Fairies vs Spriggans
Sting and Rogue were having... Dare I say it... fun.
"6,789!" Sting shouted in triumph as he knocked yet another mage aside.
"Pfft," Rogue scoffed, he roared onto the oncoming mages, knocking them away, "I count 8,086 for me."
"Show off," Sting sighed.
"Boys!" Yukino cried as Pieces ran rampant on the field.
"You must remain focused!" Minerva shouted.
"Remember what is at stake!" Rufus laughed causing chaos.
"Yeah, yeah, ye-" Sting froze as he smelled the air.
"Do you smell that brother?" Rogue smiled.
"Oh yeah, we'll be back!" Sting laughed.
"Wait! Where are you-" Yukino began, she was interrupted by an attacking soldier and focused on the fight at hand... She knew Sting and Rogue could handle themselves.
Gray, Lyon, Ur, Ultear, Meredy, and Juvia were all fighting side by side. Suddenly a cold breath of wind ripped through the battlefield and all save Gray were frozen solid. Gray turned and faced Invel.
"Now why didn't you freeze?" Invel pondered.
"Come find out," Gray snarled awakening his devil slaying magic. He attacked Invel much to the latter's surprise.
"So... you choose to sell your soul for power," Invel observed. Gray attacked him once more, Invel defended himself but it was pointless, he was hit and was sent flying.
"Shut your mouth," Gray growled.
"Eventually the darkness will consume you," Invel smiled getting to his feet.
"I told you to shut up; I'll happily sell my soul if it means I get to protect my family!" Gray yelled.
He should be somewhere around here," Sting said smelling the air.
"He is right here," a voice chuckled. The two looked up to face Larcade Dragneel.
"So, you have sworn to destroy E.N.D?" Invel laughed as he and Gray fought.
"What's it to you!?" Gray yelled.
There was a shattering sound and suddenly everyone was free. Lyon and Ur were smiling.
"Freezing ice mages, you newbie," Lyon chuckled.
"Gray-Sama we will help you!" Juvia cried.
"Thanks, guys." Gray smiled.
"Let's see how far I must push to find the darkness within you," Invel pondered.
"Makarov, Laxus, Mavis, do it now!" roared Acnologia as he threw another dozen Alvarez troops aside.
"I cast..." Makarov muttered.
"I cast..." Laxus smiled.
"I cast..." Mavis whispered.
"Fairy law!" the three said in unison. A blinding light erupted from the battlefield. It decimated the Alzarez forces. The minor soldiers were all but destroyed, the stronger ones however easily protected themselves.
"Ice make lance!"
"Ice make Eagles!"
"Ice make arrows!"
"Ice make roses!"
"Water nebula!"
"Magility Sodom!"
No matter what was thrown at him, with a simple wave of his hand Invel froze and destroyed all that was thrown at him. He had even escaped the justice of Fairy Law.
"I hate this guy," Lyon gritted.
"I do not make things out of ice; instead I freeze to the point of destruction, I use the purest form of ice magic. And that is only a small part of my magic, for you see," Invel said darkly, "I cast Ice lock!" he yelled.
Chains appeared around Gray's neck attaching him to Juvia's neck. The same happened for Lyon and Meredy, along with Ultear and Ur.
"What the hell!" Gray growled.
"My true magic is using my opponents as a puppet, so now I am interested; will the death of half your family push you to the limit Devil Slayer?"
Meredy was trying to break the chains off, Lyon doing the same. Ultear and Ur were clearly puzzled by it.
"What are you playing at!?" Gray yelled.
"Fight!" Invel yelled.
Suddenly Ur and Ultear were fighting, Lyon was being overwhelmed by Meredy's sudden attack, and Gray was attacking Juvia.
"My Ice Lock cannot be broken until there is one dead and one living," Invel said as he watched the comrade's fight.
Ur wounded herself and now had blood in her ice magic, making Ultear's time magic useless forcing the latter to use her ice make magic. Lyon was being overwhelmed but Meredy was obviously trying to stop herself from hurting the latter. Gray and Juvia fought all the while trying to stop themselves.
"I mustn't hurt Gray-Sama," Juvia thought as she through another water attack at Gray.
"Block Juvia! Block!" Gray begged in his head as he drew an ice-made Excalibur.
"Lyon! Dodge!" Meredy cried internally as three Magility swords flew at Lyon who tried to put up a shield.
"Don't attack her, don't attack, don't attack!" Lyon chanted in his head trying to only defend himself.
"Not again," Ultear pleaded in her head, "please don't make me commit another sin!"
"I won't lose you again Ultear," Ur vowed to herself, "I won't let my daughter die again!"
"It's funny, it isn't Zeref who will kill E.N.D," Invel said to himself as he watched the fight, "I believe that it will be you, devil slayer." He put a hand to his neck where a pendant hung, "Lord Zeref himself gave this to me, and inside it holds a picture of E.N.D, his beloved brother."
Ur and Ultear raised their hands and two ice made swords appeared and they went to attack when Ur suddenly shifted missing Ultear and impaling herself on Ultear's sword. Ultear looked in horror.
"Live my daughter," Ur smiled weakly and she dropped her sword.
"No," Ultear choked as the chains disappeared. She held her mother trying to stop the bleeding with ice.
Lyon couldn't bring himself to harm Meredy and as he watched Ur sacrifice herself he came to a decision. He summoned an ice dragon and sent it to attack Meredy who unleashed a torrent of swords onto the dragon, in a moment of brilliant planning Lyon dropped the dragon and didn't move as a Magility sword flew towards his chest. Meredy screamed as their chains disappeared and she ran to Lyon's side.
"Why, why would you do that!?" Meredy cried as she cradled the ice mage on her arms.
"I can't harm you, surely you know that," Lyon smiled as he looked into the sky.
"You idiot," Meredy choked trying to stop the bleeding.
"I won't harm Gray-Sama!" Juvia cried aloud. She raised her hand and impaled herself with a water attack.
"Juvia no!" Gray cried as the chains dissipated.
"I've never had a rebellion like that before," Invel pondered.
"Juvia," Gray choked, he didn't run to Juvia's side though, instead he turned to Invel.
"Have you given into the darkne-" Invel began to ask.
Gray lunged ripping through Invel in one movement. Invel moved quickly to defend himself but was fruitless.
"So what you're saying that you're somehow Natsu's... nephew?" Sting pondered.
"I am Larcade Dragneel, son of Zeref, heir to the throne of-" Larcade began.
"Then how come you smell like a demon?" Rogue interrupted.
White tendrils wrapped around Rogue contracting, but surprisingly they felt pleasurable. Rogue didn't exactly feel like fighting.
"Do not interrupt," Larcade sneered.
"Rogue are you alright!?" Sting cried.
Rogue snarled and bit down on his tongue breaking free of the pleasurable feeling, "that's some freaky magic you have," he growled breaking free and landing next to Sting.
"I use pleasurable magic, using life's great luxuries to end my opponents. These are sleep, food, and –"
"I don't need the last one," Rogue snarled.
"Are you uncomfortable with it?" Larcade sneered.
"Nah, we just don't like the sound of your voice," Sting snarled.
The three exchanged blows until Larcade smiled cast a spell that made both Sting and Rogue extremely hungry.
"Sting," Rogue said gulping, "you look tasty."
"Don't. Control yourself, Rogue," Sting said wiping the drool off his lip.
"We need food," Rogue muttered.
"I... I think this guy uses holy magic," Sting said.
Rogue began hyperventilating.
"Are you that freaked out?" Sting asked. Then he realized that Rogue had unlocked his dual elements and was feasting on the air trying to control his hunger. Sting tried to look away but Rogue looked really tasty at that moment.
"Let's end this," Larcade sighed unleashing more tendrils. Sting found these to look much more appealing, he began to chow down.
"What the-" Larcade said slowly.
"Wow... that was actually good... okay," Sting smiled perking up his eyes full of hunger, "I'm gonna eat you now."
"Disgusting," Larcade sneered. Rogue was still trying to eat air... it wasn't going well.
"Rogue, focus!" someone yelled and pain went up Rogue's arm. Kagura had just given him a thin cut on his wrist. The pain allowed him to stop worrying about his hunger.
"Thanks, Kagura," Rogue nodded biting his tongue once more, "now you should get back."
"No, you need me," Kagura said eyeing Sting and Larcade.
"Go away!" Larcade yelled attacking Sting with more tendrils... which he promptly ate, one wrapped around his leg and dragged the dragon slayer across the dirt, where more wrapped around him, not even Sting could eat them all.
Two giant eels crashed into Sting and the tendrils devouring the holy magic and releasing Sting.
"This is why you two can't go off alone!" Yukino yelled.
"Hey Yukino," Sting greeted with his mouth full of holy magic.
"Don't hey me, go get him!" Yukino ordered.
Sting saluted and looked back to Larcade, "well, I can't go easy on you anymore," he smiled.
"Nor can I," Larcade gritted, "so I cast my final magic, R.I.P!"
Sudden drowsiness came upon all present.
"This is my last magic, once you close your eyes and succumb to the comfort you will never awaken," Larcade smiled.
Kagura dug her nails into her skin trying to keep herself awake.
"No amount of pain can stop it," Larcade laughed.
"Sting, hurry," Rogue said shaking his head trying to focus.
Sting unleashed his dual elements, "Holy Fire dragon secret art!" he yelled.
"Sleep," Larcade coaxed.
Sting stumbled but refused to fall, "Holy Flame Atonement!"
A vortex of white fire flew from Sting's hands and raced towards Larcade who only watching in shock as he was enveloped with a white flame. When the smoke cleared Larcade was unconscious and everyone smiled as the intense hunger and drowsiness passed.
"Hey Happy, I haven't seen Lucy in a while, can you make sure she's okay?" Natsu asked looking around the charred members of Alvarez.
"No problem," Happy saluted.
Natsu looked towards the raised guild hall... he knew where Zeref was and he was tempted to bring the fight to the dark mage... but he had his orders. Slowly the fire mage turned his back to the guildhall and ran towards the next group of Alvarez soldiers.
Acnologia was hesitant to follow through with his part of the plan; it was far too close to his past life.
"So, I meet the King of the Dragons," Irene stated as she walked up to Acnologia.
"I've wanted to speak with you," Acnologia said looking to the horizon.
"Talk? Surely such a powerful being wishes to fight instead. Perhaps you fear that your demise looms on the horizon that you study so carefully."
"Oh no," Acnologia denied, "It's that I remember you."
Irene took a momentary pause in her confidence, "We've never met."
"But we did, at the Dragon King Festival, surely the mother of all dragon slayers remembers that fateful day?"
"How do you know who I am," Irene asked.
"I know many things that I wished I did not, I know what color all the dragons bleed, I can tell you who's died, I may even be able to tell you who will die. But one thing is for certain, you don't know it but I do, I've met you many times."
"You seem to be strong in magic but very dull in logic," Irene chuckled.
"Have you met your daughter yet?"
Irene tensed and anger filled her eye, "You know nothing of me."
"She's a true warrior, they call her Titania, I'm sure you've seen her handiwork..."
"Stow your tongue!"
"Have you seen her magic capability?"
"I told you to cease!"
"But I really think that you should see..."
"Silence!" Irene yelled attacking the dragon slayer. Acnologia raised his hand and dispelled the spell.
"You should really see her smile," Acnologia smiled softly.
"You know not of what you speak!" Irene screamed attacking him.
"I told you," Acnologia gritted, "I know much more than you would think!" he blocked Irene's attack and prepared to attack.
The two exchanged blows for a few minutes.
"You know, I do believe I recognize you from that day. Your master was our enemy!" Irene grinned, "That black dragon that ordered us to surrender!"
"And Belserion, which was your master's name, was it not? The original dragon teacher," Acnologia smiled lunging for her once more.
"These mortal's think that we called the war the Dragon King Festival, but I know why that mistake was made," Irene chuckled mercilessly throwing attacks at Acnologia who dodged them with ease.
"Do you now?" Acnologia growled.
"On the day of the peace treaty, known as the treaty of the Dragon King-"
"Yes. I broke the sacred law, I slew on a day of peace and killed more in that day than any other day in the war," Acnologia nodded.
"You even killed your own master," Irene grinned.
"Oh no... though I would change that if I could," Acnologia growled.
"Belserion told me that Zeref allowed you to commit such a sin!"
"You're emperor allowed me to slaughter the monsters of our kind-"
"They are not our kind," Irene spat, "we are humans."
"You and I both know that we left that behind us when our dragon seeds bloomed. We are merely dragons hiding in human form; we are humans no longer."
"I will become a human once more," Irene gritted.
"Why? Why strive for such a meaningless goal? Why ruin your life with thoughts of what could've been?"
"Belserion died the day of the Dragon Treaty, was it you that slew him?" Irene said trying to change the subject.
"No, Belserion died at the hands of Gwendaun, the abyss dragon who was slain by Skiadrum three years later."
"Then who did you kill?"
"My own. The dragons that were against humanity were who I killed, I slew my own. Humans blamed me for the violence and so I suspect that you suffered greatly at the hands of your former comrades."
"More then you know."
"Acnologia," Erza yelled from afar.
'Oh no,' Acnologia's interior voice bit.
"Uncle, we're coming!" Wendy shouted.
"No, get back, get away," Acnologia ordered.
"No, the plan is critical, you must face Zeref, I will deal with your adversary," Erza ordered.
"Erza you can't do this alone," Acnologia hissed.
"And she won't be," Charle said in her cat form as she and Wendy soared above them.
"We have this uncle!" Wendy cried.
Acnologia gritted his teeth, "alright."
"Hey, Gajeel have you seen Lucy?" Happy yelled.
"No why?" Gajeel yelled.
"Natsu hasn't seen her so he's a little worried," Happy called.
"Oh is he now," Mira smirked.
"Sorry Happy, we haven't seen her," Levy yelled.
"Levy, on your seven!" Gajeel yelled.
Levy turned and blew back her opponent with the word wind.
"Where are you, Lucy?" Happy muttered
"Do you feel that?" August asked.
"The final Spriggan has taken the field," Mavis nodded.
"... Do you think the others are alright?" Brandish asked.
"My guild is strong, I'm certain they will accomplish much," Mavis smiled.
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