Important Roles Vanish
"I can't believe we voted off someone innocent." Says Annie. "Hey, they did accuse you before we voted them" says Kees. "They accused you as well!!" Annie says in response. "Valid." Says Kees. Right after he said that the lights flicker out. Shit.
I have decided who I would like to kill. They're too quiet and nobody really suspects them. I believe I noticed they were in the bathroom. I grab my giant knife and I proceed to the bathroom. I think I brushed against someone but that doesn't matter. I open the bathroom door and sure enough they're hiding in there.
"Oh hey, you came here to hide too?" He says when he hears the door open. I don't answer in case the medic comes & he recognizes my voice. "Hello?" I grab his head and shove it in the toilet. I can hear him drowning but I still don't wanna say anything. After a bit and I'm sure the medic isn't coming I proceed to say "Goodbye, Alex." He says some words but I couldn't hear him over the drowning. He is trying to push himself out of the toilet but I'm much stronger than him. I feel him stop fighting back and I think he's dead now, I'll just leave him be. He got me all wet, so I'm gonna change clothes.
I go to my room and then change my clothes, i then pretend I was asleep the whole time like nothing happened. Little do they know...
The lights turn back on. The houseguests arise from their slumber. "Anyone know who died this time?" I ask. "Ye-" Lets not spoil it, alright Ash? Ash mumbles something illegible. Oh my! It appears 1 has died! The murderer has killed Alex. They were drowned in the toilet. Alex's Role was: Survivor.
"Which one of you did this!?" Says Lukey, pointing at the body. "I think Annie did it." Kees says. "Well I mean you accused Marley and guess what? She was innocent." Annie defends herself. "It was a wrong guess" Kees says "Yeah sure-" "Alright fighting wont get us anywhere, let's simply relax until voting time" Jackson interrupts.
Discuss who may be EVIL.
I personally believe Kees is telling the truth and on the Good Team, but many others disagree. I decided I would go with my gut and vote by Kees' side. "Alright, everyone who thinks I am evil stand up." Says Kees. Here is what I caught. Annie believes he's evil, Trey thinks he's evil, Jo thinks he's evil, Jojo believes he's evil, Ally believes he's evil, Lara thinks he's evil, Charlie believes he's evil, Elaina does too, John thinks he's evil, Jordan does, and so do Alicia & Lukey. I think that's majority. "And whoever thinks I am good stand." I stand up, Ash & Vinny stand up, Thomas stands, and Jackson also stands. 5 people. "Oh... I see." Kees says. "Yeah honestly I really don't think it's Kees guys" says Ash "Yeah, honestly you can regret voting me. "Enough with the fake threats" says Jojo. It is time to remove a player. I pick up my tablet and I choose Annie's name. (Sorry I'm too lazy to do a tablet pic aaaaaaa) Kees had the most votes. Here, here, and here. He passes a note to Ash, Vinny, and I. I read the note. My eyes widen. At least one of these players is Evil: Marley, Annie, Alicia. Vinny whispers to me "At least one of these players is good. Ally, Jojo." I whisper back the exact words on the note Kees gave me. So he was the detective. The lights flicker and all of a sudden Kees disappears. This conclusion is... incorrect. Kees was The Detective. We found a journal written by Kees.
Annie Dan or Lukey.. Good to know. Alright Dan was innocent. I think it's Marley... she was in my clue. Oh crud it wasnt her. It's Alicia or Annie. Ally & Jojo are good I think. What!?" Jojo screams "How was he the detective?" Says Annie. "Your evil aren't you Annie?" Says Vinny. "Er.. no.?" She says.
End of chapter 3.
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