Chapter 1:
Miku's POV:
With a leap elegant enough to place me a spot on a dance team, I managed to land on my feet. It really wasn't too far of a drop...only thirteen feet.
As I was dashing madly down the street I whipped out my disguise mirror and changed my hair to an average looking black. My eyes had to be green today.
"I'm not going to make it." I mumbled to myself, dodging some nut job on a bike.
"HEY WATCH IT LADY!" He yelled.
"GET YOUR BIKE OFF THE SIDEWALK STUPID!" I called back, not bothering to turn around. It wasn't worth the ten extra seconds.
What I was doing was far more important than his daily exercise.
I burst through the door right in the nick of time.
"You're late." Tei frowned.
"But I got here right as..."
"Look at your clothes and tell me, do you see a uniform? I don't. It will take at least nine minutes for you to change and by then you'll be late."
"Uniform!" She sang in the most annoying tone possible.
I huffed and walked into the bathroom, holding my bag with clenched fists. This day was already off to a cruddy start.
Not five minutes later I was at the counter taking orders.
"Welcome to McChicken, what can I get for you?" Were the words my mouth repeated over and over again. Besides your normal "have a nice day" and "I'm sorry but the ice cream machine is broken."
Tei yelled at me at least six times because I wasn't smiling and because I sounded like I wanted to die.
I did the respectful thing and didn't choke her to death.
I'm actually very proud of my restraint.
And anyway, I did smile. Twice.
Once at a little girl who was smiling at me and had the most adorable little pigtails, and the second time at some guy who spilled his coffee all over himself.
Two more customers...two more before I can go on break.
"Can I get...a McChicken deluxe with extra cheese. Oh and no tomatoes. Can you also add pickles to that? You guys have gluten free bread right?"
"Yes." I sighed in response to all and every question.
"And now for a drink...hmmm...I think I want...oh what the heck? I'll just get a Dr. Pepper."
"Thanks. Your order will be right out." I fake smiled and handed this indecisive woman her check.
The next person in line caught my attention immediately. Why?
Because they looked like Logan Lerman from the Percy Jackson movies. I do not recommend those.
"Can I get my usual?"
"I'm um...sorry sir...I don't actually know what your usual is..." I blinked. My suspicious nature kicked in, this absolutely couldn't be a celebrity because that would be way too weird to happen to me.
The guy flashed a smile. "No problem," he checked my name tag, "Sylvia. I'll take two chicken sandwiches with large fries and medium coffee shakes."
"That it?"
"Yep. That about does it."
"Can I get a name for the order?" I asked, trying not to let my voice show my caution.
"Of course. The name's Len. Your shift is over, right?"
I smothered a laugh since Tei was passing by. "Yeah, I'm done starting now. Did you stop by to get lunch for yourself and Rin?"
"Yeah no. Try lunch for myself and you."
"You know I get a free meal, right?"
Len grinned. "Yup. But if I let you get your free meal now, you wouldn't owe me."
"I don't owe you." I snapped and punched the order in.
"Mhm. Sure, princess."
"I told you not to call me that." I grumbled and came around the counter.
Len led me to a table. "So I should call you Sylvia? Nice alias by the way."
"Shut up." I commanded.
Surprisingly he actually shut up and it was silent until our food came out. The girl that brought it gave me a weird look. I wanted to jump up and tell her that this was NOT a movie star and it was my friend's annoying brother.
"So um...why are you here?" I asked Len after she left.
"Do I have to have a reason to get lunch?" He returned with his old "I'm annoyed" look.
"When it's at the one place I work at? Yes."
"Believe it or not, I'm here to eat." He rolled his eyes and took a chug of his milkshake.
"Is it really that boring over at" It's been a year and I still don't know the code word for the agency.
"The outlet?" Len smirked. "Yeah. Ever since that rival company went out of business the cut throats competition has kind of died out. There's no excitement and everyone's moved on..."
"Everyone except..."
"Well besides you and your parents, Megurine and Ia."
"Makes sense." I shrugged. "That uh...rival company totally decimated people who were really close to Luka and Ia."
Len had told me about Luki shortly after the whole Kamen headquarters went kablooey. I'm guessing that after her younger brother died, Agent Luka clawed her way to the top so that she could personally see to it that Kamen paid.
I understood the feeling.
As for Ia...well...neither of us has gotten over Fukase yet.
"I guess. You want to do some training?"
"Sure. I don't really have anything else to do lately." I grimaced as Tei stomped by, preparing to yell at someone for something.
"Cool. My bike is parked out front."
"Oh...your motorcycle...yay..."
Len smirked again. "Don't worry, I'm not going to speed...too much."
"I swear you teenage boys spies abuse your position in the most childish ways." I groaned.
"Says the girl who uses the mirror to get free birthday food at restaurants using different aliases." Len poked me and brought me over to his bike.
Time to pray to the motorway gods again.
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