Dragon's Teeth
"Welcome to the Grand magic games of year X793 folks!" the announcer cheered into the microphone causing the crowd to erupt in shrieks of happiness.
"We have a great handful of different guilds this year so I promise it should be a game to remember!" Yajima nodded.
"I'm getting too old for these kinds of things," Makarov sighed.
"You say that every day you know," Freed mentioned.
"Too bad we could only have one team this year," Kinana sighed.
"Nah, besides, technically, we're surrounded by friends so there's no reason to get too competitive," Jet laughed.
"In last place: Quatro Cerberus."
Cana and Bacchus eyed each other and gave a cocky smile.
"What the hell was that?" Gildarts asked.
"Nothing," Cana said slyly.
"In seventh, we have Blue Pegasus!" the announcer cheered.
The mages took the field with as much glitter and sparkles as they could muster. Acnologia's nose began to twitch and he started to sneeze.
"FREED!" everyone yelled. Acnologia gave a long sigh as the sneeze passed.
"It's fine, I'm not going to sneeze!" Acnologia snapped.
Last time Acnologia had gotten sick (courtesy of Natsu) he had blown a hole the size of an elephant through the wall of the guildhall. He had needed Freed to absorb the rest of his cursed sneezes.
"In sixth place: Mermaid Heel!"
Millianna and Kagura waved up at the Fairy Tail stand.
"In fifth place, we have Lamia Scale!"
"Sherria!" Wendy called waving leaning over the balcony.
The pink-haired girl grinned and waved back. Her magic was slowly replenishing which was an absolute miracle. She was still weak and probably shouldn't have been participating but the pinkette didn't take "no" as an answer
"In fourth place, we have Crime Sorciere."
There were a few shocked cries but Fairy Tail stayed nice and calm as Sorano, Racer, Midnight, Meredy, and Ultear took the battlefield.
"Now Mr. Yajima is it true that this guild is the same as the dark guild that was nicknamed the dark guild hunter?" the announcer asked.
"Yes, these are the very same people, the royal family has gifted pardons to their crimes and they have now become a perfectly legal guild in the eyes of the law," Yajima nodded
Acnologia looked up to where Jellal stood in the stands. They both gave a nod of understanding before looking back down. This was a harmless competition, and Crime Sorciere was under Fairy Tail's protection.
"In third place, the beloved Sabertooth!"
The crowd went crazy... not because it was Sabertooth, but because they were in third place.
"Who the hell beat Sabertooth!?"Sting growled.
"This is unexpected," Rogue pondered.
"In second place, the awe-inspiring Fairy Tail!"
It was deathly quiet... "Fairy Tail was in second place!? Who the hell beat them?" was what everyone was wondering. The five took the field, Laxus, Erik, Erza, Natsu, and Gray.
"And finally, in first place... another new guild... Dragon's Teeth!"
The first-place group stepped out and Acnologia's heart did several somersaults as their flag waved in the air... it couldn't be... but it was. The flag of a large black dragon...
"Oh no," Acnologia hissed under his breath.
The group was a strange group; they walked with confidence and crazed looks on their faces. Their teeth were sharp and their eyes had slits instead of pupils, on top of it all their expressions sent chills down everyone's spines. Acnologia looked up from the five on the ground and saw that there were two in the balcony... making a total of seven.
"We have trouble," Acnologia gritted.
The five Dragon's Teeth members looked to Fairy Tail and grinned.
"I don't like the smell of em'" Natsu growled startling Erza and Gray.
"Careful Natsu, I can't hear their souls that well," Erik growled in a low tone.
"Don't be such poor sports," Erza scolded softly.
"Easy Scarlet," Laxus said in a low tone, "it's not the fact that they beat us... they just have a weird smell... I don't like how they look either." Laxus's eyes met a member with messy hair and stunning orange eyes. The man smiled at Laxus exposing fangs, Erik shivered briefly and looked at the group cautiously.
"What?" Laxus hissed keeping a calm face.
"I just heard a whole lot of messed up stuff," Erik gritted.
"I want to punch em'." Natsu grinned.
Natsu didn't get his chance that day.
The first game was a game of precision so Erik went. The contestants were to wander around the maze and hit their specific targets earning a point for each; the catch was that if they hit a target that wasn't their own they lost five points. Fairy Tail's targets were gold and Erik went in confidently. Quatro Cerberus's Nobarley went in searching for purple targets, Blue Pegasus's Ren went searching for blue targets, Millianna searched for pink, Yuka searched for green, Sawyer searched for black, and a blonde-haired, dark-eyed man named Quill took the field looking for grey targets.
Erik had gained seven points in the first five minutes easily taking the lead. There was no combat until Erik and Quill met. Erik was known as a calm collected person but the two met and suddenly they both were snarling like cornered animals.
"What the hell is going on!?" Droy asked.
"What's wrong with him!?" Kinana gasped.
Down below the dragon slayers bared their fangs and threw taunts.
"Scared dragon?" Quill teased.
"Try me," Erik snarled inhumanely. The two clashed seeking one another's blood.
"Acnologia what is happening?" Makarov asked. Acnologia didn't answer; he was watching the two with horror.
"Acnologia?" Ur asked cautiously.
"We need to withdraw," Acnologia breathed, "we need to get the dragon slayers out of there."
"What!?" Gildarts choked.
"Get them out of there!" Acnologia ordered gripping the railing.
"What is going on?" Bickslow asked.
Acnologia's logic had fled replied only with absolute fear... the flag... the scent... the looks, it was like a nightmare, a living nightmare... except now it was happening to the kids.
Erik and Quill had ceased even sounding human. Erik was covered in scales and didn't hesitate to use fatal attacks; he was only focused on Quill. Quill laughed and suddenly he was covered in dark scales, "I'm better than you," he teased, he lunged with an attack, Erik dodged and knocked him down snarling. Quill snarled back and the two clashed once more claws slashing and teeth bore.
"Another dragon slayer!" Droy gaped.
"No way," Levy shuttered.
The dragon slayers were unnaturally quiet; the six eyed the other six from across the field and seemed to seethe with anger.
The fight went on for thirty minutes; neither party grew tired or looked beaten. The other contestants had continued, careful to avoid the area where the two were trying to kill each other. After an eternity the bell rang declaring Sawyer from Crime Sociere the victor, Erik sat in sixth and Quill sat at seventh. Even after the maze dissipated the two fought. No one could pull the two apart until the dragons slayers jumped down and intervened. The Fairy Tail dragon slayers ran up to Erik, Natsu and Laxus grabbed him by the arms and held him while the Dragon's Teeth mages grabbed Quill.
"Calm down Erik!" Laxus yelled shaking the poison dragon slayer.
"I'm gonna kill him!" Erik yelled writhing. He was still covered in scales but the poison had begun to die down.
"Die!" Quill laughed trying to break free of his comrade's grasp.
"Not yet Quill, not yet," a young girl said softly.
"Oniichan!" Wendy yelled, "stop!" Erik seemed to pause for a second, his pupils became more human but he was still snarling.
"What is going on?" the announcer cried, "There seems to be some issues happening on the field."
"You don't say!" someone from the crowd yelled.
"Erik," Acnologia snarled walking up to the group.
Both dragon slayers stopped and looked to the dragon king. Erik stopped and relaxed, his eyes widening like he was finally processing what had happened. Quill's eyes widened and he too relaxed.
Acnologia stood between the two groups, "Erik, we'll talk later."
Erik nodded and backed away his head held in shame; Acnologia turned to the other seven and narrowed his eyes.
"I don't know why he sent you, but I recommend you get out," Acnologia growled.
The dragon slayers laughed and shook their heads, "Oh no great dragon, no yet," the orange-eyed one laughed.
"You will regret it," Acnologia growled.
"No," they answered in unison.
The magic council's guards ran up, "please leave the field!" they ordered.
Acnologia held the gaze of the new dragon slayers, and then he turned towards his children and walked through them, "Come on," he ordered.
He walked forward and realized they hadn't moved.
Erik and Quill were eyeing each other with mutual hatred, Natsu watched a purple-haired man and growled, the tall green-eyed man snarled back. Sting met the eyes of a small white-haired girl who smiled maniacally at him. Rogue was watching an equally shadowy white-haired woman with hatred. Laxus and the orange-eyed man continued to send threatening glares. Wendy watched a tall woman who eyed her dangerously. Gajeel and a tall orange-haired man squared off both ready to lunge at each other at a moment's notice.
"Come on you brats move," Makarov pleaded from the balcony
A deep growling echoed from each dragon slayer's chest. Some even broke out in snarls.
"Now!" Acnologia snapped. The Fairy Tail Dragon Slayers backed away not taking their eyes away from their enemies, even Wendy let out a snarl.
"See you soon," the orange-eyed man taunted.
"Oh that's guaranteed," Laxus growled. Finally, the groups separated.
"Well... that was unexpected," the announcer laughed nervously but no one cared. The dragon-slayers had nearly lost it... what did it mean?
The rest of the day was canceled, the fights would continue the next day.
"What the hell was that!?" Bickslow cried throwing the Fairy Tail hotel door open. The guild walked in and was surprised by the sight. The dragon slayers were all quietly sitting scattered through the guild.
"Acnologia what happened there!?" Ur ordered.
"What the hell flame brain!?" Gray cried standing in front of Natsu, "You nearly lost it on that field."
"Not now Gray," Natsu said standing up and walking past Gray. Everyone was startled by Natsu's rejection of a fight.
"What is going on?" Makarov ordered demanding an explanation.
"They're challengers," Rogue snarled as if that answered everything.
"What is a challenger?" Levy asked.
"A dragon that seeks to kill another dragon," Gajeel growled, "I could smell it."
"Smell what?" Lucy asked.
"Death," Natsu growled, "They've killed before."
"Multiple times," Erik growled.
Silence fell over the guild like a heavy fog.
"Challenger dragons," Acnologia growled, "are dishonorable, sly, and murderous scum. They seek to grow in strength by murdering other dragons... or in this case dragon slayers."
"But... but weren't these dragon slayers raised by dragons? Why would they want to-" Erza began.
"No dragon would have raised beasts like that," Sting spat.
"They're fifth-generation dragon slayers," Acnologia gritted.
"Fifth-generation dragon slayers!?" Lector cried, "How many are there!?"
"First-generation slayers were raised by dragons, seconds generation were gifted with their power, third-generation slayers are a mix of the former two, fourth-generation are mindless machines with the power of dragon slayers and fifth-generation slayers..." Acnologia explained; he was silent before finishing, "steal their powers by murdering dragons."
A stunned silence descended once more.
"But there aren't any dragons left... right?" Happy asked.
"Yeah, aren't they all gone?" Max asked.
"No... there are still more," Gajeel answered.
Everyone thought back to the dragon slayer's parents.
Acnologia gritted his teeth as he thought of Tyregenium... "There are thousands of dragons still alive...but... they..."
"They're like Igneel was," Natsu said an image of Igneel trying to kill him flashed in his mind.
"And Grandeeney," Wendy nodded, hearing Grandeeney's angered roar.
"Our parents were being controlled," Rogue snarled, "and they smell the same as these challengers do."
"So whoever controlled our parents sent these guys," Sting snarled.
"But who sent them, that is a pressing question," Pantherlily pointed out.
"Who would want to do that?" Mira wondered.
"What would they gain?" Lisanna pondered.
Acnologia took a shaky breath and looked ahead determined, "his name is Tyregenium... he was my teacher."
"WHAT!" Sting cried jumping to his feet.
"You knew this whole time!" Rogue snarled.
"What the hell Uncle!" Gajeel growled.
Acnologia stood up, "Let me explain before you snarl at me," he growled.
The dragon slayer settled back down.
"I've told you I was taught dragon slaying magic by a cruel dragon. That dragon was the same dragon who wished to exterminate all of humanity... or at least make them his slaves," Acnologia growled looking down his mind working out a plan.
"Then why would he raise you?" Charle asked, "If he hates humanity that much then raising you seems counterproductive."
"He meant me to hate him so that when he released me I would kill all dragons in sight... it didn't work. Many years ago he sent a few of his loyal dragons to raid a town, they took a young girl... her name was Sonya. I found her and slaughtered all of her captors with my mate at my side. It did nothing, Sonya died. I was so angry I sought out Zeref and demanded that he turn me into what my master was. He agreed and we set a plan. My mate called a truce and both sides of dragons met... there I transformed and caught Tyregenium off guard. In fact, exactly 402 years ago, on this day, I chased Tyregenium all the way back to his nest in my new form. I should have killed him... but I wanted to prove that I was a better man... so I entrapped him in a terrible place known as the bonds of time. He was unable to escape and was to suffer there until he died... but somehow he gained enough power to escape mentally, he captured all the dragons while I was..." Acnologia fell silent thinking of Anna's broken body.
"Where were you when our parents were taken?" Natsu asked.
"Your parents disappeared the same day that..." he couldn't bring himself to talk about Anna. A silence choked the room.
"All right so this big bad dragon is messing with you for vengeance so what he sends these clowns to attack you, that ain't manly," Elfman grumbled ending the silence.
"Not him," Laxus disagreed, "us... they want our blood."
"That's why the smell of death... I bet he's been feeding them dragons that he's controlling," Gajeel spat.
"We can't give them what they want... even if you're stronger than the challengers, Tyregenium does not play fair..." Acnologia gritted, "so I can't let the dragon slayers compete."
"WHAT!?" everyone cried.
"No way in hell I'm sitting on my ass as these monsters fight my comrades!" Sting cried.
"They want to kill you, Sting, not just kill you but eat you magic and destroy your soul!" Acnologia snapped.
"No, you can't do this uncle!" Natsu hissed, "I just want to pummel that purple-haired guy!"
"It is out of the question, that is what they want and you've seen what they can do to you, look what happened to Erik!" Acnologia growled.
"I don't know what happened," Erik said shaking his head, "One moment I saw him and the next I just wanted to kill him."
"It's in their nature, everything about them makes you want to fight them and they'll use it to their advantage. I forbid you to enter these games," Acnologia ordered.
"Uncle... don't do this," Sting pleaded.
"It's final, we won't take part in these games; Fairy Tail will have to win without us," Acnologia growled ending the conversation.
The Dragon's teeth members settled down in a comfortable hotel room.
"Did you see his face? So furious!" Quill laughed licking his lips, "I can beat him, I know it and he'll taste good after a hard fight," he laughed throwing himself on the couch. His messy blonde hair lay over his dark brown eyes. He wore ripped jeans and a black T-shirt. Around his neck sat a silver chain and a single black earring lay in his left ear. "I'll think I call myself the striker dragon slayer after this," he smiled licking his lips, "that poison tasted good too," he pondered.
"I wanted to fight too!" the young girl objected running up to the man, "the white dragon slayer looked delicious didn't he!? He smelled good at least!" She had long white hair and deep scarlet eyes with reptilian slits. She wore a long-sleeve white dress with red leggings and a large red bow in her hair. "Why did you get to have all the fun?"
"You two need to stop, Acnologia won't allow those dragon slayers to compete now," The tall woman who had stared at Rogue said strutting up. Her long silver hair framed her young face nicely. She wore a suit and long silver gloves. Delicately she took the gloves off and lay them on a dresser, "you may have cost us our meals, Quill."
"You're too serious, we'll get to them eventually" Quill shrugged.
"Master has given us a task," the orange-haired man said walking out of his room. His cold gray eyes watched the three with a maniacal gleam, "We won't fail." He wore a black cloak and a silver kimono underneath it. He was the same one which had snarled at Gajeel.
"Never," another woman chuckled; it was the one who had watched Wendy. Her black hair was cut short and she wore a long dress trimmed with raven feathers. Around her hair sat a sweet silver headband that kept her unruly bangs out of her face. Her large dark purple eyes sparkled and her lips curled upwards into a sneer like smile, "I'm far too hungry to fail."
"Well you may be hungry after this too, that girl looked way too small to satisfy me," Quill shrugged.
"Perhaps in size, but we do not feed on flesh, she is strong in magic and soul, that is good enough for me," the woman smiled.
"You all count your chickens before they hatch, the dragon slayers won't compete now," the silver-haired woman sighed sitting down gracefully.
"There is always an incentive to make them fight... we just have to find it," another cold voice answered. In the corner of a room stood the orange-eyed man that Laxus had treated with such distaste. His messy brown hair hung around his reptilian eyes that watched the city below him with disinterest. He too wore a kimono; this one was a soft gold with a leopard skin lining the edges.
The door opened and the purple-haired man walked in. His long hair lay on his back and his green eyes scanned the room hungrily. There was a similarity between his and Natsu's eyes but the emotions his eyes held were far darker than anything Natsu had felt.
"Dren do you have news?" the orange-eyed man asked looking at his comrade.
"I heard you speaking of incentivization; I know of a way to make the dragon slayers fight," Dren hissed in pleasure taking a seat in a tall wooden chair.
"How!?" the young girl giggled jumping up and down.
"We saw how accurate the slayer's instincts are, they were practically seething with loathing. They've lived such a sheltered life under Acnologia I doubt they know anything about dragon culture, heritage, or traditions... but I know that they know nothing of mates."
"They have mates?" the black-haired woman asked hungrily.
"They reek of it," Dren responded menacingly, "They don't know it, and if the mating season happened this year I doubt they could pick out their mate in a crowd, but the dragon within them knows it, and I know it."
"So we kill the mates, then we get-" Quill began saying.
"Not kill, we want to feed remember, not crush. No, we'll torture the mates; ensure that the dragon slayers hate us. They'll run to us thirsting for the fight... wanting to kill us," Dren picked up an apple from a basket on the coffee table, "we'll let them think they've won... and then," the apple cracked under the pressure of his hands and sprayed all over the room making all present save the orange-eyed man jump, "we'll feed."
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