hundred and seventy-six, last I counted," Synal answered scooting away from the glitter Serena was throwing about.
"How can he be so idiotic when we talk of your decimation," Frexis growled as Serena began to give a reproduction of some musical.
"I ask myself that many times," Acnologia sighed.
"Your slayers are so different then Tyregenium's," Synal hissed.
"Oh, how so?" Serena asked leaning in, "I know none of them can have my charismatic charm but surely there are some as handsome as me."
"Your idiocy wouldn't be tolerated at my nest," Synal answered in a low tone. Seren backed away fake tears falling down his face.
"Oh... my heart," he murmured.
"Serena... you can take it down a notch... I don't think they're lying to us," Acnologia growled.
"No!" Serena cried smiling and sending a cloud of gold glitter into the air as he twinkled in a spotlight, "You've set free my soul and this bird refuses to be caged again!"
"Mavis help me," Acnologia shuddered.
Twelve glitter bombs, eighteen ribbons, and twenty-three musicals later (AKA - a day later) the questioning came to an end.
"You all are free to go as you will, provided you stay away from my brats, clear?" Acnologia asked.
"Or you will have to throw hands with me!" Serena laughed taking a pose.
Frexis and Synal made no attempt to leave.
"Thank you, dragon king... although, I fear, you'll never see us again," Frexis said looking back to the wall.
"Perhaps you are a kind king... but you are not the true king," Synal muttered laying back down on her bed.
Acnologia sighed and closed the door.
"Cheerful bunch aren't they?" Serena asked.
"You got pink glitter in my hair," Acnologia growled.
Indeed, Synal and Frexis were never seen again. They disappeared without a trace, taken by the claws of Tyregenium. They both died the deaths of failures at the claws of the true Dragon King, but they did not die in vain. Acnologia now knew what foe he truly faced, Synal and Frexis had given what life they had to bring about the downfall of Tyregenium. Their sacrifices were never known, nor appreciated.
Acnologia and Serena opened the door to the bar and both of them stood there with mouths open. Natsu was running around the guildhall spitting fire and starting fights. Gajeel was brawling with Lyon while eating nails. Wendy was grinning at the bar talking with Charle while sipping a milkshake. Laxus was surrounded by the thunder legion and the Strauss siblings who were talking adamantly with him. Erik and Kinana were grinning as they sat at a table discussing something. Sting hobbled around on a crutch which was used to hit Gray and Natsu upside the head with. Rogue and Frosch were playing a game of checkers... a game Frosch was not understanding in the slightest. Lucy and Levy were waking about books at a small table in the back. Everything was back to normal, Acnologia realized with a start, for a moment he got teary-eyed... and then the fatherly anger returned. He closed the door and turned to Serena.
"Get me the largest cardboard box you can find, lay it horizontally and rip one long side off. Tie a rope to it so I can drag it and write punishment box in large black letters on both sides," he growled.
"Acno," Serena sighed, "You know you forgive them."
"Forgive them?" Acnologia smiled his eyes still teary, "I am never going to forgive those brats for giving me that scare. I'm going to hold it against them their entire lives! I'm going to make it hurt!" Acnologia growled... he was smiling however and when he looked back threw the windows he smiled even more, "I love those brats... and so I'm never forgiving them."
"You are a strange one Acno," Serena grinned shrugging.
The Dragon Slayers healed much faster than expected... the guild thanked their lucky stars for that. But the dragon slayers still had their Uncle to deal with.
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