New people?!
Somehow, I'm alive again. This was pretty un-expected.
"Alright... sorry Mila." Jane mutters. I hear a ding sound from behind me. Kind of like a bell.
Then I hear "Hello?" A person behind us says shyly. We turn around and see 5 new people. One boy wearing a blue shirt, with black hair. They were the one to talk. One boy wearing all black, also has black hair. A boy wearing a dark green vest, with black hair as well. And two girls, with black hair. One has green eyes and is dressed in mostly black. The other is dressed in almost all pink and has a rose crown around her head.
"Hello, I'm Omar." The boy in the blue shirt says.
"I'm Aphrodite, and this is Arielle." The girl with the rose crown says, gesturing towards the girl with all black on.
"Hey, i'm Miguel." The dude in the green sweater says.
"Seungho here, pleasure to meet you." The boy in all black says, smiling. Unfortunately, the speaker interrupts us.
Oh! It seems you met our new members of the hospital! Well anyways, one of them is a new evil role we added. The doctor. They have started with a heal potion, and a death potion. They can choose to heal a loved one once per game. They know who will always be targeted by the murderer. They can also use their death potion, to kill someone once per game. The medic cannot stop your death potion. And if you and the medic protect the same person, they will die of overdose.
There is also two new neutral roles. The first, is the clown. The clown's goal is to be voted off. They will then bring someone to the grave with them. If they get voted off they will not die, but instead win the game. And be free to go home to their family. As long as they choose somebody to kill. They also win with the good team.
The other neutral role, is the Cupid. They can make two players fall in love with eachother. The Cupid's lovers, will be able to win the game together. But they also get life-linked. Just like twins. Except lovers. If one is, say, the murderer, they will win with, say the other one is... a survivor. They will win together. If the Cupid dies, but their lovers win, they will be revived and will win with the lovers. They also win by surviving with the good team.
(Stfu I wanted to make some roles ok?)
Wow, those are some... weird roles. Well, the doctor one seems a bit overpowered. The evil team might win now.
Also... Flick... Flick...
The lights flicker. Dammit! Not again!
P.O.V:The Murderer.
Well, now that we have the doctor, we might win this. I don't think killing one of the new people would be ideal, so I guess I'll kill somebody else for now. Maybe Jane? Or I could go for Tamia again. No, that's too obvious. Jane, here I come.
I notice that Jane is by the welcome desk. I can be-head somebody again? No. That's not fun. I wanna do something fun. I grab a baseball bat that I was given at the start. I walk over to Jane, and I hit her on the head with the baseball bat. Every single hit, I whisper, "Single. Double. Triple."
On the fourth hit, she's already almost asleep, but I whisper "home run!" Anyways. She falls asleep and I slash her with my knife. I then bring her to the room that has the one file cabinet. Near the side hallway.
I slash her stomach with my knife, then grab some rope from the file that I hid here earlier. I then tie her feet up and then hang her from the ceiling in the side hall.
I walk away, and notice there is a figure that walks passed me. Hopefully they don't find the body OR identify me. Hopefully. I walk back to the group to blend in.
I don't know what this hospital is. But, I decided who I wanted to make fall in love. I slowly press on the first player that I want to love's name on the tablet. Then I think. Who do I ship with this person? Hmm... maybe this person. Yeah, this person. I slowly click the person's name on the tablet. Hopefully they enjoy their love!
Flick... Flick...
The lights flicker back on. I notice nobody is missing, except Adanna. Who I honestly forgot existed at this point.
Power Restored!
Maybe Adanna died then?
Nobody died last night. Discuss who may be evil.
"Wow!" Thiago claps.
"The murderer didn't kill anybody?"Tamia questions.
"No..." Jane interrupts. "What do you mean?" Tamia asks her questioningly. "I... was attacked... but healed..." Jane mutters quietly.
"Nice!" Jean-Claude says. "Yeah!" Cactus says enthusiastically. He's been so much happier since I came back. "Well... I suspect that the doctor is Miguel." Jean-Claude states his opinion.
"Why do you think that? What if I'm Cupid? What if I'm clown? I'm not though, just a normal survivor." Miguel defends himself. "Hmm... then maybe Mary is evil." Jean theorizes.
"No! She is my friend! She would never do... well... this!" Liza defends her friend. "Yeah! And Jean, why are you so accusatory anyways?" Mary asks Jean, in her detective voice.
"Trust me, and listen. Voting me off would be a big mistake. I am an important factor for the good team and you will all probably lose if you vote me off." Jean-Claude says to us.
"There is nothing important left... other than medic, and I don't think you're medic." Thiago mutters.
It is time to vote to remove a player.
Based off of evidence out there, I actually think the murderer is Alab. He was pretty quiet today, more quiet than usual. And he kept glancing at different people suspiciously.
Jean-Claude had the most votes.
~~~Chapter over~~~
No roles to reveal here... yet.
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