Dictionary & Thesaurus
Due to the century in which The DRACULA Dossier takes place, there may be some words or obsolete terms and descriptions from earlier language usage in the texts.
I want to collect these words here to make it a little easier for you.
Most of the explanations are not mine, and I do not claim any rights to them.
Please feel free to comment or message me if you notice any other words.
Arcane / Arcane Arts - Arcane means elevated, educationally: secret, closed, inaccessible, secretive, clandestine. The Arcane Arts, therefore, refers to occult practices or the use of magic.
Bobby - Obsolete term for law enforcer; policeman or the like in England.
Colporteur / Colportage- Persons/reporters for spreading rumors, unsubstantiated news, and society gossip, for example, in tabloids, gossip rags, and or the tabloids.
Custodian Helmet - The typical headgear worn by the British police.
Candlestick - Usually a magnificent chandelier richly decorated with prisms of glass or a particularly noble candlestick.
Crescendo - Gradually becoming louder, increasing in volume.
Catalyst - A catalyst is a special artifact whose task is to absorb and strengthen magic.
Confiscate - When something is confiscated or seized, it is taken from the owner and usually confiscated because it was illegally acquired, used, or possessed.
Depeche/Depatch - A Depeche is understood to be a telegram, whereby the term Depeche (also cable Depeche or, more precisely, telegraphic Depeche) was eventually superseded by the term telegram.
Drohsky/Hackney Carriage - A light, one- or two-horse vehicle for transporting people.
Magi - The Magi are the most powerful sorcerers in the Order of Seekers. Their knowledge of the occult powers of magic exceeds that of most other human masters.
Paraphernalia - Paraphernalia refers to the tools and objects required in ritual magic, shamanism, and other magical practices.
Relay Station—In the context of changing horses on carriages, a relay station is a facility along a travel route used to provide fresh horses to facilitate the movement of carriages over long distances.
Rondel - A rondel is a circular traffic island or area specially designed for maneuvering vehicles. It serves as a traffic circle or turning point, with a green area or lawn in the center.
Tippet/Pelerine—A Tippet (also pelerine from French pèlerine "pilgrim") is a short shoulder cloak resembling a cape worn over the coat.
Unit of measurement: inch - The inch has been a unit of length used in England since the 7th century. The official international definition took place in 1959. 1 inch is therefore exactly 2.5400 centimetres.
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