The End + Roles.
P.O.V:Nobody (cuz I didn't know who's p.o.v to put)
Incorrect. Charlie was a survivor.
They all stand there in shock. "Wh- what!?" Ally says, looking frightened. "That means the murderer is-" Power disconnected. The speaker cuts Ash off.
Ash knows it's me, but if I go for Austin, I can put the blame on Ash. Austin & Ash walk into Ash's room. After they're inside, I try to open the door... but it's locked. Luckily, I know how to pick a lock. I grab a paper clip and unlock it fairly quickly. I brought my automatic gun, so I can shoot Austin quickly and he'll die faster. I pick the lock with the paper clip, and Austin & Ash stand there.. in shock. I point my gun at Austin's head, and hold down the trigger with my eyes closed for about 3 seconds. When I look back down.. I didn't see what I expected.
The murderer points the gun at my head, and I embrace myself for the pain to come. I see a few flashes of light and hear RAT TAT TAT TAT TAT. I expect to feel pain, but I feel nothing. The murderer lets go of the gun trigger and sees the same thing I do. I look down to see... Ash, with a bunch of bullet holes on his face. The murderer has an expression of anger on his face. "W- win this for me... A- Austin..." Ash closes his eyes and he smiles.
I jump in front of all the bullets to save Austin. I fall down. I can't handle this.. this pain... it's unbearable... not like when I was shot on my leg. I know I'm going to die in about 15 seconds, so I tell Austin "W- win this for me... A- Austin." I start to black out.. and I can see faint outlines that I make out as everyone else, all with smiles on their face (not Ally, Austin, or Trey.) Vinny reaches out his arm to me, and I grab his hand. "Welcome.. to the afterlife."
"You!! You did this!!" I yell at the murderer pointing to Ash. They look like they don't seem to care. "How could you?! You killed your own friends?! And everyone else's friends?!" I scream at them. My eyes start to water. I hold back the tears. "And?" They say with a grin. They walk away. Power Restored!! Now that the murderers gone I start to let out my tears. How could you do this to us... Trey. Oh my! It appears one has died. The murderer has killed Ash. They were lit up with an automatic rifle. Trey and Ally walk into the room. "A- Austin! How dare y- you kill all of o- our friends!" Trey stutters. Wow, I must say, he is a TERRIBLE actor. "Trey... I know it's you." Ally says fearfully. "Austin would never do anything like this. Especially to Jojo & Alex!" "B- but" Trey stutters. Ash was the psychic. "Save it Trey. You killed all of our friends." Ally says. Water forms in Ally's eyes. "So tell me, WHY would you do this Trey?! Why!?" Ally screams at him. "I- I- I..." Trey stutters. "Yeah I thought so." Ally rolls her eyes. Should we vote? "Yes." I say confidently. I go to the dining room and pick up my tablet. Trey.
Trey. I can't believe he would choose to do this! He's such a dick. Trey had the most votes. This conclusion is... Correct. Trey is the murderer. A gun falls into each mine & Austin's hands. And now you have a decision. Spare, or Flare. The gun you have isn't any normal gun. It's a flare gun. Trey tries to move but he's stuck in the spot he was standing. You can either shoot the flare, and burn Trey. Or you may choose not to shoot the flare, and spare Trey. Also don't worry, all your other voted off comrades are safe. They're back to living they're normal life. (Which I might make a new book about 👀) I walk over to Austin. "Should we burn him? Or spare him?" I ask him. "Is that a joke?! BURN! I WANT TO SEE HIM BURN!" he says, rather loudly. "Alright." I mutter. Time's up Austin & Ally. Do you choose... Spare... or Flare... "We.. we choose..-" Austin cuts me off. "FLARE! FUCKING BURN HIM TO DEATH!" Austin screams. You have chosen... Flare. You may now exit the house, and shoot the Flare Gun inside. "Shit." Trey murmurs. Me and Austin walk out of the house, proud we survived. Austin does indeed shoot the gun inside, and a ball of fire flies into the house. After a bit of debating, I decide not to shoot the gun. I watch as the house burns up in flames.. and I hear screams from Trey. And illegible words from the speaker. I look behind us and see a dude. The boy says... "Congratulations.. Survivors. You have won...
End of book.
Trey - Murderer. (Burnt by Austin)
Lara - Assassin (Voted Off)
Jackson - Scout (Voted Off)
Thomas - Dark Psychic (Voted Off)
Annie - Witch (Voted Off)
Ash - Psychic (Sacraficed himself for Austin)
Vinny - Medic (Killed by Murderer)
Jordan - Spy (Killed by Assassin)
Unfilled_Spot - Savior. (Nobody got this role)
Kees - Detective. (Voted Off)
Colleen - Muffin Man (Killed by Murderer)
Jojo - Twin (Killed by Murderer)
Jo - Twin (Taken down with Jojo)
Mason - Survivor (Killed by Murderer)
Dan - Survivor (Voted Off)
Lukey - Survivor (Killed by Murderer)
Austin - Survivor (Survived)
Ally - Survivor (Survived)
Elaina - Survivor (Killed by Murderer)
Alicia - Survivor (Killed by Murderer)
Marley - Survivor (Voted Off)
Charlie - Survivor (Voted Off)
Alex - Survivor (Killed by Murderer)
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