The Age of Dragons
The First Sentience
0 F.D
Leth Shagrengōn (Our Freedom)
My ancestors knew nothing
Not even themselves!
They are no smarter than Drelz
With all their nonsense muttering
But my generation
My sisters, cousins, and friends
We can see the beginning
Of a world with nations
The world will get better
Without those old beasts.
Well cleaner at the very least
As we say goodbye to our great-grandmothers.
Our time has come
We can finally think
So let's drink
And sing to the beat of a drum
But it's a strange feeling
To know how to know
To feel joy and woe
Such a strange feeling
First Nations
100 F.D -1,000 F.D
(No Title Recovered)
Our grandmothers were the first to speak
The first to feel
The first to seek
A meaningful existence
We gathered around those like us
Who spoke, felt, and thought.
But with changing climates, we fought
Our food ran out, the rivers ran dry
We had to band together or die
It wasn't bad at first.
Some of us raised livestock
Since there weren't many Threisen left to hunt
Others made tools
Others became priestesses
Life got harder, more rules, less freedom
But at least we were safer.
Great Frost
700 F.D -6,000 F.D
Gunyntes ka Heelt(Years of Ice)
The sky is grey
The air is cold
The rivers turn to ice
It's the Great Frost
We have no prey
The land is brown
The trees have all fallen
It's the Great Frost
Walls of ice march south
Walls of ice march north
Ice from the mountains
Ice from the heavens
It's the Great Frost
Many lives were lost
It's the Great Frost
The mammals are rising
Our kin are falling
Our nations return to dust
We are starving.
We are freezing,
But we'll remain.
It's the Great Frost
It's been two thousand years
Of ice and pain
Is this the end?
The sea is frozen.
The air is ice
Will this end?
Global Expansion
4,500-5,500 F.D
Cha jāth Sheinyet (To the Fields)
The land is scarred and bruised,
But life remains.
The land is new and strange,
But we remain.
Our Mother tested us and we passed.
This is a sign, a sign leading us to Her.
We must go throughout the world.
We are entitled to the world.
The other sentience is ours to command.
Savages, found up north,
Hunting furry beasts.
Our poor kin, feathered, clawed, and weak.
Oh how pitiful they are, abandoned
Rejected by our Mother.
She made them for us to rule,
So we may spread further.
The lands to the west, so very plentiful.
There is so much game to hunt.
Spread your wings, go travel.
The land is yours to exploit.
The eastern plains, a great grass sea,
For the young to play.
For the men to rear the young in peace.
For the women to work in contentment.
Go to the colonies, bring glory to the country.
Glory to the Matriarch.
Push out the warm-bloods
And reclaim our birthright.
Rise of Mammals
6,000-9,000 F.D
Thytōrrelk Ōlynthalyn (Mistakes Everywhere)
Look to the ground
Look to the sky
Look to the seas
Look all around
There are warm-bloods in the trees
There are warm-bloods in the skies
There are warm-bloods in our nests
There are warm bloods in the seas
Could we have stopped this?
Should we have stopped this?
Can we stop this now?
The warm-bloods eat our children.
We scorch their packs.
The warm-bloods attack our subjects.
We crush their skulls.
The Age of Reptiles,
Such a sweet memory,
But we must assert our claim on the world
The warm-bloods will stay beneath our feet
Can we go back in time?
Will our kin come back?
Are we the last great reptiles?
Will we stop the warm-bloods' rise?
Age of Innovation
6,500 -8,000 F.D
Kreña Whetein Tam (We will Rise)
"Dōthyn kylt naht jāth Untrethelk."
Those are the words of the Southerners.
"R̃ukāth, g̃oñatyn unta ōthelo ñei."
Those are the words of the Northerners.
"Akhasky, leksten eiya harrent."
Eastern words.
"A'ochein thrā'en e'ōrdra Yltha eina nō."
Western words.
Dragons from every land are similar
Each nation speaking in four tongues
Each nation translating, speaking, learning, creating
None, however, are being kinder.
They find better ways to raise livestock.
They find better ways to work us.
They find better tools to mine with.
They find more mines to work us.
They find new things that glow.
They find more time to work us.
There's new metals to work with,
So we work them.
There are new roads to build,
So we build them.
There's new medicine to use,
So we grow the herbs.
"Dōthyn kylt" or "R̃ukāth g̃oñatyn,"
"Akhasky leksten" or "A'ochein thrā'en"
Those are their words
We say "Goteim̃o harhajya"
"Death to the Dragons"
"Drakreña Whetein"
"May we rise."
The Sickness
7,000-10,000 F.D
Hoonyates Ātenlōn (Blossoms Blooming)
Blossoms blooming,
bubbles bursting
Raining, raining
We all are red.
Fires burning,
It all crackles
Snowing, snowing
We all are grey.
Mama went missing
Papa went missing
Crying, crying
We're all alone.
Blossoms blooming,
Bubbles bursting,
Leaking, leaking
We all lay down.
Little Frost
Rōjeth Heeltekt(Little Frost)
History repeats,
Pain repeats,
But this won't end in defeat.
Everyone gather around,
Yes, even the men.
Quickly, light a fire,
Before the snow gets any higher.
Children in the center,
Stay put, stay warm.
Men guard the young, keep the eggs off the ground.
Sisters, get the livestock.
Sacrifice a beast to Her.
May She protect us.
May we be blessed by Her,
Blessed to survive this cold.
"Will we make it?
Will She end it?"
Children please keep quiet.
Save your strength.
The priestess says it won't be as bad as before.
"What about them?
Won't they freeze?"
They are inferior,
Just like the warm-bloods.
Now children, stay strong.
Mother, why this brutal cold?
Why must the oceans freeze once more?
The First Great Matriarch
24,000 F.D
Halen jāth Yondreezelk lōt Enthrei'elk (Thank the Mother for Enthrei'elk)
Look at her! See her rise!
The girl-queen has ascended!
She brought death
To the Hastruka!
All of our people are united.
All of our kin, under one.
All of you, bow to her.
She is your conqueror.
She is your ruler.
May she reign for ten thousand years!
She is light bringer.
She will bring you enlightenment.
She is just. She is kind.
She is Isāthreiyon incarnate!
See her rise!
Bow your heads!
Praise your righteous ruler!
All hail Enthrei'elk!
All hail the Great Matriarch!
All hail the uniter of dragonkind!
May she reign for ten thousand years!
The Second Sentience Rise Up
27,000-30,000 F.D
Goteim̃o Harajyā (Death to the Dragons)
Goteim̃o Harajyā
Death to the Dragons
Kyeilena, oteheño
Rise up and fight
It has been too long since we were conquered
Our rights as a people, lost to the winds of time
Stolen by the dragons
Set fire to their nests
See the young ones hatching?
End them now!
See our old banners?
Raise them to the sky!
Do not fear the open air
Do not fear the grasslands
Do not fear the mountainous lands
Be brave and fight
Defend our culture!
Defend our honor!
Defend our women and children!
Defend our kind!
We will not be wiped out!
Go to the jungles
We may be the last of us
But if so
Take the dragons with us!
Goteim̃o Harajyā!
The Gift of Fire
40,000 F.D
One night,
In a time long ago, in a land far away
Papa told me a story
Of a hatchling who breathed fire
She hatched from a big big egg
She was huge and was really really smart
She could do anything.
One day, she flew away
To a new land
And when she saw the warm-bloods
She set them all ablaze
The Mother said we needed to follow her
So we can learn stuff
And we were led to Isāthreiyon
She cleaned the world up with holy fire
She let us fly higher
She let us move farther
One day, Papa told me
That she came to see hatchling Grandpapa
She sung blessings over him
Letting our family breathe fire too.
Isāthreiyon, please visit me
I want to learn cool stuff too
Tagelk, please let it happen
So I can tell my children a story too
Death of the Second Sentience
50,000 F.D
Harajyā Tyer̃uka (They are Terrors)
Goteim̃o Harajyā!
Death to the Dragons
Kyeilena, oteheño!
Rise up and fight
How foolish we were.
We thought we could make it.
We thought we could be free.
We thought we could reclaim our lost honor.
Broken dreams, foolish dreams.
"Will we be the last of us?"
No, we were.
Harajyā Tyer̃uka.
They are terrors.
They rain a fiery death upon us.
Guerilla warfare does nothing.
Large armies do nothing.
Sacrifices do nothing.
Begging does nothing.
We were slaves for millenia
How could we reclaim what was lost?
Whag̃o eiteña
It was too late
Rise for a final stand?
None will live to sing glory or praise.
Ōtyaga rheina ñaten.
The gods incarnate damned us.
One final scream into the night
A final push for glory
Punishment for our folly
Dragon Intellect Booms
60,000 F.D-90,000 F.D
Tōkundryn jāth Tagelk (Thank the Goddess)
Complexities, intricacies, and mysteries,
They all define the world.
Systems, webs, and interdependence
Such is the beauty of life.
How did we get here?
Is there something we must fear?
In research, we serve our Goddess,
Who heightened our intelligence.
The world revolves around our star
And around other stars, other worlds orbit.
With new scopes we can see so far.
With new tools we can test life's limits.
Stars burn, die, and are reborn.
Just like our Goddess said they would.
So we don't need to fear Her scorn
As we're growing as we should.
The rules of the universe,
Now an integral part of our minds.
How did life first start?
How did She begin it all?
What are all the rules She set in place?
And how close are we too her?
Thank the Mother for our gifts.
Worship Her by learning of the world.
Scientific Golden Age
Jāth Tagelk Jōznyathchān Den (The Goddess Wills It)
Our Goddess commands us to learn
That is what we did.
Our Goddess gifted us with higher intelligence.
And we used it.
Random superstitions our ancestors believed
Have been disproven
The mysteries of the world
Will be mysterious no more
Sick? Drink Zaktone,
It kills the little lifeforms
Bleeding out? Add water, salts, and iron
It recreates your blood, injects the life back in
Staring at the stars?
They are billions of years old, most with worlds of their own
Are we alone?
Look at our green sister planet.
Don't mix Thrachelk and E'ōdrik
You will make poison gas
Mix coal and iron
You will make a better metal
Look through the scope
To see far away or close up
Add the corpses of little life to other little life
It recreates the dead life
Nothing can stop progress
Since it's all for our Goddess
Soon we will reach Her
And live with Her forever
The Decline
98,900 F.D-1950 G.W
Dakylelk Thōrrelk unth Syuchyn (Hellfire and Death)
Society, just as tree, withers away
Back to the dust from once they came
Never to see another day
But someone must take the blame
Our science hasn't saved us.
Our Goddess can be very cruel.
We will no longer be prosperous.
Blame the two factions who had to duel
The two fought
Horrible weapons were unleashed
All the devastation they brought
And then our civilization ceased.
Will our people rise from the ashes?
How long will we hear the crashes?
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