Chapter 4:
Miku's POV:
Okay, so just walking into a room isn't in itself suspicious and freaky. I'll give you that, but when you walk into a room and smirk and then stare at someone, and that person just so happens to be a wanted spy...
It was a good thing I was on guard for when he actually came at me. The only problem is I can't make a huge scene about this. There are a bunch of old people in here sitting on these weird victorian couches, but publicity is a spies worst enemy.
The hippie guy grabbed my wrist and started dragging me towards another room.
"Aaa! Help!" I screeched.
Not even a glance from the old people. Why weren't they helping me? I mean, I didn't need it but still...
The power was back on, and now the old people were lifting teacups to their faces. I'm such an idiot, they aren't people at all! They're part of the house!
Well I guess that means I can make as much of a scene as I want.
I jump-kicked hippie dude and got him to release my wrist before bolting to an exit.
Of course I tripped and fell down a whole flight of stairs.
Who puts stairs in a haunted house anyway?
Anyway, I scrambled to my feet and looked around for the exit I had seen a minute ago. Hippie guy was hurrying down the stairs after me, but he wasn't quick enough. I found the door and pushed my way out.
Len, where was Len? And Rin and Rinto? I needed to find them as soon as possible.
I found Rin easily enough. She was finishing up a carnival game and collecting a large white teddy bear.
"Miku! Look!" She cried waving her prize. "I was waiting for you and I won!"
"Very nice. Where are the boys? I need to find them now."
Rin wrinkled her nose. "Uhm, I don't know. Are they still in the haunted house?"
"I really really hope not."
"What happened?"
"Some jerk decided to crash my day off." I put my hands on my hips and looked around. Rinto was running over to us, followed closely by Len.
"There you are." Len sighed. He looked relieved.
"Someone is following us." I declared. "It's this-"
Len cut me off. "Kid with eccentric outfit and a camera. I know."
"You know?"
"It was kind of obvious. What do you think I was watching the whole time we went on the rides, the clowns?"
"Do you think he's a Kamen agent?" Rin's eyes went wide.
Rinto poked my shoulder. "So uh, did he look kind of like that?"
We all looks over to see the camera kid standing a few yards away, an unnerving blank look on his face. He lifted the camera and snapped a picture of us before disappearing into the crowd.
"That was..." Rin looked at me nervously.
"Beyond weird." Rinto finished.
I stored the mental image of the guy for future reference, just in case. That was too weird of an event to just be some common creeper.
What creeped me out the most had been his expression. Not even when I kicked him did it change from a blank slate. His eyes had looked to lifeless to be human. They looked...
Like a doll's eyes.
(DUN DUN DUUUUN! Sorry about the short chapter everybody, but I need to come up with a plot instead of starting this book on a total whim *Laughs nervously*) -A.R.G
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