Tyregenium wasn't expecting Acnologia's sudden strength; he had been too preoccupied with the time warp... Had the bonds of time been affected!? Acnologia used that to his advantage. His magic, his physical attacks, even his aura grew more powerful. Acnologia brutally attacked the silver and black dragon; his wounds no longer bothered him, there was nothing holding him back.
But nothing held back the dragon slayers either.
Natsu could see his guild again. There was a scream of pain as Romeo was knocked into the ground by a dragon's tail; it was like a brutal Deja Vu. Lucy ran over to him and stood over him firing star shots at the dragon.
Natsu ran towards that dragon his blood boiling; there was a roar as something slammed into him from above just as before. A large dragon had dropped from the sky and was pinning Natsu to the ground. Natsu roared in challenged and tried to push it off his but he felt his strength weaning.
"Take this!" Cana yelled throwing cards that released an electric shock and shocked the dragon. It roared in pain and then breath a column of earth at the mages burying a few under a mountain of dirt.
"CANA!" Lucy shrieked.
Natsu snarled and looked up at the dragon. Cursing the world for having him die like this; unable to protect those he loved.... again.
Then, something snapped.
It wasn't a bone or really anything that made Natsu feel pain, in fact, he felt wonderful. There was a warmth in his chest as he felt a sudden burst in magic power. He grabbed the claw of the dragon who held him and easily lifted it off himself much to the dragon's horror. He threw the dragon away and turned to the dragon fighting Fairy Tail a feeling of absolute power radiating in his chest.
Lucy stood up and drew back the drawstring on her bow. She remembered being eaten by this dragon, but this time she was ready.
The dragon roared and opened its mouth, it lunged, its jaws agape ready to devour the handful of humans in front of it. Those around Lucy ran, but the blonde narrowed her eyes and fired another starshot right into the mouth of the beast. The dragon screamed in pain and whipped its head back. Lucy smiled content with herself as she prepared another shot. The dragon looked down and roared in anger. Lucy readied another attack.
Then there was a roar.
The dragon and the Fairy Tail mages looked up as a fireball slammed into the dragon. A cloud of smoke blinded the Fairy Tail mages but when they could see they gasped and stood in awe.
A glorious red western dragon stood over the corpse of the other one they had been fighting. Two large golden horns protruded from its head, slowly he turned his scarred snout to the sky. His golden wings splayed out majestically as he looked to the sky. The fire's around him danced off his crimson scales and his long tail moved like a snake dancing through the smoke. Lucy looked up at the dragon and her eyes widened because she recognized the look in its eyes.
"Natsu," she breathed.
The fire dragon sent her a sideways glance and curled up his lips in a toothy grin. Then he looked back up at the sky and roared. Many more roars answered him. He raised his wings and launched himself into the sky sending dust flying. The Fairy Tail mages watched him climb higher until he was hundreds of feet in the sky. Dragons rushed towards him roaring and snarling. He opened his mouth and sprayed a huge column of fire in one direction, the fire lit up the sky like a sun and the mages had to avert their eyes. When it ended there were no more dragons; only bits of dust that fell lazily to the ground.
The other dragons froze their attack and hovering fearfully in the air. The fire dragon looked to them and roared; it was a victorious roar and the mages felt their spirits rejuvenated.
"Will you look at that!" Macao laughed.
"That's our Natsu," Gildarts laughed.
"Wow," Romeo gaped.
Lucy only smiled.
Gajeel watched as the crimson dragon climbed higher into the air and he smiled.
"Well if you can do it Salamander there is no way I can't!" he laughed weakly.
There was a growl and he looked to the entrance of the valley he was in; a small black dragon was creeping towards him; the same one that had killed him. It's long neck and pointed head moved like a snake as it crept up on him. It opened it's mouth exposing his fangs and Gajeel braced himself. It lunged but Gajeel felt no fear. He held his ground and growled as his skin turned to scales. Dust flew towards him concealing him. The black dragon froze and scrambled back unsure of what had just happened.
The dust thinned and the dragon quivered.
The huge western metal dragon towered over him and glared at him with fierce red eyes. Every scale on his body was pure iron, his grey crown of horns sparkled in the dying sunlight. He growled bringing his majestic head higher. The black dragon hissed and lunged.
The metal dragon brought his head down and roared a huge amount of iron shards completely encasing the black dragon. The metal carved a trail through the valley and where it ended, many miles away, the black dragon lay dead; the breath had even bore a hole straight through the mountain.
The metal dragon threw back his head and roared a rough roar that sounded a bit like metal on metal but with a deep musical undertone.
Erik clenched his teeth as he was sent flying into a rock. He didn't know how he wasn't dead but somehow he was alive and he sure didn't want to die again. The dragon slayers had seemed to dismiss it as well.
"Oh come on, give me a fight worthy of Quill's killer," the space dragon mocked.
"Stop playing with your food," one dragon sighed, "We still have the others to hunt down."
"In a moment!" the space dragon snapped.
Erik growled menacingly as he pushed himself to his hands and knees.
"I'll end this," one dragon slayer said; the same one that had killed him before. The space dragon was upon him in moments.
"HE IS MINE TO KILL!" she snarled snapping her opponent's neck and leaving Erik's previous murderer dead on the ground. The others shied away from her nervously.
"You're a piece of work," Erik growled slowly trying to get to his feet.
"Oh, so you do still have fight left," The space dragon laughed walking over and picking Erik up by his neck. "Let's see how you do after this!" she laughed readying in a spell.
"Seeya," someone warned urgently. The space dragon looked behind her just as a whirlwind of metal shards ripped straight through the mountain besides them.
"The hell was that?" one dragon slayer asked.
"Who cares," Seeya snarled looking back up at Erik who grabbed her wrists and tried to make her let go. "Let's see how much you can take!" Seeya laughed. She manipulated space and sent Erik crashing down into the ground. He hit a rock many feet below ground level and lay there panting and coughing and covered in dust. He weakly closed his eyes; and then he heard the roar.
It was a harsh yet beautiful sound; Gajeel.
Erik didn't know how he knew, but he felt that the roar belonged to his brother, not a dragon.
"You think you went overboard?" a dragon slayer asked unamused.
"Oh no, he's still alive somewhere down there," Seeya smiled peering down into the pit.
"When you get him back, finish it. Master will not be pleased to hear that you toyed with your food for so long," another dragon slayer sighed.
"Alright, if I mu-" Seeya began. Then the ground began to shake. She looked down at her feet and widened her eyes.
"What's going on!?" one dragon slayer shrieked.
And then a loud, ear-splitting roar echoed from the pit and the dragon slayers looked down in horror.
"It couldn't be..." one dragon slayer began.
And then the ground exploded.
Seeya and her comrades were thrown to the side as a maroon western dragon burst from the ground. His wings were thin and large. They seemed to sweep the sky as they carried him higher. A deep scar covered one eye while his other shone with fury. His maroon scales were covered in scars and his grey horns glinted. He opened his mouth and roared; not a magic attack. No, he simply delivered an earsplitting roar that shook the dragon slayers to their cores with the terrible sound.
A few screamed and covered their ears trying to block the sound but the space dragon could only look in horror as the dragon landed before her; the sun glinting off its scales. It growled as it came closer and she felt fear. Her mind left her and all she could do was quiver as the dragon opened his mouth and let loose a huge whirlwind of poison that engulfed her and killed her in moments.
Erik's scream of a roar spread over the battlefield.
Sting gripped the claw that pinned him down and felt his life draining away once again; then he heard the powerful roar of Erik. The dragon pinning him down looked up in confusion and looked around for the source of the sound. Sting rearranged himself and gritted his teeth as he tried to lift the dragon's claw once again.
He felt like fire was pumping through his veins. His eyesight sharpened and power spread through his body. His body shook as the claw slowly shifted. The dragon looked in shock as the human lifted its claw a few inches above him... then half a foot... then a foot. Sting roared in anger as he gave a final push and shoved the claw off of him. The dragons snarled and lunged, jaws open. Sting leaped agilely away, he propelled himself off a rock and flew towards the dragon. His fist glowed and without fear and delivered a White Dragon's Claw to the dragon's chest. The dragon let out a roar and collapsed. It froze and looked in horror as Sting approached. At first, it seemed that the area around them was growing darker; and then the dragon realized Sting was glowing The light grew brighter and the dragon closed its eyes as there was an explosion of light. Dust filled the air and the dragon tried to move; it found it couldn't due to the enchantment that lay on its chest; Sting's White Dragon's Claw.
The dragon looked up in fear as a figure rose from the dust. A long grand eastern dragon stood before the dragon. Silver scales covered its snake-like body and a huge white mane went around its head, it's tail was an elegant mix of scales and fur, and two large white antlers protruded from his head. The dust slid off of its scales leaving them clean and clear, he was like a mirror that reflected the fiery sky and dying sunlight. He was s truly breathtaking and terrible sight.
Sting growled and then opened his jaws and roared a huge beam of white energy.
The dragon managed a scream of a roar before being incinerated. Sting let out a roar and jumped into the sky. He may have not had wings, but he "swam" gracefully through the air climbing into the smoke-filled sky like a snake.
At the same time; Rogue had pried the black dragon off of his neck. The blood ran down his chest and back but Rogue could hardly feel it. He looked at the dragons before him, a feeling of power radiating through his chest. He let out a roar and rushed the dragons.
The beasts opened their jaws and unleashed their fiery breaths onto the shadow dragon slayer. A split second before the attacks hit him, it seemed that scales exploded from Rogue's skin. The attacks flowed over his new body like water.
The dragons had a moment after their attacks died away to see their new attacker. Then, two claws went to two dragons and forced them to the ground, then a set of black jaws clamped around the third's neck. Within a few seconds, the three enemies were dead and a smooth black eastern dragon stood over them. His mane and tail were a mix of feathers and fur but his scales that covered his body were pitch black and seemed to absorb the light.
Rogue gave off a fearsome roar and "swam" into the sky. He climbed into the sky until he sensed something familiar. He looked off to the right and saw a white eastern dragon facing him; Sting.
The two swam to each other and performed a sort of dance in the sky, they gave off a small purr and brushed noses briefly as a sign of familial bond. And then the two rushed through the sky reigning havoc.
Wendy gripped the dirt beneath her as the dragon rose to her hind legs. The dragon opened her jaws and Wendy looked up; then she saw them.
They were distant, too far away to help, but the white and black dragons dancing their war dance far in the distance made something in Wendy harden. She let out a low growl and gritted her teeth as she tried to get up.
The dragon unleashed her roar but Wendy let out a growl that grew into a roar. Suddenly a wall of wind came between her and the roar of the dragon. The dragon backed away stunned as the young dragon slayer was surrounded with a vortex of wind.
The dragon growled and slowly approached the vortex and nosed it. The dragon snarled and tore its head away as the fierce wins tore some of its scales clean off its snout. The dragon backed away from the vortex and roared in anger, she was then promptly drowned out by a fierce, earth-shaking roar; it was a smooth loud roar that seemed beautiful and terrifying.
The dragon looked up and saw a pair of eyes glowing through the storm of wind. The wind shell shattered and flapping above the dragon was a grand beast. Feathers covered her white scales, two feathered wings melded with the smoke clouds making her appear to be part of the grey smoke cloud itself. Her head was round and her body was strong. She opened her jaws and roared a vortex of wind that ripped scale from skin. The dragon beneath her dodged the attack and rose to meet her. Wendy rushed her with a simple flap of her wings and with a single claw ripped her open and sent the dragon tumbling into the earth. She roared at her next challenger at met him face on.
Laxus looked around trying to understand what had just happened. He was battered and bruised but he very vividly remembered what the inside of a dragon's mouth was like. He looked quickly to the dragon approaching him and remembered it all. The dragon faked right and then lunged left but Laxus didn't even try to block.
His skin burned; it was comforting though. He felt a prickle under his skin that seemed to call to his soul and when the dragon lunged he released it. A bolt of lightning, so large it could have incinerated ten dragons crashed down on him making his attacking dragon scramble away steaming. More dragons landed unsure of what to do. The smoke from the lightning cleared and a strong golden western dragon rose. He spread his thick wings and opened his grand jaws. He had a crown of grey horns and large grey claws that glinted with the lightning sparks that danced around him.
The dragon's tensed sensing a new threat, but there was nothing they could have done. The golden dragon, although large, moved too quickly for any of them to see. He was a flash of lightning that killed five dragons before they had blinked. He let out a roar before bursting into the sky and sending lightning coursing through the clouds of smoke.
The seven dragons ruled the skies, the earth, even the seas. The dragon's and dragon slayers trembled as they met them. No longer was Tyregenium the monster in their eyes for when the dragons met their foes they felt true fear... and for a moment, Tyregenium's spell would be broken; then it would return just as strong as before and the dragons would attack their foes; their last mistake.
Tyregenium felt it, suddenly, he was losing.
Acnologia felt it too... The disruption in time... it allowed him to go through with his plan. He sent a silent thank you to Ultear and attacked Tyregenium again.
Acnologia's claws dug into Tyregenium's scales. Acnologia spread his wings and flapped them quickly forcing the black and silver dragon higher and higher. Tyregenium snarled and tried to slow their ascent but Acnologia was far more powerful this time. And so, the two went higher; they broke through the ceiling of smoke and climbed through the blue sky.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Tyregenium yelled trying to break free.
"STOPPING YOU!" Acnologia roared. Then he reached deep within himself to utilize a magic he hadn't used in many years; the Bonds of Time.
Ultear's sacrifice had given him the opportunity to tap into that magic once more. He knew how it felt, the disturbance of time. He willed the bonds to respond as they once had and slowly above them, the sky seemingly cracked.
Tyregenium saw it and struggled further.
"Who said anything about trapping," Acnologia growled. They rocketed further with a powerful flap of Acnologia's wings and burst through the crack disappearing from the world and into the bonds of time.
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