Chapter 1
Some people may say that dragons are menacing, scary even! But most say that purple dragons are more powerful, possibly than any dragons you name, and they were known to give good luck after sex.. But that purple dragon was...
"What do you mean you never experience anything like this?!" A gray female yelled at Durple, picking up her clothes
"Look, I never done anything like this, but-" Durple started then got slapped in the face
"I only have sex with the experience one, not some wimpy dragon" She scoffed then left, leaving Durple in the room alone..
God, if he never said that he was not experienced with the whole... Let just say "Sexual Tension" for an example. As Durple got dress and left the room, the sound of pop music was sounded in the main area, he then was met with Mulberry standing right next to the door
"This is the 5th time Durple, you're lucky I'm gonna let that slide, or you'll be paying a good solid... $360 bucks" She nodded, crossing her arms, making Durple sigh
"Yeah, thanks. I won't bother you anymore" Durple rubbed his arms, looking away
"... You seriously need to stop trying one-night stands, you won't get rid of that virginity quicker. Try meeting up with someone, like a friend, and maybe they'll become your friend with benefits." Mulberry shrugs "And don't ask me, I have my own needs and wants" She looked down at her watch
"Right, not gonna ask" Durple rolled his eyes
It wasn't easy for Durple, he only knows few, but the rest never met his interest, like that physco, Brett... Too dilfy for him, and same thing for Brud, he only see him as a good buddy, but never as a sex buddy..
"I gotta meet up with someone, the exit is through that crazy bunch of sex people, or you can go over and get a drink over there, see you" Mulberry waved him off, getting though the crazy shirtless people (I mean the ladies and males... DON'T ASK ME- IT'S A BOTH SEX CLUB AND DANCE CLUB-)
Durple then was left alone, he hugged himself, thinking to himself... Was there someone willing to take away his virginity?...
Simon was in Vineria house, smoking some weed and drinking alcohol.
"You know, you and Wenda can have a strange relationship, no?" Simon spoke up, looking at Vineria
"... Impossible... She's lusting after Mulberry, and Lammy is crazy obsessed with her... One touch and that black ass bitch will kill me" She scoffed, huffing a weed.
"Riight... Lammy... I heard she was in a clut... Mulberry told me about her..." Simon gulped down a drink, his mind going somewhere as he stared up at the ceiling
Simon wasn't usually like the other yellow aliens he knew, more like an outcast... Until he found this town who had everyone different, from the colors and the grays... Simon was the same usual energetic alien, unlike uhhhh... Who was it again?...
"Vineria, who's that purple dragon name?.." Simon looked over at her
"The female or male? Because the female is Violet or Viola.. And the male is Durple.."
"Him... Durple... The shy one..." Simon rested his chin on his palm, a thought bubbling up his head of a nice tan-ish skin..
"Why do you ask?" Vineria asked, taking a puff of her weed
Simon just shrugged, grabbing the alcohol and gulping it down. He then later got up. Vineria got up to help him, but Simon shook her off, stumbling over to the door.
"Ah, it's not a good idea to go out looking drunk and smelling like shit weed.." Vineria spoke up, but Simon just ignored her, walking out the door..
The noise of bustling cars honking and people chatter, walking to work early filled Simon head with a headache, but he just walked off and started walking back home..
Durple walked down the busy street, holding onto his tail in case it was ever stepped on.. Only if his house wasn't so far away from the club he was just at... Maybe he should give up doing one night stands and just accept the fa-
"Woah-" Durple yelped as he nearly bumped into a small yellow alien...
"Ah, you okay?" Durple helped the yellow alien back on his feet, he seems drunk... And smelled heavy with weed...
"Mhm... Oh- You're that purple dragon... Pleasure to met ya.." Simon chuckled, slumping against him, even tho he already knew... His usual drunk habit is forgetting who that person is by the way-
Durple just stared down at Simon, looking at his messy hair, his eyes, his li- I mean- No- He's just a good pal- A good friend with nice fea- Durple shook his head and took Simon to an alley, setting him down.
"You okay? You don't look so good.." Durple crotch down to Simon, staring at him
Simon head swayed from left to right, he then looked up at Durple.. He then smiled silly and grabbed Durple cheeks, but Durple was quick to catch on and pull his hands away, which made Simon a bit disappointed..
"Why not?" He made a kissy face, which made Durple blush
"Uh... I'm not ready I guess..." Durple shrugs, rubbing his temples. "What did you even do? You reek of weeds and alcohol.." Durple looked directly at Simon, picking him back up
"Ah, friend house... Was bored and all.." Simon mumbled, leaning against Durple
Durple tense up a bit, then started walking into the street. Simon stumbled at every step. Hanging onto Durple for support.
Durple was walking around the kitchen, Simon was comfortably sat at the couch which was next room though the kitchen.. Simon was at his house... Should he offer him water? Should he wait until Simon is alright to leave? No- Should he ask him about that?... Impossible, he'll probably think of him as weird- No- Simon is almost as weird as a freaky person... What is he even trying to think?
"Hey Simon, want some water" Durple brought in two glass of water into the living room, sitting across from Simon.
Simon stared down at the water then looked up at Durple, then he took the cup, taking few sips from it.. He then looked back at Durple, slumping down onto the couch to get more comfy.
"So.... Uh.... How do you do?" Simon slurred, making Durple frown
"I'm fine... You?" Durple drank his water
"Swell," Simon nodded "What with the frown? Not happy to see me?" Simon chuckled, leaning forward. Which made Durple body stiff, staring down at him with an uneasy frown.
"It's not that... How much booze did you have?" Durple tilted his head, the smell still lingering in the air.
Simon just shrugs, making Durple sigh. He got up and took the empty glass of water, and walked back in the kitchen. Simon watched him until he disappeared to get up and look around Durple house. It was a cozy house, the couch was really soft, there was candles scent; St Eval Sea Mist, Homesick Beach Cottage, etc. There was cool and strange looking mini statues... Might not want to know where that came from.. He then stopped upon a picture of two purple eggs.
".... Hey Durple, who's eggs are these in the picture?" Simon called out
Durple poked his head into the living room, "Eggs? That's me and my sister before we were hatched" Durple then brought out another glass of water.
"Ohh... So you don't live alone?" Simon rose a brow at Durple
"Nope... Uh... Here" Durple handed Simon the cup, which Simon took it and drank it "Sooo.... Feeling any better?" Durple then asked afterwards.
"Yup" Simon mumbled, swirling the cup around as in it was a wine cup
"Mhm... I have a question..." Durple then aksed, making Simon look directly at his eyes...
(Word count; 1251, writing his chapter was hell- I will continue on the next chapter next week-)
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