The Mix Up
A/N: Picture above is Reylo_is_My_Halo and I brainstorming for this chapter over Google Docs 😂
Finn's POV
Rose and I bump into Poe as we were dancing.
"Hey Poe, this is Rose Tico." I say introducing them.
"Hey, nice to meet you." Poe replies shaking her hand, then turning to me. "I see you beat me to the room."
"Wait, we're roommates?" I ask confused.
"Yup. Worked my Dameron magic." He winks at me.
"Let me tell you the prank I pulled on Finny boy here on the last day of Senior year before graduation" Oh No. "The last day of senior year before graduation I put saran wrap on the opening of the toilet and set up a hidden camera and waited for this fool to use the bathroom." Rose laughs along with Poe.
I leave furious, but I don't show that I am and go back to the room to cool off a bit.
Rey's POV
I walk quickly back to my dorm room.
I make my way into room 66 and see how fancy like it is. It has two corners, one side with a king sized bed, a window ledge, a desk and mini fridge and on the other side a bunk that has a ladder to get onto it with a desk underneath it.
This school is extra. I laugh to myself.
I see my bags on the desk and underneath. I grab my rolling bag with my towel in it and pull it out. I grab my shower stuff also, and head into the bathroom.
The bathroom is beautiful, surprisingly for a college dorm bathroom at least. Before going into the shower I check my messages again and see that Finn texted. Multiple curse words means Poe did something. I put my phone down and decided to text him after I refreshen myself.
The shower warms up and I strip quickly, leaving my ruined shirt in the sink. Maybe there's hope for it.
I scrub my body free on the stickiness and wash my hair, along with the rest of me.
I stand under the water for a good minute afterwards, just taking a breather, then I realize it was sneaking up on dinner time when I was checking my messages and there's no way I am going out to dinner on my first night with wet hair.
I turn the water off and grab my towel, stepping out of the shower.
I look at my old clothes, then realize I forgot to grab new ones when I grabbed my towel.
"Shit." I whisper to myself.
I look at my phone and see more texts from Finn, but they have changed from pissed to starving. I chuckle and reply. 'Give me 20 and we can go.'
'Okay, you get 15 or else I'll die.'
I roll my eyes and open the bathroom door.
I look up from my phone in hand to see a man in my room holding my panties.
"Perv!" I shout and duck back into the bathroom, locking the door.
"What are you doing in my room?" They call out after a moment.
"What are YOU doing in MY room?" I shout back.
"You do realize this is the boys' dorm right?" They ask.
"No, this is the room I was assigned."
I hear a sigh. "Look, I'll go get the Dorm Advisor. Change into your clothes and we can sort this out."
I hear the door open then close. I peek my head out the door and look around to make sure he's gone.
He is. I quickly lock the door and I put on black jeans and sweater. I open the door to see if he is outside the door, but he's not there.
Another door opens and a guy steps out.
Oh my god... this is the boys' dorm.
I see the guy from before with the Dorm Advisor.
The Dorm Advisor sighs as he approaches. "This is your roommate's girlfriend, she was here when he checked in."
"No, that was my friend Finn, who helped me check in." I tell him.
"Wait you're..." He checks his clipboard. "Rey?"
"Yeah, Rey Kenobi. Room 66, Dorm O." I inform him.
"Well I was placed in this room too." The guy pulls out a paper handing it to him.
"Okay, do you have yours Rey?"
I go and grab my paper and hand it to him.
"Okay, I'll be right back. Both of you stay here."
The guy walks off and I go back into the room with the guy on my tail.
"So..." He says, as we stand silent in the room. "This is awkward."
"Yup." I walk into the bathroom and begin trying to wash out my shirt.
"Rey right?" He says after a couple minutes.
"Yeah?" I come out.
"Which suitcase is yours?" He asks.
"The ones on the bed, I'll move them." I walk over and zip them.
"Well which bed did you want?" He asks.
"Please, I'm not sharing a bedroom with you." I reply and begin to walk back into the bathroom, when there is finally a knock on the door.
The guy gets door. "Well Rey and Ben-"
"I go by Kylo." He replies.
"Okay, Kylo, well it seems as though, Rey's counselor messed up her Dorm Application and marked male."
"Well isn't there a girl needing a roommate?" I ask.
"I tried, all dorms are full. It appears you're stuck here." The Dorm Advisor tells me.
"You've got to be kidding." Kylo and I say at the same time.
I look over at him and he stares back.
"Okay, well, my name is DJ and if you have any problems that aren't with each other, feel free to call the Dorm Office and leave a message."
"You won't answer?" I ask.
"I tend to stay busy." He walks over to the door. "Have a good night." He leaves.
Kylo places his suitcase on the bed. "I'll take this bed and everything on this half of the room, you get that half."
"Fine." I sneer and pull out my extra sheets. "That means I get the bathroom right."
"Guess you'll have to use your window to get out of the room, because the door is on this side." He matches my tone.
I debate his words for a second. "Fine, bathroom and door are mutual territory."
A/N: Can you imagine Rey crawling out a window to get to class? 😂
Also this book is a Collab meaning we (Reylo_is_My_Halo and I) both write in each chapter, so don't try to guess who wrote which part, it's a team effort 💙
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