. . .
The battle had ended.
The dragons had awakened from their spell and immediately ceased fighting. The fifth and fourth generation dragon slayers; sensing their master's defeat had surrendered.
It took a few hours for everyone to gain their senses, even the seven dragon slayers. Once the dragons slayers did so, they flew straight for their Uncle's scent.
The mages, instead of celebrating, followed the seven dragons who flew to the mountains. The mages scrambled over cliffs and crevices. The injured; everyone, they all ran to follow their champions.
They found the dragons on a cliff. Slowly, their scales melted away until they were nothing but mere flesh and bone once more, their clothes were just as they had been before they transformed. At first, the mages wanted to congratulate them; then they saw what they were looking at.
Acnologia sat on the edge of the cliff, in front of him was a newly dug grave with a familiar wheel of blades sticking out of the dirt; Serena's accessory that had sat on his back.
"Oh no," Mavis breathed.
The mages looked to the dragon slayers who approached slowly.
"Serena," Gajeel breathed. They all looked down and gritted their teeth trying to hold in the pain that struck them all.
"He didn't do it in vain," Sting said suddenly. He looked up, "We won."
Acnologia looked back slowly, his face concealed by his blue bangs, "At what cost?"
"But Uncle, it's over now-" Natsu began.
"AT WHAT COST NATSU!?" Acnologia snapped.
After a few moments of silence, Lyon, Gray, Meredy, and Juvia stepped up.
"Ultear," Meredy answered.
"She gave us that time, the redo of those minutes," Gray gritted.
"And Ur," Lyon choked.
"They both sacrificed themselves," Juvia whimpered.
"And who else?" Acnologia asked looking to the horizon.
"Every guild lost mages," Kagura answered solemnly, "but we sully their name by not celebrating their sacrifice."
And then someone choked loudly. Everyone turned and made way to Seilah who, with help from Shelia and Porlyusica was making her way to Zeref. She was burned in many places and was limping to Zeref, she was holding something.
"Seilah," Zeref said running up and catching her as she collapsed to her knees.
"What's wrong?" Mavis asked her voice full of concern as she knelt down beside them. Larcade walked up, he was crying as well. Young August looked confused but was silent all the same, as if he could sense the pain in the air.
Seilah looked up tears filling her eyes and slowly she showed Zeref what she was holding.
It was a book cover. It was filthy, tattered, and burned, but it was still golden. Zeref took it from Seilah with shaky hands and slowly wiped the grime off of its cover revealing the faded words "Jackal".
Zeref had a sob build in his throat and tears emerged from his eyes. The book was empty, the pages gone, and the demon dead.
"Oh no," Mavis choked covering her mouth with her hands.
Seilah whimpered and then through herself into Zeref's chest.
"FATHER!" she cried into him, "FATHER! HE'S GONE! MY BROTHER IS GONE!"
Zeref held her and looked in stunned horror at the book.
He was no longer cursed and creating life would bring the wrath of Ankhseram on him once again; he couldn't save Jackal.
"He did it for me," Seilah whimpered at last, "He fought them all by himself because of me!"
Bickslow was crying now too; mourning the friend he would never see again.
Suddenly everyone remembered the comrades they had lost, and they all began to cry. Acnologia looked to the horizon that was clearing of smoke and watched the sun begin to set. He placed a hand on the grave and took a deep breath; he didn't have much time to do what needed to be done.
"Yes, we lost people," Rogue stated standing up straighter. "But we have to move on or else their deaths will be for nothing. They died, but by holding the past in the present we lose that too."
"Serena wouldn't want us to be like this," Erik stated closing his eye, "he'd scold us, and tell us to pick ourselves up."
"There'd be glitter involved," Laxus chuckled his voice laced with pain.
Zeref looked down to Seilah and smiled through his tears, "Jackal wouldn't want you to cry."
"You neither Bickslow," Lisanna said taking the soul mages hand.
"Bickslow, Bickslow," the dolls chanted.
"No, no he wouldn't," Bickslow smiled taking his mask off and wiping his tears away.
"We lost many comrades, many friends," Mavis stated putting a comforting hand on Seilah's shoulder, she then raised her voice and yelled, "But we won the war!"
There was a loud cheer and everyone smiled through their tears.
Acnologia even smiled. Slowly he stood up and turned.
"Brats," he ordered lightly. The seven stood straighter and looked at their uncle.
Acnologia looked up and they realized The Dragon King was crying, but he still wore a smile.
"Uncle... what's-" Natsu began.
"Erik," Acnologia said looking to the dragon slayer in question, "You're the eldest now, that means you have to watch out for them."
"Wha-" Erik began fearfully.
"Lead them as best you can, use your gifts to decipher truth from lie and bring justice to the world," Acnologia said his voice becoming strong and dignified.
"Uncle what are y-" Gajeel began.
"Laxus," Acnologia stated his sharp gaze turning to Laxus. "Use your strength to bring and preserve peace between dragon and human kind. Care for the weak and vanquish the evil no matter their species."
"Uncle... you're scaring me," Wendy trembled.
"Gajeel," Acnologia said looking to him. Gajeel shook, somehow, he knew something bad was going to happen. Acnologia smiled. "Your heart and gut will always lead you in the right direction. Follow them. Use your natural born instincts to protect your family and the world."
"Rogue," he continued skipping over Natsu. "Use your gifts to hunt down evil in their element. Use your wisdom to weave traps for your enemies. And finally, use your bravery to stand beside your family in danger."
The dragon slayers stood in stunned silence.
"Sting, you've always given off light and joy to your comrades and family. Now, I need you to do that for the world, lead the way with your light and show others. Seek out the chaos and evil and dispel it."
Acnologia looked to Wendy and his eyes softened, "Wendy, I know you are still young but you are wise beyond your years. I ask that you stay strong, and remember that it's okay if your wounds don't heal, some of them never will, but I need you to learn to live with those wounds and heal others with that knowledge. I need you to remain sweet and pure to show others that time does not have to be cruel to the young. You will heal the world by healing one being, one wound at a time."
"Uncle... what's wrong," Wendy cried desperately.
Acnologia looked to the final dragon slayer, "Natsu," he said. He appeared more regal in the dying sunlight and everyone stood in awe. "In my past life I gave you my title of Dragon King; you rejected it. Now I see why. The title should have never existed, it should not rest on the shoulder of one dragon; so, now I give my mantle to you seven, and you Natsu... you will bear the brunt of it. We all know why. The fire of strength burns in your heart and I know that as long as your family stands behind you there will be no battle you cannot win... Now, I need you all to do more than win battles."
The dragons slayers looked to each other warily.
"I need you to keep the peace," Acnologia instructed, "create a world that both humans and dragons can live in. Deliver justice, protection, light, wisdom, bravery, compassion, and strength to the world, for you seven are the next Dragon Rulers. You are the Dragon Kings and Queen."
With that Acnologia smiled, and the seven felt something rest on them; something far greater than themselves.
"For centuries the Dragon King has been dictated by power, it will be so no longer. It will be passed down like succession by those who you think are worthy of the title. I trust you will all give it to someone worthy when you are done," Acnologia breathed.
"But why!?" Sting asked.
"What's going on!?" Natsu yelled.
And then Acnologia felt it; a crack. Something in his existence shattered and he felt himself weaken; Erik heard it too.
"You're dying," Erik said shakily.
"WHAT!" Sting cried moving to run forward.
"No," Acnologia chucked holding his hand up to gesture for Sting to freeze. "I'm fading."
"What, why?" Laxus asked desperately.
"In order to properly dispose of the Bonds of Time... I needed to separate it from everything, any trace of it in the world needed to disappear. That means me too."
"No... you didn't-" Rogue choked.
"I thought it would be a side-effect, but I didn't need you seven to worry about it," Acnologia smiled. "So I kept it a secret." A crack appeared on his leg and he collapsed to his knees.
"Uncle!" Gajeel cried running forward.
"No," Acnologia ordered; Gajeel froze.
"I was me who created this reality, and I'm afraid that... if you touch me.... you'll disappear with me," Acnologia breathed. The cracks ran up his legs now.
"I can heal you!" Wendy cried desperately.
"No... not this time Wendy," Acnologia chuckled.
"YES I CAN!" Wendy cried running forward. She was almost upon him when someone grabbed her; Erik.
He was kneeling and holding her in an embrace while keeping her in place. He looked up at Acnologia with his one good eye and choked.
"NO, LET ME GO!" Wendy screamed struggling. The white cracks had reached Acnologia's chest now and he looked up thankfully at Erik.
"ERIK LET ME GO!!" Wendy shrieked reaching out for Acnologia, tears streaming down her face. Erik buried his face in Wendy's shoulder and looked away as Acnologia began to break further, tears slipped from his eyes.
The others stood in their frozen horror.
Acnologia looked to them all.
"Natsu," he said simply, "I want you to keep fighting, to keep growing. Remember all that I have taught you, and pass it on to your future apprentices."
Natsu was crying, he put an arm up to his eyes but gave a firm nod trying not to burst out sobbing.
"Gajeel," Acnologia said looking at the iron dragon slayer. Gajeel looked weak-kneed and he was staring at Acnologia in painful horror. "Stay strong, and forgive... forgive yourself and everyone else."
Gajeel didn't respond he only shook.
"Laxus, I only ask that you remember that it is you who makes your future."
Laxus choked and tried to hold in a sob.
"Sting, please be cautious, you cannot solve every problem with a glowing fist."
Sting was crying openly and was covering his eyes with his hands. Rogue was much like Gajeel, silent tears of pain streaming down his face.
"Ryos... Remember that life passes you by too quickly, it's okay to have fun sometimes."
Rogue gave a nod and bit his lip.
"Erik," Acnologia said looking to Erik who had to look away because he feared he wouldn't be strong enough to watch, "Erik look at me."
Erik slowly looked to his mentor; his father figure.
"You are stronger then you know," Acnologia said. A sob built up in Erik's throat and he pushed it down and held Wendy tighter.
"UNCLE!" Wendy screamed struggling some more. The cracks were at his neck now and his legs had begun to fade and disintegrate like glass shards that flew into the wind.
"Wendy," Acnologia smiled softly his voice growing distant, "little one, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I will not get to see you grow as I have your brothers, but I need you to remember that just because you cannot see me does not mean I will not be there."
Wendy stopped screamed but still reached out sobbing.
Acnologia looked up once more, he saw his children, and he saw the rest of his family behind them.
"Thank you...." he breathed, he looked up and smiled through his tears of regret, "Thank you all of you for giving me this heaven. I never deserved what I got and yet here I am. You gave me a life I never could have dreamed of." He winced as a crack reached his face and he knew he had a few moments so he said the one thing he had meant to say all his life.
"And you brats," he yelled. They all looked at him, "I can never thank you enough for what you've done... I love you all."
Then, he shattered. It was like watching a window turn to sand, parts of him faded and the rest of him turned into neon blue dust that blew away in the wind.
Wendy screamed and broke free of Erik's weakened grasp. She ran up to where Acnologia had knelt and shook as she wept. She looked back to Erik who was crying quietly.
"He's gone," she whimpered.
Erik opened his arms and she threw herself into them. "I want him back!" she sobbed into his coat, "I want my Papa back!!"
Erik's heart broke and he held her close and rocked her just as he did when she sobbed about Grandeeney.
"Papa!" Wendy screamed.
"Shh," Erik soother tears streaming down his face and sobs catching in his throat, "It's going to be alright."
Sting fell to his knees and screamed. He let out a pained and heartbroken scream that broke the rest of his siblings. He let out another pained scream and then someone hugged him; Laxus. His heavy coat smothered Sting's next scream. Sting gripped the coat and cried into it sobbing and hiccuping. Laxus ran a hand through his brother's hair and gritted his teeth as he cried. He pushed his nose against Sting's head and let his little brother sob into his coat.
Gajeel stood shaking, not knowing what to do. He stood and shook and cried. Then, Rogue walked up to him, he wanted someone to hold him; he was still a teenager in mind, and he wanted someone to hold him, protect him from the pain and the hurt. Gently he placed his forehead on Gajeel's shoulder. The gentle movement awoke Gajeel from his horrified trance. Slowly he wrapped one arm around Rogue and they both stood, Rogue crying quietly into Gajeel's shoulder and Gajeel holding his brother as he stared in horror through his tears at the space where his uncle once sat.
Natsu stood silently. He wiped his tears away and stood straighter, his white scarf billowed in the wind that took Acnologia's dust further away.
"We'll do you proud, Uncle," Natsu gritted through his tears. He raised his fist to the sky and his siblings looked to him. "YA HEAR ME! WE'RE GONNA DO YOU PROUD!"
But they already had.
And then, Acnologia woke up.
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