Chapter 7:
Miku's POV:
I sprang up and kicked over the innocent chair that stood by my desk before I even dared to pick up my phone again. For two minutes I read, and reread the message trying to see if it would somehow magically change.
Len: So... my dad said we're moving away...
Yup, it was still there. It shouldn't be though, this was probably just some sick joke, right?
Miku: Hahaha- not funny Len-
Len: Wasn't supposed to be.
Miku: So you're actually moving away?
Len: Guess so-
I kicked the chair again. He can't be moving! That's so unfair!
"Miku!? Are you alright!?" Came my mom's worried voice from downstairs.
"I'M COMPLETELY FINE!" I called back, knowing that I was definitely not fine. My only two friends, and my unofficial boyfriend were moving away? And just as things were getting interesting again! How were Len and I supposed to solve the camera kid case together?
Len: Of course, we'll probably be allowed to visit.
Len: If it isn't soon enough I'll just fly over myself.
Miku: Oh really? And risk getting in trouble with your dad again?
Len: I don't even care anymore. Maybe what we did was wrong but still. The amount of punishment I'm getting is tyrannical.
Miku: Lol
Len: Seriously though, I'll come see you a lot.
Miku: Good, I'll really miss you guys. I already miss you guys.
Len: I already miss you too. Gtg, I have to pack up my room.
I fell back on my bed, holding the dimmed phone screen over my face. Wonderful...just my life would go back to lonely and boring. How was I supposed to survive?!
Mom swung my door open and peered inside, seeing at once the chair I had attacked when Len broke the news. Silently she came over to my bed, sat down, and enveloped me in one of her comforting hugs. As soon as she was hugging me I burst into tears. It was hard not to. I could muster all the strength I wanted outside of her arms, but as soon as they were around soon as I heard her ask; "Are you alright?" I completely lost my composure.
"Len and Rin are...they're...they're moving awaaaaay." I wailed.
"Oh, oh honey I'm so sorry." She squeezed me tight. "At least you can stay in contact right? And I'm sure we can go down and visit them...wherever they're moving."
Yeah, that's what Len said. That's what everybody's going to say, but life happens. What if we grow apart?! What if Rin makes new friends that she likes better and Len meets some pretty girl and-
I hate Mr. Kagamine! He ruins everything! I don't care how childish that makes me sound, it's true.
You know what? I'm going over there right now. I'll help them pack up and ditch me or whatever...but I'm going to spend as much time as possible with them before they go. With renewed determination, I leapt out of my mother's arms and grabbed my sweatshirt. I forced on a pair of sneakers while hopping down the stairs, and pulled my sweatshirt on as I bolted out the door and down the sidewalk. Crossing the street just by the little coffee shop Len had brought me to the day before, I narrowly avoided getting hit by some idiot who wasn't using their turn signal.
The car whizzed by, and now that my path was clear I had a direct view of the camera guy. His eyes widened and he turned to high-tail it out of their. Not on my watch tie-dye, I want answers. I sprinted after him, keeping a wary eye on my surroundings. If he's what I think he is, there could be backup agents anywhere.
Camera boy dashed right, onto a busy side road. I had trouble keeping up with him with all the people around, and eventually lost sight of him entirely. I stopped in front of an alley to collect my breath. A small figure caught my attention. I hesitantly made my way into the alley, and crouched down to pick up a small, broken doll with a camera around it's neck. The camera went off, momentarily blinding me.
"Ack-" I rubbed my eyes and looked around, making sure no goons were creeping up behind me. Strangely enough, that was it. I pocketed the doll and the camera after making sure they didn't have any kind of tracer on them. It wasn't a coincidence, that kid led me here. And the fact that a broken doll was waiting for me...doesn't bode well...
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