Just the murderer left.
I sit down with Ash and Vinny on the couch. We're all pretty tired of trying to catch the murderer, but it's not like their gonna surrender at this point. They've probably already killed plenty of their friends and surrendering after that, it's probably impossible. Then, a thought strikes my head. Ash was attacked by the killer! Ash might've seen some important details on the killers body! "Ash, do you remember anything about the killer?" I ask him. He looks like he's mimicking the thinking emoji and then says "Well, I remember they were wearing a black hoodie, but that could've just been a murder outfit." He responds with a frown. The fact that the murderer can easily clean up their evidence that fast is INSANE. It's probably not like the murderer has committed crimes before, so I don't know how they can possibly be this good at it. And while I'm thinking I hear... Power disconnected....
I was eavesdropping on Ash & Austin's conversation, and it seems like they're onto me. I watch them walk into their room, looking kind of scared. And then I notice the person I was going to go for was sleeping on the couch, right near the spot Austin & Ash were talking... I grab the person that I'm going to kill tonight, and surprisingly, they're pretty light. I can pick them up without dragging them, like I do with everyone else. I hear a floorboard creek, and a doorknob turn so they must've heard a bit of noise I made. I quickly run to the person's room and I lay my target on top of their bed and hide under it. Sure enough, a figure opens the door. I can't quite see from under the bed but they look like a male. And as I expected, they think the person I'm gonna kill is sleeping and walk out of the room. Of course they are sleeping, but they don't notice me under the bed. I get up from under the bed but my foot hits one of the heels of the bed. I want to scream out in anger but I don't want to draw attention to the houseguests. So I go to grab my spare knife, and then I realize I didn't bring it. I only brought my gun. Anyways, I don't think too much of it, and don't want my target to wake up. So quickly, I shoot them in their head hoping they die and walk back to my room.
Power restored!!! Finally! That night may have been 12 hours, but it felt like 12 days. I walk out of my room. And I walk out of my room with Austin. We quickly go to Vinny's room but.... Vinny died from The Murderer. They were killed in their sleep. He has a small hole, about the size of a bullet in his head. And he has a pool of blood under him. "VINNY! WHAT THE FUCK MAN!? WHYD YOU LEAVE US!!!" Austin screams. I understand and I know how tough it must be losing all your friends like this. Vinny was The Medic. "WE LOST THE MEDIC!?" Trey screams.
It's tough with everyone I've ever known & cared about dying. But just then, Ash passes me a note saying Ally's good. Alright, so either Trey or Charlie's the murderer. So if Ash survives another night he'll know the killer. "Well, I think it's Austin." Charlie says confidently. "What!? But I was with Ash last night!" I start to panic. "Yeah, he was. And now, Charlie, I think it's you." Ash says. Charlie rolls his eyes. "So you think I'm the killer, huh?" Charlie says. "Yes, isn't that what I just said?" Ash replies with a doubtful tone of voice. "I- I still just can't get over Mason dying..." Trey says. "Wait, who was Mason again?" I ask. I'm starting to feel more calm about being accused. "Yeah, who WAS mason?" Charlie asks. "He was the first guy to die, and a good friend of mine." Trey says sadly. I start to think about Jojo... and Alex... Jojo, my best friend I knew for my entire life, just died. And Alex... a good friend of mine that I knew for ages. I can't handle this anymore... I run into my room, lock the door, and start to cry. All the people I ever knew other than Ally... murdered in front of my eyes. I cry for a few minutes in my room and let my emotions out. When I unlock the door to walk out I am determined to catch the killer. "Dude, your literally the killer." Ash angrily accuses Charlie. "DUDE IM NOT FOR THE LAST TIME!" Charlie yells back at him. It is time to vote. And this time, I decided I didn't want to throw a twist in! So it's gonna be a regular vote. I grab my tablet. Charlie. Charlie had the most votes. "Good job, I'm totally the killer." He says, sounding pissed. The conclusion is... Incorrect. He's a survivor. "Goodbye!" He says happily. Right before he disappears I hear a faint "I'm with my friends again..." Charlie has been removed. "W- wait... n- no..." Ash says.
End of chapter. Words:876
Does this mean...
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