Chapter 16
Pin sat with Needle, staring at the night sky. She smiled slightly, feeling the calming breeze pass by her. Everything was peaceful. Leaning against the tree, she looked at Needle.
"It was a pretty dysfunctional team..." She said, remembering the events earlier in the day. "Book just kept going on about how Taco had abandoned them, but really, she hadn't."
Needle leaned against her own hand, nodding slightly. "And that's how they lost, right? Because Book just kept arguing with Lollipop?"
Pin sighed. "Yeah. They barely even noticed me. I wouldn't be surprised if Book ended up getting voted out..." A sudden memory flashed for a moment.
"I did see Taco earlier today." She admit. "She was carrying something in her arms..." Another detail flashed in her mind, and she frowned.
"Taco was crying..." Needle frowned, sitting up. "Did something happen?" She asked. Pin shrugged. "I'm not sure. It probably had something to do with what she was..."
Out of the corner of her eye, Pin could see a jitter of movement. Instinctively, she turned to look. Her eyes widened, as she stopped speaking completely.
Leafy was running across the field.
Needle noticed too, standing up. "Is that...?" Pin's mind was buzzing, but two images kept popping up. One was Leafy...and the other was Taco clutching something...
It clicked.
Pin couldn't be for certain, but it might have been possible that Taco was clutching onto Leafy. That was the least of her concern, at the moment.
What Pin was more concerned about...were the barely visible ribbons attached to Leafy's limbs. They were transparent, almost invisible, and emerald green in color.
Leafy almost looked like a marionette. She had a visible frighted expression on her face. Pin stood up, staring at her in concern.
"Something is clearly wrong." She said, unable to take her eyes off her ex-friend. "Maybe we should go see what's up." Needle held a hand in front of her.
"Hold on. Let's wait a moment." She said. Pin gave her a look of confusion. "Leafy might not tell us outright what's the matter, so it might be a better idea to sneakily follow her."
Pin nodded hesitantly. "You're right..." She glanced back at Leafy. "I've never seen her this terrified..." Once Leafy was further away, they started following.
Leafy was fast, but just slow enough to catch up to see where she was running next. They eventually followed her into the woods. Pin noticed the ribbons were no longer visible.
Reaching a quiet waterfall, Leafy tripped over a rock, letting out a cry of pain. She sat up, hiccuping slightly. Pin and Needle hid behind a tree, cautiously watching her.
"Are you okay?" A voice caught them both of guard, making them jump. It sounded like...Firey's voice... Leafy nodded, still sobbing.
"Aww..." Firey cooed with sympathy, as Pin tried to see where he was. However, he was nowhere to be found. "My dear...don't cry..."
Pin paused for a moment, as she was suddenly able to pinpoint where the voice was coming from...
The waterfall.
"You're almost home...almost within my grasp again..." Firey said, sending chills down Pin's spine. Something about those words
Leafy sniffled, scooting closer to the waterfall. "W-Who were those p-people?" She asked him. "Why did t-they take m-me away?" Pin stared at her former friend in confusion.
Leafy was quiet for a moment, before asking another question. "...Did you know t-there was a whole world o-outside of the mansion...?"
Pin nearly gasped in shock. She covered her mouth as she glanced at Needle. She was equally as shocked. Firey sighed. "Unfortunately...yes." He told Leafy.
"It's not safe for you out there... ruffians, delinquents, poison ivy, the plague!" Leafy shivered. "You are safe with me, my don't fret."
Leafy smiled, her eyes seeming to fog over, as she nodded. "Safe with you..." She repeated. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to stop those ruffians from taking you away sooner..."
The water from the bottom of the waterfall started to shift, surprising Pin and Needle, reaching towards Leafy. Because of her trancelike state, she did not flinch.
The stream of water caressed the side of Leafy's face, and Pin noticed it look like a hand. "It will not happen again." Firey said in a dark tone.
The water splashed back into the small pond, rippling rapidly. "No one will find you here. Stay quiet, stay low." Firey told her. "I have to leave for a bit..."
Leafy's eyes widened slightly, as she began to panic again. "Shh..." Firey hushed her, as she instantly calmed down. "I'm bringing the mansion to you..."
Pin tensed slightly. The red flags were screaming at her by this point. This wasn't Firey. Whoever it was had done something horrible to her former friend.
"Rest your eyes until I arrive..." The mimic told Leafy, as she quickly fell against the ground. After a moment, not another word was spoken.
However, Pin wasn't going to risk it. She turned to Needle. "Go get Four!" She whispered frantically to her. Needle nodded, before running off.
Pin turned back to face Leafy. Several questions were burning in the back of her mind as she waited for Needle to get back. How long had this been going on?
Whoever was behind the 'Firey' facade was clearly not good for Leafy's well-being. Despite the fact she was an island thief, seeing Leafy vulnerable like this...was sickening.
Pin had never seen Leafy this dependent and helpless ever. Seeing her so scared and innocent sparked something inside. A burning rage, perhaps?
But not at her. At Firey. Or, whoever was pretending to be him. It had clicked that the "delinquents" that took Leafy away, were really Four and X. And possibly even Taco.
Did they know this was going on? Were they attempting to save her? It was disgusting how manipulative "Firey" was. Pin felt her stomach churn, remembering his words.
"...almost within my grasp again..."
Those words made her want to throw up. When it came to the most hated contestants, everyone had Leafy at the top of their list...but now, Pin found someone that topped the list.
Or, at least...
Whoever was impersonating him.
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